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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Kailey;1558328 wrote: This is my first post. I've been lurking long enough to know to come to the Newbies Nest for support. I've been drinking all my life, it seems, and heavily for about 15 years. Until the last few months I've been drinking a full double size bottle of wine every night without fail. For the last few months I've been trying to stop and manage to get a day or two under my belt before failing once again. Coming to this site has helped, but I feel I need to take the next step and make myself accountable by posting. I'm making myself a promise to do it every day, so I hope you will be seeing a lot of me here. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
    Welcome, Kailey

    Like you, I made quite a bit of progress on my own, especially during the 6 months before I joined MWO. In fact, last Christmas and New Year's, I thought I had just about succeeded. Turns out I really needed the support of and interaction with people who were going or had gone through the same thing. If you really get involved here and use the site, you can get yourself free of this awful addiction.

    I'm so glad you decided to post!


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome Kailey! You've taken a huge step and we're glad you're pull up a twig and get comfy in the Nest...hang on because it might get bumpy from time to time, but we'll keep you safe! We look forward to getting to know you too!

      Neney - I have to second everything Byrdie said. My drinking was not the fun/good times they portray on TV. My drinking led to DUI's, handcuffs and a cellmate named Diablo. You don't see that advertised on commercials now do you? Remember that you no longer HAVE to drink. You are free. Pity those that are still controlled by poison in a bottle. And next time you wish you were a normal drinker...answer this: What is the "normal" way to drink poison?

      Why, oh why isn't it Friday yet??? Hope you all have a great day. Buckle, strap, glue, velcro or staple your butts to the Nest...whatever it takes...just STAY CLOSE!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        Coming to you live from channel day 9 ....
        Good morning everyone hope everything is well.

        Well last night was another good sleep night with a whopping 10 hours of sleep! Holy cow does that make a difference. So today I have to catch up on some of the things I had put aside to get me through the onslaught of the first week AF...Including going back and responding to some of your posts ....

        I'm Strong and in Control;1557732 wrote: I look to you as one of my pillars, man.
        Thank you ISAIC :h .. Are you sure you want a pillar of salt ? lol

        little beagle;1557793 wrote: Getting back to yourself is what it's about right? Being the best person you can? Am I understanding you?
        Partially yes. I guess not hurting others via AL would be a biggie too.

        Byrdlady;1558130 wrote: Gambler, your boys are doll babies!! That little one looks like mischief!!! Glad you got some stuff ironed out with your other 3/8's (soon to be ex). One more thing out of the way. I'm so glad you are getting things sorted out.
        Thank you Lady and yes The little one is a cunning little whippersnapper :H...Both of them are going to be real heartbreakers one day. Both are sharp as a tack. The oldest is way ahead of his reading and spelling (I turned "closed captions" on the telly ever sense he was a baby. He got the tie between words and spelling at a very young age). The younger is way ahead in math for some reason. He helps his brother with his math for crying out loud lol (maybe he got that from me because I am Very good at numbers). So its really cool that each one has his own unique set of skills that they help each other on..

        little beagle;1558157 wrote:
        Dave what cuties. They are so worth every effort.
        Thank you little beagle You know...I remember going to social gatherings with our friends where everyone is getting drunk and having fun and whatnot and the boys,being observant as they are,would have this WTF are wrong with these guys look in their eyes. I mean you could see the bewilderment in there eyes and even there body language. I NEVER want them to feel that from ME!

        On a side note.. I noticed that your very close to my old stomping ground. I lived in Tijeras from 14-17. Very cool being on the back side of the mountain and watching the clouds get blocked..building up until it waterfalled over the other side ..That point of my life had a major impact on who I am. (not many get the county living aspect in life which is kinda sad)

        Lavande;1558161 wrote:
        Dave, your sons are a bit older than my grandsons but I see the fun in their eyes
        Thank you Lav..Yes that is their main mission in life is Fun. Like little fun sponges they are

        I'm Strong and in Control;1558189 wrote:
        Beautiful boys! They must be so proud of you!
        sanchez;1558208 wrote:
        Hey Dave- not sure if anyone responded to this question but for me, the first week being af I experienced night sweats, insomnia and restless leg syndrome.

        what you're experiencing is part of the deal as you rid your body of the toxins.
        Thank you for your response Sanchez. Yea I think I found part of the problem. Fabric softener! lol. We never used it before..Our city water here has this strong chlorine smell to it that leaves everything smelling "funny" after the wash. I got some dryer sheets to help but I can feel a film of sorts on my sheets (not so much the clothes). As I have High thread count sheets and I think the whatever is getting on them is closing the "pores" of the sheets up to which point they cant breath thus causing my sweats. The burning then happens when the moisture interacts with whatever chemicals are on there. Im going to use a different set tonight and see if that makes a difference. I will let you know. Again thank you for your post.

        jenniech;1558271 wrote: the secret to sobriety:

        I was over 6 months AF but my life got a bit crazy with work, etc. so I stopped spending so much time here and eventually I stopped posting altogether.
        GUESS WHAT HAPPENED???!!!!

