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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mr Vervill;1560864 wrote: Gambler, with a cap G, Nice to make your acquaintance. Congrats on the new (possible) job. Wishing you the best. I missed when you joined the nest, but from what I can discern over the past two days, you're a single dad with two boys? Fill me in, if it doesn't bore the rest of the group. Seems like those kids need the positive example you're trying so hard to supply. I'm proud of you for realizing this.
    Top of the morning to you Mr V and the pleasure is mine. The job is in the bag .. um.. I mean 98% because I dont like to say for sure until I grab a grinder But thank you.

    Well the whole joining thing happened so fast that I think I even missed part of it

    I would love to fill you in ( All the rest of you can skip the next few pages of text ! ). No really, thank you for your interest but at this juncture it would be somewhat difficult. However the basic version is that almost 2 months ago my wife of 10 years moved out with the boys ages 7 and 9. Its not about examples or realizations. It just happened. I woke up one morning at 2am.. searched for "how to quit drinking". I read thread after thread and page after page. I continued nonstop to read over a hundred pages of threads and posts. Something happened within me that just clicked. So at approx. 11am I joined and posted my thread. That was Sept 10th and I have not had a drink since. I never intended to quit.. it just happened.

    So yes..getting divorced, quit drinking, changed almost Every aspect of my life and I am on top of the world right now

    Thats about the best I can give you. I hope to enjoy your company in the future. Till then I bid you a pleasant evening.

    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!!

      Bhalo, you sound to be on top of the world-- I saw you started an 80 day thread-- almost to 90, you are! Then you get to join the lucky 100 club. That seems like a very cool place to be and I can't wait to get there. I just have a short 75 days to go!

      Hello Mr V! I haven't met you before, but it sounds like you've been around! I can unfortunately relate to your working hours. I had to work yesterday from 8-1930, THEN had to go to parent-teacher night, which I left early at 10pm. I almost pulled my hair out! Good to see you here!

      Great going on the sale, Byrdie!-- Are you selling something I'd be interested in buying? I know you're an amazing saleswoman--I'm envious of your abilities!

      Piper, I'm also working on a list of gratitude-- I could really relate to your post. Not so much this time, but from the past. You reminded me that these times are coming-- the flat times, which of course everyone, whether drinking or not, experiences.

      Ican and Jennie-- I'm pulling for you, too. You're both in my thoughts--just don't give up on trying! Like everyone says, and I believe-- about a lot of things in life, actually, but especially here-- you don't fail as long as you don't give up.:l

      Hey Available--How are you? Along with Dottie (hi Dottie) we're almost at the big 30!!! I had my doubts in the beginning that we could all make it, but it's looking good, eh? I've only done this one other time and then I made it to 59 days.-- last jan/feb. I didn't drink at all for about 2 years when I was pregnant and breast feeding my eldest-- and I didn't drink during the 2nd pregnancy. But otherwise it's been ongoing and I'm so ready to be done with it!!! I AM done with it.

      Lav, you're always so busy with those grand kids of yours-- so nice that you have so much time to spend with them! How are the chicks?

      hi NS!! Good going on the new job, Gambler! hi to Sanchez and K9 and Lbeagle and Roonie and where's Cdev? and a big Hello to everyone else stopping in today.

      I'm off to work now and then to the gym after!! I hope I actually make it there. Sometimes I'm so tired after work I can't imagine exercising-- but usually I'm glad I did. See you all lateR....


        Newbies Nest

        Wednesday's PLAN
        1. do not let the stress of the workday follow me home
        2. hot yoga at 1pm and if i can't make that class, 5pm
        3. drink TONS of water today and have a nice snack BEFORE driving home at witching hour
        4. restock kitchen with lemons for my seltzer and lemon cocktail
        5. Plan what to make for dinner BEFORE going to work so that is not another stress at witching hour
        6. make dinner, feed kids, take son to guitar
        7. get to bed early with camomile tea
        8. blissfully sleep
        I just won't anymore


          Newbies Nest

          there are three deer in my backyard right now. They have been wandering around for about a half hour. They take their time, nibbling here and there. They are so calm and graceful! I just watch them, hoping I can get to that level of calmness. It is an inspiration.......... which is why I am not doing what I usually do - say skat!!!! those deer are beautiful to watch but they eat all my flowers!!!!! Such beauty and destruction all wrapped up in one
          I just won't anymore


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            They very well could be the three deer that crossed the road in front of me a couple of morning ago jennie. Looked like a ballet, really
            I hope your detailed plan leave you with the calmness & serenity you desire!

            Greetings lifechange! My chicks are doing great, thanks for asking. Take a look on the 100 day thread, I posted a updated picture there yesterday. Hope you have a great day!

            Greetings to everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful AF Wednesday (Hump day)!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              LC hello and we are doing so well. It is nice to have nesters on the same day. Dottie very proud of you also and keep going. I think we all have our doubts and that is why we have to be on our toes but i so love waking up in the morning with no hangover, even though the sleep pattern is up and down it is great. Went on another date at lunch yesterday and god forbid tomorrow is date two. Totally different being sober on a date. I do find it hard though as we are all the life of the party after a few drinks but so far so good. Life is different and so much better. Had a great chat to my mum tonight and totally sober, many a time i could not remember. i have not told her i am AL free but i know when i do she will be ecstatic.

