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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi hoping! Welcome to the nest If you did it yesterday, you can do it again today. One day at a time hun

    Lav, have a fab day yourself :l

    Dave, I have been eating all sorts of rubbish that I never normally would, but that stops today. I don't have the time to post on a fat fighting forum as well as MWO :H
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      broken halo;1569996 wrote: I don't have the time to post on a fat fighting forum as well as MWO :H
      Ha ha ha!
      You had the power all along, my dear.


        Newbies Nest

        beginning of day 5! Tonight I will go to the womens only AA meeting which will be the first on my own as my hubby and I have been going together. I am having an odd feeling in the right upper quadrant. Can your liver start detoxing and have an odd feeling? Its not really a deep pain jsut almost sensitive to the touch. Milk thistle? any suggestions please...


          Newbies Nest

          Free 21 Day Meditation - Gratitude

          I found meditating has really helped in the past. Sober, I wake up a happy/content person - then my mind and circumstances kick in. Meditation has helped keep me centered and on track.

          I learned of a free 21 day meditation series available worldwide and thought some here may be interested. It looks perfect for someone that has never meditated before.

          Here is the link: 21 Days of Gratitude - Home
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Newbies Nest

            Daily wine;1570009 wrote: beginning of day 5! Tonight I will go to the womens only AA meeting which will be the first on my own as my hubby and I have been going together. I am having an odd feeling in the right upper quadrant. Can your liver start detoxing and have an odd feeling? Its not really a deep pain jsut almost sensitive to the touch. Milk thistle? any suggestions please...
            Hi Daily!
            We haven't met yet - Welcome if you're new and welcome back if you're a return-ee! Congrats on day 5!

            It's now day 71 for me and every now and then I still have a feeling in my upper right quadrant. Not a bad pain persay, but a pain nonetheless and like you describe, a sensitivity and I've often wondered if it's my liver or pancreas that is causing this. I felt this pain when I was drinking too, especially after a three or four day deal and fully expected to feel it when I quit. Now that I'm two months plus in, I'm curious if it's permanent damage or still the effects of withdrawal. Can't remember the thread now, but someone posted about a study that said how the affects of AL take much longer to get over. I haven't been to a doc about this, because it's not stopping me from doing anything, but ignoring it isn't the right thing to do either. Others have mentioned milk thistle before, but have never tried it. Wondering if I should give it a whirl too. Would be interested in knowing if this is a short term remedy or if anyone out there taking this long term?


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,
              Gloomy here today...need a jacket....bbbbrrrrr
              Called the doc today .rash on my arm that I am scratching clue what I got into or what one fo the dogs brought me but it is getting hiss...

              Congrats to the 60 day winners!!! Great accomplishment!!!!


              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Gloomy & cool here as well Dottie.
                Hope you didn't get into the poison ivy! Honestly, this is the first summer/fall season I have NOT come down with a case in >10 years (Knocking on Wood) :H
                I had no choice the last few years but to go on a steroid regimen to get it cleared up.

                I am not giving medical advice but I will share my nursing knowledge here -
                It's not likely your liver causing you right upper quadrant pain but more likely gall bladder or pancreas. Liver pain is really unheard of in the medical world. The only way to find out for sure is to have LFT's done & an Ultrasound if needed. I haven't had any discomfort like that since I quit drinking & my blood work is just fine, always was.
                A lot of people do swear by milk thistle for detoxing the liver. You read a lot about it online.
                Milk Thistle Liver Supplements for a Natural Liver Detox | Natural Liver Cleansing Diet
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Weekends. First one was difficult for me. First social gathering. First camping trip. First vacation. First holiday....etc. But hang on to the wisdom of those here who have gone before you and when you get past that first you will be so proud of yourself you will know it can be done. I just faced a huge family reunion, a first for me without al, what a wonderful feeling.
                  Thank you all for those words of encouragement. I needed that today. This place is my lifeline.:thanks:
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Late check in for me!
                    Good to see everyone, welcome Hoping!! Glad you found us! Be sure to check out the Tool Box (link below) for some great reading on this affliction we all share! Just jump in!

                    Thinking of everyone and hope it's an easy evening! Hugs, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      thanks all, Sanchez I am a returnee but in the past jsuta day or two AF and never went to meetings. I got some milk thistle today and will start. I don't think it can hurt. Lav thanks for the info on milk thistle as well. I am grateful for this site and knowing everyone is going thru similiar times.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening nesters. Quick check in. Off to bed. Sorry haven't had time to post but will have a read before I nod off xxxxx


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Peeps

                          Just popped in to say goodnight. Day 5 done and dusted. DW, how was the women's only meeting? Had another meeting tonight which had a lot of meaning for me. Watching Booze Patrol Australia before bed and there's a really drunk woman being breathalysed. Glad it's not any of us!
                          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello my fellow nesters Time for a quick long check in ..

