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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sleep well Min, Friday here and for the first time in weeks i dont feel as if i need/want a wine as it is Friday. A hurdle overcome and feels good.

    Welcome Dream you have arrived at the right place. Like yourself i was a one to two bottle a day drinker without a break for years. I just didnt think i needed to stop and i didnt want to stop. I wasnt hurting anyone but I was, i was hurting myself badly. One day at a time for me and up to day 20. Its not easy as we all will attest but the sense of achievement is well worth it.

    Sanchez, i have my daughters wedding in November but my biggest worry is her hens night. I was thinking this morning what i was going to do and say. I am great friends with my daughters friends so i am going to tell them that i am an alcoholic and i think/know it is time i did not drink. I know they will support me and i wont be under pressure to drink. I am now to the stage where i am comfortable to admit I am an alcoholic and i cant drink, as much as i want too but i dont really want to now.

    Hope nesters are getting another AF day under their belt. Not long till the end of September, bring it on to day 30!
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters!

      Another day in paradise, huh?

      Hello & welcome Kailey & Dreamobile. Glad you both decided to join us.
      Wine was my poison of choice, lots of it too. I am so grateful to have that monkey off my back & you both will be as well. make a good plan for yourselves, check out the Tool box for ideas.

      Dottie, I hope you have a nice day out & be careful what you eat out there in Amish country. Some of the Amish eateries around here have run into trouble for not handling food properly. Make sure the hot food is hot & the cold food is cold!!!!

      What I thought was allergies a few days ago has turned into a cold but now I have aches all over. What's up with that??

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest, just hang on
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Avail - my daughter is getting married on Nov 9th and I am also worried about drinking. I ordered the hypnotic CD about dealing with social settings where al is offered. I hope it gets here soon!


          Newbies Nest

          Kailey and dreamoblie welcome. I look forward to getting to know you both.
          Bhalo I like different kinds of soup. Its really healthy too. I can't wait until it cools off enough here to enjoy things like that.
          Coco welcome back. Make this your last day 1and you will never regret it.
          Dave my pa pa lives in Tijeras. He's a mountain man. He has a nice house but spends most of his time in his shed. In winter the pipes freeze and therefore no water. His were frozen for at least 2 months last year. Yuck! He has an outhouse and only a woodburning stove for heat. Burrrrrrr. You know Tijeras is sooo cold in winter. -20?f is very common. And that wind. Ouch!!!! But he loves it. (so not me). Summer (all 2 months of it) is awesome!
          Have a great af time everyone. As the say in Tijeras via con dios.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            jenniech;1558496 wrote: oh boy. My next door neighbors are having a HUGE fight and the FU's are FLYING ..... they won't be able to talk tomorrow they are screaming so loud. My dogs are even upset. The neighbors are hugely into AL and pot dependence....

            If we lived in gun country, I would be waiting for that kidding.
            Hey Jennie I didnt realize we were neighbors !! oh wait you said no guns .. never mind :H Yea I got one of those next door. All the dispacher has to say is "Its them again" .. and then cops show up. Beer cans strewn in their back yard etc. Funny how it never bothered me until now. Dont get me wrong..Im Nobody to Judge. I guess anytime I have the "urge" I could just peek out back and that should nail that coffin down lol.

            Dreamobile;1558498 wrote: This is my first post and the first day that I found MWO website.

            Like others on this thread, I hope by writing things down, I will become accountable of my drinking problem and not stay in denial
            . It is after 6pm here and this is the time, I start thinking about drinking. I am determined to not finish an open bottle of wine
            . Hopefully this is Day 1 for me.
            Hello Dreammobile and :welcome: .. You have found THE spot.

            I did the same thing you did.. I woke up at 2am..googled..found MWO ( actually it was the first one on my search list ) post after post after post Nonstop till about 11am. Thats when I signed up and introduced myself. Best friggin thing I did for myself in over a decade. Please Do post read post read post post read while your waiting a response or whatever. Its not an accountability thing for me to post personally. It just works to keep AL off my mind .. or something.. I dunno it just works for me lol. Just keep at it. There is a kind of special magical mojo type thing going on here ( at least for me ).

