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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    [QUOTE=Byrdlady;1562102]Morning, Nesters!
    So good to see everyone!
    3J! We missed you! So glad you are back.
    May I second what Lav says about being uncomfortable in social situations...this took some time to adjust to being sober at social events, but you really DO get used to it. That person you thought AL brought out is still down there, you just have to dig him/her out. It doesn't happen overnight, but it DOES happen. Now I can remember how obnoxious I was!!!! :H:H:H Just ACT drunk, it's kinda fun! All you gotta do is start talking louder, closer, and laugh at EVERYTHING! Spill something, for good measure! You'll fit right in!

    So Hilarious Byrdie! It's funny that you do remember how funny you THOUGHT you were! But I still spill lotsa stuff because I'm a clutz by nature. I'm also off balance a lot which is kinda weird, so alcohol or not, I'm one step away from tripping or looking like i'm teetering. My nickname in college was "grace" if that tells you anything. Maybe I'll change my screen name.

    Beautiful day here on the pond - hoping everyone has a great AF Saturday and rest of the weekend to boot.

    Later.... Attached files [img]/converted_files/2189800=7642-attachment.jpg[/img]


      Newbies Nest

      Sorry for my weird post - Byrdie's quote didn't come through as a quote, nor did my sunshine icon come through. Operator Error or a glitch. Hmmm.....


        Newbies Nest

        Haha Sanchez it took me two reads to see what happened .... Glitches -gotta love em .... Have a great day all


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning my fellow chirpers. Hope ya'll had a good friday night.

          3June2013;1561885 wrote: *snip* I think I made them a little defensive and I am working on a way to get my point across without making others feel they have to explain or defend their drinking. I am not sure that's possible, but I will keep you posted!
          Hi june and nice to meet you.. Im one of them there newbies you so fondly spoke of :l ( sorry I dont shake hands on the first meeting ).

          Yea I was feeling/seeing things that way after I started AF interacting socially with people I know. I think they feel uncomfortable due to the possibility that they might be seeing things inside themselves that make them feel that way. Maybe an "icebreaker" could be as simple as just being yourself. Dont feel the "pre-uncomfortableness" when you approach the topic ? I dunno just thinkin aloud here ..

          Lavande;1561887 wrote: I am at the age where I really do not care what other people think about what I do or don't do. There is something good about being 59
          I agree. I feel that as soon as you start to care then your basically conforming and catering to other peoples own insecurities.

          Icanwithoutacan;1561898 wrote: I made it and going to bed.

          Good job Ican .. keep it up man.. just keep them days rollin'. You got this man ! I know you know that too

          Byrdlady;1562102 wrote:
          If you are lurking, come on out and participate.
          Well if you think thats best Byrdie then I guess I can come out of my shell .. My average was up to 20 posts a days and she is so right ! .. Post up a storm if you need. You dont even have to talk about AF or AL ! Sure this forum has its roots in that.. but its also a place to express yourself in any way you want...Well I do at least and I haven't had anyone complain

          One thing that might help those that have a hard time putting into words how or what your trying to say is not to worry about having to write it all down as soon as you hit the "reply" button. Sometimes when I open a reply screen I will start off with a few sentences..stop..grab a cup of joe or make lunch..or even just sit here and listen to a song. I dont rush myself in the "omg I just opened this window I only have 2 minutes to post" mentality. If I dont know how to express myself at that moment I just stop typing and leave the window open until it comes to me ( You might want to Copy your "draft" ( Ctrl + C ) in case something botches. It may not work for everyone .. But it sure keeps me posting and not get in the middle of a post and Bricking then Deleting...

          Anyways I have to go do some errands .. Good day to all :h

          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
          AF: 9-10-2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hiya Nesters

            3J, so good to have you back here! Glad you had a great holiday, you deserved it. I understand about making other people feel uncomfortable, I just say I am not drinking, if they probe me further, I lie. Got the car, on antibiotics etc. I did say to one person that I had simply gone off it and was met with uproarious laughter. Followed by 'have a drink, that'll sort you out'

            Really, all I care about is being sober. I can't feel too bad about how other people deal with it, I am incredibly selfish and self protective about being sober. I am a very sociable person though, so I do understand. Lav hit it on the head, too busy being sober and enjoying life to care

            It's early Saturday evening here. I have had three texts already inviting me out to drinking sessions even after two and a half months. I just texted back saying 'sorry, busy.'

            That's not a lie. I am busy, had a really busy day, now doing some stretches and meditation as it's a rest day from the gym. Making a nice stir fry and looking forward to some TV and another good night's sleep.
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,
              Hue headache this morning but it is sinus and NOT alcohol..woohoo
              LAV I know u are right but it is hard for this type A person....
              Off to do something fun today.

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Afternoon friends
                just had a stink bug attack my nose! What a lovely thing we have here. Invasive things they are.
                Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. There's so much to do, and so little time to think about drinking, that I generally don't. No hangover, plenty of energy, and feeling good about being in the now.
                Type at you all later
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just checking in. Really fancy a beer...... The single one sitting alone in the fridge.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pour Londoner pour.... Down the drain then go have yourself an awesome nights sleep


                      Newbies Nest

                      Don't do it- stick it down the sink
                      Last drink 6th September 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening, Nesters!

