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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    I hope everyone had a good night, stayed safe
    My daughter & granddaughter stayed overnight instead of driving home in the big rain storms last night. I enjoy the company

    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday. Make it a great day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      noodle;1567070 wrote: Good evening everyone, wow some great days clocking up here - what an inspiration! :h
      Elvis & BH, you are in such good company, and a huge congrats for jumping straight back on the wagon, I wished I'd have had the strength and will to do that so quickly, not 6 months / a year down that path again. Little Beagle, I'm thinking of your family, you sound as though you are preparing yourself and family as much as possible, I truely hope it isn't as stressfull as you are imagining, and that maybe some good will come from it all - you never know. Kailey, so glad you are hanging strong, yes I noticed an improvement in my skin today, could be because I've managed to wash my make-up off and brush my teeth every night this week - I know terrible :H.
      Just had a complete blow out - I reckon about 2000 cals of food, crisps and chocolate have hit my stomach this evening, whilst consuming about 2 litres of tonic water - lols, I look as though I am about to deliver! Oh well, if the rain here ever stops, I've promised my pooch a very long walk tomorrow. End of day 5 for me, and pretty chuffed with myself. This will be my first sober weekend for about 9 months / a year (?) too drunk to remember (not now - then). Those 'lil cravings started this afternoon, which I knew they would be cropping up any time soon, and I'm sure I've not seen the best of them yet, for a long shot. Just did the usuals, kept myself busy, and bought some mega strong menthol cough lozengers - I don't know why but inhaling all that menthol so it burns my throat and stomach, seems to do the trick! Must be reminisant of that alcohol burn, without all the crap - and nice breath afterwards! Anyway, off to bed, with my knock out tea, hot water bottle and my Martina Cole book - I know the Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle I've got. Wishing everyone a lovely sober weekend, see ya soon xx:l
      Noodle you are sounding strong. Do you have a plan in place for this weekend? Even rock stars need to plan for their down time LOL. Don't worry too much about the food intake, your body is adjusting to lower sugar levels due to being AF. Well worth the trade, you can tackle that later.

      Stay close and post often it is a proven way to stay the course!
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning, Nesters!!
        Kailey, you are doing great! There are 2 big safe zones to get to: Day 7 and Day 13. That first week is usually the hardest for everyone, but muscle thru it and you will get BIG rewards! The rewards come in odd ways.... NOT thinking about something is the payoff! And it's not as easily seen as the BIG BUZZ payoff we get by drinking. Hang in there with us and you will see how much stronger those muscles get! By Day 13, something just happened in my head that made me realize this really IS something I can do! It's not just my experience either, I see it ALL THE TIME here! So one day at a time, but be SURE you get to Day 7 and 13. I fell twice at Day 12....what a crying shame, too, I was on the very threshold of freedom! Once I broke thru there was NO looking back!

        Friday's outlook: Positive with a chance of hope!! Big party at the Newbie's Bar at there or be square (oh god, am I THAT old????).

        Have a great day, eva'body!!!! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          I was wondering that, too, Byrdie! 5 is pretty early, isn't it? I always used to go with my Grandma to Coco's for the early bird special! Must be what you're talking about!:H

          I'm late getting online today- I have the day off and have realised how OVERLY exhausted I am. I rented 4 films! and had a 2 hour nap-- and I feel a bit out of it. But that's ok.

          Kailey, I'm wondering how you are today-- for me, as for many of us, the sleeping part is so amazing! No more of those sweaty, panicked 3 am nightmares. ughh. those sucked.
          Do you have a fool proof weekend plan?

          and Noodle, sounding great! A couple more days and you've hit every day of the week--that's something to feel proud of, for sure. What are your plans this weekend? Hope the walk with the dog pans out-- are you in Australia? It seems like you're always going to sleep at a funny time--

          GAMBLER! Great going on 30 days:goodjob: I'm just 2 days late-- I was thinking about you, though!

          Available, you are really on my mind. When is the hen's night? tonight or tomorrow? Hang tight, hear? A drink or 2, or god forbid, more, wouldn't make the night any better--promise! Think of us all here cheering you on and waiting to give you a big hug:lxo Did you find the icons?

