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Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Just a quick Nest check in from me tonight guys and dolls, as I have been pretty pathetic about regular posting of late (aside from Roll Call). It is rather odd actually, when compared to my early days of being sober when I was bored out of my mind from lack of activities. Of late, it seems that there is hardly enough hours in the day to get accomplished all that I want to do.
My workload and level of responsibility around the office has been in a nearly constant upswing lately, which is almost entirely my doing. Early on, I was volunteering myself for about every project around the office I could get my hands on to keep myself occupied, but now it appears that all of these new tasks have now been assimilated into my job title. If things remain at this fever pitch indefinitely, I think I am well within my rights to ask for additional compensation when next financial quarter comes about.
At the gym, and not to sound like a douche, but I am becoming quite the badass under my trainers instruction. I have made rapid and steady improvements in most areas he measures (strength, agility, stamina, etc.). I sent a couple of pictures to my Mom the other day and she freaked out. If things keep progressing as I hope they will, I am going to be pretty diesel by summer 2014
Then comes my main reason for not being around much, and that is my new GF. I made it official on Wed night after we went to dinner, but it has been a forgone conclusion for far longer. If I am not at work or at the gym, I am with her unless she is also working. Her work and school schedule sucks, which means I do not get to see her as much as I would like, but it does make me value the time I do get
Hope all is going well for everyone and I will try to make a more conscious effort to post here. Just passed the 60 day mark , and I feel better than I have in my entire life.In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "
AF since August 18, 2013
Newbies Nest
Byrdlady;1570924 wrote: Evening, Nesters!
Star, I had a GREAT day with Ann Carolina! We had a wonderful lunch and did some retail therapy afterwards! :H She and I love to make beaded jewelry (so does NoSugar) but did I see that Kailey makes jewelry too?????? Never too many beaders in the nest! Ann and I joked today that we are MasterBeaders! :H:H:HYou had the power all along, my dear.
Newbies Nest
Hello there lovlies, gosh you all sound super happy and positive!! Thanks so much for the curry posts, I was thinking all morning about you know what, now all I can think about is a delicious curry and naan!!! YUMKailey, glad you're feeling better hun, I love beading too! Dottie, loving the doggie outfit, even if Penny dosn't look as though she appreciates your efforts!! Still battling on, but have realised today, that although I did think this mornig "God I AM SO OVER thinking about it" then I realised (dahdah) I used to think ALL day about AL - giving it up, working out how to get some cash, using credit cerds (many 'cos they are all maxed out - on booze), stressing 'cos there's not much left, borrowing the kids pocket money (Again) resenting others for drinking MY wine, getting as much down my neck in the kitchen whilst no one's looking, falling asleep looking gorgeous (not), insulting everyone and turning into a psycho bitch....and the list goes on and on, then bam, unconcious, up vomiting before work...then off we go again. So I guess - thinking about that briefly - it's not so bad afterall!!! Reckon I'm way lucky not to be there today
Got HEAPS done yesterday, and I've lost a couple of kilos - despite my mad two week binge. I am doing a part time Art degree, and I reckon even my work has improved - I did some sketching this morning, and I couldn't believe how much better it looked - so apart from that small matter of cravings which are rather irratating - there is SO much more to be grateful for. Just about to start on a yummy Sunday dinner, and looking forward to another cosy night. Can't give up the hot water bottle - even though it's getting a tad warm here now - oh well, that's my only vice at the mo. so can't grumble. Thanks Byrdy and Lav for your awesome ongoing support, and love to everyone else - there's lots of love in the room!! All that awesome karma xx See ya tomorrow, have a lovely Sunday:h
Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters,
Just keep going noodle - you're doing great
And yes, we are a loving Nest!
Dottie, one of my dogs parks herself on the back of my sofa like that too :H
Thanks goodness it's the smaller one, not the 100 pounder :H
The hotdog costume is cute - demoralizing but cute :H
Someone is going to have to post a curry recipe for me. I love curry & it's just not something you can find around here.
Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the Nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Byrdie and Ann C. I hope to someday join you guys on an outing. It sounds like you had a great time. I returned some things to the mall today and who knows, we could have passed each other and didn't know it....LOL.
My daughters went away for the weekend and for the first time I was home alone. I had more thoughts of drinking this weekend than I've had in the total 106 days since I stopped. I kept busy, but it was there, the promise of you're free, just drink a beer or two, it'll be fun, relaxing, rebellious, I am in control.