              Jen we dont have deer here and it sounds like a beautiful sight. Mind you I dont have kangaroo jumping in my backyard either. Its called suburbia. Its all about the little things really.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Good mornin my fellow nesters. I hope everyones grooming is going well

                I have another full day planned out so I cant stay..but rest assured I will be back later almost non stop ( later today I plan on dealing with my rats nest called My Desk drawers :shocked: Four out of 5 drawers I can hardly open..just a bunch of crap jammed in there lol. I dont think I need 48 old phone chargers or those old 5 pound printer cables any more So Im going to sort it out while chillaxing in the nest.

                I would like to give a big :l to the mods for Removing "that guy" from early this morning. :thanks:

                Welp Im off for a bit so wishing everyone well.
                Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                AF: 9-10-2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Seems to be an active nest this morning. Nice fall weather here - no bugs, no humidity, nice sunshine. Dogs happy, I'm happy. All's well.
                  Mr. V - good to see you back!
                  Jenn - nice detailed plan - stick with it!
                  Lav - gonna go check out your chicks! We too have deer but our dogs chase them away before they even start to nibble on my flowers. Yeah!
                  Lifechange - good call on CDev - where you be CDev?
                  Wine-No! - How you doing?
                  Dave/LB - Congrats on new jobs - LB I had to laugh when you said you were at yet another drinking house.
                  BH - closing in on 100 days - right?
                  Hello to all the newbies and other nesters I missed and hang tough!
                  Off to do barn chores and dogs for a hike. Just want to be outside on a day like today. Save the closet cleaning for January! lol
                  Have a glorious AF day everyone!


                    Newbies Nest

                    I will NOT drink tonight....that's my plan


                      Newbies Nest

                      "Hey Available--How are you? Along with Dottie (hi Dottie) we're almost at the big 30!!! I had my doubts in the beginning that we could all make it, but it's looking good, eh? "

                      I am so glad we are almost there too! I have not made it to 30 in a very long time...I am so proud of us!!!

                      Got up tired today..but I walked the dog and now reading emails etc.....
                      Puppy and I start training tonight...she is pretty smart so this should be fun.


                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ican - Remember your resolve when tonight rolls around. You do NOT want another hangover, you want to be sober. You can do this, I know you CAN!

                        Capital G gambler aka Dave - I don't care if you have a license, come on over and clean up my house for me...please? :H Oh my gosh it is a MESS. How can ONE ROOM being a mess wreck the entire house? I'll tell you how...there's a mattress in the kitchen, shelves and dressers in the dining clothes are all over the table, boxes of shoes everywhere...and it's going to be like that for a few more days until the new carpet is laid. UGH....this would have been the perfect excuse for me to drink in the past so that it would all just "go away"....but nope, gotta deal with won't be like this much longer.

                        Enough whining from me today. Everyone stay strong in your plans not to drink today. Alcohol ruins lives, we've seen it over and over. You can do this...stick close!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Omg I want to get off this roller coaster !! I've had the worst hangover all day - even dropped the kids off thisorning and I knew I was over the limit !!! I could cry I feel so crap about it all. I don't want to waste any more days of my life like I have today cos I'm so rough ! I don't know where to start :-(
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Quest - So sorry to hear you're feeling bad today. Get through today by taking care of yourself as much as possible, rest and stay hydrated. Then...get a PLAN. You have to work at being sober, it doesn't just happen...believe me, I hoped it would happen for years and it didn't until I got SERIOUS. Remember how you feel right NOW and how you never want to feel this way again. When you think of drinking, fast forward to this feeling...what you feel right now is the truth about alcohol, it's poison. Take care of yourself today and keep us posted on how you're doing. :l
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Quest - You already started by posting here! Take advice from people with time under their belt like K9. I have also taken my daughter to school when I was still drunk/buzzed from the night before. It's an awful feeling. use that and anything else you can as fuel to get sober. The people on this forum are so awesome. You'll get the support you need - that much I know! Take care of yourself!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Holy Moly, Nesters!
                                Just getting to a point where I could check in. No good deed goes unpunished....about my sale:
                                Where'd you get THIS pricing?
                                Who approved this?
                                We haven't been trained on this yet! Are you nuts?
                                They want it when?

                                Eheheh....sad, true. Since when is the SALESPERSON the enemy?? This is nothing new, so I will persevere....

                                Quest, so good to see you. The best place to start is by getting all the AL out of your space and vowing to buy no more. This is the best possible place to start. Be sure to check out the Tool Box, too, so much inspiration there and how-to's! We all started with Day 1, I know you can do this. Stick with us and post! Being part of the group will help you be accountable. This isn't a spectator sport it takes audience participation! We are so glad you are with us, we can help!!

                                Hope everyone is having a productive day!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

