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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Afternoon all you nesters,

    We are getting 2 to 4 inches of snow today. It is pretty. Not like all your snow Lav, my kids would love to have all your snow.

    Just popping in. Need to go clean and rearrange a few things.

    wishing everyone a great monday. MM


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Monday.

      A good day at work without a hangover. Glad it's a short week. Not looking forward to the New Year's mayhem, but at least it's another long weekend.

      Hi Lav and Mm. We got a couple inches yesterday. None today, just a bit colder.

      Take care all.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Nesters!

        No snow here today MM & Tranq, just very cold!! Single digit wind chills.......Brrr!
        I'm glad Christmas is over - it was nice. I'm worried about New Year's myself - never go anywhere or do anything
        That's easy!

        Wishing you both a safe night, stay warm........I'll leave the night light on just in case anyone else flies in!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nest Mates!

          We're open for business
          Have a great day!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello all

            I am sorry if I'm not supposed to post in this thread. I've posted a couple of times in other threads - I am in Oz and just feeling a bit too nervous to join the 'Next Day" thread at the moment! So I thought I'd sneak in here, and hope it's ok. I have been kind of cutting down for the best part of a year, but for the last couple of months I've been systematically doing so, and am now down to one small glass a day. Today (which is Wed here) is my last day of drinking thank goodness - there is about 3/4 glass left in the bottom of the bottle of chardonnay which I'll finish tonight (because I've been trying to taper really carefully due to being scared of having a fit). That means that tomorrow will be my first totally sober NYE for over 40 years - I'm scared but so excited! Actually I won't really be celebrating tomorrow night as such in anycase, as have 2 year old grandson overnight so that my daughter can go out and party. Hope everyone is well and ok with me posting in this thread.



              Newbies Nest

              Hi mandalay, welcome to the Nest!
              Glad you've decided to join us
              Congratulations on your progress so far, you're doing the best thing you can do for yourself & your family. My grandson just turned 1 last month - I know how important it is to be totally present for them. Please stay close to us, if you have any questions, just ask! Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year.

              I'll be back later
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Mandalay of course you can post on this thread - we love having newcomers in the nest. Post wherever you like my friend.
                Many congratulations on tapering so successfully - it sounds like you have put a fantastic plan into place and this bodes well for your further success.
                I look forward to getting to know you better.
                See you later
                love Sooty



                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Sooty and Lavande for the welcome

                  The plan is fine - it's its execution that may be a problem! I am full of admiration for everyone here who is doing so well and I hope I can name myself among you in the days, weeks and months to come. It's good to be among new friends who understand.

                  Blessings for the coming year!



                    Newbies Nest

                    Mandalay you are bound to feel nervous and apprehensive - just hang on in there, stick with us on here and share your ups and downs. We all know what it feels like and all want to help each other.
                    If you want to succeed you most certainly will and we'll cheer you every step of the way.
                    I've got to go now cos its nearly my bedtime - see you tomorrow


                      Newbies Nest

                      See you tomorrow, Sooty. Hope you sleep well and over 'the bug'.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Mandalay, Glad to have you here. And great job with drinking so little. I'm a start and not stop till I had to many when I'm home kinda gal. Seem to only be able to do the one drink thing when I go out. Would love to chear you on while I keep learning myself. my plan is sobriety. :welcome: MM


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Mandalay - I trust you have found a comfy twig to settle on Stick with us, we're glad to help!

                          Sooty & MM, always good to see you here, you know that! I think we'll all feel better when the holidays are over & we can get back to our usual know what I mean!

                          Hang in there everyone - the holiday season is almost over
                          Have a safe night in the Nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Mandalay.

                            Ditto the comments by Lav and Sooty. You should not hesitate to post anything anywhere here on MWO. No one judges - everyone is caring and helpful. You already know you have the ability to control the drink, since tapering-back the way you did shows a lot of guts and determination. I read your initial post and was impressed by your taking such positive steps in getting to this point. Your fears are understandable, but there's not much use in worrying too much - since you can't know for sure what will happen. Just take it as it comes, and deal with whatever arises.

                            Hi Lav and Sooty. Late day and night today.
                            Take care.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Tranq, Lav and MM

                              Thank you for the kind words. I'm facing tonight with very odd feelings. I've actually poured the very last few dribbles of chardonnay into the glass and am about to finish it. I expected to feel more worried than I do - to be honest, it's like the time a friend came to stay - turned out that gossiping over cups of tea about the children, work, husbands etc was one thing... when forced to be in close quarters for several days, having to share the bathroom, the annoying way she clinked the spoon in her cup, etc (and I am quite sure a million things she found about me that she realised she didn't like after all) was really irritating. She ended up overstaying her welcome and as I waved her off I felt this huge wave of relief sweep over me, and the certainty that I never ever would invite her to stay with me again because we simply didnt end up getting along too well after all. And that's about as near as I can come to how I feel tonight. This glassful of what once seemed like nectar, and made me feel so good, made me laugh and gave me such a good time, has completely overstayed its welcome and I just want gone.

                              OK, well now it's gone, and now the hard work starts. Thank you for bearing with me. I only hope I don't let myself and you all down, after all your kind words and support. (At the last count, there are about 50 bottles of wine on the wine rack which somehow I have to learn to just live with!)



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Tranq, Lav and MM

                                Thank you for the kind words. I'm facing tonight with very odd feelings. I've actually poured the very last few dribbles of chardonnay into the glass and am about to finish it. I expected to feel more worried than I do - to be honest, it's like the time a friend came to stay - turned out that gossiping over cups of tea about the children, work, husbands etc was one thing... when forced to be in close quarters for several days, having to share the bathroom, the annoying way she clinked the spoon in her cup, etc (and I am quite sure a million things she found about me that she realised she didn't like after all) was really irritating. She ended up overstaying her welcome and as I waved her off I felt this huge wave of relief sweep over me, and the certainty that I never ever would invite her to stay with me again because we simply didnt end up getting along too well after all. And that's about as near as I can come to how I feel tonight. This glassful of what once seemed like nectar, and made me feel so good, made me laugh and gave me such a good time, has completely overstayed its welcome and I just want gone.

                                OK, well now it's gone, and now the hard work starts. Thank you for bearing with me. I only hope I don't let myself and you all down, after all your kind words and support. (At the last count, there are about 50 bottles of wine on the wine rack which somehow I have to learn to just live with!)


