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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    I am new, wish I would have done this a long time ago.


      Newbies Nest

      Day 3!


      Pleased to be amongst you all. I was just watching an ad on TV encouraging folk to quit smoking. I wonder why money from the public purse isn't spent on drinking? then we would all have support groups amongst our friends, reli's and work mates. No matter...I have you wonderful people.
      Jane :heart:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Hi & welcome to tanna & jane! Please find yourselves a comfy twig & settle right in with us. Very glad you are here
        tanna, tell us a little more about yourself when you are ready - we're a nice bunch!
        jane, congrats on your 3 AF days - great start!
        I have to wonder too why the medical community hasn't spoken out against alcoholism & problem drinking or we would see more public support!

        open, Tranq & Chook, hope you are all well & having a good day. I have a busy day ahead myself, work is calling!

        I'll check back later
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Back to say hello

          I am new but not new. Been around a few months but it is kinda big here and easy to get lost. Just wanted to say I have been at this now since July and I had a slip 2 weeks ago and just a couple before that. 4 slips in 7 months. Getting better at this all the time. Feeling pretty good. Sober yesterday makes 2 weeks totally AF. Had to really recommit myself after that one and put everything back into perspective. I am choosing to do this and do want to totally abstain from it. Caused me nothing but problems. Seems I learned that last one that I like to run from things to a bottle. Feelings, anger and such. I am having counseling now and it is really helping me work on these issues. I don't think I was a alcoholic, more of a alcohol abuser. I don't shake or get sick without it, I just don't drink like other people who can handle it do. I always drink to get drunk and succeed in that. I end up letting my feelings out anyhow but when I am drunk they are all messed up and deal with them all wrong. So it is just not for me. I am learning to live without it and my life is better for it. Today is cold and snowy. I was gonna go look for a job today but got discouraged on the count of the weather. Gotta be in the right state of mind to get a job. I am trying to get a life now. Allot of things have changed since I stopped drinking and I just need to get on with it now. Hard to get motivated. I am married but it is not a great marriage and he still drinks, allot. I am changing and he isn't. I am starting to see things I tried to drink away and now can't. He makes good money but money isn't everything. 17 years is a long time though and I am still working at it. Need to get on my own feet though because I may decide to end it and just start over. Not been good for a very long time. Just muddling through really co existing. No sex, no intimacy at all for a very long time. I still love him but am not in love you know? Still, I did find a marriage support site and we are trying. Only time and effort will tell I suppose? Well, wishing you all well till the next time and take care and be strong as you can. I will.

          OK, I am starting all over. sigpic


            Newbies Nest

            Wow, Seems no one is here or maybe I am just not doing something right? You could go unnoticed here for a long long time I think? Just wanting to talk and no one here? Fighting to stay sober but looks like it is just me against the urges alone? Hope you are all doing well. I will keep fighting. Just thought someone would be around? Whatever. I am not trying to be a critic or anything but this is why I don't come here much. No one seems to be here or if they are I just don't know how to reach anyone?

            TsHope X
            OK, I am starting all over. sigpic


              Newbies Nest

              Evening Nesters!

              Hi TsHope & welcome!
              Sorry I haven't checked in since this morning - busy day.
              Glad you're here with us. I think we have a lot in common where it comes to abusing ourselves with the bottle. I put a stop to it last March and you can too
              Stick around, we'd love to hear more from you. Have you made a plan for yourself? How are you going to handle your husband's drinking now that you want to be AF?

              Hi to Tranq - you always stop in! Hi to open too, hope all is going well for you.

              I'll say good night but leave the night light on as usual.
              Have a safe night in the nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All.

                TSHope, jane_rees, tanna_mee Welcome!

                TS, you're right that this thread is not staffed full time -- it's become a place for people to stop by once, or a few times a day to check-in and share thoughts. Someone is always on MWO though, and when you're struggling you can always go to the "Need Help ASAP" forum. But of course you can feel free to post anything you'd like here or anywhere on this site. Read a lot of old posts and ask any questions anywhere you'd like.

                Newbie's Nest has become a place for me to share what's going on in this journey with some folks who visit often. It's comforting to have a little group of friends from around the world that I've gotten to know through the miracles of modern science. It's been a nice place to hang-out, and folks come and go all the time.

                TS it sounds like you're taking the bull by the horns, and tackling the tough stuff in your life head-on. Way to go. There is a lot of information here, and great people who have walked this road - already been where we want to be! And they share! The idea of using counseling to learn about yourself is great -- I'd never had the nerve to go face-to-face with my issues. I think you're right about having to deal with emotions better. One thing I've come to believe is that drinking the way we do (I binge too) defies logic and reason - we know better yet we still do it. It really is an emotional thing - its how we deal with feelings that we like and want to keep, or feelings that we hate and want to get rid of.

                Jane, I agree about getting public support for the al cause. There are plenty of commercials about dui - there's one here that holds up the threat that one mistake can ruin a life-time of work. Drunk driving is dangerous and shouldn't happen, but the point is that smokers get "programs" and support while drinkers get threats. Go figure.

