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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Out to dinner with friends...dh had a beer and me water...and I was jsut fine with that..but no kissing until he brushed his teeth..bleh
    Visited dad today and ran some errands...I am pooped...going to watch a little TV then turn in.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      C-Developer;1567778 wrote: What can I say? The girl does odd things to me.

      I was actually hoping nobody would catch that, but it appears your Jason Bourne styled intuition skills smoked me out
      Good hour my fellow Nesters

      Hello and welcome Clicket ( Im going to use this instead of Cricket because it sounds origional and.. well honestly its going to be much more fun with this name Clicker..It just Clicks Clickity Clack dont let AL talk back .. oh yea.. so many things to choose from )

      Seriously Pull up a branch and we are looking forward to knowing you better.

      So guys I had a great time with the boys but I got a little anxiety attack just after my last post this morning. I think it had something to do with the fact that I was going to be around her family and friends. Knowing that she probably put out a lot of dirty laundry I found myself not even wanting to be around them. If it was not for my boys then I would not have even thought about it. It turned out to be a great thing for me to confront this issue once and for all. It was like a shift in the space time continuum. I cant explain it but my fears and anxiety vanished after the display of total and complete attention the Birthday boy had towards me. So after I bought over 50 bucks in pizza for everyone ( I got a "thanks for chipping in on the pizza" .. ?? wtf I bought the crap LOL ) and after the gifts were opened up.. my son asked if he could go home with me LOL. He had like 15 friends and family over and just wanted to blow the joint with Me. Oh god did it feel empowering over the situation :h

      Anyways its time for me to relax and watch another movie. This time its gonna be I totally forgot to rent this flick when it came out. But now with my surround Blu Ray deal Im glad I did !

      Wishing the very best for the Nest ..

      PS. Loving my new AF powers of perception there C-Dev .. I hope you are too ( winky wink )
      PSS. Noodle .. way to go ! Your 8 day is on the way .. so early congrats on your week !
      Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
      AF: 9-10-2013


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening greetings Nesters,

        Welcome newbies - please make yourselves comfortable in possibly the safest nest on the planet

        noodle, CONGRATS on 7 AF days!!!
        Keep going & stick with us.

        Dave, glad to hear your day went well & the anxiety vanished. This AF life truly is empowering!

        BH, glad you are back on the sober bus with us!

        Wishing everyone a peaceful & safe night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          noodle;1567851 wrote: Good morning everyone, just a quick hello, day 7 for me here and feeling a bit rough. Will stay strong and check backlater, eaten so much these last two days - feeling an empty void that can't be filled, but will stick with the plan, I'm guessing this is the normal routine. Off to do some gardening and walk my pooch, see ya later , have a great day/night everyone x
          Good for you, Noodle! We're rolling into week two together. I had my roughest days in the middle of the week when I ate a lot of food I usually don't eat. I went back to meat and veggies and a little fruit, and I felt a lot better. Also, I didn't have as much trouble with cravings. I don't know if one had to do with the other, but I kind of think so.

          Let's get another week under our belt. That will put us halfway to 30 days!
          You had the power all along, my dear.


            Newbies Nest

            Good Sunday Morning, Nesters!

            NOODLE! Very well done on 7 days-- You've worked hard for it, you have, and I'm very happy for you.:goodjob: It will get easier, really it will. Just keep on hanging in there, like you have, taking the steps, doing the work. Let's all be there, fit as fiddles to welcome the Newbies in Jan 2014. I like that idea!

            Hi Kailey!!

            Hi DD!

            Welcome Cricket:welcome:-- glad you found your way to this cosy nest and I hope to get to know you better! Keep us posted on how you are-- for me, and like many others have said,( most recently Gambler in his 30 day speech if you look back a couple of days), posting A LOT, about your feelings, struggles,is one of the most valuable tools to staying sober. It really works!

            So I'm off to bake and clean before my brunch friends arrive at 12.! It looks like a beautiful day today...


              Newbies Nest

              Just hitting the hay - God knows what's going down with me today - feel like death warmed up. But made it to the end of day 7, so pretty chuffed with myself. Been shaking, sweating, cramps, insides are a turmoil, all to pot - I think all the crap food I've eaten over the last few days hasn't helped at all. I'm virtually a vegan normally, and just gone for what I've wanted (no meat though) in the hope that it would take my mind off you know what. Been in the biggest mood, and like I say - just all out of sorts. Will improve my diet again tomorrow, hopefully that will help. Kailey, yes I'm totally up for week 2, bring it on. Not going back after all this crap!
              Welcome Cricket, :welcome:,and anyone else I've missed. Life Change - enjoy your lunch, I enjoyed my first two sober get togethers last week, a real turning point for me x. Gambler - how's the film? I fell asleep during it (had about two + bottles of wine swishing through my system at the time so can't blame the film), I've been meaning to get it back out and have another go. Strong and in control - I have so many socials coming up, but for me, I just had to stop drinking, but again I had to reach this point to come to this conclusion (if that makes ANY sense at all?). Drink or no drink, unless I become a nun (very unlikely), social occasions are gonna happen, I'm focusing on that, not the drink, it's just a drink, I'm not letting it call the shots any more, it can f**** o** out my life, whilst I piece together what's left of it after my daliance with it for so many years. The thought of it at the moment is just making me sick, I'm looking on it as I've been locked up with this abuser for so many years, and it's taken so much away from me, and my family. At last , I've escaped, and I've got the chance to keep it out my life for good, so I'm giving it my best shot. I always did have a dramatic imagination, but you hopefully catch my drift.
              Sorry about that - went off on one there - only popped in to say good night :H
              Yeah, got my tea, book and hottie - bed and safe dreams here I come x
              See ya tomorrow, enjoy what's left of the weekend!


