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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    gambler;1558952 wrote: I was wondering how I missed that one lol ok..things make much more sense now. You can act all you want.. just dont drink ! :goodjob:

    I got sweet 360 ultra with go fast stripes on it .. for some reason the Wii is more relaxing.

    Well I found another crave killer...Shopping at 10pm. Not that I had one..but I felt good smiling at the cute cashier

    And I think im going to become a Yoplait addict. I havent had fruity bad boy yoplait in 20 years ... mmmm delish ( Yes I know organic..but these are some tasty yummy little cups of ambrosia :l )
    DUDE! That is so odd, but I have all the sudden developed a taste for yogurt as well, and, like yourself, it has pretty much been since childhood that I have ever touched the stuff. It's so friggin odd that many of your actions seem to mirror my own.

    I have become pretty much addicted to a particular brand. It's also Yoplait (cherry), but it has a small packet of granola on top to pour into it. It is BOSS in my humble opinion, and better still, also relatively healthy for me. You should give it a shot.
    In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

    AF since August 18, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Good early morning, Nesters! WHY are my kids up at 630 on a Saturday is what I want to know! Actually I'm the same-- if I don't have to work, I'm up with the birds, don't want to miss a minute of the day-- I just wanted to have a few minutes peace and quiet to visit you all!!!

      Sake, I feel just as you do--I've come to really care for every one here and I look forward to reading all the experiences, feelings, daily goings on of each person visiting the Nest. I love it here-- and I don't want to fly off any time soon.

      Byrdie, thanks--complacency--crazy. I am also willing to invest 100% into being sober.I just have to stay on my toes.

      Ican, good job on getting through the 1st day! For me, that was the most difficult day thus far. Just making the commitment and DOING it, not putting it off another day. I was also wondering about Trinity and wonder how she is doing. I'm always afraid when people disappear, because it's exactly what I've done in the past if I haven't wanted to protect my sobriety. I hope to see you around this weekend. If you feel like having a drink or if the little bugger comes anywhere close to your mind, come here and post-- ask for help! I am planning to do the same.

      Available, I'm so happy to hear you talked to your daughter-- that takes guts, to lay it out on the table. I hope you'll stay strong at the hen party--I really believe that we can have a great time without the al. And what we have afterwards is invaluable. When is it again? In November? You still have a bit of time, to strengthen what you've started! Any plans this weekend? Any hot dates?

      How are you feeling Minstar? Are you still so tired? Or are you gaining some energy? I was also super tired this week and in a bitchy mood the past 3 days. It was a full moon on Thursday--and I haven't bee to the gym since Sunday. I'm thinking I need to find a way to get some sort of exercise every day!

      Have to make breakfast for the kids and bake a cake for the cats birthday-- brother and sister will be 5 today.
      Big hugs to Bhalo, Lav, Dottie, I'm strong, Dave and Cdev, Moss and All the super Newbies. I know I'm missing some people-- :l to everyone and see you in a bit.


        Newbies Nest

        morning nesters, just thought I'd post a quick hi as I eat my Weetabix. I'm loving this growing bromance between C Dev and gambler, so cute!:H

        I've been a busy lady, and have got some things out of the way that I have been putting off for months, mostly relating to my mother's death in March. I feel strong enough now to deal with that stuff. AL free.

        I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, I know I am going to
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          so at 920 am I can already tell it's going to be a trying day. Kids are already fighting--screaming at eachother because they are tired--no wonder, getting up at 630 after a hard week at school. My bf is getting on my nerves, but is thankfully leaving soon for work and will be gone until Sunday night. This is the time I would usually drink up a storm-- at him and as much as I can before he gets back--also to deal with the kids. It will be huge WHEN I make it through the weekend without drinking. Which I will, but I will need to constantly check in here. Going grocery shopping now and I will be back to post that I didn't buy AL!!!!!!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            LC all i can say is i am glad my children are grown up although i do have my 24 and 20 year old sons at home and they drive me nuts sometimes. YOU will make it through the weekend without drinking, i cant lose my 21 day mate. All is quiet on the dating front, having a quiet weekend and still trying to motivate to clean the garage. Only a month before my mother arrives for a few months, still dont know how i am going to tackle that one. The hens night is on 12 October and wedding 10th November, cant believe my baby is getting married, next will be granny duties and need to be sober to do that one!

            How many kidlets do you have? My total is 4 and i have no idea how i bought them up sometimes, not due to AL saturation but due to stress, useless husband and working. One answer was to get rid of useless husband lol.