                        First of all, Londoner, How are you doing? I'm with Ican--if you haven't already, go pour that beer down the drain! As you already know, it's not worth it in any way, shape or form. -- I really find that having no AL in the house is a blessing-- I think that most of the time I could probably handle it, but what's with the time when that sneaky voice comes a callin'? I think for the next long while I have to have a little buffer time between the thought and the action-- and having to run out to the store to buy it gives me a few more needed moments. And I'm being "selfish" in forcing my boyfriend to live by my rules-- at least for awhile. Please continue to check in here if you're still feeling like drinking! I'll be around for a couple of hours--:l

                        Bhalo, I was trying to remember today who it was that loves sleep so much! Each night, before going to bed, I so look forward to the nights sleep. Even around 5-6p.m., if I'm feeling a bit tired, I think, ahhh, just a little longer and I can fall into my comfy bed. And I know that even if I don't have the best nights sleep, I can still deal with the morning. That in it's self allows a deeper ability to relax, doesn't it?

                        Ican, great job conquering yesterday! Like a pro with a plan. How are you doing tonight? What are you up to this evening? Are you into any of the series that everyone's talking about? I guess tomorrow night is the final episode of Breaking Bad--

                        3June, I'm so happy to see you here again and to hear of your successful and relaxing vacation!-- When you were getting ready to leave I was just in the first days and I remember thinking, "four weeks vacation could be tough! smart choice going camping!"-- not that it would have made much of a difference if you wanted to drink, right? where you were going, I mean. I can also relate to what you said about telling people--wanting to find a way so that others don't feel like they have to justify themselves. I feel like I put people on the defense and I don't know if it could be my tone of voice or if I'm acting like I'm better and more disciplined (which is actually how I "can't help" feeling sometimes, but which I know is dangerous-- this holier than thou attitude) I'm working on it, 'cause I want to have it down when I go home in December for almost 5 weeks! I definitely just want to be strong and simple and clear-- not open for discussion or argument. Is that dumb?

                        Sanchez, what happened to that sunshine? Just a blank whit page! You want us to use our imaginations, don't you? Got it!

                        A big HELLO to Dottie and Lav and Byrdie and Beagle and Gambler and Sam and NS--and everyone else who stops by this evening. I'll be flying around and will check in later..


                          Newbies Nest

                          Caved. Sorry guys. One beer was left here from a family do ages ago, so had it.

                          It's done. No binge will entail though, which is my main problem.

                          At a point where life is at a standstill and that is when I turn to alcohol.

                          P.S. signature updated


                            Newbies Nest

                            Londoner, I'm sorry AL won this one. I hope that you will put this aside and continue the AF path. It IS time to live!

                            Settling in to a relaxing AL in sight! Have a good night everyone! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Tie me to the couch folks.....bad mood times 10 right now....all I can think of is to numb it.....
                              getting so close to 30, I don't want to blow it.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Guys and Dolls,

                                Sorry I have not been around to post in the nest of late, just been crazy busy at work and my newly streamlined after work exercise regimen is kicking my ass in a big way.

                                On the nights I meet with my trainer, he first takes takes a look over my nutrition journal and progress towards my weekly and monthly goals, and then we launch into my 45-50 min routine. The basics of it are quite similar to what I am accustomed to from my athletics days (alternating muscle groups by day and "shock" lifting by alternating exercises) but the intensity of it is dialed up by a factor of about 100. He is a big advocate of going "to failure" on the final set, which means until I simply can't do another rep, and trust me when I tell you that he is very good at getting me to reach deep inside and push out "just one more". After we finish up the final exercise, he tells me what I am doing well and what needs to be improved upon before leaving me alone to complete my cardio workout which consists of 5K on the treadmill.

                                I am just now getting to the point that I am not in agony from soreness on a daily basis, and I spend a great deal of time after my workout sitting in the steam room and Jacuzzi to let my tired muscles relax.

                                Another problem is nearly constant hunger. It's like I almost can't eat enough food to satisfy my need for it. I used to never be the type of person to eat breakfast. I would just grab a coffee on my way into the office. These days, my first thought when I open my eyes is FOOD! My trainer suspects that I have a naturally high metabolism, and my extremely enhanced level of physical activity exacerbates the problem.
                                I picked up a large tub of protein shake mix from GNC along with a nutritional supplement called creatine, which he recommended to make sure my caloric intake is enough and to enhance my workouts.

                                Even so, about 25 min ago I chomped down 3 grilled chicken breasts, damn near an entire head of broccoli with cheddar cheese sauce, and a huge wild rice pilaf and I am still hungry. Other than what I have mentioned above, life has been going as fine as could be. Life at the office is about as good as can be expected, and physically I look and feel better than I have in years.

                                I am going to have to think about updating my wardrobe soon though, since my old size 36 jeans
                                and L shirts just hang off of me now.

                                Sounds like most of you are hanging tough, which is so good to see. I promise I will start posting more regularly again soon, I am just in a bit of a transitional period at present.
                                In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                                AF since August 18, 2013

