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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I hope Min it gets better this sleep business and that bus that keeps running over me daily takes a different route and runs over someone else. I have not been doing the vitamins either so you are probably right about that. Hopefully someone will give us a clue. The headaches are getting better but spring up from time to time.

    Positive with me is that i have been cooking. The boys are stoked about that ha ha and i am feeling quite proud that i am not bitching about it, god that used to take up drinking wine, no need to cook. Its the little changes that make the difference.

    Have a nap for me Min please. We are up to day 17, who would have thought guys!
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters

      Hello & welcome to Skid Row, glad you decided to join us! Get a good plan together for yourself & let us know how you are doing. Great on your 3 AF days!!!

      Gambler Dave - CONGRATS on your 7 AF days :yay:
      Byrdie will be around with your moon, I'm sure :H

      Minstar, are you getting some exercise? I really think it helps with overall energy levels

      free2b, I am sorry to hear you decided to drink. Having AL in the house is a big problem, so easy to turn to it when a trigger hits you. I also drank AT my chronically depressed, bad behaving husband. That action did not change him & eventually got me addicted
      I hope you can rework your plan & make sure there is no AL left in the house.

      Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        free2bchez;1557372 wrote: Thanks Dave. No, we aren't married, but that's really only because it's better for "uncle sam" issues to not be married. He has asked, I accepted, we are living together and committed. However, he is working out of town. He's always honest, but I guess I am starting to look more realistically at things and realizing we aren't living the healthiest life we could. I did express my hurt with him, which he acknowledged to some point, but he doesn't totally get it so I still having lingering feelings. Still going to hit the gym tomorrow and hopefully, there will be no alcohol involved. Easier to hide feelings in a bottle than be a grown up, isn't it?
        free2b - I can so relate to drinking at the problem. The tequila isn't going to bring you together. We spend lots of time apart in our relationship - we have to keep reminding ourselves that it is a financial choice we made, and we constantly have to re-align to remember our commitment to each other and having our marriage and separations support us. I fall into depression and lonliness so easily - and he buries himself into his work. AL makes it worse. I poured out the chardonnay last night - he leaves again this afternoon. I'm not drinking today.
        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


          Newbies Nest

          I'm Strong and in Control;1557528 wrote: free2b - I can so relate to drinking at the problem. The tequila isn't going to bring you together. We spend lots of time apart in our relationship - we have to keep reminding ourselves that it is a financial choice we made, and we constantly have to re-align to remember our commitment to each other and having our marriage and separations support us. I fall into depression and lonliness so easily - and he buries himself into his work. AL makes it worse. I poured out the chardonnay last night - he leaves again this afternoon. I'm not drinking today.
          forgot to say, I know where you are and how you feel. Drinking only makes it worse, I know you know that. I'm awkwardly trying to support you. He wasn't hurt by your drinking - you were. Be gentle with yourself - we are all learning. Wishing you an AF and grief-free day.
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Newbies Nest

            Good Mooning, Nesters!
            Before I make an asteroid of myself....let me see if my icons are working....

            !@#$%^! icons just lock me up...I've tried rebooting (the only trick I know).

            Lav or NoSugar, will you be kind enough to drop yer pants and give Gambler a proper moon and C-Dev a hat? This is big doings around here, in our world this is HUGE!
            (What's a prize patrol without prizes..... ) I must fix! Dave, I think that getting your literal 'house in order' mirrors what is going on inside us, too. You are getting your inner house in order, too. GREAT JOB on these 7 days!!! Push thru no matter what and no matter who!! We are so proud of you.

            C-Developer, you came, you saw, you conquered! Thank you for not only adding to the conversation, but also for giving back. That's the true essence of this strength when you have it, and taking it when you need it. THANK YOU, for welcoming new folks all over the boards, you can't imagine how much that helps people. Keep up the great the words of someone great...the more you give the more you get back. WELL DONE!! When I get my icons back...I'll be on top of my game!!!

            Hope everyone has a great day!! It's all in your mind!! Hugs all! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1557541 wrote: Good Mooning, Nesters!
              Before I make an asteroid of myself....let me see if my icons are working....

              !@#$%^! icons just lock me up...I've tried rebooting (the only trick I know).

              Lav or NoSugar, will you be kind enough to drop yer pants and give Gambler a proper moon? This is big doings around here, and 7 days in our world is HUGE!
              (What's a prize patrol without prizes..... ) I must fix! Dave, I think that getting your literal 'house in order' mirrors what is going on inside us, too. You are getting your inner house in order, too. GREAT JOB on these 7 days!!! Push thru no matter what and no matter who!! We are so proud of you.

              Hope everyone has a great day!! It's all in your mind!! Hugs all! Byrdie
              Here you go, Gambler! Great job!!


                Newbies Nest

                C-Developer;1557388 wrote: Roll call September 17

                C-Developer - Day 30
                More icon delivery for Byrdie:

                Congratulations C-Dev on achieving your full month AF (I hope this is the right hat!):


                And thanks for all your entertaining, enthusiastic posts. You make sobriety sound fun !


