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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just doing a quick check in. I am having connection problems. Someone is a real pig with the data in my area. Smartphone data barely working right now. We are doing great.
    Have a nice af one everyone
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening everyone ..

      available;1565753 wrote: Maybe Gambler you could get a part time job on weekends and have someone else "itching" yourself as you say ha ha. I think thats illegal around these parts lol. But still a good idea but without the part time job. I got my beer money that is burning holes in my pockets rofl !

      Icanwithoutacan;1565862 wrote: I'm back on day 1.... The entire past week has been about panic because I know I have to quit. I feel that way when I try quitting the smokes...panic! I tend to focus more on the Idea on the quit and everything thats involved with it than just focusing on the resolve and the "I just dont smoke anymore" part. Unlike with beer I just decided to Quit..that was that. I dont focus on the Quit itself.. only on the Resolve. Dont get me wrong .. Its still a bitch sometimes..just not for long. As K9 said below Day 1 or a thousand days .. its all the same to me because Today is the only day thats important .. not yesterday and not next week. Good to see you again

      TJAF;1565873 wrote: Dave good luck on your hearing. I cant imagine anything more painful that having to involuntarily part with your kids. Those weekends with the kids must be both a source of immense joy and also pain. Word of Caution...I am of the age where I have some more than my fair share of marriages ending in divorce. More often than not the old saying "all's fair in love and war" is an absolute truth . I am never surprised as to the depths one partner will take to hurt the other. Be prepared if your Ex trys to spring your past alcohol use into play in regards to your fittness as a parent. The game is rigged as it is regarding maternal rights in matters of divorce so dont let the system play you regarding your past use of alcohol. It may never come to that but a good strategy in place if it does cant hurt. Good luck! you have earned it.Thank you for your reply TJAF ! From what I understand the beer drinking hopefully is not really going to be a big factor. I have no DUIs and no assault or any record whatsoever. I drank at home or social gatherings and never in bars. by law the courts have to look for the best interest of the kids. I do hear you but again all the lawyers that I have talked to said my beer drinking is not going to play much of a part..not as much as the mother withholding them from me..thats a big no no. It has affected there spirit and emotional well being. Even if she pulls some crap while at the mediator and for some reason I end up getting every other weekend and one day a week plus holidays vacations etc. the boys are already seeing what she is doing and not taking well to it. I have already decided to plan for the worst and hope for the best.. I hope thats enough ..

      Cat Belle;1565877 wrote:
      To the patient who turned my day around and made me reconsider.....Thank You
      What a great end to a sad story.. thank you for sharing. And thank you for your prayer :l

      K9Lover;1565904 wrote:
      Gambler - Nice in the heck did you come up with that? You are an evil genius.
      I dont kiss and tell ... Im not an Ḕṽḯḹ genius .. just very good at my keyboard. It only took me about 30 seconds to get that up there

      K9Lover;1565904 wrote:
      Whether you're on day 1 or 1,000...remember that getting and staying sober is soooo worth it.
      I whole heartedly agree ! I didnt even see your post when I said the same basic thing up in Icans reply. So worth it is an understatement ! What one would think she/he is going to gain or the reasons why going AF isnt even a fraction of what is actually going to be gained..

      Lavande;1566046 wrote: I have zero plans for ever dipping my toe into moderations again. I know what happens!!!
      Funny thing happened today. I was talking to someone at work and he of course knows all about me not drinking and what not.. He said something like "I didnt drink very much for a year or so but now I just have a few here and there." Kinda in a round about way insinuating that I could do the same. But then I asked him why and he really didnt have much of an answer. I just looked at him curiously and told him that I found that without any kind of merit. Other than having a mind altering experience or to catch a buzz why would one willingly want to drink just a few beers or cocktails just for the hell of it ? What it boiled down to is he wanted to just hang out and be one of the be ( in his mind ) closer to whatever group that he was with. You know just be one of the guys kinda thing. I proceeded to tell him that I used to feel the same way here and there..mostly because I liked the mind alteration but whatever..but now I dont want to be like them and that I wanted to be just who I am. Who wants to be liked for something that they are not..and not just that but for the most part they probably didnt realize how much they have changed as much as they realized how much I have changed from my average everyday dealings with them. Leaving me in somewhat of a self indulgent spot that only leaves others thinking less of me when I was trying to get them to think more of me .. kinda a double edged sword in my case. Maybe its the same for others here and dont realize this..