            Again nice to see you here


            PS. Dump all that Poison down the drain NOW !! .. like stop reading .. get up..there you got it.. ahhh.. Good. Now were ready
            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
            AF: 9-10-2013


              Newbies Nest

              little beagle;1558525 wrote: Dave my pa pa lives in Tijeras. He's a mountain man.
              We had one of those guys down the road we called "old man George" Yes..mountain man lol.oh and the 4wheel drives for all yay ! Gettin suck in the mud trying to get up our hill..then 5am going down and having to Ultra lift the truck out of the frozen Mud was one of my personal favorite past times ! :H

              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                dreamobile was that CD from this site?? If so what was the name. i could use that one too.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Guys and Dolls,

                  Not much of interest to report in my life at the present time except what you guys are already familiar with from my previous posts.

                  I am trying to expand my interests outside the realm of working out and pimping out my apartment, but nothing has really managed to grab my attention as of yet.

                  Nice to see so many new faces around here though. Have a safe and AF night in the nest.
                  In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                  AF since August 18, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome Dreammobile, Kailey and fellow double wine bottle handlers. I've hit the AF double digits (again) and am packing for a trip - actually have begun to look forward to it. With trepidation. International flight - I won't be around to post after the morning, for at least 24 hours. All I have is now and this moment that I can promise. I can tell you with conviction that I am not drinking today. It would be miraculous for me to return and say that I didn't have the free wine on the plane and didn't have a Stella in Belgium. I visualize what my face (and spirit) would be like walking off the plane, for the first time ever, not drinking my way across the Atlantic. I've got my 'toolbox' on my Kindle and a resolve not to backslide away. I can promise that at every/any opportunity that I consider having a drink, I will remind myself where I've been and where I will end up if I drink. I'm not going back to that pattern of drinking 2+ bottles of wine 4 or more times a week. The withdrawal alone was horrific and is still very fresh in my mind. The purple tongue just went away yesterday. Trying to come up with a motivating mantra, like "you won't stop at one" or "I want water", urge surfing, and not ordering when everyone else does, to give me time to reconsider. I can promise that. Will check in again in the morning - wishing you all good, restful sleep and for those waking up Down Under - have a fantastic AF Friday!
                    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Dream, well two weddings in November! I have a bit of a plan to take with me. I am not going to say i wont drink but if i do i am only having a couple and the rest of the time my glass will be filled with sparkling water. I do not want to be the wasted mother of the bride that everyone remembers, and I want to remember my daughters wedding from the time she puts her dress on until she leaves to go on her honeymoon, i want my daughter to be very proud of her mother that she did stop drinking to make her children proud. The same will happen with the hens night. I feel more settled in my resolve about AL now, i dont want to get plastered anymore, i want to enjoy this family event, i want to remember and i will remember. So my plan is here and waiting.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Come on players who wants to pledge to make their weekend AL free. You don't have to be a virgin it can be your 2nd or 10th. Join us rookies, pledge to be free this weekend with me.

                        Pledge to be free from alcohol and celebrate your benefits of being free. FREE-DUMB
                        Post on 2nd weekend thread
                        What you resist persits


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening, Nesters!
                          My brother in law showed up again! He told hubs he was coming down for the weekend, but showed up today at 3!! UGG. Remember, this is the one who used my good prop towels in the guest bath!!
                          Welcome newest newbies!
                          Dryer, you have my word that I won't be drinking this weekend. I can't tell you the last time AL did me any favors, so count me in!
                          What got me thru in the early days was an offhand comment by another nester at the time....she was going to go shopping with her sister and friends, and afterwards they were going to stop at a little restaurant and have a glass of wine with lunch. She said, 'I won't be joining in, besides, what's ONE glass of wine going to do for me anyway'. For some reason, that clicked. My voices were telling me, if I could just keep it to one glass, I'd be ok, but when she said that, it slapped me up side the head and I realized that I would never be happy with just one. Not even one bottle, there at the end... It was awful (as you all know from your own experience). Hold tight to your quit!! Sleep well!! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Dreamobile;1558498 wrote: This is my first post and the first day that I found MWO website. I drank a double bottle of wine last night, woke up late (10am) and got on the internet to look up AA and surfing led me to this site.
                            Hi Dreamobile. This is my first day here, too, and I also favor the big double bottles of wine. Let's stick together. We have a lot in common it seems.

