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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 3 done & dusted - off to bed now. Everybody seems to be complaining about not getting any sleep - I just can't get enough (not complaining at all though)
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all, well another crap day in Melbourne, sunny one day, cold and wet the next. Going through the tireds again at the moment but love going to bed and sleeping. It is a wonderful feeling.

      Hope everyone has a great day. I have a patient in Intensive Care at work that i want to visit today. Found out yesterday it is not looking good so that knocked me and i thought a drink would be nice, but no it would not solve anything at all.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        I've got to get to bed-- tucked the girls in a while ago and the older one said twice, "mama, mama, sorry, but you're breathing so loudly that I can't sleep"--So I came down to check in here again. Just a short 7 weeks ago, I was passing out, dead to the world in the little one's bed-- they couldn't awaken me, no matter how hard they tried and I'd have to hear about it over breakfast. My snoring, keeping them awake-- I'm so thankful that I can now be there for them. I'm really trying to cherish every moment.

        Wishing you all happiness, safe and sober. See you tomorrow--


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks LC for your last post- we must cherish all these moments.

          Hope you have a lovely night sleep.

          Available- you guys are gearing up for your summer soon huh. We're predicted a horrendous winter November :-( not looking forward to it at all.

          Just had a big does of chocolate ( sorry no sugar) I am limiting myself. One devil at a time :-/

          Off to be all. Hope you're all safe and sound.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters

            Today was a good day, day 4 over and done with. Four AA meetings in four days helped! Sleep is getting better and I seem to have lost my appetite and found a horse's! Off to the gym tomorrow to make up for it. Glad to see everyone is doing well
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Hello feller Nesters

              I feel sorta bad about not being around as much the last few days..and this place is Hoppin ! But Ive been spending a lot of time with the boys and work so by the time I log in Im either too tired or its time for me to rest my hat

              Im going to try to hit the Nest hard tomorrow and then this weekend is kinda shot. But good news everyone..this weekend is the first that me boys and I are having an Overnighter ! We are all super stoked about it.

              Hello to all the new faces or old faces returning.. Oh and Clicket I still want to say something in your thread so dont worry I havent forgotten

              For now I have to say chow .. I mean really.. I need some chow so I will talk to you guys later .. Wishing everyone a good night and thinking well wishes for all :l

              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Newbies Nest

                Evening, Nesters!
                Back from my road trip. I've got saddle sores! Always good to get back home.

                I'm Strong, that thing with the cake happened to me one time, I bought a cake and as soon as I unwrapped it, I smelled it. I thought, 'What a waste of good cake!' (sorry, NoSugar!!) I sent it home with somebody. Booze is everywhere, even our sacred cakes and confections....I didn't mention 'balls' :H!

                Hope everyone has a peaceful, easy evening! Chow here, too! Hugs, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome home Byrdie & you can mention 'balls' all you like :H

                  Sounds like the nest is pretty much in order ~ nice

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest - buckle yourselves in, no falls allowed!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Huge, exhausting day at work. The type of day that would normally send me right to my giant sized bottle of wine. Not tonight, although I can't say the thought didn't cross my mind more than a few times. Luckily, I need to leave for a work trip at 4 am tomorrow, so I was able to push those thoughts back. Have I been saying I'm jubilant? Replace that with exhausted tonight.
                    You had the power all along, my dear.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Kailey, your emotions are going to be all over the place for the next couple weeks....just keep in mind you will never have 2 bad days in a row, thank _______(insert your higher power of choice here). Sleep fast and well, travel safely! You are doing GREAT!!! Nighty, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dave..... Just wondering how hearing went for boys? Glad you'll have an overnighter! So happy to be going to bed sober!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good to see you I can.
                          Glad you are getting to spend that special time with your little guys.
                          Bhalo have a good time at the gym. Glad you are feeling a little better.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Nesters I am really having a tough time keeping up but here are a few comments I'd like to share. I am so happy to see so many new faces. Loving the support we have for each other and seeing everyone pull together. Buckle up for the night nesters, we are in this together!

                            gettingthere;1569383 wrote: Thanks for this LC, the past three days have been REALLY rough. After 10 AF days, I fell hard. Hubby is mad at me :upset: So you kind words are really appreciated right now. I don't post too often, but my plan is to stay close to MWO and learn from all of you wonderful people!
                            That's a very good plan! "Studies show" (not exactly scientific studies but nevertheless) that the more you post, the longer you stay AF.

