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    Newbies Nest

    allankay;1565155 wrote: Lav,
    Sugar was a substitute for AL, what can we substitute for sugar?

    Real food . When your body is getting all that it needs, your brain really does stop craving what it doesn't.


      Newbies Nest

      sanchez;1565137 wrote:

      And, I tell them, No, I don't have to have a drink in the morning, but once I start drinking whatever time of day it is, I cannot stop. And, like so many have said here before - what's the point of one glass? I can see the point of one or two bottles, but not one glass.
      Sanchez, first of all congratulations on making it 60 days.

      Second I would like to say that I used to get asked the very same question and still do. AL is so hard wired into every aspect of our lives and society that people are just a little dumb struck when they learn that someone is not drinking by choice.

      AF since 1st Sep 2012
      NF since 1st Sep 2012

      If you want to feel better visit


        Newbies Nest

        CONGRATULATIONS Sanchez!!! on 60 well done days:goodjob:
        You're walking (waddling) the walk, duckie, showing us all how it's done--

        Good afternoon all Nesters!
        Glad to see everyone here this lovely Sunday afternoon-- overcast and cool here as well, a real autumnal day.

        AllanK, I think what NS said is probably true-getting the sugar out of the system (how LONG does that take?) and then providing the body with proper nutrition. How are you with fruit and sweeter veggies? Do you eat dried fruit at all?'

        LAV, I know you you've said it 100 times before, but how much Glutamine? It doesn't seem to do anything for me!

        BHalo, good to see you so strong and making such great decisions. I'm not ready yet to be around drinking people-- I cancelled a dinner last night that I really wanted to go to. I blamed it on my kids, believing that was the reason I didn't want to go-- but in hindsight, I think it was because I didn't want to be around my 2 best friends enjoying wine and getting silly. They wouldn't have had wine if I'd been there, but I didn't want to be the one to hold them back. Know what I mean? I think in time I'll be ok-- makes me kind of sad to miss out.

        Re-birth, Glad to see you jumping back in. How are you today? Are you at home or working? Let us know how you are!

        see you all in a bit--taking the girls to pops house.xo


          Newbies Nest


          Congrats now you are an imitation to us all. Enjoy your day !!!
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Newbies Nest

            Kolsh : the famous beer of cologne. alt beer which is famous in Duesseldorf..

            Now that's all know about these two towns in Germany where I shall be next week. It also says drinking is all what I have done there. The altstad which is the old town is drinkers paradise.

            Now being sober that where I am heading next week for an expo.

            Plan to stay sober and not give in as I gave away in US and Belgium about a week back.

            I went to Germany first in 2004. Was impressed by the country, the history, the cars and the auto bahn. The routine was set there. Work during the day and beers in evening.

            I WILL stay sober this time.
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,
              Will have to catch up later, off to a meditation class...hope it will help me relax..
              Raining like crazy here...glad the class is close.
              Back later,

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning

                As I learn people's names I wish there was a "like button" that Facebook uses. Good job everyone who had positive.

                Broken Halo. Good job with the work party. That kind of gathering is hard whether you are working on an AF life or just trying to be safe and "not drink too much". I'm impressed.

                Rebirth. Hang in there a motto I see on fitness motivation sites..."if it was easy, everybody would be doing it". Today is another day.

                L-glut. I'd like to know what the suggested amount is. I've seen various amounts on different forums.

                Have a good day!
                Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

                Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Diet coke! I remember when my mom quit drinking she drank cases of diet coke--at least 12 a day! Nice to have you here in the Nest! -- I went to school in Tacoma for a year, then lived on San Juan Island for a summer, then Seattle for 5 years-- I love that part of the country.

                  Rahul, Are you going to be in Germany for work? I'm asking, because I'm wondering if you really have to go.? If you have to go, you need a plan of steel for those evenings. Do you remember how CDev did it in Las Vegas?--That did work under very difficult circumstances-- If you want it, you CAN DO IT!!! We're all here to support you--:l

                  Hi Dottie, have fun at the meditation class!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sanchez, I am so delighted for you! Well done on 60 days and also on such an excellent post! :l

                    Rahul, you can stay sober in Germany. Imagine that beer with the frothy top is actually a glass of frothy urine you are putting to your lips, I am sorry for being so graphic, but it worked for me! :H You CAN do this, you did it in Switzerland. :h

                    Allan, Lav,the FB posts from last night are starting to appear, some of them are not pretty. Others are actually boasting about how much they drank!