            Have a great day and see your post when you get back.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Nice to hear from you, Avail! I definitely won't drink this weekend, but it will be a struggle. Got through the shopping and didn't think twice about not doing what I needed to do. 4 kids!! And a useless husband! Sounds like a lot of work-- I have two girls ages 8 and 11 and the son of my boyfriend who is 12. He's a pain in the ass-- and most of our stress comes from different values and different ways regarding raising the kids. Let's see how it goes.
              What is hen night in Australia like? Is it an all night event? Do you have to put on a performance like Meryl Streep in mama mia?-- God ,I hope not!! Where is your mother coming from? Does she stay with you the entire time?
              big hugs


                Newbies Nest

                LC i got rid of the hubby when my youngest was 14 and he is now 20. Gave him to my ex best friend. Lucky her but they are both needy and suit each other. I am happily single. The 12 yr old is a pain in the ass or the bf lol. Its hard trying to parent two lots of children and one seems to get away with more than the other. Did that also with a bf i had after hubby.

                God the hens night involves staying at a motel in the city, drinks and nibbles beforehand, then strippers (quite looking forward to that) and then a nightclub. I am thinking i will skip the nightclub. I have been trying to get out of it but my daughters say no way. My mother lives in Qld and she will be here in exactly a month she told me today. She will fly down and stay for the wedding, oh then there is her birthday in early december, oh and then there is xmas, oh and it is january and summer here and the list goes on. I love her dearly but............

                I'm an only child since my brother died so its up to me and she is 78 this year. I just think she looked after me so i return the favour. She is great for her age though, going to buy a second hand car so she can get around which is good as she used to rely on me on weekends.

                Hope the kidlets are behaving and bf has gone on his way to work. xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Avail, the hens night sounds like fun!! It might be possible after the strippers to get out of the night club-- will you be the only "older" woman there? I think I would try to get out of it-- or just to go for a very short time.? You said you were also close to your daughters friends, didn't you? That's a tough one--
                  I think you're lucky to have the time with your mother-- I hope I will have the opportunity to "take care" of my mom when she's older. I've always said that when my little one is 18, I will head back to care for my parents. I hope that turns into reality. Great that she's so independent at that age!!
                  ooops, call coming in-- have a great rest of your day-- will prob see you later--xo


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Saturday morning Nesters!

                    I'm enjoying some good coffee while waiting for some sunshine (seems to be taking it's time getting here :H)

                    Lifechange, I hope the rest of your day goes well for you

                    Available, sounds like you have a very busy time coming up. Being AF through all that will be a huge help. Nice to hear your Mom is doing so well. I've missed mine for so long, she passed 27 years ago.

                    gambler & C-Dev, you two are starting to sound like virtual twins
                    Glad you are both enjoying the small things in life sans AL!

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Last night was harder than I thought it would be. I'll definitely need a solid plan for tonight. Maybe a movie or something. Actually, I really need to make a plan for the whole day. Often the weekend is a good excuse for me to start drinking in the early afternoon. Not today!
                      You had the power all along, my dear.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh for crying out loud..this insomnia is gonna get the better of me. So my Saturday morning kickoff started at 2am because my stupid fire alarm starts that chirping thing that it does from "low battery warning"..I get out of bed and almost ripped the thing off my ceiling trying to get it off lol (its one of those wired in jobbies thats a pain to get unplugged). So 4:30 rolls around and I had to just accept that its time to plug the coffee maker in. So I go to turn on the light and you guessed it POP ! Burnout ! Oh man..*sigh* I grab a new bulb and undo the cover to replace it right ? Easy enough eh ? But nooo ! You guys know that certain deep wrenching feeling you get when you start to unscrew a bulb and its just coming out to easy ? You guessed it ! The damn thing broke apart in the socket ! *deeper sigh* so after a half an hour with some plyers and a screwdriver I remove said POS bulb and then there was Light ! So I have leave the little chunkages of light bulb on the floor because Im positive my neighbor would not appreciate the vacuum cleaner echoing through his open window at 4:30am. So my Saturday morning got shanked at the 30 yard line but it was recovered. I just let it roll off my shoulder and laughed it really was kinda comical if you think about it :H I could swear He has some friends in low places if you know what I mean

                        Sake123;1558989 wrote: Good Evening Nesters - Although I have only been visiting this forum for a short time, I genuinely care about each of us and our struggle to change our lives (and in turn those who care about us). Every time someone has one more day, it makes me happy. After all, I need to live in the here and now. And right now, it sounds like everyone is doing their very best with what they have. Congrats to everyone here, right now! We're doing second, minute, hour, day, week, month & year at a time!! Scream, holler, cry, laugh, or just be silent...just don't drink! Happy Friday Everyone...I for one and thankful to be here today.
                        I couldnt have said it better myself !.. there is nothing I can add to that post Sake so Ill just leave it at that.