                Anyway - we have MWO, and I've been hanging around since August and still believe it is quite a blessing.

                Open - great plan to go for thirty days! That's what I did, and the support and supplements and CDs made it pretty easy. And I learned a lot about myself this time (I'd did thirty day stints before finding MWO, but always couldn't wait to get hammered again). I think I finally understood that I have alternatives.

                Hi to Lav and Chicken, and anyone I missed.

                Take care all.
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone! I made it through the holidays with no beer! Woo-hoo! I had a couple of glasses of wine at the big family parties - no more than 3, and there were only 3 nights of that. The every night drinking is done! The craving is completely gone. I had my follow up Dr appt yesterday after being on the Topomax for 3 weeks. He was so thrilled with how well I am doing. I have also lost 5 lbs. It just keeps getting better!

                  My only concern was going off of the Topomax, but he said I can stay on it as long as I want - for the rest of my life if I want.

                  I can't stop telling people about this program and what a miracle it is. It truly has saved my life. Me and my children and the rest of my family will have a much more enriching life thanks to MWO.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Wow. That is such an inspiring post. I hope all newbies read that. And I am happy for you and your family Fla!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Fla, Time.

                      Fla, I had to say congrats too. I noticed your mood says "Amazed" - I have to add you're amazing! Way to go!

                      Take care.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good E-ve-ning, nestbuds--
                        :welcome: T's hope, Jane, Tanna, FLA! Glad to see the nest filling up. There is always plenty of room and the more we huddle in together the stronger we will be.

                        FLA--that is so encouraging to hear of your success. When I started I had hoped to be able to mod one day, but not sure I want to play with fire just yet. Maybe if I do try modding, I should make sure I'm on the topo first.
                        Jane and Tanna--keep close--read lots--post when you feel like it. When I first came on and decided to post it was kinda like jumping off the high dive. Boy am I glad I took that leap!
                        Hi T--glad you posted--sorry no one was around today--feel free to start a thread if you want a quick response--if you let people know you're new here there is usually lots of responses. Some wonderful hearts in this place!

                        Have a good night everyone, Tranq--always love it when you check in. Lav--so great to see you on other threads--feels like we're old friends.
                        "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hang in there TS

                          Hi everyone

                          TS, you are doing an amazing job! are you using any supplements or MWO books,CD's to help you?? I can relate to what you are experiencing completely, but you sound like a stronger person than me. That's OK, we are all different. I found that when I gave up drinking the first ( and only ) time, my husband cut back too. I have never told him about MWO, he just seemed to follow my I am trying AF again, I noticed he didn't pour himself his usual wines last night. Maybe intimacy will return to your marriage when you don't both pass out from the grog once your heads hit the pillows. That what happens in my life when we are both on the turps!!

                          AF 3 days now... my mantra is one day at a time.
                          Jane :heart:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello the Nest!

                            At the moment, right here and now I am feeling quite ambivalent abut many things. In the long run I want to be AF, in the short ebbs and flows! But I am trying to moderate in some shape or form atleast. For now I am trying to not drink every day! I am walking the dog most mornings and enjoying the 'me' time and the exercise. I am trying to eat better and to be healthier in other ways. The AL rules too much of my life and so I am trying not to dwell on it!

                            Yet at the same time, it needs some of my focus, enough to ensure that I do not completely capitulate in this war!

                            It is nice to be back and to share, even if I am unsure 'where' I am right now! I thank you all for listening.

                            Life at the moment is a strange mixture of highs and lows,usually it just meanders along for me..I am not one for dramas...I tend to just coast along and live my little life,but lately it has been high drama! (For me anyway lol...'ahh, such is life,eh?')

                            Chook *cluck*


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Always nice to wake up to the sound of clucking Chooks :H
                              I'm glad to hear you are taking care of yourself & your girls & I'll bet your pup is loving the morning walks!!

                              I'm really glad I left the night light on last night - so many nestlings checked in

                              Jane, congrats on your 3 AF days - it's gotta feel good!

                              open, you'll find me on lots of other making new friends everywhere i go!

                              Greetings to Tranq, T2C, Tanna, TsHope! FlaMomof3, good to hear of your success too! You sound very happy & excited!

                              Wishing everyone a good Wednesday (Humpday)! I have another busy day scheduled for myself - better get to it!
                              I'll check in later,
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dear Lav! What an amazing nest Mum you are! always making us feel so welcome. The night -light is an amazing thing!LOL,I have given my wee chicks each a 'glow-worm' for just such a thing. For when they feel alone & frightened & unsure of how to find their way in the dark. Also a way of learning how to turn the night-light on themselves! A feeling of independence and security...oh, wow, that sounds like MWO! Jeez,the things u learn as you journey through life and all of its stages!lol,
                                here is to us all and our journey thru life!
                                Chook *clucking once more*

