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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Clicket;1568799 wrote: Is anybody around for the chat room? I could really use help right about now.
    I'm in there - are you? I haven't done chat before. NS


      Newbies Nest

      Sorry clicket I can't get onto the chat forum. I hope someone else has got in there.p for you. Stay strong.

      I need to go back and reads


        Newbies Nest

        Thank goodness you're in there NS. Looks like the chat option doesn't work from mobile devices.

        I am shattered today so hitting bed with a good book. Not sure what day I am on now. Kinds know that every day is AF so that's what I really need to keep in check for now.

        Still had the urge to drink today. Dinner was late- I know that's my major trigger. I told myself to hold out for 15 minutes and then got distracted and didn't think of it again until I had eaten. Ugh hate that the temptation is always always lurking.

        Can't keep eyes open so off to bed xxx


          Newbies Nest

          What's up Clicket? Where's the chat?


            Newbies Nest

            Londoner;1568812 wrote: What's up Clicket? Where's the chat?
            Go to LiveChat in the blue banner after User CP. We're hanging out right now and it is kind of fun!


              Newbies Nest

              Chat does not work on my laptop either..boohiss...

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Think you have to run the javascript (whatever that is)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yep did that and still no go...

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dottie try google chrome, chat is fun!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello nesters! Clicket, I hope you managed to hang in there. I went into chat, but I was the only one there! Story of my life these days :H I do hope you feel better. Londoner, hope you are feeling better too.

                      so my day 2 is drawing to a close. Physically much better, emotionally, all over the place! I got my appetite back and am enjoying food again, treated myself to a cherry scone and made a nice fish pie for dinner. I went to meet my sister in the morning and almost had a panic attack when I got there, but calmed down as the day went on.

                      I also took an unwanted dress back, went to my doctor who signed me off work for a week. Tonight I went to my second AA meeting in two days. Again, the genuine support and welcome was overwhelming. It was a different group from last night, but just as friendly and welcoming. I have so many phone numbers! I was always very reluctant to go, but the sense of fellowship, encouragement and understanding is really going to help with that sense of loneliness and isolation that I feel sometimes, which is such a huge trigger for me.

                      It's like a real life nest, with real people that you can shake hands with and hug

                      So, I am in my jammies now with a cup of twinings detox tea (it's delicious!)

                      Clicket, the biggest piece of advice that everyone has given me is don't pick up that first drink, and do it one day at a time. Hope you are okay, also everyone else in the nest :l
                      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Evening, Nesters!
                        Welcome DreamThinkDo! Glad you have jumped in! Day 1 ranks right up there as the toughest to tackle and you have glided thru it! GREAT going. Now rinse and repeat! We are so glad you're here!
                        Londoner...there is something in the Tool Box that speaks to the reasons we drank....but then the very opposite thing happened as a result. I drank to be social, but ended up just wanting to be alone with my drink. I drank to relax and became a coiled spring of nerves. I drank to reward myself but ended up nearly killing myself in the process. AL, at least for us here, is THE BIG LIE. Life is just the opposite of whatever we think AL provides. Getting distance from it is the best thing we can do for ourselves, it just takes a while to get there. It only takes a couple good AF days to get you back to feeling human again. Stick close, Mr! You got this!!!

                        Hope everyone has an easy evening!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          broken halo;1568832 wrote: Hello nesters! Clicket, I hope you managed to hang in there. I went into chat, but I was the only one there! Story of my life these days :H I do hope you feel better. Londoner, hope you are feeling better too.
                          I :l
                          It is great to hear that you're feeling better and getting more tools!

                          We should plan to meet in chat sometime! Clicker, Londoner, and I had a nice conversation - it is more immediate than posting.

                          Have a great nigh/day, everyone!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey there nesters! Just now home from my weekend camping. I need to catch up but before I forget, so nice to see you broken halo and london. The mere fact that you are here means you want to do it this time. We will never judge, we will always be here for you. Stay close!

                            Urges will come and go, but how we handle them is the key. Trying to understand what is triggering you helps. I also try to remember the lies, (READ ALCOHOL LIED TO ME) , the fact that AL is a poison and has no place in my body. I remember that the advertising makes it all look so sophisticated and so glamorous, then I remember the movies I've watched, people puking their guts out, peeing their pants, slurring and staggering. There's no glamour in being a drunk.

                            So I plod along, day by day and month by month. Getting through another first (big family dinners this weekend - Canadian Thanksgiving - usually a huge trigger), knowing there will be stress, celebrations, parties. I don't enjoy drunkfests any more. When I first quit drinking I thought oh what if I get boring? But the fact is, they got boring LOL.

                            Well I didn't mean to ramble so, let me go and catch up with you all and I'll post some more!!
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Hour Fellow Nesters

                              Its just a quicky flybye for me due to the fact that I have to hook up my sons Playstation 3 tonight for his birthday tomorrow. Ill be back as soon as I get this thing cabled up and working just in case I need to exchange it before they close..

                              Then I got to do some belly filling after that so it might be late..but before the 1k day im sure that we are all looking forward to celebrating . Heck I might just stay up til 12:01 EST to be the first :H ..
                              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                              AF: 9-10-2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                NoSugar;1567834 wrote: Hi, I'm strong

                                You are strong and I suspect stronger than you think :l. I am so glad you aren't going to leave!

                                We had a discussion about being ready to quit while you were on vacation. Byrdie had an especially good take on it - you might want to look through her posts (people with 1k days really should be listened to! )

                                Bottom line - none of us ever will be "ready". Our addicted voice is strong and is never going to let you feel this way - unless you allow yourself to reach a rock bottom that is so consequential that the choice is no longer yours.

                                To quote Nike, Just Do It. The first time 'I don't drink' comes out of your mouth is the hardest. Say it often enough and it becomes your identity.

                                Fast forward to Jan 2014 and think about not being one of the many 'day ones' we will welcome on that day. Instead you will be on something like day 75, proud of yourself, free of the headache, red eyes, etc. and most excruciating, shame. Imagine that you conquer each of the obstacles you've listed here!

                                Honestly, I was never going to be ready. The day I quit was pretty much like countless others. I saw on MWO how well former addicts were living and just decided to do it. It wasn't easy but it was so much easier than I feared that I have to constantly not beat myself up for not having done it sooner.

                                Jump in, Strong! With all the experienced lifeguards here, I know you - and anyone else who reads this - can do it!
                                Ever notice that the voice that tells you to go ahead and have just one drink is the same one that calls you a drunken pig the morning after??? :H
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