      Other than that It was again a great day..beautiful sunny day with lots of happy faces around. Got lots done at work and picked up a few power tools ( oh yea Im worse than Tim the Tool man Taylor when it comes to my tools ). Bummer that it took almost 2 freaking hours at Sears to get my stuff rang up .. long story. Again made me some sweet home cooking.. I never ate this good even when I was married LOL !! I noticed today for the first time just how much my complexion looks clear and healthy. No more black bags under my more red more droopy skin. I have also notice that others just dont even "go there" with me. They seem to notice my self confidence and self esteem before I even speak. I have recently noticed that I dont have to think about what Im going to say before I speak. I dont get leg cramps in the middle of the night anymore. I enjoy music more..I smile more ( all the time actually ). I Empathize and Im more sympathetic towards others now. I not only enjoy the good times more but the bad times too...Yes the bad times are not so bad anymore. I can sit in peace when I want without the feeling of remorse or wondering. I can choose a direction and move fluidly and quickly without hesitation. I now enjoy the prosperity and happiness of others more. I can sleep well knowing I gave today the best I had and look forward to what tomorrow will bring. I am exited about life and what its future holds. These are just some of the things that Im embracing in only a few weeks being AF. I wish anyone and everyone that is struggling with their quit could Feel what Im feeling now..what others have felt before me..That you will feel Very shortly being AF yourself ..If only you could glimps into your future and see just how graceful and gracious it is to be You again. I only speak from my personal path and would wish nothing less for all of us.

      May the best that today can offer be with with Us All :h

      Stay safe in the Nest !

      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
      AF: 9-10-2013


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters!

        Congrats on the new position, 3J! Sounds like a dream and very well deserved, I'm sure--

        Kailey, It's amazing how strong those cravings can be, isn't it? And then they pass --and to experience the feeling of having conquered this seemingly impossible task of NOT DRINKING! Being true to ourselves! I try to keep this feeling present, somewhere easy to reach for those tough times.

        It is getting easier and more automatic to shut up that voice at almost 40 days-- but was it you, K9, that always had problems just after the 40 day mark? until you didn't? I'm on guard, but at the same time, really enjoying my AF life. I WON'T go back. No way!

        Off to a busy day of work-- catch up with you all later.:l


          Newbies Nest

          Just checking in - glad all good and we are all still strong n' inspirational! Had a great night AF - all good, not even tempted, think how ill i've been recently has set me off on the right foot - very calm. Waiting for those cravings to hit though - I know they won't be long, Kailey, we can do it! See ya tomorrow, have a great night xx


            Newbies Nest

            Great stuff Noodle! Bravo!

            Powering along through life on life's terms here. All great.

            Wishing all a safe, sober and magical rest of the week.


            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Newbies Nest

              gambler;1566081 wrote: Good evening everyone ..

              Again made me some sweet home cooking.. I never ate this good even when I was married LOL !! I noticed today for the first time just how much my complexion looks clear and healthy. No more black bags under my more red more droopy skin. I have also notice that others just dont even "go there" with me. They seem to notice my self confidence and self esteem before I even speak. I have recently noticed that I dont have to think about what Im going to say before I speak. I dont get leg cramps in the middle of the night anymore. I enjoy music more..I smile more ( all the time actually ). I Empathize and Im more sympathetic towards others now. I not only enjoy the good times more but the bad times too...Yes the bad times are not so bad anymore. I can sit in peace when I want without the feeling of remorse or wondering. I can choose a direction and move fluidly and quickly without hesitation. I now enjoy the prosperity and happiness of others more. I can sleep well knowing I gave today the best I had and look forward to what tomorrow will bring. I am exited about life and what its future holds. These are just some of the things that Im embracing in only a few weeks being AF. I wish anyone and everyone that is struggling with their quit could Feel what Im feeling now..what others have felt before me..That you will feel Very shortly being AF yourself ..If only you could glimps into your future and see just how graceful and gracious it is to be You again. I only speak from my personal path and would wish nothing less for all of us.
              Definitely words to live by today! It's amazing how our lives get SO much better without the beast bringing us down. Every facet of my life is better. I am a very happy person, and I'm even happier knowing that I am getting rid of the biggest threat to my whole life I have ever faced - ALCOHOL.

              Thanks for sharing!

              Have a super day, everyone. And keep smiling!


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters & Happy humpday

                Nice to see you rooni! Hi there G!

                Nothing special happening with me, just busy & grateful to be alive & well
                Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lavande;1566172 wrote: Good morning Nesters & Happy humpday

                  Nice to see you rooni! Hi there G!

                  Nothing special happening with me, just busy & grateful to be alive & well
                  Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!

                  Hi Lav!