                            I'm doing fine tonight, and really having an easy time of it. I'll take it, because I know there will be harder days ahead.
                            You had the power all along, my dear.


                              Newbies Nest

                              So after a day dedicated to digging out the stack of bills, trimming expenses that I not longer need ( could have been saving over 50 bucks a month and didnt even know it ) taking the boys to soccer practice and finally eating more than usual I have found my perch to watch day 10 fade into the sunset.

                              Some things that I would like to recognize at this point.

                              1. I have just about exhausted my "time consuming projects" around the house. Aside from washing the ceiling and the blinds yet...I have really nothing to do at home anymore. Literally everything that can be done is done. My home is no longer recognizable compared to only a week ago. I can foresee this being a Major problem in the Very Near future. With nothing to do I know Al will pull out some new tricks to use on me. I need a remedy..hey I have an about a JOB ! .. which brings us to #2...

                              2. By end of October I will have expended most of my savings. I have intentionally been keeping away from finding a job. I have NO regrets about this. I Know that going dry+personal was hard enough..add working in the mix would have been impossible. There was just no other option for me this past week and a half. I am going to have to be xtra vigilant in keeping AL at bay here in the next week or so. I repair boats professionally. I am around boats and the people that own boats. As you are all aware that Boats=party fun time. More than enough drink to fill up a small lake in fact. So careful must I be ..

                              3. Complacency is growing day by day...I have to be extra careful on this front. I know that for me complacency breeds confidence/cockiness and that is Not something that I want to befriend right now. I do not want or wish my guard to be lowered one bit. That would be a very dangerous move for me as I have already been completely blindsided from my ol' Nemesis in many different ways and forms.

                              4. I can not have grandiose expectations on what my newly AF life will bring me. In the course of my sobriety I have had my share of overwhelming emotional joy and empowerment. This, I know, is not going to be the foundation of my new life. I have thus concluded that these emotions and feelings were my mind balancing itself out...just like my body did chemically and physically. This ties into #5 ..

                              5. My AF life is going to be just how its supposed to be. I dont know exactly what life that is yet but I am looking forward to it and quite excited to find out . I also realize that my new AF life will come with a new set of "life skills". Skills that I will need to learn how to use..hone..perfect for the betterment of not only my own life but those of my childrens life. Therefore this single outcome alone is enough motivation and reason for me to quit drinking.

                              6. The reasons and responsibility for choosing the removal of alcohol from my life is Mine and Mine alone. The ramifications of this choice will directly affect and impact the lives, hopes and dreams of my children. I realize they do not have a choice in this...I must make if for them through choice of my own. I have no choice but to choose this AF life. There is no alternative.

                              Sorry for the long post my fellow Nestlings :thanks:

                              You are the best group of human beings I have ever known. Be it 10 years,10 months.10 days, 1 day or just hoping I want you realize that You All Truly are amazing people.

                              Best wishes and :h to you guys ..

                              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                              AF: 9-10-2013


                                Newbies Nest


                                Finding things to keep busy is indeed a challenge, especially on the weekends. However, unlike you, my crib is still a work in progress. The new drapes are fantastic, and really set off my living room nicely with the couch and love seat. I also found this bad ass area rug that matches my decor at a thrift store. I was just killing time on my lunch break yesterday and saw it and immediately wanted it. After I got it home and rolled it out, I found out it was from Ethan Alan home. So I got like a 200 dollar rug for 20 bucks Score!

                                You want to know what the really fucked up part is? Since I have got off the booze, I have not had a single person over to my place to check out any of my recent stylistic accomplishments.

                                You might want to consider taking up exercise. That has been another god send for me, and I have actually got to the point now that I quite enjoy it. It gives me a huge morale and confidence boost, is a significant time suck, and I get to check out some of the hottest girls chi-town has to offer on a daily basis.
                                Some of them are so sexy that I lack colorful (or tasteful) adjectives to even describe them.

                                I think you will find that the longer you stay sober the easier things start to become. In many ways, it is like discovering yourself all over again. After being diluted with booze for a period of time, I lost who I even was as a person, and I am just now getting that back. Lately I feel like a 16 year old who is just now getting a taste of independence.

                                I wish you all the best on your journey, but I am confident you will succeed.
                                In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                                AF since August 18, 2013

