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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Chooks Check-in!

    Hello to all Nesters!

    Well did not do brilliantly last night,but did pull self up by boot-straps and haul self off to bed before went absolutely downhill! (That is my positive spin on it anyhow

    I want to get things done.I want to update the journals I am keeping for my precious girls! I want to keep staying fit and loose some weight! I want to spring clean the house. I want to sort out the infernal garden. I want to do these things and more and when I drink I can't seem to get much of anything done. Even when I'm not hungover, the drive to 'do' just goes! I want to start doing more 'activities with the girls' and be more present.

    So baby-steps.

    Dear fellow nesters how is your journey going?
    Today I must go and take the wee chicks to have their Swine-flu vaccinations (yucko!),then do a food shop and then catch up with a friend in the afternoon! I am hoping to actually fit some exercise in there too ,but not sure how I'm going to do that just yet!

    All the best folks
    Chook *gentle cluck for Lav*


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Fine Feathered Friends!

      Ooh. A bit of a theme in the old nest tonight...

      Jane - "Maybe intimacy will return to your marriage when you don't both pass out from the grog once your heads hit the pillows." in response to T's similar comments.

      Chicken - "I want to do these things and more and when I drink I can't seem to get much of anything done. Even when I'm not hungover, the drive to 'do' just goes!"

      It is incredible how much al gets in the way of just living. I know these feelings very well; and I'm beginning to feel how much time "slipped away" when I was drinking. There's no point in lamenting the time lost, opportunities, etc. These posts remind me of how much I've given up to "feel good", and how little I got in return. The past does not matter much now except for how it helps us to figure out what to do next.

      Chicken so glad you're back. You sound like your rolling with things as they come, that's good. Glad to hear your family's well - kids are an amazing inspiration aren't they? Precious gifts!

      Three days is great Jane! Keep it rolling. Sounds like your mate taking the cues from you is pretty supportive. It's funny how I too have classified "drinking together" as a vital form of intimate communication!

      Yep, Open, I've been mod'ing, but didn't want to try until after 30 af days. Even then I was worried about what might happen. I find I'm not really good at having one or two, so I try to put a lot of af days between the mod'ing episodes. The 30 days helped me understand what's possible - I'm still trying to figure things out, but spending more time af than not. Feels good - this freedom.

      Hi to Lav, T's and anyone else dropping in. Big snow is supposed to be blowing in.

      Take care.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Evening Nesters!

        Wow, it's a bit late for me but at least I made it here.

        Chook - you just keep looking into the faces of your girls - your inspiration is right there
        You know how their eyes light up when they are happy or surprised? Do whatever you have to do to keep that light there..... Take care of yourself first so you are in shape to take care of them. They really do grow up so fast, you don't want to miss a thing! I love the idea of the 'glow-worm' for them

        Tranq, I heard snow is on the way here too tomorrow night into Friday morning! What can you do???
        Bundle up buddy - it's been cold!!

        Wishing everyone a safe & peaceful night in the nest.
        Stay warm!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi there fellow chirpers--a quick fly by as am really beat tonight. January has always been a tough month for me--wish I could just hibernate right through the whole thing.

          Jane--way to go on 3 days AF--you are off to a very strong start--keep on keeping on!:goodjob:

          Tranq--I really appreciate what you wrote about the past not mattering much now except to help us with figuring out our future steps. Gonna have to sleep on that one and internalize it.

          Chookster--you so completely nailed it about wanting to do so many things, but then the drink ebbs away at our motivation. I really see drinking as a dream stealer and am now wanting to fight to get my dreams back.

          Lav--You are sounding pretty chipper for this late! Can I have what you're having? I never have figured out what time zone MWO is on--do you know? Stay warm and hunker down with the weather coming in tomorrow.

          Sleep tight everyone.
          "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Chilly but sunny outside my window this morning! Snow to move in tonight.

            Open, I wouldn't mind hibernating thru January & February myself - not my best time of year either. Funny, I mentioned that to a few people yesterday
            It's 8:08 am as I write this - not sure what time will show on MWO.

            I have another busy day ahead & need to jump right into it. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday. Hope you're all seeing some sunshine too!
            I'll be back later.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi All!
              Just a quick one before work today! The flu-shots were not great ,but are done now so that is sorted! Last night I did very well, instead of pouring a drink at 5pm,I took out the Wii Fit and spent an hour on that..hubby and kids thought I was mad! By the time I finished that it ws dinner time and then get the kids sorted for bed and then did not feel at all inclined to mess up all my hard work!!! So have found something that I can do to halt the dreaded demon AL!

              Morning Lav,Tranq,Open,T's and all who follow!
              Have a good one folks
              Luv Chook


                Newbies Nest


                Just saying Hi. Snow is not too bad today, but more on the way - might get up to a foot, we'll see.

                Open, thanks for the kind compliment. Lav - stay warm.

