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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Nest,

    Byrdie, Congratulations!! What an accomplishment! I haven't been very good about posting regularly, but your insight and support to all of us is amazing.

    Your post is dead on about the rationalization of is insane to me how easy it can be for me to "justify" just one or two, which of course turns into many more.

    Peaceful, Sober Tuesday to All!


      Newbies Nest

      gambler;1565348 wrote: Howdies nesters .. hope everyone had a good Sunday

      I had a wonderful time with the boys but it was too short. I made some simple chicken in the Pcooker ( water,chicken and a small bag of onion dip ) .. 15 minutes along with my special stove top simple rice and bam ! We were stuffed lol. OH.. and then we had Sundays with half chocolate chip and half banana split Ice cream .. *cough* .. some caramel syrup and sprinkles .. butterscotch chips .. and sadly some crushed up Heath bar stuff :H . I stayed with just the ice cream and caramel

      Driving them back was terrible on me though. It was of course raining and they just quietly and sadly stared out the side windows. Its tough on them and that makes it even harder on me. I think getting AF and taking back my life the way it should be is making it even more difficult on them. I spend quality time with life is home is clean and comfortable. Everything in this environment is soothing and also Lots of Fun . Hopefully I can make enough to get that damn lawyer to file the papers and the emergency 50/50 custody by the end of the week...If not this week it will be the next. Ill let you guys know...

      Welp I have to climb into bed now and think happy happy thoughts so I can sleep. I hate having to try to think positive after such a nice day. Take care my friends and be good to yourselves

      Dave good luck on your hearing. I cant imagine anything more painful that having to involuntarily part with your kids. Those weekends with the kids must be both a source of immense joy and also pain. Word of Caution...I am of the age where I have some more than my fair share of marriages ending in divorce. More often than not the old saying "all's fair in love and war" is an absolute truth . I am never surprised as to the depths one partner will take to hurt the other. Be prepared if your Ex trys to spring your past alcohol use into play in regards to your fittness as a parent. The game is rigged as it is regarding maternal rights in matters of divorce so dont let the system play you regarding your past use of alcohol. It may never come to that but a good strategy in place if it does cant hurt. Good luck! you have earned it.
      Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

      William Butler Yeats


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdie! You are my hero! Do you have a cape?

        Dave, good luck on things with your kids!

        To everyone else-Good rainy morning!

        Yesterday afternoon was a b**** for me. More drama with my 17yo stepson and his wing nut mother. My nerves were such that I physically ached for a glass of wine. I mean it physically hurt. I wanted to give it up. But then I had a patient who turned it all around for me. He was a Vietnam vet. One thing about me is I have so much pride for our armed forces and the most respect for soldiers, present and past, their families,and what they all sacrifice to serve. What they give up that we may live our boring, day to day lives, and all the freedoms that go along with that.

        This guy was a pilot in Vietnam, 21yo. I am always interested to hear veteran's stories. He is a volunteer at the Mighty 8th museum here in Savannah. We talked quite a bit about WWII veterans and how they are dwindling fast, and the fact that they just don't make young men the same anymore. From that, he went on to show me something someone had sent to him in an email.

        It was the story of a young soldier, told completely in photos. The pictures start out with a couple obviously in love. Then pictures of this handsome, strong guy at various times over in Iraq. The next picture was of this young man in the ICU, no arms or legs, and on a ventilator. The following photos told the story of his recovery, his fianc? at his side, carrying him on her back. Literally carrying him around on her back. Prostheses follow, learning to walk again, and then a beautiful wedding ceremony.

        That patient, and his stories, turned my day around and made me reconsider. I almost did not go up to discharge this patient, because I was such an emotional mess. But at the last minute I said to hell with it and went anyway. I am so glad I did.

        So this morning I say....

        To the patient who turned my day around and made me reconsider.....Thank You

        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
        -Alan Cohen


          Newbies Nest

          Cat Belle;1565877 wrote: Byrdie! You are my hero! Do you have a cape?

          Dave, good luck on things with your kids!

          To everyone else-Good rainy morning!

          Yesterday afternoon was a b**** for me. More drama with my 17yo stepson and his wing nut mother. My nerves were such that I physically ached for a glass of wine. I mean it physically hurt. I wanted to give it up. But then I had a patient who turned it all around for me. He was a Vietnam vet. One thing about me is I have so much pride for our armed forces and the most respect for soldiers, present and past, their families,and what they all sacrifice to serve. What they give up that we may live our boring, day to day lives, and all the freedoms that go along with that.

          This guy was a pilot in Vietnam, 21yo. I am always interested to hear veteran's stories. He is a volunteer at the Mighty 8th museum here in Savannah. We talked quite a bit about WWII veterans and how they are dwindling fast, and the fact that they just don't make young men the same anymore. From that, he went on to show me something someone had sent to him in an email.

          It was the story of a young soldier, told completely in photos. The pictures start out with a couple obviously in love. Then pictures of this handsome, strong guy at various times over in Iraq. The next picture was of this young man in the ICU, no arms or legs, and on a ventilator. The following photos told the story of his recovery, his fianc? at his side, carrying him on her back. Literally carrying him around on her back. Prostheses follow, learning to walk again, and then a beautiful wedding ceremony.

          That patient, and his stories, turned my day around and made me reconsider. I almost did not go up to discharge this patient, because I was such an emotional mess. But at the last minute I said to hell with it and went anyway. I am so glad I did.

          So this morning I say....

