Well the whole joining thing happened so fast that I think I even missed part of it

I would love to fill you in ( All the rest of you can skip the next few pages of text ! ). No really, thank you for your interest but at this juncture it would be somewhat difficult. However the basic version is that almost 2 months ago my wife of 10 years moved out with the boys ages 7 and 9. Its not about examples or realizations. It just happened. I woke up one morning at 2am.. searched for "how to quit drinking". I read thread after thread and page after page. I continued nonstop to read over a hundred pages of threads and posts. Something happened within me that just clicked. So at approx. 11am I joined and posted my thread. That was Sept 10th and I have not had a drink since. I never intended to quit.. it just happened.
So yes..getting divorced, quit drinking, changed almost Every aspect of my life and I am on top of the world right now

Thats about the best I can give you. I hope to enjoy your company in the future. Till then I bid you a pleasant evening.