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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Guitarista;1564617 wrote:
    Just do your best friends.

    Good to see you, Mr. G. And it is great to hear that you are doing well.

    :h NS


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Hi G - how the heck are you? Haven't seen you much lately

      BH, CONGRATS on 90 AF day - yay!
      Rahul, great on 7 days - keep going!

      Dottie, do anything you have to do to quiet the monkey mind. Distraction really works

      Wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        bcp2013;1564396 wrote: Hi everyone,been a while since l was here ,l'm 6 months and 3 days sober today,feel fantastic,life keeps getting better,l am now in the living ,wanting to do things like when l was a kid,sure feels good to not be hung over and not have that voice in my head always saying why are you doing this to yourself,freedom is what l call it,soon l am leaving my job of 16 yrs from canada post to do hair at home,l'm looking forward to this new venture,l feel l make alot of choices for me now.Happiness is in me way more,l may have a few tears sometimes but l feel my emotions now,don't grab a glass of wine for everything,Freedom is a great feeling ,to not be tied to any substnce is great,l can just be and l'm okay with that.For those of you struggling just know it does get easier and it's only a thought and a thought can be changed,lt only lasts a short period of time and you get busy doing something else,so keep your chin up and keep on moving forward to sobriety,nothing could be better!!! As well my triplet sister and my mom quit drinking all are very happy,my mom is 73 ,we all can do it"!!!
        bcp it's awesome to hear from you, and to know you are doing so well! Rock on my Canadian sister!!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          Friday night in the Nest

          Hey nesters how is your Friday going?

          I had a thought today, I wish everyone who is struggling, or considering quitting, could for one day have the feeling that one gets after being AF for a considerable length of time. Because I know that if you (they) could feel this way you (they) would never want another drink.

          broken halo congrats on your 90 days. I bet you agree with the above!

          Rahul you have friends here, and in time you can build a new network of friends. Friends who want to do something other than drink! Congrats on your 7 days that's awesome!

          I read of a lot of nesters struggling these days. I think in the beginning I read and watched videos constantly. I will try to find some links to share, they really got me through the tough times. I also found changing up my routines helped. Avoiding obvious situations and staying close to the nest helped too.

          I am trying to get familiar with the names and faces here, I've been away a little, bear with me and I look forward to getting to know you all better soon!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            Newbies Nest

            Hola Nesters!
            Just checking in...and so happy to make it through yet another Friday night af.

            BH-awesome 90 day achievement! Inspiring to say the least. Your post earlier was great.
            Rahul-congrats on day 7! Keep up the good fight.

            Worn out from a busy week myself. Calling it a night.
            Hope everyone is having a pleasant af night in the nest.


              Newbies Nest

              lifechange;1564450 wrote: Ican, I really feel for you-- we all do-- and you are doing the best thing in the world by continuing to come and post. You aren't giving up!
              You got it LF ! In fact Ican if your reading I feel for you very much for reasons that Im beginning to understand now.

              ICAN .. You have a tenacity about you that actually helps me. You see.. Your courage I have somehow connected with. Please dont take this the wrong way .. but I use that as strength in my own path and for that I Thank You ! I know its not your intention but I still find that certain something golden about you that makes me feel good. My heart is with you in every post that I read from you. Good or bad Im there not just reading them but feeling them. :l You keep on keeping on K ..

              lifechange;1564450 wrote: Gambler, I had to pull out the Prophet after your first quote and it was great to have on this little trip-it was only 4 days, but it seemed like a month with the amount of "stuff" I had to work through. I picked up and read, Speak to us of Giving... which was amazing to read and exactly what I needed in the moment. So I thank you for bringing him back into my life..
              LF.. the pleasure is mine. If you want .. you can read Johnathan Livingston Seagull next :h

              broken halo;1564551 wrote: Everyone struggles at times, and it doesn't always have to come back to the fact that we used to drink, or are trying to get sober. I hope reiterating it might help someone else, that's what this place is all about
              Thank you Broken Halo .. this is where Im at now ..I cant/dont equate my previous AL experiences as the source of most problems nor the cure for them. I dont live in the past and dont affiliate every single bad deal with AF..I still do for some .. but im getting rid of those fast. You might not have meant this part of your post this way.. but thats how Im taking/using it

              Justme223;1564558 wrote:
              Hi all, I've recently had a very bad experience with alcohol and realize it was the main culprit. I'm ready to take control and take my life back. Day 3
              Welcome to the MWO nesters forum ( I like to think of it as OWO Our Way Out here in the nest .. we are all in this cozy setup together ) I hope for us to get to know you better.

