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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening fellow nesters. I'm so tired today. But being af is making this huge transition in my life do much easier to deal with. Having my Hubby af is such a wonderful gift. He is 60 days tomorrow. Yeah!! I tell you this. When we went to get the kids and we saw all the family they were really amazed and impressed with both of us. It felt so good. Definitely worth every little discomfort of fighting those cravings and learning to deal with difficulties instead of just drinking at them.
    I know it's not easy but with help from the wonderful people here it is doable.
    Tomorrow I am taking my new children job hunting so I will have time to read back and catch up on what is happening.
    Thanks to all of my fellow nesters I am hanging in there af today. I really am taking it Odaat now.
    Good night all.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Newbies Nest

      Wow the nest is busy today! So many new faces, welcome, and congratulations. Coming here is the first step, the next is pitching the alcohol in your house. Stock up on some of your favourite treats, try out some new drinks. (My fave is rosehip hibiscus tea mixed with pomegranate juice and perrier, ice and a slice of lemon). Start watching the films, reading the books, listening to CD's, posting and connecting. Then it's just a matter of time. Each day you will feel healthier and stronger. The urges will lessen to the point where AL just doesn't enter into your mind. Honest. You can do it, we are all here to help.
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for the moon (again) Byrdie! I'll treat this one good this time. This the last time you'll moon me!

        Also, thanks lifechange, broken halo, I'm Strong and in Control, and Sanchez!

        lifechange;1569247 wrote: It will take time for your wife to forgive and then trust you again. Most of us have to deal with the fact that we've deeply hurt people we love.
        In a weird way, it was easier to justify my drinking to myself when I was only hurting myself. If that makes sense. Or at least that's what I told myself. To find out I'm really hurting the ones I love too, wow, talk about a wake up call.

        On that note, time for a late dinner, and time to pop up the baseball game I recorded earlier on the DVR. Shhhhh, if you know who won, don't tell me!! I managed to stay spoiler free so far... :H

        [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


          Newbies Nest

          This is one busy nest! Just a quick check in. Another easy day. I'm starting to get preoccupied wondering what is going on? I can usually only go a day... two at the most before caving. There is no way it's going to be this easy after years and years of daily attempts to quit. I guess as they say, one day at a time. For now I'll just accept that I've been blessed with an easy road for the moment, anyway.
          You had the power all along, my dear.


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            It is a busy nest - great!!!

            Elvis, congrats to you & keep those AF days going

            LB, so happy to hear that you & your husband both are staying on plan! You are a couple of good role models for the kids!!!

            Hello & welcome to the newest newbies, glad you found us! Welcome back mimi! Loneliness can be a huge trigger, it always was for me. Take care of you first & foremost, everything else will work out, trust me

            Glad Byrdie the party girl had a good day :H

            Help yourselves to the butt Velcro & seat belts & anything else you need for a safe night in the nest everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Just saying a mega quick hello as going to my nightclass. Feeling a bit frazzled today, and like my insides are caving in, but will stay hanging tough as the song goes. Welcome newbies - you are in great company, sorry gotta dash, I will catch up with you lovlies tomorrow! Keep going Kailey - I'm still right behind ya! Luv ya all xxx:h


                Newbies Nest

                Evening Nesters,
                Dottie B, congrats on the 45 days, well done.
                Stay strong Mimi, we're pulling for you. Fight like hell these two weeks. You owe to yourself. The proof is in the pudding as they say down south. Try a PM to Byrdie, she's sure to have a little insight.

                I'm strong, ditch the wine, out of sight out of mind
                Elvis, great point on proving yourself on actions, not words. Works with damn near anything in life.
                DW, sounds like you're going to be fine. The worst of the detox is in day 1 and 2, nights sweats, heart palpitations, anxiety, panic attacks. The worst is the heart palpitations, they can actually kill you. If you start to suffer with too many of these, get to the ER. I think the worst you'll experience at this time is the erratic sleep patterns. These will work themselves out within a week or two, with each day getting better. Keep up the good work.
                Lifechange, Thanks for sticking with the newbies tonight, they needed it.
                Getting There, we have this butt velcro here in the nest, get some and hang on!
                LB, Proud of you, but also a little worried with the new family additions. Hang tight.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters! I don't have to work today!! Makes me quite happy indeed--
                  It seems like it was a good evening here last night-- Good to hear! We're all racking up the days..
                  Kailey, it's the same with me this time- I keep wondering when that huge craving is going to come and knock me off my feet. I'm not worrying about it now, but I'm not allowing myself to become complacent either. I'm wondering if it could have to do with my NO HOW NO WAY mindset (learned that from our 1000 day old feathered friend!)-- In the first days, I also accepted a mantra-- I will never drink al again and I will never change my mind. Sometimes I walk around and this pops into my head.. I say it few times in a stern voice, and it feels good. I'm so happy to have control over myself. Now sugar is another story!!!