                Newbies Nest

                Hey LifeChange - I love that Idea for the new Year! Thanks x:h


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all. Hanging in there. Ww are getting ready to head home today with the new kids. We hope everything will be okay. We have a long trip and will have lots of time to get to know each other. I'll be back later. Have a great day all.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    little beagle;1568040 wrote: Morning all. Hanging in there. Ww are getting ready to head home today with the new kids. We hope everything will be okay. We have a long trip and will have lots of time to get to know each other. I'll be back later. Have a great day all.
                    What did miss LB? Hope it all goes well for you xx
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters

                      Actually, there's no sunshine here but it's OK to pretend!

                      Keep up the good work on week two Kailey & noodle!

                      LB, I've been thinking of you & I hope the road ahead is relatively bump-free

                      I have 2 cords of firewood being delivered today to help me get through this super cold winter that's been predicted. Guess I'll be hanging out around the wood pile today stacking wood :H

                      Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning y'all

                        I've been MIA for a few days, still reading the posts a lot, but the last few days have been difficult. It seems the first week was easier than the last few days???? Thankfully my husband has been understanding- yesterday the why can't I moderate thoughts started trying to play games with me. I know I can't drink which is why they pissed me off even more! There was no question that I don't want to go back to that, so why the thoughts, why the internal struggle? Yesterday, when they came in I got the hell out of my house. We went to the grocery store and I got three, 3!, different flavors of frozen yogurt AND waffle bowls! Came home and had that with fresh strawberries sliced on top....YUMMO. That and a scary movie, (MAMA) did the trick.

                        However I am ready for these days to pass- today is 2 weeks.

                        Hoping everybody has a good day

                        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                        -Alan Cohen


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all - day 3 of my taper. You're all super cool! Things are going OK, but I do feel a little anxious right at the moment. That should pass. I had a good sleep last night and (pardon me for sharing) a decent bm this morning - I've had a terrible time with that - long history. I may explain down the line.

                          Thank you for the welcome, Kailey. Also Gambler. I like your take on my user name. LOL. So cool that your son's birthday party went great for you! I can so understand the anxiety you felt at first.

                          Thanks for the welcome Lifechange and Noodle.

                          I was wondering...where does a newbie post their history, story etc. ?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Today is my 100th day. I know I don't post enough on here for everyone to remember, but I've been around long enough some of you know me and know that this is something I never imagined possible. But it's here. I am volunteering at our local spca "fur ball" until 7:30 pm. Normally, that is all I'd do so I'd be home in time for my nightly drinkfest. Tonight it's the premiere of the walking dead. Who is watching it tonight? Ah, my new addiction is catching up on all of the great shows I missed over the last decade of my life. Tonight i am all caught up and ready to watch, just like I was for Breaking Bad. Have a great sunday everyone! I am off to church to thank God for all I have in my life.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Congrats piper on 100 days. What an achievement and what's lovely day you have planned. I hope you have a lovely day!
                              Hello cricket. Welcome and make yourself at home :-) not sure where people post history. I sometimes talk on here. I have some vague notion there is a "my story" thread/section but I have not yet ventured there. Have you looked in the tool box. Lots of tips and advice there.

                              Nothing much to write here. This weekend has been miserable- wet and dull. I worked this morning and now have boredom issues. I always like something to be doing of a weekend and hubby likes to sit and do nothing :-/. You can see where I was turning to drink. Thankfully my cravings have gone this weekend but they were strong through the week, today I am already in pajamas and have come up to have a read of my book-
                              Life change, available, Dottie, lavande, halo, Byrdie, c-dev, Rahul, gambler, newbies and olds newbies, all alike- safe Sunday!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning! What a sweet thing to sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed. And happy! Hey, Cat! You've just done the week that Noodle and I are going to experience this week. I have a feeling it will be much the same for me as you describe. I assume the thoughts about moderating will creep in, and I'll have the same cranky reaction you did, because I know that's not possible for me. I hope I have your strength.
                                You had the power all along, my dear.

