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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Awesome ! You are an inspiration to us all ! You have changed lives of so many here. What could be better than that ! There are so many of us who are inspired by you and your posts. You are one of the pillar and the strength whom we all look upon. Wishing you all the best for best and hang on till you reach 1000 and 2000 days ...
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


      Newbies Nest

      Hello nesters,

      The day was boring today. Work as usual and being in business we are in big expansion with pressures on costs and funds. The good part I am coming back home to kids sober. I remember the time (can't believe just 2 months back) that I used to leave work grab beer bottles and used to gulp 2 bottle while coming home then would reach home and hurriedly change my clothes and dress up as if I was going to a gym and then simply run to nearest bar to have more and eat. This was the routine everyday when ever I used to be in town.

      While travelling I used to grab bootle of beers while checking into the hotel and then would drink to glory till I collapse.

      I am so glad I am not slave to AL now and don't get cravings. However I still associate AL with fun and I don't know why ... I guess know why ... The brain reward mechanism and how it works etc.

      But it's good to be sober. I sleep so well wake up fresh with no hang over and it's just great.

      One thing I see is that I have not lost weight. I guess I have replaced those empty calories with food. And even though my calorie intake has lot reduced but I don't know why I am not losing weight. Is it normal guys ?
      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
      Rebooting ... done ...
      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


        Newbies Nest

        I have decided to give dh some tough love and make him take care of himself....he is now trying to figure out how to call in refills on his prescriptions..I will them have him make his own doctors appointments and how to use the calendar we share...I am tired of doing it ALL, ALL of the time...too much stress on me and no responsibility on him...this is just the beginning.....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdlady;1565592 wrote: Quick check in!
          Noodle so good to see you. You sound like you are at the point to make some real changes in your life. I'm so happy for you. If you woulda told me 3 years ago that I'd be sober now and no longer drinking to passing out every night, I wouldn't have believed you. It is a miracle, but they happen every day around here. I'm on Day 992 and I'm living proof that it can be done!
          Justme, great to see you!
          Hang in there everyone! Every day you put between you and AL is a GREAT day!!! Byrdie
          All I can say is WOW - Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two Days! So inspiring Byrdie! :goodjob:
          Thanks for being here for all of us. You help us everyday and we truly appreciate it.:thanks:


            Newbies Nest

            Wow Byrdie! Nearly 1000 well done! I can't imagine this place without you and your thoughtful kind hearted welcomes, no matter what or where we have been. You truly are an inspiration :hug:

            Hey life change. How's it hanging? Sorry been AWOL. Busy with work and work and work. Lol. Wouldn't have it any other way. I only work part time and though finances aren't tough as hubby is working I like my pocket money and little best egg I'm building. I am appalled at how much I posse down te toiled when I was due king durin my relapse. Heck my whole adult life!

            Newbies- welcome welcome and take a cosy seat!

            Gambler- your inspiring me to make something in my pressure cooker. I am veggie so can't do your chicken .. Any other ideas? Thanks for your mention a few days back- I am always typing when on my phone before bed. Still nice I know my little notes are appreciated :-)

            Rahul- I've not lost weight either but think as you said it is due to
            My consuming good calories rather than all in a bottle of wine. I will tackler the extra calories soon.

            Afm- other than work I am eating like a fiend. I have osteo okie row for my back but for the post part it is better. My weeked wasn't too busy but had the old AL habitual call to 'relax' whilst cooking. Still there and I know I am stronger now but scary how themind and it's devil friend work.

            Available- hope you're doing well too. Dottie you and LC should be near 40 days soon?

            Finally, anyone know what happened to trinity. I may send her a personal pm. She was trying to start ou when I did my day 1.
            Right off to bed I go. Night night nesters. I hope you're all tucked in safely.


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks, everyone! I certainly could not have done it without MWO...or OWO, as Gambler calls it!
              At $10 a day times almost a thousand days....that's a LOT of money!! That's not counting the drinks in restaurants.....can you imagine how my liver is rejoicing??? Can you imagine pouring ethanol over a living plant or organ every single day for 20 years? It's a wonder I'm alive!!! Seriously!

              Dot Belle, go YOU!!

              Rahul so good to see you!!! Keep it going!
              Hugs to all, hitting the road tomorrow, 7 hour drive! In the old days I would spend the evenings drinking myself to oblivion. Nowadays. by the time I check all my social networking sites, I hardly have time to eat!!! Bah! How things change!!
              Rahul, I didn't start losing weight until the 3rd month!! UGG, everyone else seemed to drop it like nobody's business, but mine finally did budge and I went on to lose 13 pounds without really trying at all!!! (never said that before!!) So hang in, good things will be coming your way!
              Stay safe everyone! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Brydie congrats on all your days as everyone has said you are an inspiration to us all that it can be done. Between you and Lav your words of wisdom are taken on board and listened and read intently on my part.

                Min we are up to day 38 now woo hoo who would have thought and its nice to have buddies on the same day.

                Hens night this weekend so a big event to look forward to and to be wary of as well. Going to see some male strippers so will have my hands full without a glass ha ha. Then I will retire for the night at the motel and let the young ones carry on for the rest of the night.

                Hopefully today my mother of the bride dress arrives so that is exciting and god i hope it fits or back to the drawing board with 4 weeks till the wedding. Why oh why do i leave things to the last minute. I am glad my anxiety levels are nearly normal so i am not reaching for the bottle.

                Have a great day/night nesters.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good hour to you all my fellow Nesters. :l

                  3June2013;1565356 wrote: Hope they brush their teeth tonight though lolYup .. sure did. In fact I made them brush them twice .. ( they skimped out on the first go around lol ). Oh did I mention the whip cream too ?