        So I just finished my YET AGAIN day 1.
        Don't be stupid like me. Just POST POST POST
        stay involved. Stay connected.
        You hit is spot on Jennie !! For the first few days that is All i did ( aside from chain smoking, having my daily pot and a half coffee infusion and having to pee every 10 minutes ). Post and Read. I can say for sure that I would not be were I am today if not for this Simple Tool. There is something about "putting it out there" that releases the tension and anxiety. In fact most times at the end of the post I feel right as rain.

        So you newbies pay attention..This Does work!

        Kailey;1558328 wrote:
        This is my first post. I've been lurking long enough to know to come to the Newbies Nest for support. I've been drinking all my life, it seems, and heavily for about 15 years. Until the last few months I've been drinking a full double size bottle of wine every night without fail. For the last few months I've been trying to stop and manage to get a day or two under my belt before failing once again. Coming to this site has helped, but I feel I need to take the next step and make myself accountable by posting. I'm making myself a promise to do it every day, so I hope you will be seeing a lot of me here. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
        Welcome Kailey :l

        You found a good second family here. Just love and compassion all around you when you pull up a twig..I mean chair..

        I got some catching up to do so I will see you guys in a bit.. love to all and well wishes.

        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
        AF: 9-10-2013


          Newbies Nest

          I want to thank all of you for the prayers and well wishes...I am on the mend but surely not 100% just yet and that is something DH is not I just sit down when I need to or stop whatever we are doing for a rest..he just looks at me. Don't really care right body needs to heal and restore...

          Going on a day trip with friends tomorrow..going to Amish country and eat some really good food and bring back goodies for the freezer..we were supposed to go for 3 days but I was just not up to that and afraid if something happened we would be too far away. This place is much closer to home and I am looking forward to getting away.


          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Wow. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am already grateful to have posted this morning. A few minutes ago I had my first thought of the day about drinking. It went something like's Thursday, so I might as well drink tonight because I know I'll be drinking all weekend. Then I remembered that I had posted here this morning and that there was no way I was going to get back on here and say I had already given up! Being accountable is going to be good for me!
            You had the power all along, my dear.


              Newbies Nest

              Kailey;1558384 wrote: A few minutes ago I had my first thought of the day about drinking. It went something like's Thursday, so I might as well drink tonight because I know I'll be drinking all weekend. Then I remembered that I had posted here this morning and that there was no way I was going to get back on here and say I had already given up! Being accountable is going to be good for me!
              And that's how it's done Kailey! One small step at a time. That's the beauty of this place too...who knew that making a "promise" on a computer screen could be so powerful? I am telling you the truth when I say that MWO saved my life. Remember that we are rooting for you, we know it's hard, but SO worth it. Keep it've completed the first hurdle!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,
                another quick post from me to keep myself accountable! Thanks for writing that Jennie-- exactly what's happened to me each time I've stopped coming here.

                Kailey, welcome! It's really nice to have you here--Has someone already mentioned the toolbox? I spent hours and hours reading there for great ideas on conquering the first days. And as has been said, come here as often as possible-- post, post and post some more. There are so many great people who can offer help and support!

                I hope to have a bit more energy to catch up on everyone tomorrow or sat morning at the latest-- hugs to you all!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all, and welcome to Kailey our newest member. Glad to hear that the nest is helping you already Kailey. Well done on not giving in!

                  Since reducing my hours at work I seem to have found I have less time to post for some reason! I guess I am out and about more, I have also started cooking (about time!) I have been making some 'interesting' soups, apparently they are not to everyone's tastes but I like them! I guess anything is edible if you blend it enough :H

                  My daily routine has changed dramatically over the last week, it is taking a bit of getting used to but I am actually loving it. Having said that I was an hour on the phone to one of my closest work colleagues last night. This guy and I have worked really closely for the past two years and have formed a great friendship as well as a great working partnership. I will miss working as closely with him as I did.

                  LB, thinking of you and your man and hoping everything works out for you two.

                  Dottie, I hope your Amish trip helps you to feel better, it sounds like great fun.

                  Gambler, I laughed out loud at the fabric conditioner thing, hope you are ok now!

