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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    @ Sanchez- great job on 60, fantastic actually!

    It's the quiet moments that scare me too. In the quiet moments, you can hear loud and clear the self-talk. And the self-talk for me serves to reinforce everything negative I feel when I look in the mirror...

    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
    -Alan Cohen


      Newbies Nest

      CAT!!! Well done on 7 days!!! Very proud of you, I am...


        Newbies Nest

        Nesters!! Please join me in pulling down your britches and giving Cat Belle the mooning she has earned!!! In tribute:


        7 days of kicking AL' arse!!! GREAT JOB! Keep up the fine work and here's to many more moons!!

        The Moonies
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

          Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


            Newbies Nest

            I have a little happy tear in my eye (seriously) - I am so proud of you!
            I am following in your footsteps and thank you back for all of your support xx.
            AF since Halloween 2016

            Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


              Newbies Nest

              Cat - congrats on 7 days x
              AF since Halloween 2016

              Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                Newbies Nest

                I'm not drinking today, which is great for a weekend. Over the last few weeks I've has many more sober days than drinking says. While a little part of me is happy to be breaking my daily drinking habit, mostly I'm just frustrated, because I don't want to moderate, I want to quit altogether. So once again I'll call this my day one and wake up in the morning ready to tackle day two. I need to really work on the complacency that seems to hit after just two or three days of not drinking.
                You had the power all along, my dear.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, Kailey

                  I'm glad you are sticking with this - I promise you it is worth it in ways you can't even imagine now, or at least I couldn't at the beginning.

                  This is in your signature: If I could drink like a normal person I'd do it every day!

                  It suggests that you think there are positive effects for other people. Most of us thought that before we had a big chunk of time AF but I'll tell you, it is now hard to see the upside.

                  Please stick with it long enough to be able to look at drinking alcohol with a clear mind (and conscience). It is a blessing not to want or need it! But it takes time to switch from feeling deprived to being eternally grateful to all the people here and for the opportunity to make the rest of your life the best it can be.

                  If there were a pill to take that would allow me to drink without the negative consequences, I wouldn't take it. I am proud and content to be a non-drinker. I hope you give yourself a chance to get there. I've been here long enough now to see it happen over and over and it thrills me every time.

                  All the best to you - :hNS


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning nesters, I'm back again, and my plan is to tell everyone that I drink far too much, and there fore I am now not going to drink, anymore. Sick of it all, I don't need to tell you what, you've all been there, still looking forward to a day tomorrow where I wake up without a banging head and vomiting. Lovely. Why do we do this? again, you all know why. Sorry for driviling on. So need to sort out this mess. :h:new: AGAIN. xxx


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Hope everyone had a good Sunday, I did

                      Sanchez, CONGRATS to you on 60 AF days :wd:

                      Cat, awesome on 7 AF days - keep them going, no matter what!

                      Allan, I think when I finally got the sweet tooth under control I realized that protein sticks with you much longer & helps prevent that urge to snack on something. I was also quitting smoking at that point so I was fighting dual battles. I can't even remember how much L-Glutamine I was taking - maybe 500 mg 2X/day. It wasn't a whole lot & I didn't take it more than a few weeks (it didn't really agree with my digestive system) but it did the trick. Always start with the smallest effective dose, add more as needed.

                      noodle, welcome back. Have you made a new plan? Please stick around for a while, hope you feel better very soon.

                      I ended up putting a large chunk of pork in the crock pot this morning & made pulled pork sandwiches for the family tonight. I have never owned a pressure cooker. I watched my mother fighting with one when I was a kid - no way

                      Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        NoSugar;1565305 wrote: If there were a pill to take that would allow me to drink without the negative consequences, I wouldn't take it. I am proud and content to be a non-drinker. I hope you give yourself a chance to get there. I've been here long enough now to see it happen over and over and it thrills me every time.
                        Thank your NS, your reply was really helpful for me. I have short bursts where I truly do feel very comfortable with the idea of not drinking, so I do know what you mean. My goal is to do what you and so many others have done, stay AF long enough that the feeling of being happy and content to be AF is more than an occasional thought, but instead defines how I see myself.
                        You had the power all along, my dear.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Sunday Nesters

                          Sanchez you are sounding terrific, and when you post you inspire others.

                          Noodle, one day at a time my friend. Congratulations on taking the first step! Post a lot, read a ton, we are here to help!

                          Kailey hey there, welcome. You can do this, and you will never regret it! One day at a time.

                          Cat you've earned your moon that's fabulous! Congratulations!

                          Allankay I think exercise and fresh air are the best substitutes for me!

                          To those of you just starting out imagine waking up feeling your physical best, having fallen asleep not passed out. If you choose you can feel this way every day. It only gets better!
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            Newbies Nest

                            Howdies nesters .. hope everyone had a good Sunday

                            I had a wonderful time with the boys but it was too short. I made some simple chicken in the Pcooker ( water,chicken and a small bag of onion dip ) .. 15 minutes along with my special stove top simple rice and bam ! We were stuffed lol. OH.. and then we had Sundays with half chocolate chip and half banana split Ice cream .. *cough* .. some caramel syrup and sprinkles .. butterscotch chips .. and sadly some crushed up Heath bar stuff :H . I stayed with just the ice cream and caramel

                            Driving them back was terrible on me though. It was of course raining and they just quietly and sadly stared out the side windows. Its tough on them and that makes it even harder on me. I think getting AF and taking back my life the way it should be is making it even more difficult on them. I spend quality time with life is home is clean and comfortable. Everything in this environment is soothing and also Lots of Fun . Hopefully I can make enough to get that damn lawyer to file the papers and the emergency 50/50 custody by the end of the week...If not this week it will be the next. Ill let you guys know...

                            Welp I have to climb into bed now and think happy happy thoughts so I can sleep. I hate having to try to think positive after such a nice day. Take care my friends and be good to yourselves

                            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                            AF: 9-10-2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dave sounds to me like you have a great case for 50/50. I also think those boys are lucky to have you. Hope they brush their teeth tonight though lol
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mornin' yall,

                                quick check in before this 12 hr day gets started - thanks for the congrats - i feel very proud right now. I have quite a ways to go, but today feels great!

                                Can I say how nice it is to lie down in the bed and feel the tiredness? As opposed to passing out in the bed? It's a good kind of tiredness, do ya'll know what I mean?

                                Happy Monday to everyone!

                                "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                                -Alan Cohen

