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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just checking in before off to slumberland. Between reading and posting on MWO and my newfound journaling experience, the clarity is becoming...well....clear So much for that deep thought tonite.

    Hiya Tippy--way to go!:goodjob: You did it! Stay close by, read as much as you can and post whenever and wherever you feel like it. I sure know how you feel--I've actually put on my p.j.s and brushed my teeth by 5pm to keep from leaving the house. YAY, Tippy!

    Lav--I was sure I was going to put on more pounds on top of the holiday weight--but actually in the 3 weeks since af I've lost 4 lbs. Probably all that fermented sugar was screwing up my metabolism. Your evening sounded quite peaceful--roasting your tootsies by the fire. Warm feet, warm heart--that would be you!

    Tranq--well--I did get motivated today, but not for exercise. But there's always tomorrow! We have the P90X dvd's which are all over the infomercials--I think P90X stands for puke 90 times. But ya can't beat the tangible results--I can do 2 push ups now instead of 0.:H

    Hey Chicken--love your advice...take one minute at a time. YES!

    Hope everyone has just the kind of day you need tomorrow.
    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


      Newbies Nest

      Hi again Tippy. Looks like you made it through Day One okay. Congrats. It wasn't so hard now, was it. I see you're still on line - must be quite late in your part of the world. It's just 8:15 am here in Greece and waking up to a lovely sunny crisp day.
      Just do it one day at a time, one hour at a time if that's what it takes. Go clean the fridge, go for a walk, read the posts here, have a massage - whatever it takes to get through "witching time". Things will get easier. We're all here to see you through the tough times. Lots of people rooting for you. Take care. Be strong.
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Newbies Nest

        Hang in there Tippy!

        Hi Tippy

        What a brave thread you wrote. My heart went out to you sitting alone trying not to drink and smoke. You did so brilliantly to get through that evening!! maybe you will slip up ( like the rest of us) but now you know, YOU CAN DO IT!!! and you will again and again...until you have control of the demon. Outstanding effort, I'm seriously impressed.

        Thank you to all the Nesters who send me messages of support. i do read them and take heart from them.
        Bless you.
        Jane :heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Well done Tippy!
          I am Af today. Am allowing myself diet coke and some carb-nibbles just to overcome the 'need' for the sweet stuff! Will try to keep it going.!
          Poured the 1/3 of the bottle of Beam down the toilet this morning that was left! "So long sucker!That's where you belong!" Am angry at it now!
          One minute,one hour,one foot in front of the other.......yep!
          Luv to all the Nesters,
          Chook *roosting for the night*


            Newbies Nest

            :welcome:Hi Tippy, a big welcome - quite a few of us are living alone, but we can make it. Shout if you need help.
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              Newbies Nest

              Good Monday morning Nesters!

              Wow, this was a busy nest overnight - glad to see everyone

              Tippsy, congrats on your first AF day! Stay focused, keep going, you're going to love the results.

              Cluck - I heard that Chook! Very happy you're back on board!! You know what you need to do

              Greetings this morning to Tranq, Jane, open & jessie as well. Hope you are all having a good day & staying on plan. It's tough work in the very beginning but it does get easier as you go along! It is a true blessing when you suddenly realize that AL no longer occupies the #1 spot in your mind. Other things such as your job, your family become more important and rightfully so!

              Keep fighting everyone - you won't be sorry
              Have a great AF day!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Day 2

                Stirly, Jane, Open, Tranq, Lavande, Chicken and Jessie and all, Thank you for the welcome and encouraging words.

                My update: I tried to smoke twice yesterday and could only manage to smoke half each time. They are quite nasty without the wine. I tried another this morning as was my habit. Nasty nasty. I guess when I was all hungover I didn't really care. So that's a great thing!

                I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Is this what sober feels like? I could feel like this every morning? In a week I could feel even better? I am holding tight to that thought/feeling because I think that is what is going to get me through.

                Chicken- we are in this together
                Stirly, Jane, Open, Tranq, Lavande, Jessie- thanks, you seem so much stronger than me, but if you need me just ask.