          To the patient who turned my day around and made me reconsider.....Thank You
          Cat Belle - what a beautiful lesson on perspective. Sometimes we think our lives are so shitty and we talk of struggling to make it through the day without a drink of all things and here is this soldier re-learning things we all take for granted. WOW. This helped me tremendously today in terms of gratitude. I too have a soft spot for our men and women in uniform. Hugs to all of them; veterans and active duty.:l

          Thank you for sharing.


            Newbies Nest

            Bydie, by my calculations your 1000th day will on the 15th of October, is that right? Don't want to miss such a special day
            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdie - I want to be you when I grow up! You are an amazing person and I feel privileged to know you! Thanks for all you do around here...I don't know what we'd do without you :h I love you! :h

              Gambler - Nice in the heck did you come up with that? You are an evil genius.

              Did I see a few pages back that Available mentioned going to see male strippers? That caught my eye for some reason. :H So what happened...or that an event in the near future? I need to know!

              Whether you're on day 1 or 1,000...remember that getting and staying sober is soooo worth it. You will never regret the work and effort...and you'll never wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank the night before! Stay strong everyone, you CAN do this!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                Cat - That is a beautiful story! I have seen those photos too. It's an amazing story of courage, strength, hope and undying love! Brings tears to my eyes! I am so happy that this is the message you needed to keep you going. Love abounds!!!

                Good morning all! :0)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning, Bydie, awesome lesson and reminder for us, love it. Cat Belle, that story has brought tears to my eyes - I fully get what you are saying, and yes, I said recently (somewhere on here - God knows where!), that one of my main motivators is that I need to realise I have so many opprtunities, where so many don't have one. I'm sick of attending my own Pity Party every night - I know I need to get over myself, and thinking about others who are so brave, and sacrifice so much, puts much of our struggles into perspective. Had a heart to heart with my hubby last night (who is amazing by the way - very supportive), and he has obviously been very worried about me for such a long time, but I'd started to become sneaky with the drink - always a bad sign!. Anyway, as we are having this indepth conversation, my youngest, who's sat right at the other end of the room (it's a big room) with head phones on - I noticed is looking at me very seriously, as if absorbing every word. He just takes off his head phones and says "Mum, that's great. I'm going to help you too with this. If I see you going to have a drink, I'm going to stop you". But the look on his face says it all. Big sigh, not down about it - staying optomistic that I can now start to rebuild some of the damage that I've obviously been inflicting. I don't think they can count many nights I've been sober, since they were born, and not to mention the nightmare experiences I've inflicted on them, whilst being so paraletic, along the way. Unhappy times.
                  ANYWAY, after this huige ramble, it's piddling it down here, but sober, happy, optomistic, and excited about the future. Hugs to you all, see ya later :h


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sorry to be short but wanted to say night night.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks, all, for the very kind words! NoSugar, you are so right, I have searched this site from one side to the other and I haven't found any shorter way to get from A to B than what we talk about here!

                      Long day of driving here, I'm not used to Toll Roads! I went thru one...then another and finally I was getting really ticked off 5 toll booths! The lady at the booth said "Honey, this is your third time thru here, where are you going?" BAH!!! My dang GPS had me going in a circle!! I was too stupid to realize it!!!! I coulda been here a half hour earlier and about $3 richer!!! OY.

                      Allan, Oct 15 is my 1000th day. (which is hard to say! I sound like I have a lisp!)

                      Stay strong everyone!!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hanging on by the skin of my teeth tonight. Just got home from work and logged on trying to find some inspiration. It didn't take long. Byrdie, your post about rationalizing one day of drinking and then more and more was enough to keep me on track tonight. Damn this is hard! And I am one cranky gal! Hopefully this funk will pass and I can enjoy some of my evening.
                        You had the power all along, my dear.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Kailey, don't worry about being cranky - that's perfectly OK & it will pass. Just don't drink. a few cravings never killed any of us Hanging around here will make you stronger!

                          Byrdie, you didn't happen to drive up my way, did you? There are toll roads all over PA & NJ - annoying! We all have an Easy Pass on our windshields & the toll gets deducted automatically so we don't even have to stop

                          I have zero plans for ever dipping my toe into moderations again. I know what happens!!!
                          Hang in there everyone & have a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks, Lavande!

                            Note to self... It's only been an hour since not drinking tonight seemed almost too hard to accomplish, and I was in a major funk. Now, after a good dinner and a warm bath I'm almost giddy. I'm so happy and proud of myself! Good to know the cravings can die down so fast. I always assumed they would last until I caved into them!
                            You had the power all along, my dear.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Kailey, I used to feel that way, a CRAVING couldn't be overcome! Until I started analyzing them (I'm bad about that). They last about 15 minutes...and eating is absolutely your best defense. When you begin to realize they can be beaten, it gets a lot easier! I'm so happy for you!!
                              Lav, I'm in South Carolina. I've decided I don't like Toll Roads!
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello nesters!

                                Good things happening at work. I was asked to move to a position of greater challenge, and better hours for the same pay. Do I need time to think about it? No sir thank you! I'm totally pumped. Weekends off, day shift...after 28 years I am thrilled!

                                Byrdie sorry to laugh but the image of you cursing yet another toll before you found out it was the same toll lol too much! Are you home safe now I hope?

                                As for moderation, now and again someone asks me if I will drink again only less? I'm like you don't really get it do you? I love being AF!

                                Cravings are just mind games, distract the mind and sure enough they'll disappear!

                                Hang in there nesters this is totally worth it!
                                Newbies Nest
                                My accountability thread

