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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Whenever I find myself Romanticizing alcohol, whether it be on tv, or walking past a table of ladies enjoying a glass....I remember back to how I drank. That's not the way I did it. I drank in desperate gulps from a hidden bottle (box) in my closet...I drank in bathroom stalls from booze put in a hairspray bottle in my purse. That's the way I drank....I can't really long for something that never was.....One glass was NOT going to do! So I try and keep that reality front and center when I throw a pity party.
    I also try and put myself in the service of others...that way, I'm not sitting around saying 'poor me'. I am doing something for someone else. There are tons of people out there have have WAY worse afflictions that not being able to drink AL. Taking the deprivation out of it is key. Nobody is MAKING you do is BEST for YOU. You aren't being deprived of a are practicing self preservation. You are CHOOSING another route that better fits with a full and happy life.
    Or you can look at it like the Jungle Book: Accentuate the positive and EEEEEliminate the negative....(to be sung and danced to)! It really IS a better life, but it takes a while to get to. Hang in there! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      neney;1558131 wrote: Hi everyone. I was so motivated to quit last week and found an excuse to ' start Monday' , then I felt depressed from the drinking so I drank every night since then. No more of this insanity. Today 19/09/2013 I am alcohol free. I really want to be positive about this journey and not feel I am missing anything or feel like this is going to be a ' lifelong' struggle. Can some long time sober people please offer some tips for seeing this in a positive way so that the illusion of needing it does not trick me. I REALLY want to do this and not feel it is some kind of battle. Love to hear from you. Thanks in advance.
      Hi, Neney

      I would certainly not say that I'm long-term sober but I did experience the transition from wanting to moderate to deciding regretfully that I couldn't to being so thankful that I had escaped and never had to drink again. I think I changed my brain by getting as involved as I could here, learning as much as I could about addiction, working on developing an attitude of gratitude, trying new ways to relax, and simply being a person who doesn't drink. Period.

      That doesn't mean that I never waver or feel bad but I know I have systems and people in place to avoid making the bad choice. The time frame probably varies but I felt pretty secure and good about being a non-drinker within a couple months of joining MWO. Now I am determined to do whatever it takes to never go back. I love this life.

      The tools and people you need are here, Neney. I hope you do the necessary work and take advantage of everything that is available to you.


        Newbies Nest

        Just a quick check in tonight folks. Busy Busy Busy....

        Hope all is well
        In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

        AF since August 18, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Bhalo, Lifechange. Lav. Yes he is taking his ab. Today is day 30 af for him. We did celebrate. I got him a titanium vegetable peeled and chocolate muffins. Its the other addiction that is getting him. He just can't get to day 30. He has been so close. We are both depressed but we're looking for the positive in our lives right now.
          And I will not drink at this problem.
          Dave what cuties. They are so worth every effort.
          Stupot sorry they made such a big deal at your lunch. Soon it will just be the norm.
          Welcome Ney. It doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle or being deprived of anything. I think of not drinking as living life again instead of hiding from the world. Life is so much better without al in it. Colors are brighter. I just feel alive again. Hope you stick with us.
          We are having a cool down here this weekend. The day temp is finally going to be below 90?f yeah!
          I am so glad I have friends here to listen to me.
          Dottie Friday sounds fun. Glad you are staying strong.
          I love the Jungle Book reference Byrdie. That song will be stuck in my head the rest of the week.
          Have a great af time everyone.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1558142 wrote: Hi, Neney

            I would certainly not say that I'm long-term sober but I did experience the transition from wanting to moderate to deciding regretfully that I couldn't to being so thankful that I had escaped and never had to drink again. I think I changed my brain by getting as involved as I could here, learning as much as I could about addiction, working on developing an attitude of gratitude, trying new ways to relax, and simply being a person who doesn't drink. Period.

            That doesn't mean that I never waver or feel bad but I know I have systems and people in place to avoid making the bad choice. The time frame probably varies but I felt pretty secure and good about being a non-drinker within a couple months of joining MWO. Now I am determined to do whatever it takes to never go back. I love this life.

            The tools and people you need are here, Neney. I hope you do the necessary work and take advantage of everything that is available to you.
            Thanks for both the replies I received. I am writing a list now of all the negative things about drinking and the endless cycle of the same outcome. Feeling pretty good, just want to look at this in the most inspired way I can so that I don't feel 'mental misery'. I am looking forward to a life of freedom. Please let me know if I am replying to posts the right way as well. I am not sure if I am navigating my way here properly or not.
            Thanks again.


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              I have to be up & out before 7 am - watching grandsons in the morning!

              Dave, your sons are a bit older than my grandsons but I see the fun in their eyes :H
              I'm glad things are settling down for you.