                            Icanwithoutacan;1569829 wrote: Dave..... Just wondering how hearing went for boys? Glad you'll have an overnighter! So happy to be going to bed sober!Howdies Ican its so good to be talking to you again and I hope everything is AOK with you. I haven't had a hearing yet and I doubt it will be anytime soon for that part. Im currently weighing my options as far as when Im getting a lawyer to get the paper work going. She told me again that her lawyer is getting to the filing process but.. I dunno.. dont know If I should wait or pop out a few thow to get the ball rolling. She is being more co-operative in the visitation but she said something the other day about Every Other weekend and one dinner date ever week being Normal for Dads coparenting schedule..I was like WTF ?? thats the bare minimum for distant dads and stuff.. Also she declined any overnight weekdays on the parenting plan because they have school .. um.. dont a lot of parents take their kids to school in the morning ? OH.. but they will have to wake up earlier than 8:30am so its going to be a problem. So basically Ican Im procrastinating on the whole thing at the moment. I would rather have things work out peaceful but Im not going to do this ever other week thing. I just now feel secure in this months funds to be able to move forward so I will let you know

                            Mr Vervill;1569849 wrote: Dave, or is it Gambler with a capital G. It took me a while to catch on to your sense of humor, but you crack me up! I'm sure I could have gotten into a lot of trouble with you. So glad to hear things going well with you and the boys. Stay the course my friend.
                            Good afternoon here from Michigan Mr. V. You may call me whatever you wish as long as I know its me that your talking to lol. I know sometimes my humor is misunderstood by some so its of great appreciation that you looked further into my words than what was simply written. I get in a jam once and a while because I misplace a word or two here and there and the reflection is Totally different than how I ment it. Basically you will know if Im being an asshat or simply out of touch with reality . Thank you for your thoughts on the boys and oh yea.. Im staying for the Main course on this rock and roll train !

                            OlgadaPolga;1569850 wrote:
                            Thanks to so many of you for replying to my post! I can hear the anxiety in it, and know from experience that's an after-effect of alcohol. AF yesterday, which means I'm now starting day four! Weekend approaching, which usually triggers lots of alcohol-justifying thoughts, but I don't need to worry about that today, do I? Just one day at a time. And breathe!!

                            Very glad I found this place and all of you. So amazing to be among kindred spirits and feel understood and not judged. At some point I will post my story, just not yet.
                            Good afternoon OlgadPolga I hope things are well with you. I believe your on day 5 now but better late then never. You hang in there kiddo ( Im not sure how old you are so Im using that as a term of endearment ). Yup..dont worry about any triggers or any anxiety or anything for that matter this weekend. Just to let you know that I was playing it hour to hour and minute to minute. I had no expectations at all and in fact I think that helped me a bit. You should have seen the poor gambler on my first 7 days..I could have sold that stuff on Pay per View. .. Seriously LOL. There was a post that I did that explained one day of me cleaning out a room (long story) and finding a off to the laundry room..then finding a penny and into the living room. This Unfocused behavior continued for hours till I finally found myself back where I started in the Initial room I was trying to clean..oh man looking back on it was hellarious but not so much fun for the day. Going with the flow was one of my main tools. Just whatever happens dont fight it too much. Just dont go for that drink when things get hard .. The urge wont last for long when you look back at it. Trust us on this..

                            noodle;1569894 wrote: Hi all, another real quick post - as I'm going out for a mega walk. feeling totally strung out, THOSE thoughts have invaded my head today, and I'm doing everything I can to push them out. Been a total bitch to everyone, to the point where hubby says he preffers me pissed - not very happy but I do deserve it. Anyways, that lil f*****r is NOT winning (Al that is - not the hubby)
                            Hi Noodle with a Capitol N .. hope things are better with you now ( Im sure they are though ). Whatever you got to do you do to keep that Mo-Flower out of your life. Dont worry bout the hubby .. pretty soon he will say it was all worth it !

                            DreamThinkDo;1569898 wrote: Day 4 here, and things are going well - too well, I think. Worried (and scared, to be honest) about Fri-Sun. But, no other way than get through it, hey?

                            Stay strong and stay AF!
                            Im not sure If I met you yet there DTD .. so a big warm welcome due you ! Sounds like your doing great right now so right on. Remember to also throw in some Confidence in the mix. You can and will pull through your weekend that Im confident about. You have nothing to fear from AL..he is a pussy and a weak sombitch at that ! You got His number .. not the other way around. Just relax as much as possible and use any means necessary to Stay AF.. You will look back at these moments one day Soon and it will be a good moment for you. Stay with it K ..

