Chooks Check-in!
Hello to all Nesters!
Well did not do brilliantly last night,but did pull self up by boot-straps and haul self off to bed before went absolutely downhill! (That is my positive spin on it anyhow

I want to get things done.I want to update the journals I am keeping for my precious girls! I want to keep staying fit and loose some weight! I want to spring clean the house. I want to sort out the infernal garden. I want to do these things and more and when I drink I can't seem to get much of anything done. Even when I'm not hungover, the drive to 'do' just goes! I want to start doing more 'activities with the girls' and be more present.
So baby-steps.
Dear fellow nesters how is your journey going?
Today I must go and take the wee chicks to have their Swine-flu vaccinations (yucko!),then do a food shop and then catch up with a friend in the afternoon! I am hoping to actually fit some exercise in there too ,but not sure how I'm going to do that just yet!
All the best folks
Chook *gentle cluck for Lav*