                    Spoiling myself with a lazy day today, the weather's not great, so catching up with TV and just chilling.

                    LC, drink driving laws are really strict here in Scotland. If I take my car anywhere, even at my worst I wouldn't have so much as half a glass of wine. I'm quite a small woman and I always figured that even that could put me over the limit. I could never risk that.
                    (although I have driven to work in the mornings still probably over from the night before! Stupid alky!)

                    Last night was interesting, and still fun till everyone got over the top. It actually felt really empowering, not losing my sobriety to what used to be such a huge trigger for me. I gained some confidence from it. But I totally understand you cancelling your evening. You did it to protect your precious sobriety, I totally get that. :l

                    I'm going to hang around here on and off, it's nice to have a day for once where I don't have to do anything, life's been so busy lately! It's wonderful to have time on my hands, sober time that I can actually relax and enjoy
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      3June2013;1564656 wrote: hi gambler looking forward to hearing what you're cooking in that new cooker. I cook cabbage in mine mostly, and other veggies, since I don't eat meat, and let me tell you it's super fast!
                      Byrdlady;1564802 wrote: Gam-Man.....I'm skeert of pressure pots. My mom blew one up when I was a kid, there was roast beef all over the kitchen...she made me clean it this day I don't do roast beef or pressure pots.
                      little beagle;1564918 wrote: Dave you are wonderful. Your posts are inspiring. I use my pressure cookery for beans. Very convenient.
                      In 15 minutes -prep time I cooked some stew last night that was better than my stove top recipe for sure. My X had some crappy cuts of beef sitting in the freezer that always turned out dry as a popcorn fart in the crock pot for some reason. Not this time boy howdie..the boys ate it up like ravaging beasts. However Im not impressed with the new Calphalon cooker I used ( Calphalon® 6-Quart Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker - Is a new product from them ). One minute away from being done the relief valve opened up shooting hot steam on my ceiling! That could have been bad news If I was reaching over the thing. I just knew I should have gotten the Fagor Duo but BB&B didnt have it at the time. My Fagor with an extra lid (Duo Combi 2-in-1 5 Piece Pressure Cooker Set | FAGOR) is on order so Im going back to my old 6qt for a few days. Funny you should mention beans LB .. I have a crap load of different styles (along with peas) that have a destiny in some rice and chicken. Prep time is nominal and cook time is basically nothing. I will update later on this..

                      Diet Coke;1564831 wrote: My hubby is great. He'll help me if I want it. But I don't want him in the position to be my alcohol police. That will put a strain on things.

                      Hi DC nice to meet you.. Just wondering why you think this ? Do you think he would resent something you might say or do ? Just wondering ..

                      Rahulthesweet;1564858 wrote:
                      Thanks for the records I am 35 / Male
                      Phew !! Ok thats good to know man ! Looking forward to some more chest bumping around here .. shh dont stare.. but you notice how the females are into there timid crock pots and things and we are like all about the explosive time bomb pressure cookers and chia pets !

                      Cat Belle;1564868 wrote:
                      Hey nesters! Day 6 here. The last couple of days have been rough, more so for my husband than myself. I am all over the place emotionally. One minute I am silly happy, the next minute I am pissed...what about? Who knows?
                      He has been fixing my dinner and eating with me in the bedroom, ( good sport), but last night I came out of my cocoon and we all ate together.
                      Ding ding ding ! I can remember my day 6 very well sis..It was the worst for me. I described it in a post equating it to a "Super Duper Super Ball " or something like that. I was fit for a white jacket and a rubber room if you get my drift. It was promised by LadyB that day 7 would turn things around .. and it did. I hope things are better for you now as It was for many of us on day 7.

                      allankay;1564910 wrote:
                      I hope this makes sense. Just so very angry with myself because I have been trying to quit Sugar from the 1st of September and failed every Friday. May be it is best to have one cheat day per week? hmmm?
                      br />I was thinking of getting into some Tapioca pudding for my new found sugar cravings..I never ate sweets but now its like "hey those double stuff Oreos are sounding pretty good crushed up in my half gallon of ice cream and washing it down with a tall glass of cold chocolate milk wouldn't hurt !" So yea..Time for a smoothy maker or something..

