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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for being here everyone. I am not new here, it's just been awhile.

    No I am not in withdraws. I drink 1 to 2 times a week, (wine). Sometimes I go 3 to 4 months without but I am still an alcoholic.

    As for my husband. The split isn't the worse thing. It's that I am responsible for it. He is gone a great deal of the time. Hunting all over the world, fishing, 4 wheeling, etc...etc... so I am alone a great deal of the time and drinking is a way to pass the time.
    Day 1:4/4/2014


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Mimi:l, you said that you drink once or twice a week-- did something in particular happen this time that made you feel he wants to leave you? It sounds like a very difficult time, but you now have 2 weeks to think about things and pull yourself together. I think sometimes it can actually be easier to look within-- without the loved ones around. That was just my experience. Do you have any friends or family near by that you can talk to?
      How are you feeling now? Besides bombarded with questions?


        Newbies Nest

        Have not been here in a couple months however; feeling good. Today is day 3 and my hubby and I have also attend 2 AA meetings. Never in my life did I think I would do that and I am glad I did. Wondering if detox symptoms appear when does that usually happen. Also, can't sleep at all, is that normal?


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Daily Wine! Great job on 3 days-:goodjob:- and on going to the aa meetings with the hubs. You definitely sound like you're taking the right steps. I don't know so much about detox symptoms, but someone with some experience will surely come around soon. Are you experiencing what you think are or could be? As far as sleep goes, I was really awake the first few nights. I felt wired--lots of nervous, excited energy. Partially about finally making the decision and knowing I was going to do it this time! and partly because I wasn't passing out. I was basically here the whole time. But in less than a week I was sleeping very well. I hope you'll have a similar experience.


            Newbies Nest

            Icanwithoutacan;1568970 wrote: Hi all. I'm back. Guess what? Nothing changed and I didn't become a moderator .... I got in a great big fight with my husband Saturday while I was drinking, I am gaining weight daily and I am sneaking and lying about drinks ...... Yes, alcohol is awesome .... NOT.... My goal is to remain sober for remainder if October .... That will give me the magical 13 that Byrdie talks about.... Congrats to Dave kailey Byrdie LC avail min star and all other milestones reached.
            Come on ICan! I know you can do this:-) rest of October:l:l:l

            What's your plan?


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks lifechange. No I don't have any symptoms so maybe I will be lucky and won't I just read about so many people that have. Yes I understand about the nt sleeping energy just dark circles under the eyes. Looking forward to some good sleep and perhaps losing a few lbs. I will keep posting.....I think this time is it...


                Newbies Nest

                So lovely people, every party has a pooper and that would be me! I'm so tired-- have to hit the hay. Wishing you all a relaxing af evening. Lots of strength and positive energy to everyone and especially those struggling. Hang on with everything you have--


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello nesters,
                  Just had a quick read of the thread. So many newbies so hello to you all.
                  Mimi- i second trying to figure out why you feel alone.- this is one of your triggers then you can implement tools to help. You mentioned you only drink 2-3 times a week and can go months without. Why the many AF months?


                    Newbies Nest

                    Daily wine;1569315 wrote: Have not been here in a couple months however; feeling good. Today is day 3 and my hubby and I have also attend 2 AA meetings. Never in my life did I think I would do that and I am glad I did. Wondering if detox symptoms appear when does that usually happen. Also, can't sleep at all, is that normal?
                    Daily wine, good to see you! My day 3 is just coming to an end, I too never thought I'd attend an AA meeting, I've been to three in the last three days! Symptoms are different for everyone. I didn't sleep a wink last night but feel much better physically otherwise. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Broken Halo, sounds like we are on the same track!! WE can share our journey. I was pleasantly surprised at how much we like the AA meetings. Wonderful warm people just like on line but we enjoyed a hug or two and nice to know there are people in our neighborhood we can socialize with and not have to worry about AL being shoved in our faces. You sleep well too...


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdlady;1456891 wrote: Mimi...this is the power of Addiction. Once you can accept that you can't not drink, the journey gets EASIER, not harder! Adopt a policy of Zero Tolerance....not one, not ever! When we get into trouble is when we think we've got this thing licked!!! 'Maybe just one' has kicked many of us on our asses. Unfortunately, our brains know just where we left off and can pick it right back up and make up for lost time besides.

                        Are you ready to get AL OUT now? Because if you are, we have a wonderful place to begin....we can teach how to not drink...but we cannot teach you how to drink more responsibly...that ship has sailed. Everyone of us started where you are now...Day 1. Actions speak louder than words, you'll have to show your hubs you can do this...if you are like I words and promises had lost all thier meaning. Start today and by this time next week, you'll be amazed at how much better things are!!

                        You with us?? Byrdie
                        Mimi, I was reading back on your posts and found this from February of this year. As I mentioned, my hubs gave me an ultimatum... Him or Alcohol. Sounds like you are in the same boat as I was. I am so happy that I chose will not be missing a thing by giving it up, I've been battling this a while now, so you know how the story is going to end if AL continues to be part of your life. Get it will never regret it! STAY with us, check in and stay engaged with us or some other support group. Don't let AL win!!

                        Great job, Elvis on your 7 days!!!!
                        We are all so proud of you!!! Keep up the great work!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Minstar- the months without were mostly because I was focused on health. I ran half marathon in June. then had a Cortizone shot put in my back and ended up with an undiagnosed Cerebral Spinal Fluid leak for 9 weeks. Things went a little down hill after that.
                          Day 1:4/4/2014


                            Newbies Nest

                            lifechange;1569331 wrote: So lovely people, every party has a pooper and that would be me! I'm so tired-- have to hit the hay. Wishing you all a relaxing af evening. Lots of strength and positive energy to everyone and especially those struggling. Hang on with everything you have--
                            Thanks for this LC, the past three days have been REALLY rough. After 10 AF days, I fell hard. Hubby is mad at me :upset: So you kind words are really appreciated right now. I don't post too often, but my plan is to stay close to MWO and learn from all of you wonderful people!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Elvis;1569242 wrote: A rough Day 7 for me. Physically, I'm feeling fine, just a little tired. Still trying to wrap my head around the fallout from my last binge. My wife is still mad at me for what I did last week. She says it will take time. Fair enough, I need to prove myself by action not words.

                              I'm glad I have this place to come to.
                              Hang in there, Elvis. I can't say that I have many AL free days strung together, but the last bout was particularly draining on me - even up thru Day 10. I was exhausted all the time and slept lots. I put my body and mind thru so much trauma during my binge - all I could do during the withdrawal days was try to eat well and let myself rest. Depression played a big part in it for me - guilt, sadness, despair. We're stronger than that. Be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself and choose happiness. Great job on the 7 days.:danthin:
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                broken halo;1569337 wrote: Daily wine, good to see you! My day 3 is just coming to an end, I too never thought I'd attend an AA meeting, I've been to three in the last three days! Symptoms are different for everyone. I didn't sleep a wink last night but feel much better physically otherwise. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight
                                I found some old posts of mine from when I first joined mwo. There is a supplement called "Calms Forte" that really helped me with the sleeplessness and anxiety. You can get it on this site. It may be worth a try if it continues.

                                Lifechange - my old handle was "ImHereNow" - and see we knew each other back then, too!:l
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