                  Justme223;1565573 wrote: Just starting out day 6 AF. *snip* I'm here. And this is just a small step in a big journey, so glad I found a place of support.Hello there Justme (damn.. I cant think of a monogram for you ..) anyways Its good to see you here. Good job on the 6 days ! Go for the big 7 and you get to see some soft porn from Byrdy . Yea im with you on the this being a great place for you. Not just to help you on your journey but also for just everyday comradery and freindship.

                  Byrdlady;1565592 wrote: I'm on Day 992 :happy: .. You know what really tickles me pink is that you are Here and Helping others. You could just as well spread your eagle wings (unlike us little flappers) and soar to do whatever. But you are here and that shows a lot about you and your character. I know its not out of ego or vain that you continue to do this .. so I for one expect one of those Big Time Award winning speeches up in the ToolBox. No pressure now .. :-)

                  MinStar;1565658 wrote:
                  Still nice I know my little notes are appreciated :-)
                  Give me a hug and next time I will devote an entire page for you .. Yea I get those little mentions here and there from others that puts a smile on my face. Sometimes those small things go a long way with me more than you might think ..
                  I haven't done any veggie solo deals yet. I dont really have the steamer gig with my old one. But when I get my Fagor It will come with all the gizmo's and a book filled with recipes. I will make a dish just for you.

                  Oh BTW .. What you talking a Cozy Seat ?? WTF I only got this simpletons Twig here. And now that I have my cool affects lighting and some art deco I dont want to move..not now..

                  Byrdlady;1565660 wrote:
                  Thanks, everyone! I certainly could not have done it without MWO...or OWO, as Gambler calls it!
                  At $10 a day times almost a thousand days....that's a LOT of money!! That's not counting the drinks in restaurants
                  Hey look at that ! .. I coined my first phrase and got recognized for it lol. You are a perceptive little Aves aren't you
                  I feel like I got a part time job on the side from saving money week after week. Just picked up a Blu Ray player and that was less than the cost of 22 days of drinking. I should be way ahead by now..but I literally pissed it away. Now its time for ME and not AL !
                  Im not going to comment on the flammable liver/organ thing..Im kinda feminine that way lol

                  available;1565670 wrote:
                  Going to see some male strippers so will have my hands full without a glass ha ha. Then I will retire for the night at the motel and let the young ones carry on for the rest of the night.
                  I knew I picked the wrong line of work. Im here Itching myself to death when I could have had someone else doing it for me ;-).

                  I had another great day with my hands today ( no not like that Available ). Yup work was just easy enough for a monday and just hard enough to not feel like I was slacking. I think this is going to be a productive week for me. Got some Big jobs coming in so that will keep my mind occupied and my pockets deep. I went to another soccer game with the kids and same ol' same ol'. Coaches screaming at the kids like they were earning 4 million per season..wish I had the balls to tell them to chill out but its almost more enjoyable to watch the kids expressions when they look back at them. Its like you can just see it in their Young innocent little eyes saying ...

                  ........('(...?...?.... ?~/'...')
                  ..........''............. _.??

                  How kids have changed these days ... But its a good thing they learn these important things early in life.. Hey.. Its true ! :-)

                  Im gonna go ahead and schooch on outa here before I get busted for vulgarity.

                  Have a great rest of your day/evening or afternoon. ~ G.
                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    available, have I ever mentioned that my son was married Sept 30 & my daughter on Dec 23 - the SAME YEAR?? :H :H Talk about anxiety!!! Hang in there, I bet everything will go just fine for you!

                    Byrdie, I'm so happy for you racking up the AF time - knew you could do it too

                    Good luck Dottie getting him to act like a grownup

                    Banishing old habits & developing new & healthier habits is exactly what we have to do. The support here in the nest & elsewhere on MWO make a big difference!

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day Two is winding to an end. I'm a little grouchy and self absorbed, but nothing I can't handle. Anxious to keep racking up the days. On to day 3!
                      You had the power all along, my dear.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dave I'm really lol at your artwork! Was looking at it line by line- man that took some planning. I've never seen that before. Chuckling as I drift off.
                        Night all!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Too true Lav ;-))

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Maybe Gambler you could get a part time job on weekends and have someone else "itching" yourself as you say ha ha.

                            Oh Lav i would be a mess if i had two getting married in the one year, one is bad enough. I am just glad i am not drinking so i am not as anxious. The time is coming quickly and before you know it, it will be over.

                            Everyone seems really positive which is so good to hear.

                            take care all
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              1000 days!! Wonderful!!
                              Liberated 5/11/2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning!
                                Off to work with my super controlling co-worker. Another chance to practice dealing with stress and people I don't in any way enjoy being around AF-- It is a great opportunity, isn't it? I have decided that within the next year I will have another job and that makes me SOOO happy.

                                Kailey, I hope you have a really good day 3. Great job on getting here.Those first 2 days were always so difficult for me-- just doing it! Keep reading and posting and reading and posting! If you start to feel uncertain, come here first to get it out, to talk about it. We're all here to support you.:l

                                So what happens with 1000 days? Who's the prize patrol for our lovely Byrdie? Is there a "set" prize for such an amount of time?--man, we've got some planning to do!

                                Minstar, you're sounding good--I always love to hear from you, whether it's just a peep or a longer post. For me it's so much about being accountable to myself-- and each day I spend time here, even if I only have a moment, strengthens me!

                                Avail, THIS weekend already! Your plan sounds great and you sound strong and resolved. You said a couple of times in the past that you don't want to drink but that you might. How are you feeling about it now? I know you'll be a beautiful mother of the bride!

                                Wishing you all a positive, full of gratitude Tuesday. I'll check in again later..