But there was that more powerful voice that said you are just lonely. Lonely because you made yourself this way. And the only thing to fix it is to not drink and just be lonely, the rest will come and it will get better I think. If I drink then it will be that much longer before i'll ever know.
I don't know...just confusing thoughts this weekend. But not drinking last night and tonight, even after 106 days, is a huge step for me. I read the post about how to get through the day and try not to think about not drinking forever and it worked for me this weekend.
Have a great night everyone.
Newbies Nest
Lavande;1570574 wrote: Good evening Nesters!
Looks like I'll be up all night baking a Huge BD cake - fit for three birthdays
Kailey, sorry you decided to drink. It's always a decision you know. You really need to practice 'No Thanks', until you really believe it & learn to ignore pressure from others. Get back on your plan & decide what you will do the next time a similar situation arises. You can do this!
Let's all have a safe night in the nest - buckle up!!!
Lav10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.
Newbies Nest
Byrdlady;1570924 wrote: Evening, Nesters!
Star, I had a GREAT day with Ann Carolina! We had a wonderful lunch and did some retail therapy afterwards! :H She and I love to make beaded jewelry (so does NoSugar) but did I see that Kailey makes jewelry too?????? Never too many beaders in the nest! Ann and I joked today that we are MasterBeaders! :H:H:H
On my way home, I got a text from NoSugar.....we were just chit chatting, and when we finished I thought...isn't that amazing, 3 lives brought together by MWO! However, I took that a step further and thought....what a shame that 3 lives were brought together thru the shared misery that AL brought us. AL is a powerful substance, I've never been associated with anything that has a stronger pull. Drugs are illegal, AL is not only legal, but socially acceptable and advocated!!! It is just an awful opponent. Stay strong, Nesters, relapse does NOT have to be part of this journey! Protect your quit with everything you've got!!! Hugs to all! Byrdie10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.
Newbies Nest
MAE all
Lovely & overcast here - when is this awful winter going to stop and summer really begin? I might not have to water my garden, though, if it rains. At least no wind today - it drives me crazy.
What a lovely party you must have had last night - I really miss being part of the conversation. Can I have some of that left-over curry for brekkie, please?
Well, my coffee is ready, and I'm off to read the Sunday papers. I'll make some fresh as you guys stumble in here, well-slept (I trust) and AF.
Day 7 - looking forward to it.
Decided I'll get back up on the nic wagon tomorrow.
:l:l14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Newbies Nest
Evening all. Dotted penny is adorable. My dogs look just about that happy when I dress them up.
C-dev great going on the 60 days sounds like you are doing great. :wave:
I am staying incredibly busy.
Have a good one all.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Newbies Nest
Good MAE Nesters!
DO, is the coffee still hot? I would love a cup about now-- I have a lovely sugar free sweet potato-banana bread which I heard is delicious slathered with honey!HEY! Well done on 7 Days-- very proud of you, I am--:goodjob: Let's keep on going forward in this wonderful path, deal?
Dottie, those doggies are so cute-- I love seeing photos! I am going to try and learn how post some. We're coming up on the big 60, aren't we? My personal best is also around the corner--
Speaking of, C-DEV! Congrats on 60 days! You sound to be so happy and doing so well-- I'm really happy for you.
Lav, I want to see a picture of the 100 pounder hanging over the sofa! Please!! I'll send one of our hopelessly fat cat sprawled across the heater. It's obscene.
:l to everyone-- a wonderful Sunday for you all.
Newbies Nest
djr;1570988 wrote: Hello...:new:
I'm new to this site. I took my last drink 30 years ago after a life filled with beer, wine and the hard stuff. I quit cold turkey on my own volition. The only thing I drink now is water. My advice to all drinker's is "JUST QUIT'. In my 77 years of life I have lost hundreds of friends and relatives, a lot younger that me, because of a problem with liquor. I hope the people I meet on My Way Out live as long or longer than me.
Hi DJR! Welcome to MWO and thanks for such a fantastic post. Tell us a bit more about yourself, it's wonderful to have someone with 30 years sober here! Pull up a twig! My Dad did the same as you, just quit cold turkey (he was in his early 50's) and was very happily sober for the rest of his days. Lovely to meet youWhatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe