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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    B Halo,
    So proud of you, really! Thanks for giving back to so many of us, It does make a difference.
    Ican, Also proud of you for sticking around and fighting. I too, understand the urge to fade away after a failure. I've really only been active here for a few months, after lurking, on and off, for a few years. What I have noticed is that many have come and gone in that short period of time. I often think about, and worry about what has become of some of them. Your coming back is proof that you are committed to this, no matter how hard it can be. You have let no one down here. We have all been, and many are still in the same position as you. If any one has been let down, it is yourself. But, you know that, and also know what needs to be done. We are all here to help you on that journey.
    Rahul, congrats on your recent success. Friends will come as you stop isolating yourself with AL. It's just a natural progression.
    Minstar, 30 days, Congrats, here's to the next 30!
    Lifechange, Thanks for all the insight.
    3J good to see you posting again, you have been so wonderful for so many of us.
    And based on a few new avatars, K9, Gambler, we truly have some beautiful people here.
    I know I've missed a few of you, but, I'm getting sleepy. 'night, all
    Mr V


      Newbies Nest

      I'm new here and I need help

      I've been an alcoholic for many years, and I can't seem to remain sober for more than a few days. I am very scared. There are no AA meetings here in Jordan where I live, and certainly not the kind that would help with 90 meetings in 90 days...
      I've tried setting up an AA group, but I only found people with several years of sobriety, so I gave up.
      Perhaps MWO can be an alternative..?


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters!
        3J, thank you Very much for posting those links! Like Ican, I'm spending a whole lot of time here and love watching and reading all the shared information. I'm not very good at finding it, so it's greatly appreciated.

        Ican, I had to laugh when you mentioned melding your two worlds-- it happens to me, too! I'm talking to someone in person about someone at MWO and it becomes confusing. My mom is the only one I've really talked to about coming regularly to a "site"-I've never participated in a forum before and I can't imagine another I'd be interested in. But here it's so nice- I like you all so much.:l

        A big :welcome: to SOXX-- this is such a good place to be and I'm happy you've joined us! This seems to be a quiet time of the day/night here, usually-- I hope you're taking some time to have a look around, to read a lot. How are you doing right now? I'm also not in a place where it's at all convenient to do the "90 in 90"-- but making the decision not to drink then coming here, getting to know the people, reading and watching and posting CONSTANTLY has helped me to get through some rough patches. It really can and does work. Have you found the TOOLBOX? It's the blue link in my signature line--so many really good tips for conquering those first difficult days..

        I'm off to do a bit of shopping-- be back in a bit!


          Newbies Nest

          SAKE! Great going on 30 days yesterday!!!:goodjob:


            Newbies Nest

            And a good morning to my fellow nesters. I looked in the mirror this morning and there was this smile plastered on my face. I couldn?t wipe it off. I survived Friday evening ! Yeehah!!!

            Ready for Saturday night triggers. BRING IT ON!!!!

            Hello Mr G., Lav and anyone else I have missed

            Gambler- Johnathan Livingston Seagull is one of my favourite books. I purchased this book about twenty years ago and it sits on my shelf still. It?s a seriously inspiring story.

            Life change- Isnt it great to know that we all understand each other? It?s a real comfort to know that I am not the only one struggling. And when someone gets through a day without AL, I get really emotional

            Ican- Ha ha your post made me laugh. But it?s a good thing to be obsessed with this site

            Dottiebelle- I heard that stupid voice too. We don?t NEED a drink. That?s the addiction talking. Well done for smashing it up!

            Sobrietydelivers- I absolutely want to feel free from AL for a length of time. I really want to have 30 days AF.. but baby steps. How do I shorten your username lol

            Hey Wine-no. A fellow brit! I watched my partner drink two cans of stella last night and all I could see was him drinking POISON. That how I visualised it and it worked.

            Bydlady- Yeah it?s a fantastic feeling to get through Friday but tonight will be worse for me as I usually drink more tonight. But I will stay strong. Determined NOT to let myself down.