                            HopingCarnations;1569966 wrote: Hi! I'm new here First post.
                            Hello and welcome to MWO HC :-) . I hope there are many more posts were that came from. I heard many times ( and I agree ) that the more you post the better of you are. I used this place constantly and without hesitation when I got here. So pull up a branch and make yourself at home.

                            broken halo;1569996 wrote:
                            Dave, I have been eating all sorts of rubbish that I never normally would, but that stops today. I don't have the time to post on a fat fighting forum as well as MWO :H
                            LOL on the 3F comment ! I dont really want to stop all together but surely dont want them Sugar induced hangovers anymore! These things are almost sucking more than my beer mornings for crying out loud. So day one on going sunday free nights and one day on the weekends for this cat. ( coffee still gets 1.5 tsp each though )

                            Daily wine;1570009 wrote:
                            beginning of day 5! Tonight I will go to the womens only AA meeting which will be the first on my own as my hubby and I have been going together. I am having an odd feeling in the right upper quadrant. Can your liver start detoxing and have an odd feeling? Its not really a deep pain jsut almost sensitive to the touch. Milk thistle? any suggestions please...
                            Good Thursday night to you Daily :-) .. Congrats on the day 5 AF ! I wish you the very best with the AA thing sans husband prey tell how that turned out for you. I had a brother that went to AA and had ups and downs with them. Just had to say hello and sorry no clue on the liver thing. However my kidney locations were kinda sore there the last month or so drinking. All gone now thank god.

                            I'm Strong and in Control;1570014 wrote:
                            I found meditating has really helped in the past. Sober, I wake up a happy/content person - then my mind and circumstances kick in. Meditation has helped keep me centered and on track.
                            r />Hey hey Strong you are right on about the Meditation helping. For some its just a matter of Fake it till you Make it kinda deal. Even just thinking about having been AF for a long time when I havent helps me ( basically I place myself in the future and how it would feel then..then bring that feeling back to the now ).

                            And an all around big hello to the Nest from me. Ive been very busy with work and its gonna get even more slammed now that boats are coming out of the water. Dont worry Im not going to vanish or even give up my favorite twig here. Between work, the kids and my new found self playtime I am finding it hard to be away from my MWO addiction so gonna have to play that one by ear day to day. Over all Im doing good this week.. just tired more than anything. Im thinking this is a good thing because I am staying the path of doing things like cooking for myself every night instead of take out. My home is still emaculate on a daily basis which is a great sign of self reliance. Its like my life is starting to take a regular balanced diet. This I did expect as noted in that one post of mine about 2 weeks or so ago. So now its time to look again into the future and prep myself for whats to come. I am content but not even close to being complacent. This weekend should provide me with the time to get a few much needed/deserved answers as to what to expect and ready myself for. Im kinda looking forward to it but then again Im not. Im fairly sure that I know what I could or should do.. but what Is actually Going to happen is probably going to be a tad uncomfortable for me. The last little bit of life housecleaning is just around the corner and I pray that things go well for Everyone involved. I dont think they will though which is unfortunate not because of my choices but from the choices of others. We shall see though..

                            Well thats my Q to start cooking with heat so Im gonna quickly ablute my body and then masticate on something delish topped off with a generous portion of Yogurt.

                            Night all and stay safe and strong..

                            Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                            AF: 9-10-2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters,

                              Just wanted to pop in and say HELLO before I start dinner. Day 2 for me and I took antabuse so I don't drink this weekend. Here is my dilemma however: I sing in a band and have horrible stage fright. So you can guess I am sure that I use some 'liquid courage' to loosen me up before (and during) a performance. Once I got too drunk to perform. (They should have fired me) We play again the 26th of this month and a week later on the 2nd. My doc gave me propranolol for the stage fright just to take right before and I don't know anything about it. I HAVE to learn to do this sober or I will have to quit. I am also taking baclofen and have to titrate up real slow because it makes me sleepy.
                              Anyway, I am rambling now. But I want to check in more often and get to know you all. Seems like a great place to hang out!

                              Thanks and everyone have a safe and sober night.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you for all the warm welcomes But I miserably messed up today and once again, sit here crying feeling horrible about it. I just don't understand how I can't keep the same "mind-frame" I have in the morning, where I do not want to drink, then later just literally stop giving a sh** about all of it and have a drink. It's scary, being afraid of my own decisions
                                :thanks: :l