                Wish I could grow some fur and sleep myself.

                Take care.
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Chooks!

                  Cross-post. Wii fit to the rescue huh. I've heard those are fun. Making time to exercise regularly is one way to be very good ourselves. Good job!

                  Take care.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest


                    8 pm here, no snow yet but very cloudy out there!

                    Tranq, hope you don't end up with a foot of snow - too much. We still have some frozen piles of snow leftover from the Dec. 19th birthday blizzard. The guy who plowed our driveway made some real mountains for us.

                    Got my work (pretty much) caught up today, ran out for a haircut & quick dinner now I'm just going to sit & do nothing for a bit I really need a little to to vegetate!

                    Wishing everyone a warm & safe evening in the nest.
                    Chook - have fun with the Wii Fit. My kids both have one & love it. Sounds like a great distraction

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      I slipped!

                      Hi nesters

                      Thanks for the encouragement, Open. I managed 4 days AF and then slipped, not badly, but slipped never the less. Had a BBQ here last night and couldn't resist the bubbly. Only had 2 glasses and miraculously managed to stop at only 2 that's a first! Realised I was throwing away the inroads I had made these past few days and so quickly made a cup of peppermint tea. All alcohol tastes shocking after a cup of peppermint tea!!
                      The other thing I found interesting, is that I didn't want to let my MWO friends down. I've never met you and I don't want you to be disappointed in me!!! so I stopped after 2 and woke up this morning fresh as a daisy minus the usual champagne hangover. Terrific. Ironically, I feel quite proud of myself and celebrated with a trip to the movies to see the Meryl Streep movie " It's Complicated" . It sure is.... (good chick flick, by the way.)

                      Thanks for listening
                      Jane :heart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello there hatchlings,

                        Flying in for my "nightcap". Send some of that weather this way, friends--I LOVE a good weather storm--snow, rain, thunder....the works! But my favorite place to vacation is the beach.

                        Chicken--I bet your kiddos love seeing mom doing the Wii-- it's impossible to watch someone playing it (no matter how good they are) and not laugh! Good choice--entertainment and exercise and family friendly--very cool! Do you have a favorite yet?

                        Lav--Bout time you kicked back--I get whooped just reading about all your activities.

                        Jane--Way to go on your 4 days and then modding at two drinks. That is quite impressive to have put the stop on it when you did. No worries about disappointing your friends here--we've all been there with the slip ups--we completely get it here. No judgements--just an outstretched hand to pull you back up.

                        Hey Tranq--it's been nice seeing you pop up around the site here and there. Always a valuable and thoughtful read.

                        Nursing a bit of a headache (not alc induced, thankfully) so gonna call it a night. Stay warm and safe everyone.
                        "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Friday morning Nesters!

                          Well, we did get our light snowfall last night, not bad!

                          Jane, good job getting right back to your plan! I've always felt accountable to my MWO friends too - nothing wrong with that

                          Open, hope your headache is gone after a good night's sleep! I have to keep adjusting the humidifier on our heating system so it doesn't get too dry in here - that always causes me problems.

                          Hey Tranq buddy - hoped you're not snowed in........

                          Wishing everyone a great Friday.
                          I'll be cak later.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Jane and all Nesters
                            Thanks for the encouragement! It is needed and appreciated! Not AF tonight,but did not intend to be, however,will try to be tomorrow night. One night on and one off for now is good progress for me lol.
                            Better than otherwise!

                            Will check in tomorrow
                            Luv Chook


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Hey Chook, glad you dropped in! I don't hear any clucking though........hope all is well. You know whatever way you choose to go is entirely up to you, just want to be sure you are OK

                              Cold, very cold out! That little bit of snow we got last night will surely be around for a few days - no melting going on here.

                              Greetings to Jane & Open - hope you both had a good day!
                              Tranq - are you snowed in????

                              Signing off for now - will leave the night light on of course.
                              Wishing everyone a warm, safe night in the nest

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey all.

                                Thanks for keeping the light on. Haircut and the gym after work tonight. I don't think we got a foot of snow where I am. Streets and sidewalks all clear. Mayors lose their job around here when the snow doesn't get plowed. Ha.

                                Jane. Good job standing on the brakes. Glad you thought of us -- that works for me too. Did you learn anything?

                                Chicken, I know there's some cluck in there darlin'. You just keep treating yourself right, the best way you can, and listen to your heart. I like the skipping days idea. Lav's right - glad you're ok; glad you're here. Go nuts on the wii - sounds like fun. Now you got me thinking I need one.

                                Open, thanks a ton for the comp. I don't always have time to bop around the site as much as I'd like. I know that when do get involved in threads and things, I end up spending a lot of time. Guess I talk too much. But with the weather and not drinking I've become more of a homebody after the holidays. Not sure I like that though...

                                Take care all.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

