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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just quickly popping in to say that I haven't given in. Had a shower, ate a lovely meal . Think I have passed the worst trigger but evening isn't over yet.

    Gonna eat some chocolate! Man this is hard
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      Newbies Nest

      Hello & welcome Justme!
      Congrats on your decision to kick AL outof your life, we don't need him
      Glad yuo found the nest, this is a good place. Please make yourself comfortable & hold on tight!

      Greetings everyone!
      Ican, just keep trying & if you really focus & commit yourself you will be successful. Lots & lots of us have done just that

      OK, back to work for me
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats BHalo on 90 days!!!:goodjob: What a great post-- I still haven't made that list of the things I lost while drinking and the things I've gained while not. I always read the lists of everyone else and think, ah yeah, me, too-- but tomorrow I will make it my job to write my own--

        Hi Just me-- It's good to see you here on day 3-- :welcome: I know someone with a lot of experience will come around soon with some very helpful and useful advice! I know my first days I jumped around reading as much as possible-- going back weeks here in the Nest and reading stories -- it's amazing how much we all have in common and it's nice not to feel alone or like nobody understands. If you feel like it, tell us a bit about yourself.--


          Newbies Nest

          Further;1564496 wrote: Day 5 for me. Had a tough time yesterday not stopping at the store on the way home, per my usual routine. I kept thinking, I could just have one or two. Who am I kidding! If I could do that, I wouldn't feel like shit so often. So, I made it, barely. Just focusing on how good I have felt this week. Man, I wish mj was legal, it would really help. But as my mom would have said, wish in one hand, pee in the other, and see which one gets full first : )Oh well, I need to get some things done. Hope everyone has one more good day!!
          Dear further, I was just like you and I remember my first week with AL after more than 10 years of drinking ..... What really helped me was that I used to stuff my self by food in evenings so that I don't get the cravings ... And it really helped.
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1564527 wrote: Hi, Rebirth

            One option (that I love!) is going to bed early and enjoying falling asleep, not passing out.... being able to read in bed (and remember)... I was extremely tired and cold for the first couple weeks anyway so going to bed early served all sorts of useful purposes!

            Just hang in there! Friday really is no different than any other day. Once you are done with AL, all of the days are truly yours!

            All the best to you, NS
            That's exactly I am enjoying now a days ... I remember I used to have only 2 stages at night when I was high ... Either super dozed off and collapsing stage or super alert ...

            I absolutely love the good night sleep I have been getting. I fact I have been sleeping way too much as if I was jet lagged (I guess I was AL lagged in a way)
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Nesters,

              We had a family dinner today. Few ppl did order AL but for me the stand was absolutely clear ... No AL !! My immediate family of course knows I was having AL issues ...

              Anyways what i do realise today is that I don't have friends ! I have been drinking alone for so long that I never though of networking or making some real friends. Didn't even bother being in touch with my school friends. Being a loner in school and shy in college didn't help. While I over camping my shyness and I got in touch with AL and that made me appear so lively and jolly and heck I used to feel good. I remember about 14 years back I was about to go on a date and I actually consulted a friend of mine that I should take a drink or two before going as it make me feels good and jolly.

              Today I have no friend ... Only acquaintances.

              I am so thankful to God I have my family. My wife who cares and although there is a big gap between us due to us living an isolated life .... Me drinking out and she waiting alone ...

              I am in mid 30s and now looking back I feel .... Was it worth it ? What was I doing all along ? Satisfying my urges and then becoming a slave to it. Spoiling my health.

              I feels good to share so pl bear with me ....

              I re completed my 7 days today !
              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
              Rebooting ... done ...
              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                Newbies Nest

                NoSugar, I'm going to take your advice and go to bed early!
                I hate to miss out on another Friday evening in the Nest-- I'm such a party pooper. But I'm beat and I have to say, I do so enjoy going to bed these days, knowing I'm in for a good sleep.
                Hang tight to the twigs tonight, Nesters!
                Positive energy floating out to all.xoxo


                  Newbies Nest

                  Rahul, Very well done on those 7 Days done! I can really understand what you're saying about friendships, as I let almost all of mine (and I didn't have so many) go to the wayside. I'm too tired to give a thoughtful reply tonight, but a big hug to you:l--Glad you are here..