                  Rahul, if you are reading, get back here! We miss you in the Nest and I want to hear how you are doing. So many regular Nesters are MIA right now, it would be good to hear how everyone is getting on.
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    broken halo;1558415 wrote: Hi all, and welcome to Kailey our newest member. Glad to hear that the nest is helping you already Kailey. Well done on not giving in!

                    Since reducing my hours at work I seem to have found I have less time to post for some reason! I guess I am out and about more, I have also started cooking (about time!) I have been making some 'interesting' soups, apparently they are not to everyone's tastes but I like them! I guess anything is edible if you blend it enough :H

                    So many regular Nesters are MIA right now, it would be good to hear how everyone is getting on.
                    HI BH - Just checking in per your last sentence. I suppose I'm a regular Nester??? Anyway, I have been MIA for awhile. Went to the mountains last week and for the first time in my entire life, I had an af vacation. Scary but true. We hiked, we played golf, shopped and dined. My marriage is slowly healing and most likely due to having a monkey named AL off my back. This week has been a busy catch up week for me so haven't posted as much as I'd like. Read posts at night though.

                    Have a wedding this weekend that has me a tad cautious. As typical weddings go, there will be lots of al flowing and champagne, (oh poop) which is one of my biggest downfalls. I will pray and will reflect on my bottoming out to keep me sober this weekend. An old longtime friend will be there who has never been a drinker. My plan is to hang out with her as much as possible. Hubby is more supportive these days too. Actually kept buying me Pelligrino while on vacation.

                    BH - I can identify with you on not having enough hours in the day anymore. Amazing how that happens. I just retired from a corp job earlier this year and quite honestly I've been busier than ever - not sure how I fit work in before! lol

                    :welcome: Kailey! You've landed in the right place. MWO is an amazing site; everone is genuine and honest in their sharing all with the hopes of helping others.

                    Take care everyone and if any thoughts/tips on how to stay sober at a WEDDING, please let me know! I'll be MIA again probably from noon tomorrow until Monday but will check in if I can.
                    hugs to all,:l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,

                      Back on day 1! I so need to make this time stick & get my life back.

                      Hope everyone is having a peaceful, sober day!



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Cocoflo and welcome back!

                        What has changed in your plan? Maybe you could post it and get some feedback.
                        It would be great for this to be your last day 1 !


                          Newbies Nest

                          oh boy. My next door neighbors are having a HUGE fight and the FU's are FLYING ..... they won't be able to talk tomorrow they are screaming so loud. My dogs are even upset. The neighbors are hugely into AL and pot dependence.....the very very sad thing is, they have a 10 year old, a 17 year old and a 19 year old listening to the whole thing. Such a troubled family. If we lived in gun country, I would be waiting for that kidding.

                          I am so lucky for what I have. PEACE without AL or drugs is peace indeed. This is the example I want to set for my two teenaged boys.

                          Peace all!!!
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            This is my first post and the first day that I found MWO website. I drank a double bottle of wine last night, woke up late (10am) and got on the internet to look up AA and surfing led me to this site. I have been on this site all day and know I am lucky to have found MWO. I have gone to 2 AA meetings a couple of weeks ago, but realize that I can't control my wine drinking. I had deluded myself in thinking that drinking wine was not like drinking hard liquor and would not cause a drinking problem. I have finally realized this is not true because I drink until I can't remember going to bed. Like others on this thread, I hope by writing things down, I will become accountable of my drinking problem and not stay in denial. It is after 6pm here and this is the time, I start thinking about drinking. I am determined to not finish an open bottle of wine. Hopefully this is Day 1 for me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Night night nesters. Will post more tomorrow. Just tired today. Hello newbies and oldies :wave:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Dreammobile
                                I could have posted that same exact thing.....I went 6 months AF and then wandered away from this site....guess what happened? I too went to AA meetings and I went religiously for many many months. But it just never clicked with me and I really tried to make it work!!! Here is the low down: whatever works for you is the right thing to do. This is a journey that is completely unique to you. I too have a problem with wine but no other type of AL. Don't ask me why. I don't understand why but it doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter is, I am so much more in tune with my life and HAPPIER when I don't drink.

                                The best thing you can do for your hungover self is to simply POUR the wine DOWN THE DRAIN. That is what I did two days ago. Get it out of the house and pick another, equally if not MORE delicious drink. My favorite is sparkling water with a twist of lemon. And then, simply read, post, read, post, read, post....get to know will gain steadfast and fully supporting friends....even if you have never met them in person!!

                                Stay tuned......
                                I just won't anymore