                Y'all - Same goes


                  Newbies Nest

                  Tippy, good for you. Yeah, that's what waking up sober feels like. The good things taste better, the bad things worse. You don't have a fog around your head and you actually feel like a normal person. You don't have to worry that you did or said something stupid the night before and you don't wake up with a bruise somewhere that you don't remember hitting yourself.
                  And after the AF days build up, you will see the change in your skin, your general appearance, your walk and the spark that came back to your eyes. Go for it. It's all so worth it. This is what "treating" yourself means. Not treating yourself to a drink but treating yourself to a healthy life. Hang in there all...
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters!

                    Hope you all had a great day - I did

                    Looking forward to a couple of days with temps above freezing.........maybe we can air the nest out a little!!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night, I'm hopping on the roost early
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all.

                      Yes. Tippy, it is good, and it does keep getting better. Hold on to that thought. It is worth it. I admire the guts to tackle drink and smoke at once. I quit smoking almost ten years ago (1.5-2 pks) - I'm glad I did that too. Way to go!!!

                      Hi Stirly, Jane! You guys sound great too.

                      You go Chickster!

                      Hi Jessie - I live alone too, but I do my best to never be home if I can help it.

                      Open you cracked me up with the 'clarity getting clear'. Nice. Zen-like in fact!

                      Journaling - yay. Me too. It helps to clarify the clarity making it more clear. I know you'll understand.

                      I've done some p90 - don't recall if it was xy or z. But yeah, if you don't puke I think you're not doing it right. Just kidding. They're good programs - I liked the earlier ones. Seems like after a while all the fitness gurus run out of new ideas so they just resort to torture to get their jollies. Pushups are hard - Two pushups are great too - keep it going. You know when I started working out, I realized how good it feels to actually have fresh blood/fluid running through your muscles. Might sound weird, but exhaustion gets to feel refreshing.

                      Lav buddy - as always - luv ya! Hope I didn't miss anyone - Hi to all! And bye for now!

                      Ooh, Florida this weekend! Can't wait! Might be a bit of a mod'ing challenge; hope I'm up to it. I think I'm good. I'm getting to really like water a lot! Been af for 16 days now.

                      Take care.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Noo Tippy, I at least are not stronger then you - but slowly getting there, by day 10 you'll feel like a new person. Tranq, why don't we start a singles club. Lavande, first day here with the ice melted off the sidewalks, I'm going for a long walk. And to all the others, have a great day, being AF is great!!!
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          Newbies Nest

                          A quick stop in as I grab a bite to eat for lunch! Day 2...see how I travel! Like the clear head and not so grumpy with the wee chicks!
                          Will check in later when have more time. How you going Tippy?
                          Luv to all the Nesters!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm grumpy now

                            Hi Nesters

                            Well done Tippy, it feels good to feel good in the mornings!!

                            i'm day 5 and I feel quite snarly and fed up. I felt like this last time I tried AF too and I put it down to withdrawal symptoms ( sounds quite Hollywood, doesn't it:H) . So, I'll hang in there and keep eating Kit Kat. love the new chunky family size one. I'm swapping one addiction for another! I'm exercising instead of drinking at the "withching hour" and my muscles are screaming " STOP" , but I daren't.....

                            All up though, I'm on track as you all seem to be, I keep taking the Kudzu....does anybody take that?

                            Good night all, we might be able to sleep tonight now the heat is off. last night was a killer!!
                            Jane :heart:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Guys
                              Tranq well done on 16 days AF thats fantastic!
                              Jessie im up for a singles club (lol) might be a bit of a watery affair...
                              I live on my own too and like you guys im exercising and journaling must reread some of the entries writen with horrendous hangovers.. just as a reminder.

                              My sleep pattern is still a bit disturbed but getting better, im taking L-glutamine to help with sugar cravings although Jane you have me going now with the chunky kit kat!!

                              Wishing everyone a great tuesday..... more rain storms here in Portugal
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi guys,
                                Hey Jane Rees. I am on day 5 too and have been hitting the chocolate too. Like you said one addiction for another... Oh well deal with that one later. I have ordered some kudzu but not here yet so taking l-glutamine. Hope your weather cools off abit. Ours is heating up for the weekend - yuk.
                                Take care everyone.
                                I finally got it!
                                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