                            Kailey;1569460 wrote: This is one busy nest! Just a quick check in. Another easy day. I'm starting to get preoccupied wondering what is going on? I can usually only go a day... two at the most before caving. There is no way it's going to be this easy after years and years of daily attempts to quit. I guess as they say, one day at a time. For now I'll just accept that I've been blessed with an easy road for the moment, anyway.
                            Don't knock it! Maybe this really is as easy as you think! And maybe next week it will be tougher. But the longer you are able to stay positive and grateful the better you can handle the challenges that are sure to come along.

                            lifechange;1569497 wrote: Hi DO! Good to see you so early this morning! Wait.. it's not so early for you--
                            What does MAE stand for?
                            In other threads MAE is used for "Morning Afternoon Evening" as everyone here is from a different time zone!

                            OlgadaPolga;1569503 wrote:
                            I'm very new here and not sure what I should be doing, to be honest. Do i need to get every part of the programme for it to work? I am worried about the cost of the CDs (although i know not drinking will save me loads of money!) and also worried about medication SEs. Both Topamax and Baclofen sound quite scary.

                            Mind you, my life with alcohol has got quite scary at times so I may be getting this out of proportion! Can anyone advise?

                            I haven't had a drink since Sunday evening - and haven't yet started the supplements or CDs or anything. Just been telling myself 'I won't drink today'.
                            Olga there is no one way that works for all. I bought he meditation CD's after about 3 months AF, thought I'd like to be armed in case things changed for me. I used Glutamine for a while but it gave me a belly ache. I ate a lot in the first month and have steadily lost weight since. Everyone is different, when you find yourself needing something you can decide what would help. Don't get too caught up on the meds if you don't need to. Why give up one vice for another if you can avoid it?

                            Londoner;1569602 wrote:
                            Just checking in before work.

                            After the weekend binge, I am self medicating with food at an alarming rate.

                            I am using food as a cover for my lack of motivation for everything at the moment - work, relationships, exercise etc.

                            I am back to back sleeping patterns too - sleeping in far too late.
                            I am sitting in front of a computer or on my tablet too much as well - procrastinating.

                            Slowly cutting back on the food, but it is hard as I feel quite empty atm. I just don't feel like I am a good person to be around atm whilst I 'recover' and sense people can feel that.

                            It's that much harder as I know how good I felt just a month ago
                            Londoner I hate to hear you sounding so down on yourself. You felt good a month ago and you can feel the same way again. If you can work out what triggered you last time you might be able to avoid it this time?

                            Daily wine;1569630 wrote: DAY 4 WHOO HOO went to another meeting last night! I am feeling very blessed and positive! Still not sleeping
                            Happy to see you back and going good dailywine!

                            little beagle;1569658 wrote:
                            Lifechange I love that frazzled noodle thing. That is funny.
                            Yes Mr. V. I worry about the extra stress right now, but so far its going alright.
                            We really are trying to set a good example.
                            Elvis I am cheering for you. I know from both sides of the fence how devastating al can be to purpose families. It's just crazy. I feel so happy to see my Hubby not drinking and lecturing me on the evils of drinking again. I do fogive him. I know it really wasn't the man I love in charge when he did all of those terrible, hurtful things.
                            You are a saint. Really. You also inspire others, when you forgive your husband that way perhaps you make others think of forgiving themselves in the same way?
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey LB.... Proud of your example for family! Wow kailey 11 days ... Wonderful!!! Hey mr v if you're lurking)) welcome Olga dream and all newbies


                                Newbies Nest

                                OlgadaPolga;1569503 wrote: I'm very new here and not sure what I should be doing, to be honest. Do i need to get every part of the programme for it to work? I am worried about the cost of the CDs (although i know not drinking will save me loads of money!) and also worried about medication SEs. Both Topamax and Baclofen sound quite scary.

                                Mind you, my life with alcohol has got quite scary at times so I may be getting this out of proportion! Can anyone advise?

                                I haven't had a drink since Sunday evening - and haven't yet started the supplements or CDs or anything. Just been telling myself 'I won't drink today'.
                                No need to go with a full program unless you're struggling really bad. My advice, ( only me speaking here and not a doctor) avoid the meds unless you really can't stop the drink without them. For me meds, are a last resort, but needed for some. Supplements, however, can be a big crutch, especially the Kudzu, and L-Glutamine to reduce cravings. Many around here swear by the CD's to reduce anxiety, but my anxiety subsided within days of stopping the drink. Everyone is different, and everyone is at different stages. Not sure where you are on your journey. Hope this helps.

