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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,
    Off to lunch with a new friend then errands. Tonight we help set up for our annual model train show. One of the hobbies dh and I share. It is great fun and lots of good people.
    I am feeling good and I think looking better too. Day 48 and it is ALL good.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      Morning, Nesters!
      Everyone sounding chipper!! An AF nest is a happy nest! Always remember WHY you are happy, it's because you're NOT drinking!

      Gettingthere, I can't imagine being a singer with stage fright like that. One thing struck me about your called it a 'dilemma'. You want to be AF, right? Then remove the word DILEMMA from your vocabulary. A dilemma means you are torn between two things....Drinking is NOT a choice anymore. That's what I had to do, as long as it was an option, I took it. You have a decide that being AF is THE most important thing. Once you get sober, you will find your REAL courage. It is amazing really, what we think AL brings out is really under there, you just have to dig for it. It's worth fighting for, too. If this is not your day job, you might consider giving yourself a break from it for a bit. Get some real solid AF time in...and see where you are. For me, at least, my#1 priority was and is staying sober. EVERYTHING else falls in line after that. Without my quit, everything else falls apart, as you will see time and time again on these boards. It IS the foundation of our lives.

      Had some trouble getting into the site this morning, hope we aren't having troubles! Wishing everyone a happy, sober's just another day in the week, not a free ticket to Boozeville. See you back at the Newbie's Nest bar around 5! Being sober is the best reward of all! That's what you deserve on this beautiful Friday! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        I'm so happy to be sober! We are off for the weekend and hoping for wifi in the country. There is a great art tour every fall where artists open up their studio, display their work, explain their techniques, philosophy, etc. and we are going there. It is my birthday weekend. I have not been sober on my birthday for decades. I'm actually sitting here crying about it. I hate to be so overconfident, but I think I've got it this time. I can never drink again - and I am so grateful that right now I don't want to.

        This morning I was unable to access this site, and began to worry about everyone else on the boards that are struggling right now. We need a back up plan for when we need help and can't get into the Nest! Suggestions?

        Wishing you all a joyful AL free day.
        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Hoping and Welcome!

          I was an "at home only" drinker staying away from my trigger was impossible. I did stay away in the evenings for the first 3-4 days. I'd go browse in stores, go out to dinner, go see a movie, dog park, library...anything to break my 5:30pm beer habit. Once I had a few days down, I decided that I needed to mix things up. I re-arranged all of my living room furniture. I moved lamps. All of a sudden my drinking "spot" didn't look like my drinking spot anymore! I rented lots of movies and ate lots of pizza. I went to bed before the sun did sometimes. ANYTHING to get through the evening and on to the next day. I'll tell you that each day it did get easier. Removing my drinking spot allowed my brain to disconnect my spot on the couch from my 12+ beer per night habit. You will be suprised how little changes can make a big difference. Take a bath with epsom salt in it, get a good book, watch Netflix, drink tea, do whatever it takes. It's hard, but not impossible. We are here to help you along the way!

          I haven't brought out the girls in a here goes:

          :cheering::cheering:HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!:cheering::cheering:

          As Byrdie said, weekends are just regular days, not an excuse to drink. A craving never lasts as long as a hangover and you will NEVER wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank the night before.

          Be good and stay strong, and stick close :h
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            It is my birthday weekend. I have not been sober on my birthday for decades. I'm actually sitting here crying about it.
            Hope it's the best birthday ever, I am betting it will be! Have a great day :l

            I also had trouble with the site today, it seems to be okay now *crosses fingers*
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              That post just reminded's my Birthday weekend too...but SHHHHHH...I'm still in denial about it.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                hoping, I was an at home wine drinker as well. Not that I didn't drink it out too. I never in my wildest dreams thought an upper class business women would one be an alcoholic but two go to an AA meeting. Well it is the best thing I have done to be in a room with other people who totally relate. PLus it gets me out of the house and its husband and I have gone together and also to our own. Proud to say today is day 6 and I am so happy and feeling free. It is so nice to not have to hide it from anyone or wake up feeling terrible and fake it at my job. Life is good and can be for you too!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Daily wine;1570426 wrote: hoping, I was an at home wine drinker as well. Not that I didn't drink it out too. I never in my wildest dreams thought an upper class business women would one be an alcoholic but two go to an AA meeting. Well it is the best thing I have done to be in a room with other people who totally relate. PLus it gets me out of the house and its husband and I have gone together and also to our own. Proud to say today is day 6 and I am so happy and feeling free. It is so nice to not have to hide it from anyone or wake up feeling terrible and fake it at my job. Life is good and can be for you too!
                  DW, I am so chuffed to find someone else not only on day 6, but thriving on the AA meetings. I have been going to different meetings since Sunday, and never alone as I have so many AA friends already since that first meeting. I don't have to worry about the Friday night jitters, I know where I will be!
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    K9Lover;1570425 wrote: That post just reminded's my Birthday weekend too...but SHHHHHH...I'm still in denial about it.
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      Newbies Nest