          I had a bit of an uncomfortable evening yesterday. Went to eat and talk with a friend from work. We always have really intense, very true to life conversations. A while ago I had told her that I was taking some time without drinking-- then after failed attempts, I had a couple of very drunken evenings with her. Last night she wanted to drink wine and I lied, saying I wasn't drinking because of my skin. She said, but your skin looks fine! I said, yeah, but I feel it coming on and it's better if I don't drink al, blah blah-- it didn't feel good to lie to her because we are close and I know she would be supportive. I felt like I couldn't really relax and be myself. Such a small thing-- but I guess it's the first outing I've had where someone else has been drinking. I so prefer having totally sober conversations and outings.

          Anyway, Hi to Nosugar, Lbeagle, Lav, Sam, Sanchez-- I never apologized for my dead duck comment weeks ago! You know I didn't mean anything, but I should be more sensitive!


            Newbies Nest

            lifechange, celebrate your success! You managed a great night out with a good friend and told AL he wasn't welcome! I know what you mean about having to explain. It's funny isn't it, non drinkers (who never drank) never feel the need to explain. They just say no thanks. I think I might try that next time I'm in the company of people who never knew me as a drinker. It's different with those who you drank with. My BFF wasn't very supportive in the beginning, I think she was afraid she would miss her drinking buddy. But it's gotten better. We made arrangements recently to meet up at an event where we'd both normally be drinking, and I suggested I could be the DD. I think she likes that part of having an AF BFF!

            PS I totally agree, sober conversations are different aren't they?
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Newbies Nest

              I'm Strong and in Control;1558548 wrote: Welcome Dreammobile, Kailey and fellow double wine bottle handlers. I've hit the AF double digits (again) and am packing for a trip - actually have begun to look forward to it. With trepidation. International flight - I won't be around to post after the morning, for at least 24 hours. All I have is now and this moment that I can promise. I can tell you with conviction that I am not drinking today. It would be miraculous for me to return and say that I didn't have the free wine on the plane and didn't have a Stella in Belgium. I visualize what my face (and spirit) would be like walking off the plane, for the first time ever, not drinking my way across the Atlantic. I've got my 'toolbox' on my Kindle and a resolve not to backslide away. I can promise that at every/any opportunity that I consider having a drink, I will remind myself where I've been and where I will end up if I drink. I'm not going back to that pattern of drinking 2+ bottles of wine 4 or more times a week. The withdrawal alone was horrific and is still very fresh in my mind. The purple tongue just went away yesterday. Trying to come up with a motivating mantra, like "you won't stop at one" or "I want water", urge surfing, and not ordering when everyone else does, to give me time to reconsider. I can promise that. Will check in again in the morning - wishing you all good, restful sleep and for those waking up Down Under - have a fantastic AF Friday!
              Ah the lies I tell myself. I'm grateful for this site and the support of my fellow warriors. It is good for me to come back and read my previous posts - like pounding another nail into the coffin. I was drinking practically the moment I arrived at the airport - didn't even wait for the free stuff on the plane. I wish I would have taken a moment to consciously consider wtf I was doing. Now, I'm trying to remember what I told myself when I justified having that glass of wine. It doesn't matter now - it's all the same addiction talking anyway. Back to drinking a bottle of wine everynight and passing out. No hangovers - which is dangerous - I need some consequences. Just needed to post. I'm going to catch up on all your posts and just hang out. Thanks, all.
              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                Newbies Nest

                I'm strong are you ready to take control again? For today, for tonight? Will you wake up tomorrow feeling proud of getting through the day AF? You know the drill, put one foot forward and start walking the talk.
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, I'mStrong

                  Welcome back and I hope that aside from drinking, you had a good trip.

                  So you've run the experiment and it sounds like it was pretty much an epic fail. That term is used most often in clinical trials in which too many subjects die. Thank goodness that wasn't your outcome but even so, it is too risky to repeat the study. It usually doesn't seem like it, but we have to remember that this is a deadly disease - either acutely due to poisoning or an accident - or over time given the assault on our bodies.

                  I hope you're ready to be truly done drinking and are ready to do whatever it takes. This is a great place to get it done.

                  I'm so glad you returned. :lNS


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello all,
                    Off to a volunteer function at the animal shelter. Last time we did this I was so hungover I could barely function and it was HOT so I was totally is going to be good and I feel so much better....what a difference no AL can make.