            Rahaul- I am the same. I don?t have a lot of friends but I think its generally hard to connect to people anyway. Especially as you get older. Everyone is too busy and have their own established circle of friends.Well done on 7 days.
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              Newbies Nest

              Well done Rebirth, I am surviving Sat night here in oz. :goodjob:


                Newbies Nest

                SOXX Great to see you. hang on and someone will be along to strengthen and inspire you. There is much support and many tools shared here. Read around the site.

                See ya, -S-

                SOXX;1564685 wrote: I've been an alcoholic for many years, and I can't seem to remain sober for more than a few days. I am very scared. There are no AA meetings here in Jordan where I live, and certainly not the kind that would help with 90 meetings in 90 days...
                I've tried setting up an AA group, but I only found people with several years of sobriety, so I gave up.
                Perhaps MWO can be an alternative..?


                  Newbies Nest

                  hadit;1564766 wrote: Well done Rebirth, I am surviving Sat night here in oz. :goodjob:
                  Good on you hadit. I know you are 9 hours ahead of UK time. What are you doing to combat your triggers.
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters

                    I hope everyone had a good night in the nest. I am ready for a super busy day - lots to do today

                    Hello & welcome SOXX!
                    Glad you found the nest, please settle in. Some people go to AA but I think most do not. You can use MWO to keep you accountable, check in frequently. Use the ideas in the Tool box to help you put together a good working plan for yourself. If you are in any danger detoxing, please get medical help. Let us know how you are doing!

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                    PS: Merry Christmas to you too Dave :H
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      ARGGGGGGHHHHH. Having a massive craving now! Its just unbelievable how my mind thinks. I am perfectly fine not to drink Monday to Thursday but as soon as the weekend is here my addiction is raging.

                      Feeling really miserable.
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        Newbies Nest

                        Well I am back to day 1 today. Got too big for my britches : ) I'm not mad at myself, just disappointed. Didn't drink so much that I feel like poop, so that's good. My nephew is getting married today, so my gift to him will be to not have a few drinks before the ceremony. It's at a Baptist church, so no alcohol at the reception : )

                        I hear you guys talking about your plan. Can someone expound on that for me?


                          Newbies Nest

                          rebirth;1564781 wrote: ARGGGGGGHHHHH. Having a massive craving now! Its just unbelievable how my mind thinks. I am perfectly fine not to drink Monday to Thursday but as soon as the weekend is here my addiction is raging.

                          Feeling really miserable.
                          RB, remember that a craving really only last a few minutes, so distract yourself with something and change your headspace. Anything! Why not read a random chapter of JLSeagull or go for a walk. If we dwell on a craving or negative thought we will feed it, so try to reject it. Get mad and say no, i am taking my life back!

                          Just some thoughts. Keep it going friend.

                          Back on the horse Further. Good to see you.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hang in there, RE-BIRTH! Don't give into that tricky voice!-- What are you doing right now? You don't have al in the house, do you? If so, please pour it out! Can you go out for a run or a brisk walk-- get those endorphins going? Or write a detailed lists about WHY you decided to stop drinking? You had some really good reasons! Keep reading and keep writing--


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mr G and Lifechange I am actually far away from AL as I am at work. I cant leave work till 5pm. So no access to AL but I am obsessing over it. I can feel myself getting so weak..that STUPID STUPID voice saying I deserve it. Finding one excuse after another as to why I deserve a glass of wine.

                              Just eaten two doughnuts and that hasn't helped either. I was so much stronger yesterday. What the hell is wrong with me???:upset:
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                                Newbies Nest

                                Guitarista;1564787 wrote: RB, remember that a craving really only last a few minutes, so distract yourself with something and change your headspace. Anything! Why not read a random chapter of JLSeagull or go for a walk. If we dwell on a craving or negative thought we will feed it, so try to reject it. Get mad and say no, i am taking my life back!

                                Just some thoughts. Keep it going friend.

                                Back on the horse Further. Good to see you.
                                I am trying to get mad. I really am
                                Be strong-
                                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

