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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Chilly at 29 degrees but sunny Not really complaining - just trying to tolerate This never has been my favorite time of year!

    Not feeling like a homebody this time of year Tranq is kind of difficult, isn't it? Trying to find places to go, things to do in this weather can be a pain. I'm not much of a shopper so I avoid malls, etc.
    I'm thinking about a trip to Longwood Gardens today. We live pretty close & there's miles of indoor gardens to walk thru - usually very inspiring! Longwood Gardens - Home Page

    Well, wishing everyone a great Saturday - I'll be back later
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Yep Lav.

      "Trying to find places to go, things to do in this weather can be a pain."

      Definitely a problem that I don't have a solution for... just glad I'm not in Florida this week!

      The gardens sound nice! Have fun!

      Take care.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Hi to Everyone--

        Tranq says, "... just glad I'm not in Florida this week!" Hmmm....I think for me Florida is like pizza--even when it's cold it's good! Of course I'm saying this in January from a snowy state--I may say something different in another season.

        Lav--the gardens look beautiful! A trip there sounds quite uplifting. Just to breathe in the moisture and lush scents would do my spirit good. Thanks for sharing the link. Since we don't have one of those here, I think I'll just go eat something--maybe some comfort food, like rice pudding, mac n cheese, chicken and dumplings, toast with cinnamon and sugar......

        Actually woke up this a.m. with energy--first Saturday in a long time that has happened. And actually danced around the house while taking down Xmas. That kind of joy in my heart has been lost to me for what seems like forever. Been af since Dec. 23 and can feel the layers shedding. Really wasn't sure I could ever make it this far--thanks to all of you on MWO--I am grateful. :hOpen
        "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Open!

          "Been af since Dec. 23" - That is fantastic Open! You are doing great, and your attitude is wonderful!

          "Actually woke up this a.m. with energy--first Saturday in a long time that has happened."

          Isn't that a wonderful feeling. I've been enjoying getting to the gym early on Saturdays lately and beating the crowd. Something I definitely couldn't do with a hangover! Stuff like this solidifies for me how counter-productive al really is.

          "rice pudding, mac n cheese, chicken and dumplings, toast with cinnamon and sugar..." Now you're making me hungry.

          Mmmm, I like cold pizza too, but Orlando had a high of like 38 yesterday. Even I don't want to golf that bad. But I may be going down next weekend - should be back up to the 70s again.

          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Open, Hi Tranq,

            Brrrr, getting ready to light a fire. I've noticed even my Greater Swiss Mountain Dog doesn't want to stay out too long. Maxie was born in Germany 7 years ago & shipped here as a pup. I think she needs a trip back to the homeland for a refresher course! She stays inside & sucks up the AC when it's hot out
            Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Information and Pictures

            Had a great walk around Longwood Gardens today. Stayed inside the conservatory due to the icy wind!! It's still all decked out for Christmas, very, very nice. I always feel inspired after a visit there - good way to beat the winter blues!

            Open, glad to hear you are reaping the AF benefits - keeps getting better & better
            Go easy on the comfort food or you'll end up like me dreamming about losing 15-20 lbs. - ugh!

            I really hope FL does warm up soon Tranq - Mickey Mouse is probably freezing his butt off

            Have a good evening friends - the night light is on for any late fledglings!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              sweltering in Oz


              I read of your snow and feel quite envious...tomorrow we have 43 degrees ( about 110 in farenheit) and the fire danger is high. I usually cycle to work, but may opt for the car instead. Isn't the climate changing ( duh!) ?? such cold winters and sweltering summers.

              been pleased with the AF to date. the slips are small and, yes, I do learn from them. I learn to avoid the triggers and counter act the behaviour. I feel really happy and healthy and optimistic too.

              Thanks guys.
              Jane :heart:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All!

                Just quick to say all is good here! Going okay,took the puppy 'Dusty' for a walk for a half hour this morning,then did 1 hour 10 min on WiiFit! Feeling pretty happy with self's incentive right now .

                Not AF, not trying to be, just plodding and trying to still go one on one off! So far so good!
                Eating better too, just got to harness the alcohol and then I shall be on the way to better health! Unfortunately it is the main problem to the whole thing, ho-hum!!!

                Anyhow, good to hear you all chatting and still working at it.

                Jane-we seem to have swapped our weather pattern! I am in WA and should be having 40 plus degrees.Today it was like, 28?????WTF???????So I am guessing that the world has turned upside down and you in the East have our weather! LOL

                Lav the Mountain dogs are a very handsome breed! and the gardens look lovely!
                Tranq-MMMMM Cold pizza yummo! Golf..hmmm played it on Wii fora laugh!
                Open-you sound like you are doing so well!Congrats!

                All the best,


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Jane, congrats on your progress - you sound happy, love to hear that
                  Believe me - if it was 110 degrees here I WOULD be in my car with the AC turned up high! I absolutely shut down in that kind of heat!!!

