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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks guys !! Well, I've had my evening meal and I'm doing some computer work in front of the tv - I love love love being sober - so why do I keep drinking ? I watched a documentary today on Paul gascoin a British footballer and alcoholic - so so sad !! I just thought omg that's me if I carry on !! One comment that stirred me was made by his kids - they said that when he drank they felt like they weren't enough for him to stay sober - I just thought "is that how my kids feel?"

    How bad is that ?
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Newbies Nest

      Daily check in here. Coming here late again. Busy with downtown at the moment. Off to catch up on posts. Hope you're all safe xx


        Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters!

        I can, how are you doing? I hope your plan is working out

        Hello Quest, I have the Gascoigne programme recorded, I am going to try and watch it tomorrow. I really fear for the guy and hoe he's doing okay. It's good to see you here and feeling so happy being sober!

        Byrdy, I am a sales manager, I know what you are talking about! Well done on your sale, no matter what they say! :l

        available, dottie, you guys are doing great. It will be great to see the three of you guys getting to that 30 day mark.

        Hi K9, Dave, Sanchez, lovely to see you all posting. You too Sake. Everyone sounds so positive, I love it!

        I've had a busy day, work is hectic. Went to the pub with my daughter and some friends after work. I can handle that quite easily as it's mostly to get something to eat and I am always driving. I never have a drinking head on when I am driving, even when I was at my worst I could handle it (although I usually had drink in the house to come back to!) Some had a glass of wine or beer, some had a diet coke like me. Afterwards I took my friend to the supermarket for some stuff when I was dropping her off.. That involved my companion wanting to look at the booze bargains as she doesn't usually shop at that particular store. I haven't told her I have stopped, we aren't that close and it's none of her business really.

        The shelves were depressingly depleted for a Wednesday evening just before payday.

        She bought a good few 'bargains' and I felt sad as I dropped her off. Not for myself, not sad that I was missing out. I felt sad for her, and her future hangovers. Sad for all the empty shelves, all the hangovers, the trouble all that AL will cause people.

        But I can't stay sad for long. It's a choice people are making, I can't make it for them, I can only make my own choices. Tonight I chose again not to drink. And that makes me very happy. I hope all me fellow nesters are making the same choice. :l
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          Kit Kat Hangover!!

          Why did I buy Halloween candy already??? I know better than to even have it in the house. I am not to be trusted. NoSugar will have my head for this! Don't tell her! (plus I have spoiled my appetite for dinner!!)
          BLEH!!! B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Oye!! I hate that. I can't have candy in my house either...not ever! I can sniff it out like a blood hound. Oh well, don't worry. You only have 3 more months of holidays to get through!


              Newbies Nest

              broken halo;1561154 wrote: Evening nesters!

              I can, how are you doing? I hope your plan is working out

              Hello Quest, I have the Gascoigne programme recorded, I am going to try and watch it tomorrow. I really fear for the guy and hoe he's doing okay. It's good to see you here and feeling so happy being sober!

              Byrdy, I am a sales manager, I know what you are talking about! Well done on your sale, no matter what they say! :l

              available, dottie, you guys are doing great. It will be great to see the three of you guys getting to that 30 day mark.

              Hi K9, Dave, Sanchez, lovely to see you all posting. You too Sake. Everyone sounds so positive, I love it!

              I've had a busy day, work is hectic. Went to the pub with my daughter and some friends after work. I can handle that quite easily as it's mostly to get something to eat and I am always driving. I never have a drinking head on when I am driving, even when I was at my worst I could handle it (although I usually had drink in the house to come back to!) Some had a glass of wine or beer, some had a diet coke like me. Afterwards I took my friend to the supermarket for some stuff when I was dropping her off.. That involved my companion wanting to look at the booze bargains as she doesn't usually shop at that particular store. I haven't told her I have stopped, we aren't that close and it's none of her business really.

              The shelves were depressingly depleted for a Wednesday evening just before payday.

              She bought a good few 'bargains' and I felt sad as I dropped her off. Not for myself, not sad that I was missing out. I felt sad for her, and her future hangovers. Sad for all the empty shelves, all the hangovers, the trouble all that AL will cause people.

              But I can't stay sad for long. It's a choice people are making, I can't make it for them, I can only make my own choices. Tonight I chose again not to drink. And that makes me very happy. I hope all me fellow nesters are making the same choice. :l
              Love this broken - and how true !!

              I heard on the radio a while ago that Wednesday is the night of the week where people reach for the bottle to get through the rest of the week !! Sad but true x
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all .. Welcome quest and K9 and BH thx for chkg on me... Strong right now but I need to eat dinner ASAP .... That helps a lot... Keep going Dottie avail and LC ... Can't wait to see your 30th!!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hang in there everyone for your 30 day Hats!!! I'm so proud of each of you!!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1561157 wrote: Kit Kat Hangover!!

                    Why did I buy Halloween candy already??? I know better than to even have it in the house. I am not to be trusted. NoSugar will have my head for this! Don't tell her! (plus I have spoiled my appetite for dinner!!)
                    BLEH!!! B

                    :h:h:h NS


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi, Ican, Quest, Jennie,and anyone else who is trying to get this going.