              Dottie, glad you are OK & enjoying your days.

              Minstar, you sound like me - just a little accident prone? I hope tomorrow is much better for you & not drinking over this stuff IS the best decision. Take care of yourself!

              LB, I think of you often. It's hard to support someone else on a minute to minute basis & remember to take care of yourself too. Wishing you the best

              Neney, get yourself a good plan, you can do this if you make it your #1 priority. Stay close to the nest!

              Greetings to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                gambler;1558002 wrote: LOL.. I guess You put how I feel In a more Compact version

                Yeaaa .. what Dotty said ^^

                Beautiful boys! They must be so proud of you!
                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                  Newbies Nest

                  gambler;1558001 wrote: Good morning everyone hope everything is well

                  However..and I dont know why..but I woke up a few times Soaking wet. My hands were Pruned and felt like they were on fire ? Whatever dreams I had made me wake up with a deep feeling of nervousness but not stressed out. My body is slowly calming down. Is there some kind of post 5 day symptoms like this supposed to happen due to AL


                  PS. I wonder why I feel like I have been here and have known you guys much longer than 8 days
                  Hey Dave- not sure if anyone responded to this question but for me, the first week being af I experienced night sweats, insomnia and restless leg syndrome. Five or six days in they subsided. Later at about two weeks I felt very anxious but couldn't put my finger on why so chalked it up to the detox process. Each person's detox is different though and since my poison was primarily wine I don't think my experience was as harsh as those using spirits. Others with more experience than me can chime in as well but bottom line, what you're experiencing is part of the deal as you rid your body of the toxins.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just a quickie this morning-- running out on my way to work.
                    will check in this evening-- hold strong, Nesters!


                      Newbies Nest

                      the secret to sobriety:

                      I was over 6 months AF but my life got a bit crazy with work, etc. so I stopped spending so much time here and eventually I stopped posting altogether.
                      GUESS WHAT HAPPENED???!!!!

                      So I just finished my YET AGAIN day 1.
                      Don't be stupid like me. Just POST POST POST
                      stay involved. Stay connected.
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jenni your not stupid just human and you are keeping on trying. Thats all we can all do and be proud of our achievements. I am on day 19 and have not done that for a very very very very very (could keep going here) long time. Be proud of that 6 months and know you can do it again. I totally agree MWO is the best to stay accountable for what we do and that has what has got me here today.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Post. (that's all I've got today folks). I'm not drinking today. Wishing you all a painless, alcohol-free day. Beautiful thunderstorms here.
                          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning, Nesters!
                            Jennie....I wish I could put your words in stone above the BOARDS. Gosh, I've seen this 1000 times! People drift away....thinking "I've got this now!" but there's a world out there telling us to do just the opposite of what we SHOULD do! Look at Stupot's situation....there was the whole gang drinking WINE AT LUNCH and criticizing HER for not joining in!!! That's what we are up against out there, and say what you will, it takes support to do it. I don't see how anyone could do this alone, your mind just takes you back to what is easy (or SEEMS easier to do) which is JOIN IN! Support is the key to long term sobriety. I ALWAYS try to remember what brought me here, and what got me was the people on this site...the good, bad, AND the ugly. Staying connected here is a small price to pay...most people spend more time on FB or Twitter! Heck, I used to spend 4 or 5 hours a night bombed out of my head, 30 minutes to catch up here is NOTHING! I understand that people get busy....I do, too, but when you make and KEEP your sobriety your #1 priority, you MAKE the time to do it. Keeping your quit is as important as brushing your teeth or putting gas in the car. If you don't believe me, just look around this site at the total despair that AL causes. My quit is Priority #1.
                            Just as Jennie says! Stay connected with like minded people, it really makes all the difference.
                            Have a great day, everyone!!! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters

                              Drove thru the semi-darkness & fog to watch my grandsons this morning. Sure would not have been ready to do that in the old days
                              I only had 2 hours on duty, now I'm back home nursing my head cold or whatever it is I'm getting.

                              It's true, I have missed darn few days posting since I joined MWO (usually due to a power outage). Staying connected here is the most basic of tools but so very effective.

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                This is my first post. I've been lurking long enough to know to come to the Newbies Nest for support. I've been drinking all my life, it seems, and heavily for about 15 years. Until the last few months I've been drinking a full double size bottle of wine every night without fail. For the last few months I've been trying to stop and manage to get a day or two under my belt before failing once again. Coming to this site has helped, but I feel I need to take the next step and make myself accountable by posting. I'm making myself a promise to do it every day, so I hope you will be seeing a lot of me here. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
                                You had the power all along, my dear.