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks for that, 3June-

                      I'mstrong, I am glad to see you back here- I was thinking about you just the other day and wondering when we'd see you again. How about trying this 30 day challenge.? I know there have been several who haven't been sure if they want to give up forever, or if they can-- I wasn't sure I could do it and I'm just 40 days in, but I'm getting stronger and more sure of myself each day. One day at a time, one hour at a time for 30 days, then you can re-evaluate. Give yourself the chance!:l


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'm Strong, I'm so glad to see you back in the nest, welcome home!
                        You know, even in the most dire of times, if your story can help one person from taking that first drink, then some good will have come from it. As Alkies, we can NEVER put the Jeannie back into the Bottle! It's a lesson we all have to learn for ourselves...what amazes me is how FAST you go back down! BAM! Sucks you right in! But there is a silver've got FRIENDS! We know the power of this addiction. It only takes a couple of AF days under your belt to feel good again. Hop on up next to me, we'll get you going again.....NO looking back!

                        The bar used to open at about 2:30 on Fridays so if I did hang on until 5 it was because I got tied up with something. Then on weekends I'd start at 10:30 in the morning....that's as long as I could hold out. There at the end I wasn't even driving on the weekends because I was buzzed the whole time. How sad. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything just wanted to 'hang'. I tell you, if you think that being sober makes you boring, just try being a drunk! I don't think anything could be further from the truth actually. Being sober feels GREAT! I'm a much better listener and conversationalist sober than I ever was drunk (even tho I thought it was just the opposite). I still can't sing, but that's another story for another time. Friday is just another day....your reward for a hard week's work will be in the morning when you wake up and feel like a million bucks! (not like you've been trampled by them). Be strong everyone....keep your quit going no matter what and no matter whoooo!!!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Oh Byrdie. Perfect x

                          Night nesters. I'm looking forward to my reward to motive morning - waking hangover free. X


                            Newbies Nest

                            Byrdie I have woken to a Saturday full of a cold again but determined. I am pretty excited. My girls are together and I just rang them as I want to be there so I need to get motivated and get over to spend some quality time with them. But first i have to go to the sex shop to get some penis straws for them to drink out of and a sash for my daughter. Now that should be fun I may never leave the shop! Then off to get the some berocca for Sunday. Good mother that I am. I am not going to wake with a hangover tomorrow morning, that is not in the equation today, i feel much better in my mind about this. I think because i had such a crap week with work and fam that i was telling myself it was okay and i know it is not okay for an alcoholic to have that drink.

                            So i will be back tomorrow with some great stories and hopefully some pics of those gorgeous delectable men naked or near naked, well any form that they care to be in will be fine by me.

                            Thanks very much for your support in leading up to today i appreciate it so very much.

                            Now to go and decide what to wear, I think i will just pack everything I own and go from there.

                            Hugs to all and check in soon xx

                            PS: Byrdie now do you see an icon on my post lol. I have not looked yet but i will.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just checking in to stay accountable. It's Friday after work and for some crazy reason this is the easiest night I've had this week! I have zero cravings! I have no idea how to account for that since the last few nights have been pretty tough. Not complaining! Happy to wrap up Day 6!
                              You had the power all along, my dear.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening Guys and Dolls,

                                Wow, it seems like an eternity since I have checked into the nest. I feel kinda guilty and selfish about it honestly, as I really like to give back to the folks that have been such a tremendous help to me. Though now that I have a lady in my life that I can't stand to be more than 5 feet away from, it puts a severe damper in my ability to pay it forward. She is working til close tonight though, so what better chance to catch up right?

                                So many new names and faces (uhhh, I mean avatars) abound, and reading their stories is like looking in the mirror. That was probably my biggest comfort when I first came here, the fact that so many other people were suffering from similar problems. I used to think I was some sort of freak or cosmic anomaly.


                                Lost, confused, angry, moody, physically wrecked, etc were the bill of fare for nearly everyone here at one point or another. The truly uplifting postscript to this toxic salad of human misery is that MWO works, and eventually all these horrors will be in the rear view mirror given enough time and support.

                                I wish everyone a safe and AF free friday night, especially the newly sober people who I am sure are suffering. The first few weekends are a bitch. However, look at it this way: YOU are in control, and YOU are responsible for your actions. Iron will and self determination can be a force of nature when properly harnessed. Seize it and use it to your advantage.

                                In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

                                AF since August 18, 2013