                      Cat Belle;1564952 wrote: What do you do when you are trying so hard to keep it together and life keeps getting in the way? Drama, stepchildren, blah bla bla! .... *snip* ...The nights not over but I think I have just talked, or typed, myself thru this. Wow, tx for unwittingly listening to my rant y'all. I may be back tonight, otherwise I will see you in the morning....
                      Oh yea Baby !! this is exactly what I have been experiencing ! Just expressing yourself in form helps with the cravings for me as well. I have gotten through some rough times just by typing how I feel at the moment and by the time Im done expressing how much it sux Those feelings are gone. I could just as well delete the posts at the end.. but of course I dont . Good job !

                      sanchez;1565137 wrote: Checking in on a rainy Sunday and happy to say I made it to day 60! Right On Sanchez !!
                      sanchez;1565137 wrote: Couldn't have done this without MWO and all you wonderful folks here. While I read at night on my Kindle Fire, sometimes it's hard to use that to post, so I just read and learn from everyone's experience. You tell it !! sanchez;1565137 wrote:
                      So many like thoughts, so many like experiences - we really are in this together aren't we
                      You know it ! sanchez;1565137 wrote:
                      Being af is truly changing my life; it's changing my perspective on so many things, and changing my relationships with just about everyone including myself!
                      There is nothing left to say.. this is IT right here !

                      sanchez;1565137 wrote:
                      Hugs to everyone today - please enjoy your af Sunday!!!!:l
                      What a GREAT POST Sanchez !! I love it :h :l

                      I cant believe I didn't log in yesterday. I think it was a first actually .. but I blame being with me boys all day. They are on their way again so Im going to have to catch up with you when they are focused on there Xbox ( with the new finely tuned surround sound ) or later tonight.
                      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                      AF: 9-10-2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        love the frothy Urine image-- thanks Bhalo!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady;1565156 wrote: Good Morning, Nesters!

                          Sanchez, it's a big day for you!! 2 hats don't just appear on your furry little head out of thin air. Lots of hard work and dogged determination go into this great milestone.
                          :goodtime: :goodtime:

                          Thank you for not only taking a hand to get yourself out of a nest of alligators but for also extending a wing to new nesters that come along. That's how it ought to work, I think....and so it goes. We wish you a lifetime of sobriety. You have the tools now like many of us, you just have to keep it going! You always want to be in uncharted water, you never want to have to repeat a day! Keep swimming with us! We are so proud of you!!

                          Great to see everyone!! Fight AL with all you've got....he shows NO mercy and we can't either! He fights below the belt, so we must do the same. Whatever it takes! Keep your quit going no matter what and no matter who! Hugs all, Byrdie
                          Thanks Byrdie for the hats! I need them today as it's raining quite hard here on the pond.

                          To add on to your last thought - I do believe al is the devil. He is ruthless and selfish and preys on our weaknesses and he comes under the guise of making you happy, popular, the life of the party, blah, blah when in fact he does just the opposite. So many tricks up his little black sleeve to get you to take that first sip and before you know it he'll have you again exactly where he wants you - miserable, tired, sick, sad, de-hydrated, bloated, confused, self-doubting, embarassed, the list goes on and on and it's all negative! I've listened to the advice from the senior members to stay away from that first sip. It's surely a slippery slope.

                          We have to stay strong and determined and ignore him whenever his deceptive little self comes knocking. You see, I'm more afraid of the quiet moments sometimes. Not the big parties, weddings, the obvious places you know he'll show up and we're on guard. It's the times you're sitting on your deck, looking at the sunset on say a Wednesday evening and the thought of a little glass of Pinot Noir can't hurt. See how he works? Get off the deck - hurry! Do something, anything to get his dirty little voice out of your head!

                          Not sure I give any great words of advice, but I do know he's evil and will ruin your life and others around you if you let him.

                          Love to all! Happy af Sunday! Off for a swim now.....


                            Newbies Nest

                            lifechange;1565191 wrote: love the frothy Urine image-- thanks Bhalo!
                            LC I got it from this, very early on in my quit.

                   of what he says worked for me
                            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Gambler....regarding hubby. There was actually no deep thought. I just don't want him to be in a position of "no you can't have another...didn't you want to stop drinking?"

                              Maybe it's more that I don't want to be told what to do....that's more of my nature.

                              Something to think about....he's the most supportive loving person. It would take a lot to put a strain on us.

                              Thx for getting the brain juices going.
                              Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

                              Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy Sunday y'all,

                                I would like to take a minute to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. Thank you for there being a place to talk it through with nobody to judge. Thank you for sharing your experiences, so that all of us don't feel like helpless, lonely pieces of s***.

                                Day 7 is here and going. I woke up perplexed but very happy to have made it through last night sober. It's a good feeling, an awesome feeling to go forward with a clear head.

                                "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                                -Alan Cohen