                  Newbies Nest

                  OH Baby !.. Now that was worth the 7 days right there :h

                  :h Thank you guys for being here for me. There is no way I could not have done it if not for everyone here..present and past. :thanks:

                  And to you C-Dev .. congrats .. Im gonna tie a rope to Your Truck Oh and that sure was a Blast last night ! I think Im gonna pop in there later and try to one up you.. but your pretty good at that I must admit LOL ..

                  And a Special :l goes out to Ladybird. .. You were right.. Never a doubt.

                  Keep on Trucking guys ...

                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all,
                    Great celebrations going on here today...i love it....Looking forward to my 30 days...
                    But it is day 17 and that is really good for me and I watched the entire football game last night without any wine...that is a real milestone for me...not sure I would have even see my team win otherwise...
                    Off to run some errands then cook up some dinner...amazing what i can do sober...

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Ugh long message just deleted!!!!! Grhh

                      Lavande- sciatica and butchered neck and back means I am limited to what I can do. In the past months I have done yoga almost 4-5 times a week. Even when I was drinking :-)
                      Available- nap was lovely- can you believe I am still tired?!

                      S things that have come to me over the past few days-my behaviour or feelings when drinking....
                      Stopping off at a shop to pick AL when I go to collect daughter. Trying different shops so they don't see the bottles I go through.
                      Talking of bottles- how many did I go through in that 5/6 month "moderation" drinking (moderation- ha who am I kidding)
                      Moderating- oh right so sneaking gin in its purity, any time I could is moderating????
                      Hangover so rough I had to go back to bed. Feeling so bad crying after dropping my daughter to nursery, unable to eat anything for acid in my tummy. Consuming antacid tablets, diluting bottles I had drink from so DH wouldn't know. Swigging from the bottle directly- who needs glasses heh?
                      Just some thoughts that I have had that have strengthened my resolve. Amazing how I thought it was "ok" or managed behaviour.....
                      On a positive note I went shopping and treated myself. After all I must be saving ??? not consuming AL. :-)
                      Hope everyone is staying strong in the nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Congrats to C-Dev and Gambler!! Moons a plenty around here!

                        Good morning nesters! Hope everyone is doing well..Keep on Keeping on!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Great job Cdev on 30 Days!!!! and Gambler on 7-- it is a lot of fun having you guys here. Will check out the other thread tonight.

                          Minstar, I've also started with b vitamins and omega oils-- hope it will help a bit. Sorry to hear about your injuries and hope you will be feeling better soon. Having stuff going on with my back and neck always makes me more tired!

                          Great advice from lots of people regarding drinking AT people. With some hindsight it seems like the craziest of crazy things to do-- how could it possibly help anything? But I remember doing it a lot as a big f*** you. Thank goodness I realized who I was really f******.
                          lots of swearing, sorry!


                            Newbies Nest

                            hello nesters

                            Congrats to C Dev on your 30 days, and to Gambler on your 7! No, I am not going to moon you guys, Dave got a wee bit excited by that last moon, so I am keeping it PG

                            Seriously, well done you two. It's heartening to see the way people have been supporting each other towards their goals, keep up the good work!

                            So, as predicted my thighs were absolutely killing me today! Taking a rest day from the gym and I can't believe I signed up for another brutal session with that guy in a fortnight! It's certainly going to make me add some more to my workouts. He showed me some boxing moves with weights that I am definitely going to continue, there is definitely more to working out than rowing and running.

                            I am so glad I changed my hours at work, it is not without it's challenges but I am definitely up for those these days. The more I have to occupy my brain, the better.

                            Lifechange, I too used to drink AT problems and people. As if that was ever going to help any situation. My plans for this evening include a hot bath to ease my aching muscles and there's a tub of frozen yoghurt with my name on it, and lots of good stuff on the telly. Rock and roll!
                            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                              Newbies Nest

                              broken halo;1557619 wrote: hello nesters

                              Congrats to C Dev on your 30 days, and to Gambler on your 7! No, I am not going to moon you guys, Dave got a wee bit excited by that last moon, so I am keeping it PG

                              Seriously, well done you two. It's heartening to see the way people have been supporting each other towards their goals, keep up the good work!

                              Yea one was good for me. But if you want you could shoot the moon over to my co-pilot Fisher 80
                              . I could but Im taking him out to dinner and I dont want him to get the wrong Idea about me.

                              I agree. The only way to describe it for me at least is "Fluidic". Its constantly changing to the situation at any given moment.

                              Thanks again everyone for the congrats and hugs and kisses .. and well there is that sex thing thread going on that is working fairly well in my favor..I think ..*crosses fingers*

                              Keep on Trucken

                              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                              AF: 9-10-2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening nesters,
                                Off to bed so I thought I'd pop in and say a quick hello!
                                Thanks LC for the words! :-)
                                Hope everyone is safe in the nest x