                  Very grateful here too. Have a great day my friend. :h

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning, Nesters!!
                    Travel Tip. Don't drink a cut of coffee with the stirry straw in funnels thru the straw and right onto your clothes. Also, don't sip the coffee thru the straw, it burns a place on your tongue.

                    Hope to get home in one piece! One more night on the road and then back home to safety! Be safe, everyone!!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      noodle;1566148 wrote: Just checking in - glad all good and we are all still strong n' inspirational! Had a great night AF - all good, not even tempted, think how ill i've been recently has set me off on the right foot - very calm. Waiting for those cravings to hit though - I know they won't be long, Kailey, we can do it! See ya tomorrow, have a great night xx
                      I KNOW we're going to make it, Noodle! Cravings hit me last night, but then magically just faded into the background! I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that I fought them off. Let's stick together and get through the tough times ahead and come out the other side together!

                      By the way, don't let my join date fool you. I've been following this board for years, so this isn't a new whim for me. I've been working on this for a long time. I will say it does feel different this time. Posting is making the difference I think.
                      You had the power all along, my dear.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I have the greatest respect for those of you who do this day in and day out. You are an inspiration. One day I will count my days in months and years. Until then, it's back to Day One for me.

                        My wife found me passed out on the couch Tuesday morning around 5 a.m. You can guess why. She was and still is very very upset. They sent her home from work yesterday, they said she looked sick. Meanwhile I was in no shape to go to work yesterday and I was so scared my wife wouldn't bother coming home, I couldn't eat anything all day. Except a slice of pizza I forced myself to eat around 9 p.m.

                        I am paying for it today. I was so dehydrated and physically weak, it took all of my energy to text my boss saying I could not make it in again. He says he understands but he can't be happy with me either at this point. I then slept until about an hour and a half ago, where my wife got some fluids and food into me. I made myself some soup I will force myself to eat as much as I can, then I will lay down again.

                        It's hard to believe that went down over a day and a half. I guess it's true about rock bottom. My rock bottoms have been pretty high compared to stories I've heard, but I am fed up. And that's a good thing. I need to get it right this time.

                        Thanks for listening again and thanks for being an inspiration that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

                        [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Elvis - You only fail when you quit trying, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start day one again. I am on my millionth smoking quit, so I completely understand the cravings right now. But remember that a craving will NEVER last as long as a hangover, you just proved that...a day and a half to recover compared to 15 minutes TOPS of a craving.

                          Remember how you've felt the last couple days and keep that at the front of your mind. Whenever I think it would be "fun" to have a "few", I fast forward to the next day, laying on the couch with the room spinning and my head pounding, and having to sprint to the bathroom or kitchen sink to dry heave. Yeah, that's lots 'o fun ain't it??

                          My bank statements used to show my pattern....liquor store at night, fast food restaurant next day...repeat, repeat, repeat. One time I was applying for loan and they need my bank statements...what an embarrassment to see "Speedy Liquor" on there every damn day (sometimes TWICE on the same day). *SIGH*

                          The good thing is, neither you, nor I, nor any of us need to go through this vicious cycle anymore. Ride out the cravings, each one you beat will make you stronger! Hang in there and please keep us posted.

                          Hi to all the other Nesters...hope you have a great day. I am officially at that age where my aches and pains can predict the healed broken foot is pounding today, and it's raining. I guess I've crossed over into middle age...darnit.
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            K9Lover;1566264 wrote:
                            My bank statements used to show my pattern....liquor store at night, fast food restaurant next day...repeat, repeat, repeat. One time I was applying for loan and they need my bank statements...what an embarrassment to see "Speedy Liquor" on there every damn day (sometimes TWICE on the same day). *SIGH*
                            K9, I completely forgot about this point. I remember I had to show my statement to a third party and there were some obviously naughty things on it.


                            AF since 1st Sep 2012
                            NF since 1st Sep 2012

                            If you want to feel better visit


                              Newbies Nest

                              Spent some time working in the yard today..cooler weather and the leaves are taking over..need to get the mulch out of the bags and on the landscape before it snows.
                              Bought myself a tea my tea but it gets cold in the pot before I can drink it all..found a cute one on Amazon and it came today..dh opened it and thought he would help by putting in on for me..well he put it on upside down...poor dh....I had to least he didn't get mad.....A for effort I guess..
                              AK never thought about the bills like credit card would have the "deli" on it several times a week....oh gosh....We drove past it the other day and dh said he was surprised they were still in ass.....

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Am traveling ... Day 1 for me again (
                                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                                Rebooting ... done ...
                                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