                        C-Developer;1559000 wrote: DUDE! That is so odd, but I have all the sudden developed a taste for yogurt as well, and, like yourself, it has pretty much been since childhood that I have ever touched the stuff. It's so friggin odd that many of your actions seem to mirror my own. I have become pretty much addicted to a particular brand. It's also Yoplait (cherry), but it has a small packet of granola on top to pour into it. It is BOSS in my humble opinion, and better still, also relatively healthy for me. You should give it a shot.
                        Hey C-Dev .. If you suddenly developed the urge for pudding or brown milk then your really gonna freak the Crap outa me ! Seriously .. I very rarely eat anything sweet but last night I saw some butterscotch pudding and Had to have It ( Im hitting the Tapioca next ! no joke ). I also saw some chocolate milk and into the basket it went.. ? oh yea.. I got the cherry orchard .. and the strawberry, strawberry/banana, blueberry, peach and to top it off some french vanilla rofl. Hey it was 20 for 10 bucks man! I never did like granola..but what the hell ill give a try and get back to you.

                        broken halo;1559009 wrote:
                        morning nesters, just thought I'd post a quick hi as I eat my Weetabix. I'm loving this growing bromance between C Dev and gambler, so cute!
                        Naa...its just some manly man chest bumping and high fiven' going on..

                        =broken halo;1559009I've been a busy lady, and have got some things out of the way that I have been putting off for months, mostly relating to my mother's death in March. I feel strong enough now to deal with that stuff. AL free.
                        Bah ! .. Ive been sitting here for 20 minutes writing..deleting..writing..deleting. I want to say something but ? Us guys suck at these things ( especially guys with only a few hours of sleep )..but this is all I can come up with " :h "
                        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                        AF: 9-10-2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dave I so relate to that insomnia thing. I get really stupid with only 4-5 hours of sleep. Found myself stopping for a green light the other day. Not good.
                          Congratulations Available and Lifechange. 3 weeks today. You've got it. Just remember what Byrdie says about complacency.
                          Bhalo glad you are doing good.
                          Kailey keep on going. It gets easier.
                          Ican I'm glad you aren't giving up.
                          My hubby and I went shopping last night. Now we don't have much money but $20 is fun to spend at that wonderful store Bed Bath and Beyond. That place is huge and fun. When you aren't worried about your next drink or not spending the booze money you can slow down and look at everything. Hey maybe more fun for me then for him, but he was out of the house and not thinking about al. (me too).
                          Have a great af day everyone.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sorry sake I just read that post where you are out of your mind. I can relate. Ot made me laugh. Thanks. I know that wasn't the intention. Yes insomnia for me this morning too. 3 hours of sleep and that looks like it for now.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all,
                              Slept pretty well until dh threw up at 5 clue why...poor baby..
                              Need to pay bills today and tidy up around here. I have neglected things lately and guess is still here waiting for me...;-))

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Guys and Dolls,

                                Hope all is well with everyone on this fine Saturday. I actually have something outside my normal routine of working out, interior decorating, playing video games, and comparing notes with Gambler to report today.

                                After my 30 days was complete, I decided that I wanted to do something to reward myself for being such a good boy, and today I finally acted on it. Since working out has quickly become my foremost obsession, I figured why fuck around with it? Why not go for the gusto? For me, the gusto comes in the form of a 6'2'' ripped to pieces gentleman named Marc who I have hired as a personal trainer 3 days a week to help me streamline my routine. Marc used to work for the Green Bay Packers organization and is also certified in sports medicine and kinesiology.

                                Coming from intercollegiate athletics back in the day, I have worked with trainers before, so the initial intimidation factor was not what it might be for some people. However, after my first appointment this morning, it is abundantly clear that I am not in Kansas anymore.

                                Most of this morning's appointment was him taking note of what I am currently doing, accessing my level of overall fitness through a barrage of strength and agility drills, him telling me where I am selling myself short, and devising a course of training and nutrition to achieve my goals (though I was ashamed to admit that I am not sure what my goals even are). Apparently most of his clients are involved in competitive sports in one facet or another, so their goals are easier to measure. As for me? Hell if I know. Maybe to get a summer job next year on the weekends moonlighting as a life guard?

                                In any event, it feels good to have a new project to sink my teeth into.

                                I hope everyone has a fantastic AF saturday!

                                In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                                AF since August 18, 2013