                  Elvis, it was the same for me. When I realized (or could accept) the harm I was doing to my kids (the extent of which, is becoming more clear with each day I am fully present!), and having my boyfriend tell me flat out-- as well as my best friend. It still took me a good 2 years to figure it out. The fact that I REALLY can't drink! I feel fortunate and grateful that I'm able to make amends. Each day brings me closer and each day they believe in me more. I don't make promises-- I didn't do that this time, because I feel, like someone just said, the proof is in the pudding! I do like sharing the milestones and I know my bf is proud of me and so relieved! Keep on going, friend! You are so on the right track!!:l

                  Hey frazzled Noodle-- that sounds funny, doesn't it? How are you today? What sort of night classes are you taking? I would love to take a class. I need a class that I'm not required to go to--just when I feel like it! Won't get me far, will it?

                  I hope all the Newbies will be checking in today.--
                  Hi to everyone flying by!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    DOTTIE, well done on your personal best yesterday!!!!:thumbs: That must feel super-- Like Byrdie said, no repeating days already done! I think my personal best is 58 days. I had "a" drink which turned into a bottle--that was a big f*** off and that was last February. It was soooo hard to get back in here and I don't ever want to do it again. NEVER will I take the chance.

                    For anyone struggling or new to this, know that it DOES get so much easier-- after the first difficult weeks, we're given a huge break where we're able to see the light! It comes at different times for different people, but it does come if we let it. Practising gratitude helps so much-- thanks Lav.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 3!!!!

                      MAE all

                      Day 3 is here!
                      It's been two hours since my morning coffee and I'm still a bit fuzzy. The farmers have been spraying the orchards and that always affects me; think I'll have to take something for that now. Anyway, there's a big pot of coffee ready for when you are - help yourself! Any other special requests?

                      Mimi, sorry about your bad day yesterday. Why not see the time that your husband is away as the ideal time to establish new habits? That will also give you something to do when you want to drink. I've neglected so many things that I really enjoy doing, simply because those bottles of red or white were calling like sirens.

                      Kailey, LC: I have far fewer days, but they went well - and I also am waiting for some big sledgehammer from the sky to come crushing down on me. And then there is the weekend looming... That will be the real test.

                      Nice thing happened last night: I was cooking some sort of bolognaise/ragu and reached for the bottle of wine to add to the food. (I was like a baby - never without a bottle nearby :H) And there was not a bottle in sight. The best part of it was that I just shook my head at my silliness and when on with the cooking. Didn't even think that a glass of wine (in the food) and the rest of the bottle (for me) would be good. :yay:

                      Off to do some backreading, then more than just "some" housecleaning.

                      Stay well and AF, all!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi DO! Good to see you so early this morning! Wait.. it's not so early for you--
                        What does MAE stand for?


                          Newbies Nest

                          And Great going on Day 3-- :goodjob: You're on your way, you are!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm very new here and not sure what I should be doing, to be honest. Do i need to get every part of the programme for it to work? I am worried about the cost of the CDs (although i know not drinking will save me loads of money!) and also worried about medication SEs. Both Topamax and Baclofen sound quite scary.

                            Mind you, my life with alcohol has got quite scary at times so I may be getting this out of proportion! Can anyone advise?

                            I haven't had a drink since Sunday evening - and haven't yet started the supplements or CDs or anything. Just been telling myself 'I won't drink today'.


                              Newbies Nest

                              LC, no, actually quite late in the morning for me - I normally get up at 5:30-ish, buy the paper, have coffee and then log on here. Overcast today, so I'm in superslow mode. MAE = Morning Afternoon Evening - a way of greeting people who are on different time zones.

                              , I guess that only thing you should be doing here is to stay close to the Nest and not drink - but you know, we all slip from time, so if that happens, come back for hugs and support. And read, read, read - there's a lot of wisdom contained on this site. I've learnt a tremendous amount in the time I just lurked here. Post and support other people - we all learn from each other. I'm not using the programme or any of the supplements - there's no requirement that you should, but people who do so, say that they've benefitted from it.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Olgada! It's really good to see you again. So today is your 3rd day without drinking, right? How are you feeling? One day at a time is great-- For me, being here, reading and posting as much as possible, formulating a plan of the direction I wanted to be headed in and thinking about how I could get there-- what are my "triggers" and how can I deal with them without picking up a drink. How can I change my routine so that alcohol is not an option. Have you got rid of everything you have at home? That helped me a lot-- to pour it all out.
                                Lav is a good person to ask about the CD's-- they've really helped her and she can give you a good idea as to where to start.
                                Do you have a plan?
                                Have you visited the Toolbox? The link is in my signature space-- there are some great ideas to take on. And to go back a couple of weeks in the Nest is also very helpful.
                                :lStay close and hold tight!