                      Popping by to say hello and that I'm still here . Love the comment about the fat fighting forum, and gambler's post about the first, long, post about a sock and a penny... Made me chuckle, that one.

                      Bit anxious about the weekend but keep reminding myself not to look too far ahead. Hope everyone is doing great!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Broken Halo, I agree we will be on this journey together and the people at AA are so nice and make you feel part ofthe family so quick! We will be attending daily as well and once a month which is this Sat they have a big potluck with 5-6 diferent groups and a guest speaker and its something hubby and I can do together. Why did I not think of this 20 years sooner. I am 50 so I am glad its happening now.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good afternoon Nesters

                          Couldn't get on the site this morning - glad someone fixed the problem.

                          Looks like we'll have to bake an extra big birthday cake for the birthday kids this weekend
                          Sober birthdays rock. Sober holidays & vacations rock!!!
                          I will be forever grateful in the knowledge that I will never make an ass of myself again on a holiday of any sort :H

                          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Dear Friends :l

                            I have been missing from MWO for a few months and am sad to say that I started drinking again after about 8 months of sobriety. It has been awful! There is no excuse and I feel like such a failure. I have been drinking most every day since June and I have been trying every day to get my sobriety back. My last relapse (after 3 years sober lasted four damn years and I am NOT going to let that happen again- I just CAN'T!! I have been lurking here a lot and I realize that in order to succeed, I must start posting. I have spent a lot of time looking through the toolbox and found this portion of a post and it made me cry and realize how much I need you all.

                            "When we fall from the big ship sobriety and are in the dark cold waters you see a life boat, on the side in big letters is MWO. If you reach out your hand, a hundred hands will take it and hold you. You know already that hauling yourself into the lifeboat takes the most effort and only you can do that bit. But we won't let go of you I promise."

                            I am reaching out my hand (again) and I already know that you are all there ready to help me and I thank you in advance:l

                            Today is Day 1

                            My plan to get through this day is to try to take off work early (since I barely slept a wink all night long - thanks to the GSR brothers)
                            Go Straight home (this is the big challenge)
                            Do a little housework to prepare for my newly married daughter's visit
                            Fix a nice dinner for my family
                            Enjoy visiting with my daughters and my new grand-dog
                            Treat myself to "turning in" extra early
                            Work on my gratitude list (and you guys are at the very top)

                            I will try to post again tonight but my computer access is limited in my home these days. I will probably just be able to check in with a few words.

                            My first goal is seven days.

                            :h:h:h Star



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Olga, my first AF weekend too. Going well: I've a fire going (and it's supposed to be summer:upset, the liquor stores closed an hour ago, and you know what, I'm actually easy and relaxed about the rest of the weekend as well! No definite plans, may go to a local dinghy race tomorrow, and see what Sunday brings.

                              K9, when is cake day? Tomorrow? And the next day you'll feel like :bday3: and not :day4:

                              Daily, BH
                              , you two are doing something that would terrify me: standing up and admitting a serious problem.

                              Will probably check in later, if not, till tomorrow!
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Daily, BH, you two are doing something that would terrify me: standing up and admitting a serious problem
                                DTD, you don't have to say anything at a meeting if you don't want to. It's not as daunting admitting you have a serious problem when everyone in the room has the very same problem lol

                                It's a horrible night here, pouring with rain and freezing cold. I could just as easily text my friend and say I can't make it. But, on with the Ugg boots and the big coat and up with the brolly. I hate driving in the dark when it's raining. But it all beats the ass off what I was doing last Friday night! :H

                                Can I come for a heat from the fire and a bit of cake after it? :P
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