                      I read an article today about how the most successful people in various endeavors "start before they are ready". I think it applies here - just start being a non-drinker RIGHT NOW. Don't think about it anymore. Your addicted voice will always be able to convince you to drink if you engage with it. I bet very few people here (other than perhaps those that reached an almost tragic rock bottom) were honestly ready to quit when they finally did so.

                      I was sick of being on that roller coaster, too, Quest and one day just decided that that was it. I was done. That day really was no better or worse than countless others - I just decided to join MWO and dive in. If I had actually thought about joining an online forum such as this and revealing so much about myself, I never would have done it. If I'd known I was going to feel like I'd been hit by a truck for 2 weeks and become almost a hermit for 3 months, my addicted voice may have talked me out of it. So, don't over-think this, don't bargain with yourself, just be done drinking and deal with the consequences of that great decision as they arise. And no matter what happens, don't drink, and day by day you'll become successfully AF even though you weren't ready to do it.

                      :h NS


                        Newbies Nest

                        K9Lover;1561065 wrote: Capital G gambler aka Dave Oh my name is getting longer !
                        K9Lover;1561065 wrote: - I don't care if you have a license, come on over and clean up my house for me...please? :H Let me just put my sandles on and cross the desert for there in 3 months
                        K9Lover;1561065 wrote: Oh my gosh it is a MESS. one sec..I see a crumb on my floor..gonna have to vac the house ..brb..
                        K9Lover;1561065 wrote: How can ONE ROOM being a mess wreck the entire house? I'll tell you how...there's a mattress in the kitchen, shelves and dressers in the dining clothes are all over the table, boxes of shoes everywhere...and it's going to be like that for a few more days until the new carpet is laid. Hold that thought .. I spy a dirty fork..brb..
                        K9Lover;1561065 wrote: UGH....this would have been the perfect excuse for me to drink in the past so that it would all just "go away"....but nope, gotta deal with won't be like this much longer.
                        Thank god for that !! Im getting worn out just reading your post ! :l

                        Byrdlady;1561127 wrote:
                        Holy Moly, Nesters!
                        Just getting to a point where I could check in. No good deed goes unpunished....about my sale:
                        Where'd you get THIS pricing?
                        Who approved this?
                        We haven't been trained on this yet! Are you nuts?
                        They want it when?
                        You should hear these boat owners ..
                        That much !!
                        That long !?
                        Can I get it cheaper and can I have it done by tomorrow ?
                        I tell them "Think Quality..Time..and Price .. But you can only have two of them."

                        broken halo;1561154 wrote:
                        But I can't stay sad for long. It's a choice people are making, I can't make it for them, I can only make my own choices. Tonight I chose again not to drink. And that makes me very happy. I hope all me fellow nesters are making the same choice. :l
                        Amen Halo !

                        Byrdlady;1561157 wrote:
                        Kit Kat Hangover!!
                        I just got a chocho milk brain freeze .. you know how much that stings ..

                        Yea I dont know about the candy buying thing..I think you have a problem there sis :l

                        Icanwithoutacan;1561164 wrote:
                        Hi all .. Welcome quest and K9 and BH thx for chkg on me... Strong right now but I need to eat dinner ASAP .... That helps a lot... Keep going Dottie avail and LC ... Can't wait to see your 30th!!!!
                        Hey Ican..I really enjoy seeing you here..there is something about it/you that I cant put my finger on. You just never give up man and that just brings a smile to me. Let me think about how to put the feelings into words and Ill get back to you..

                        Im sure I missed some nesters .. but to everyone here .. May the best of your past be the worst of your future..

                        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                        AF: 9-10-2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady;1561157 wrote: Kit Kat Hangover!!

                          Why did I buy Halloween candy already??? I know better than to even have it in the house. I am not to be trusted. NoSugar will have my head for this! Don't tell her! (plus I have spoiled my appetite for dinner!!)
                          BLEH!!! B
                          Birdie and no sugar 59 days and I still have sugar cravings. (Worse than AL cravings)and I don't like sweets. Rita's Mango custard is the bomb. Gotta stop! I ate a bag of spice drops driving home from work. Ugggh.
                          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                          William Butler Yeats


                            Newbies Nest

                            TJAF;1561183 wrote: Birdie and no sugar 59 days and I still have sugar cravings. (Worse than AL cravings)and I don't like sweets. Rita's Mango custard is the bomb. Gotta stop! I ate a bag of spice drops driving home from work. Ugggh.
                            Did you try L-glutamine when you were getting off AL? It works for sugar, also, and in fact, I found it much more useful for sugar.

                            Some people find sugar to be a helpful substitute for AL while others find it easier not to drink if they concurrently reduce or eliminate sugar. I guess we each need to find what works best .

                            Advance congratulations on reaching day 60 tomorrow! And it just gets better.


                              Newbies Nest

                              I am looking to our 30 day hat!!!! Hang on we can do this!!!!!

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks No Sugar Ill give it a shot
                                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                                William Butler Yeats