                    Newbies Nest

                    All great posts.... I'm catching a nap then off to football game ... I will be fine tonight
                    NS yes I need a plan for that hard moment!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening my dear nesters!
                      Still trying to digest all the posts I have whizzed through. Been somewhat busy with work toddler and home so sorry! I must must come on more to keep my quit!

                      Ican- well done on trying again- not sure if you read about my trying to requit. I had to keep getting back on and each time my resolve to stop got stronger. Please do keep coming back and trying!

                      Lifechange- wow farm life- you seem to be having a blast and the girls are loving it. Thank you for your post. Brought tears. It is sometimes the knowledge that you help someone that is the most amazing rewarding thing. I hope we can help each other as we walk through each AF day! Here's to the next 30 days lol

                      Talking of which- congrats BHalo! 90!thats is such an fantastic achievement.

                      Rahul- please keep trying. Remind yourself of your reasons to quit. Go back and tead pairs from when you first quit! Good on you for not drinking at the family dinner. It is always too easy to just 'go with the flow'

                      Newbies! Hello. Hope you're making yourselves comfortable. This rally is a lovely place to be! Full of support hope and encouragement.

                      And for me... A quick one- never to be complacent. I hit 30 days and I believe. Day or so late I was craving. I had my old trigger of hunger so are as quick as I could but My! It is still so there. A drink whilst I give my baby her dinner! That was the old routine. I make sure now I stuff my face. I am sure I will be a stone heavier soon :-( will have to battle that one soon. I'm trying to stay off junk food but not really. Allowing one treat a day!

                      Gambler- CDev, Available, lavande, Byrdie, K9 And all those I missed- sorry I've not personal posted. One day I will do this from a lap too rather than my iPhone.

                      Night night nesters. Hope you're all safe this Friday night x


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just popping in to wish everyone a great weekend. We went out to dinner earlier and I really enjoyed it.. Without alcohol... Who would have thought it?!! I watched my hubby drink two large beers (he has quit AL during the week) and get more and more sleepy... It was as if he had been injected with a sleeping drug! He went to bed about 10pm tired out. I stayed up, caught up on some TV and relished having a clear head
                        AF since Halloween 2016

                        Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Phew. Made it. Off to bed. Will read up on everyone,s posts tomorrow.
                          Its good night from me and YEEHAH!!! for my first sober Friday this year.
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            Newbies Nest

                            Rahul, great job on 7 days! That gets you a prize around here!!!


                            Here's to kicking AL's arse for 7 full days! May you have many more moons to celebrate!!!
                            Broken Halo, 90 days! How'd that get by my radar??! GREAT JOB!!!
                            :goodtime: :goodtime: :goodtime:
                            Wow, you are going gangbusters! You do such good work around here, so supportive to everyone. It takes good, dedicated folks like you to make this place work. MWO is a better place because of you! Keep up the great work you do!!

                            Just me, welcome aboard and congrats on your 3 days! You are over the worst part!! So hang in there to day 7 and we'll give you a good mooning, too! We're glad you're here!!!

                            EDIT: Rebirth!!! Another day done and dusted! GREAT going!! Once you get that first Friday night under your belt, it gets easier! Very happy for you!!

                            Hang strong tonight nesters. Don't let the B*astard win! NOT one more day lost to AL! Take back the night! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening all,
                              Long day...up early and ran so many errands...doggies teeth are clean and she is sleeping on the back of the couch.
                              I had the "talk" with myself on the way home tonight..u know the one where I get a bottle of wine and enjoy Friday here I am drinking my water with lemon/mint.....need to shut that little voice up.....

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                G'day y'all,

                                Good to see you Rebirth, and well done.

                                All good here. Big wave to everyone.

                                Just do your best friends.

                                L8tr, Yo!

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