                  Chook, you are getting yourself back in gear one step at a time. That is progress my friend, glad to hear it

                  Sometimes I can't believe how much my thinking has changed in the past year! Last January I knew I needed to do something drastic but was scared to death that I couldn't! I read Dr. Daniel Amen's book 'Change Your Brain Change Your Life'. It convinced me that I could get rid of my negative thinking brain pollution) by enhancing my positive thoughts. I followed that up with working a program called 'Habit Busting' 21 days to break any habit. All this prepared me for my AF journey & I really think it helped - a lot

                  Wishing everyone a terrific Sunday! Stay warm or stay cool (depending on your location)
                  I'll check in later.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello everybody--

                    Up and adam today--not quite motivated to do anything requiring physical exertion yet, but I'm sure if I wait for motivation to hit me it won't happen. I'll mull on that for a while over my second cup of joe.

                    Loved reading about the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, Lav--I want a "swissie"!
                    Keep on keepin' on Jane. And keep your hydration up in that heat--hope no fire danger comes your way.
                    Hey there Chookster--way to go on all that exercise--send some of that exercise mojo over here...pretty please? Nice work on making a plan--one day off one day on--good on you for sticking with it--plenty of months I could not do that at all.

                    Sending you warm or cool breezes--whatever you may need today, everyone here and all to come!
                    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Everyone!

                      Jane - you don't want our weather. Zero Fs here... that's a mere -17C. Just "a little cooler" than your 110f. I'll take the heat any time, although 110f is a bit extreme. Although I was golfing in the desert at 107f last fall. I don't like the feeling that I've somehow lost my fingers or toes, or have icicles hanging from my nose. Ha. Keep up the al progress. Like Lav always says, quitting is a process not a destination.

                      Chooks, "ho-hum!!!" doesn't sound like a *cluck*. But it does sound like you're okay where you're at and taking good care of yourself, and it seems to me that's what counts the most. I've gotta try Wii golf. How'd you shoot?

                      I'm with you on the changed thinking Lav - I feel that's been important to me too -- Learning different ways to look at things and deal with things. Lots to learn.

                      Hi to Openheart too!

                      Take care all.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello y'all. I'm new here. I have been lurking for a week. I made it two days, then failed. I now have to go through this again. Will I ever see the other side?

                        A little about myself: I am female, 48, live alone and have been drinking just about every night for 10 years. I have managed to work myself up to drinking a 1.5L bottle of wine every night. I also smoke when I drink. They are tied together so I have to quit both at the same time. I smoke one in the morning none at work and then I can't wait until I get home to have that smoke and glass of wine. I drink at home as a hobby. Thankfully I never drink and drive. I am going to die if I keep this up.

                        Well, it's 4:20 here. I have been sitting on my bed with my laptop all day wrestling with myself. The thoughts are constantly running in the back of my mind. I just need to get through the next 5.5 hours until the stores close. I may have this entire forum read by that time. I am guilting myself that I should be cleaning the house, laundry etc. I guess I'll have to be content that I'm not drinking. Thanks to all out there, I sure need your support.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters!

                          Welcome Tippylou! Glad you found us Be sure to make yourself a good plan. Include lots of things you like to do to use as a distraction especially for the first few days. Look in the Tool Box (in the Monthly Abstinence section) for good ideas. Make sure you have no AL left in the house - important, I was a at home drinker too. I stocked up on my favorite teas, etc. Stick close - we're here to help!

                          open, the Swissies are very nice dogs but they are VERY big dogs! Ours came to us at the age of 18 months already weighing 118 lbs!! She had been overfed & under exercised by her original owner. He spent $3000 importing her as a pup from Germany.........I just don't know what happened. I got her down to a svelte 100 lbs. - she could lose another 5-10 lbs. but has plateaued. Maxie is always hungry - believe me

                          Tranq, I heard a rumor that we're going to warm up a little this week - sure hope so!!! My chooks stay huddled up in one section of their yard trying to block the chilly wind from one another!!!

                          Well gang, just gonna sit in front of the fire & warm my feet for a bit
                          Wishing everyone a safe & warm night in the nest (or a cool, breezy night to jane & Chook)!
                          The night light will be on......

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning All!

                            Still plodding today, not so 'energetic' a my thighs are rebelling from the efforts required of them yesterday! Ah,well,guess I shall just allow my poor old body a day off and allow it to recover a bit!
                            had drinks last night,feeling not so great now. For numerous reasons,but the old guilt/self disgust is a big part of it.
                            Tippy-I'm hearing you. Keep taking one minute at a time. If you have to surf the MWO site all day to avoid the stores, then do it...others have, and I am one of them
                            Have a good one Nesters!


                              Newbies Nest

                              :thanks:Thanks for the welcome all! I have made it for the day. 9:42pm here and the stores close in 15 minutes. I can't possibly get dressed and to the store by then. Thank goodnes this forum has lots of threads. I think I'm going to need them. I'm here for all of you too.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all.

                                Welcome Tippy. Hoping you're doing okay. We've all been there - it all comes down to determination.

                                Hi Open, hope your motivation came back for you. Chicken - take a rest!

                                Take care.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

