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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Wow, what a busy place today!!!

    Sake, CONGRATS to you on 30 AF days, very nice

    Cat, whatever is going on with the teenager - let it go!
    They need to figure out their own stuff at that age, you can't do it for them. Throwing away your quit now over something like that will hurt you & not help the situation one bit. When my kids were that age I hit them where it hurt the most - no cash, no car keys, etc It was very effective!

    rebirth, I see you are still turning to donuts :H
    That's OK for now, whatever helps, right? Keep yourself distracted, don't allow AL any head space!

    Greetings to everyone & wishes for a safe night in the nest for all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Cat Belle;1564952 wrote: What do you do when you are trying so hard to keep it together and life keeps getting in the way? Drama, stepchildren, blah bla bla!

      What is the point if all roads lead back to the same damn misery?

      My first instinct is to go get a bottle of wine. Hell, to drink whatever is available. But I will not let a miserable f***up of a 17 year old do in what I have worked 6 days, struggled 6 days, to gain. If I did, it would lead to a worse blowout, I would say things I can't take back, and feel disgusted in the morning.

      The nights not over but I think I have just talked, or typed, myself thru this. Wow, tx for unwittingly listening to my rant y'all. I may be back tonight, otherwise I will see you in the morning....
      needed to hear ALL of that tonight Belle...Thank you. Almost caved. Home now...

      PS: Mine is 14 :upset:
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Newbies Nest

        Saturday Night Check in

        Cat Belle you are doing great, way to go thinking it through, that's how it's done. How will drinking help the situation? In no way at all. Ever. Being sober is the best way to deal with stressful situations. Every time.

        rebirth your house will be sparkling! I took someone's advice here one night when fighting the demon urges and started cleaning out junk drawers. I love feeling productive don't you?

        available that's great news about your daughter wanting you to walk her down the aisle, how sweet! And I so agree that being AF makes life way more real. Good luck with your date!

        little beagle I'm glad you're enjoying your Friday nights with hubby! What did you buy?

        kradle, hey you're sounding stressed, kid trouble?

        dottie glad you found yourself a nice new top!

        diet coke, start one day at a time. Just do it. Your tummy will thank you, your weight will drop off, you will have more energy, sleep better, be more productive, so much to gain and all you have to do is start. Now.

        allankay I wonder why it is Friday night that triggers you? Not Saturday? Are you getting enough supper on Fridays? Could you try eating later maybe?

        hi Lav hope you're having a great weekend!!

        The Leafs won tonight in a shoot out, very exciting. I watched the game drinking tea, my choice, and I love it!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks all. Although my signature says I want to become a sipper, I need to become AF period. The supplements start tomorrow. One day at a time....just like,everyone else. Imknow my wallet will be fuller and the flab less jiggly...just by staying out of the restaurants. Lol

          Saturday was good. No interest or time. Tomorrow's another day another challenge.

          Have a good night.
          Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

          Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


            Newbies Nest

            [QUOTE=Byrdlady;1564856]Hey Diet Coke! You are my favorite drink!! Welcome back!
            As you know, AL is a wiley one. So if I may ask, are you planning on trying to moderate? I think the first thing to do is ask yourself a couple of important questions: Haven't you BEEN trying to moderate for 3 years its been since you joined? Unfortunately, being able to go 30 days AF does not seem to rewire the mind as we hope. In fact, I've been around here about 4 years, and I'll be danged if I've ever seen someone who actually CAN moderate long term. Notice I didn't say 'very few' or' the minority'. in NONE. I was really sorry to hear this news, too, because I tried my best for a year to do it. I just KNEW I could be one of them (in SPITE of it all). Even on this site, it is done with heavy duty meds and the jury is OUT as to whether or not it is successful. If you suspect you have a problem with AL, then you are right.

            Byrdie Thx.
            Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

            Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all. Will read up on the latest posts when I get the chance but just wanted to tell you that I didn't stay sober last night.
              I ended up drinking three glasses of wine last night within one hour. I went to bed straight after.
              I have a headache this morning and feel very disappointed in myself.

              But I won't let this be the end of me. There are more weekends to beat
              Have a good Sunday folks. Will tune in later
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                Newbies Nest

                Hang in there Rebirth. Just keep coming here, reading and posting.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning nesters

                  Last night was a big works night out, I think I mentioned it in a previous post. These nights have always really been about drinking, our company pays for everything, the cocktails and shots are flowing and I always have been right in there in the past.
                  I think I was the only sober person there last night, but I did manage to have a good time.

                  I did feel like I was kind of looking out for everyone though. But the music was good and I danced a lot. And the food was good. I had the car and left at midnight, things were getting so crazy by then.

                  I woke up this morning hoping everyone got home okay, the amounts of alcohol that some people were putting away was shocking, going to the bar and getting two drinks at a time. That could have been me, easily last night. Yesterday before I went I did have a kind of 'f**k it moment where I could have just as easily said 'just one night', but I know that I can never have 'just one night', and that it would lead me back to the misery that brought me here in the first place.

                  So I am here, and sober, checking up on my fellow nesters and hoping that you all are safe and well. :l
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    broken halo;1565074 wrote: Good morning nesters

                    Last night was a big works night out, I think I mentioned it in a previous post. These nights have always really been about drinking, our company pays for everything, the cocktails and shots are flowing and I always have been right in there in the past.
                    I think I was the only sober person there last night, but I did manage to have a good time.

                    I did feel like I was kind of looking out for everyone though. But the music was good and I danced a lot. And the food was good. I had the car and left at midnight, things were getting so crazy by then.