              Rahulthesweet;1564582 wrote:
              Anyways what i do realise today is that I don't have friends ! I have been drinking alone for so long that I never though of networking or making some real friends. Didn't even bother being in touch with my school friends.

              I feels good to share so pl bear with me ....

              I re completed my 7 days today !
              Hi Rahul.. I am in the same boat to a major extent. I have only one friend ( hes he drinks but its not a problem for me or him ). After that..Nothing. But at least I have pretty much a clean slate on which my life can be built on and around. I also find it most intoxicating to being able to share my ups and downs with others ( honestly the ups mainly lol )..and because this is my only outlet I take complete advantage of it. Unless they kick my out of my favorite heated twig spot I think a long time shall I be here. Congrats on your 7 day man ( oh god I hope your not a woman..that would make it like the 6th time for me to eat my presumption )

              MinStar;1564599 wrote:

              Gambler- CDev, Available, lavande, Byrdie, K9 And all those I missed- sorry I've not personal posted. One day I will do this from a lap too rather than my iPhone.
              Hey Minstar .. I dont know about them other cats but you needn't worry about this big nosed barker :-) .. Your personal postings are already there for me to read. Hell im not That vain .. well just a little bit maybe lol . So thanks for thinking of me

              Well guys I got me a few treats for this weekend with the boys from my stash of cash ( $$$ courtesy of the misplaced habit of AL ). A Blue Ray player is now part of my man cave. Oh.. oh and a brand spanking new calphalon pressure cooker ! Oh baby ! ( Yes C-Dev I got into cooking after I finished washing the ceiling and my chia pet farm culture ). Im looking forward to the first meal out of that gem ! Nothing else to report and too tired to type any more so Im going to start a movie and read some directions until I slumber.

              Wishing everyone a great weekend and a merry christmas ( Yes apparently by Bed Bath and Beyond standards christmas starts before halloween now for crying out loud ! ).
              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                hi gambler looking forward to hearing what you're cooking in that new cooker. I cook cabbage in mine mostly, and other veggies, since I don't eat meat, and let me tell you it's super fast!
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  Another AF Friday bites the dust....WooHoo
                  Night all

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Nice work Dottie!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Night all.... Back on track.... Yes 3J videos and stories and articles that all helps me so put links if possible
                      Dave.... What can I say ? You make me feel happy and I can't imagine you don't have people banging down your door for your friendship
                      To all my other nesters new and old or in between - good job and I'll see y'all in the morning
                      I'm kind of obsessed with this place


                        Newbies Nest

                        You know it's bad when you're talking to your real life friends and bring up your MWO friend said such nd such and they are like .... Who's Byrdie? ... And I'm like oh Nevermind you do t know her .. Lol.... Happens more and more and NO ONE knows about MWO so ... Awkward


                          Newbies Nest

                          Drugged High on Alcohol

                          Dottie here's one for starters. Very sad story.

                [/video]]Drugged High on Alcohol
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            Rain in my Heart

                            And another. This one is in ten parts but if you go to the first you'll find the rest. A real eye opener for me.

                  [/video]] Rain in my Heart
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Alcohol Lied to Me

                              This is a video made by the writer of Alcohol Lied to Me. I found the book really interesting and spoke to me on many levels.

                    [/video]] Alcohol Lied to Me
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                Saving Ed Mitchell

                      [/video]] Saving Ed Mitchell
                                Newbies Nest
                                My accountability thread

