Hey guys. I received a lovely PM from free and I apologize that I am going to copy and paste my reply here instead of an original post....Looks like lots of new folks in the nest - I hope everyone's doing great. Life has been busy. I've been waiting for it to slow down since spring. I am actually looking forward to cold weather so that I can have an excuse to not leave the house. ;-) Seems as if I run all day long...Anyway...here is an update from me.
Thank you so much for the beautiful note. I don't check in here as much as I should and I do honestly forget that I might be of use to somebody here.

I will add that the adjustment to interacting with people has gotten much easier...in fact one of those previous reasons for staying sober includes that I no longer feel that false confidence in dealing with people after drinking....I lost that confidence and the thought of talking with people if I did drink scares me to death....the mid sentence lost thoughts, etc. My real partying days are pretty much over I guess....but in reality, they were more in my head than anything....it was never as it seemed to me - unless the entire world acts differently when I'm not drinking...:H I may copy and paste this in the nest - part of my journey was to not focus so much on this site and on drinking vs. not drinking and I still need to not spend a ton of time on the computer....but you did remind me that some check ins would probably be good for me and maybe someone else too....It takes a long time to feel "real" but I'm getting there.
hang in there Free. This trip is filled with ups and downs....I've yet to see where it ultimately leads ...but driving along is definitely a huge step in the right direction as opposed to just sitting there with the engine running.
:h lola