                    I woke up this morning hoping everyone got home okay, the amounts of alcohol that some people were putting away was shocking, going to the bar and getting two drinks at a time. That could have been me, easily last night. Yesterday before I went I did have a kind of 'f**k it moment where I could have just as easily said 'just one night', but I know that I can never have 'just one night', and that it would lead me back to the misery that brought me here in the first place.

                    So I am here, and sober, checking up on my fellow nesters and hoping that you all are safe and well. :l
                    Broken Halo,

                    this sounds so very familiar. People remember a night out very differently when they were drinking or when they were sober. Some of the things that they do in the name of fun are borderline dangerous but seem like a good idea at a time and you feel that you are the policeman trying to prevent bad things from happening.

                    I do exactly what you do. I talk to people, have a little fun but by the time everyone is starting to get out of control I am usually gone. I think there are enough stories by now to fill a sociology book about how people change the more AL they consume. You may even plot it on a graph: % of blood alcohol vs ..........

                    Proud of you for keeping your head on your shoulders and avoiding the all familiar "alcohol is free" temptation

                    AF since 1st Sep 2012
                    NF since 1st Sep 2012

                    If you want to feel better visit


                      Newbies Nest

                      little beagle;1564923 wrote: I had a thought. Watching tv. Seeing this gorgeous model eating a huge hamburger with all fixings is about as big a lie as the cap they try to feed us regarding how glamorous and sexy drinking al is.
                      Rebirth I was thinking of you And the weekend cravings. Sorry about that.
                      Future just hang in there.
                      LB, are you talking about Carl Junior Burgers ads?

                      They always make me laugh, how a zero size model can put away a burger the size of her head...

                      AF since 1st Sep 2012
                      NF since 1st Sep 2012

                      If you want to feel better visit


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters

                        Skies are actually overcast at the moment but sober, hang over free mornings are the best!

                        rebirth, sorry you decided to drink last night. Having AL in the house is a problem, our addicted minds won't leave it alone.

                        Allan, I meant to mention to you yesterday that I developed a sugar habit after I stopped drinking too. I kicked it by taking L-Glutamine for a while

                        BH, good job getting out of that social function unscathed. It is shocking to observe others pouring poison down their throats, don't you think? I watch & quietly wonder how many will end up with a drinking problem if they don't already have one

                        Son & family coming for dinner today - crock pot of pulled pork is on the menu
                        Have a wonderful AF Sunday everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters!

                          Checking in on a rainy Sunday and happy to say I made it to day 60! Like I said in a post awhile back, experiencing so many firsts, that is, in terms of AF firsts. In 60 days have experienced my first sober vacation, wedding, house guests, two days now at the race track - all sober. Yesterday was my second day at the race track - crowded with lots of al flowing, but I drank club soda with lime and didn't miss al one bit. It is funny though how you notice everyone around you drinking, tables getting louder, girls cackling and being very goofy. (I would have been right in there with them.)

                          Now as people are finding out that I'm not drinking, I'm finding two different strains of thinking. One group of folks ask - "you mean you're never going to drink again? Not even one glass of wine? You mean I'm losing my drinking buddy? You don't have a problem, you don't have to get up in the morning and have a drink do you?" And, I tell them, No, I don't have to have a drink in the morning, but once I start drinking whatever time of day it is, I cannot stop. And, like so many have said here before - what's the point of one glass? I can see the point of one or two bottles, but not one glass. They are at first a little dumbfounded but they seem to understand and leave it be.

                          The other group of folks say - "you know, I've been thinking about quitting the drink too." And to that I say - it's your choice and don't feel you can't drink because I'm abstaining. But if they decide to quit too, then good for them.

                          Couldn't have done this without MWO and all you wonderful folks here. While I read at night on my Kindle Fire, sometimes it's hard to use that to post, so I just read and learn from everyone's experience. :thanks:

                          AllanK, NS, Byrdie, Lav, LB, BH, K9, Moss, Free - you're all so inspiring and your words of wisdom ring true for me everyday - thank you always for your support you give to everyone in the nest. We really do learn from you all.

                          Wine-No! - My Quit Buddy! Thank you for all your support and guidance! XO

                          I know I'll forget someone here, but so many posts from newbies (Dave, Ican, MrV, Sake, June) are ones we can identify with. So many like thoughts, so many like experiences - we really are in this together aren't we. I'm very emotional this morning and very thankful for a lot of things.

                          Going to spend the day cooking and doing some organizing and paying bills (ugh), church also is on the docket. Yet another productive day. Being af is truly changing my life; it's changing my perspective on so many things, and changing my relationships with just about everyone including myself!

                          Hugs to everyone today - please enjoy your af Sunday!!!!:l


                            Newbies Nest


                            That is a beautiful and inspiring 60-day post. I'm so happy for you and hope that anyone who is struggling will give themselves the chance to feel like you do.

                            :l NS


                              Newbies Nest



                              Sugar was a substitute for AL, what can we substitute for sugar?

                              AF since 1st Sep 2012
                              NF since 1st Sep 2012

                              If you want to feel better visit


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning, Nesters!

                                Sanchez, it's a big day for you!! 2 hats don't just appear on your furry little head out of thin air. Lots of hard work and dogged determination go into this great milestone.
                                :goodtime: :goodtime:

                                Thank you for not only taking a hand to get yourself out of a nest of alligators but for also extending a wing to new nesters that come along. That's how it ought to work, I think....and so it goes. We wish you a lifetime of sobriety. You have the tools now like many of us, you just have to keep it going! You always want to be in uncharted water, you never want to have to repeat a day! Keep swimming with us! We are so proud of you!!

                                Great to see everyone!! Fight AL with all you've got....he shows NO mercy and we can't either! He fights below the belt, so we must do the same. Whatever it takes! Keep your quit going no matter what and no matter who! Hugs all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

