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    Newbies Nest




    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Hey I'm Strong!!! Gosh, you need a birthday hat AND a moon! Let me scurry to the prize closet!!!

      Ok, I'm back....Happy Birthday!!! :bday2:
      Now drop your pants, everyone!!! I'mStrong has 7 days!!!! Wootie Hoot!!!


      You've conquered every day of the week! GREAT going Missy!!! We are so proud of you!

      You do realize that you cannot have that glorious glass of wine on special occasions, right? If I may....changing my thinking about this was key in getting rid of those longings. Sure, in the movies they put people in romantic settings with their glass of wine and the world is good and at peace, but that's not the way we drink....we drink from hidden bottles and in gulps. We drink in secret until we can drink no fantasize like this makes the journey harder, in my humble opinion. Move those thoughts out and realize that the ONE glass is IN ITSELF a fantasy. We will never be happy with that. When you look back in life at the moments that REALLY count...was there a single glass of wine involved? No, it was probably another person or a lovely PLACE that made the memory, not what was in your glass. I do not have to have a substance to celebrate life anymore, because it was actually killing me. Celebrating a moment now is even more special than before. Euphoric Recall is brutal.. it is a lie....AL has done us NO FAVORS!

      Sorry for the long post, but I have seen so many nesters fall because of this fantasy it's not's like watching someone walk into a propeller. That glass doesn't exist for us. If you think about it, if you fanaticized about a wonderfully flaky pastry while watching the'd make as much sense. We are simply idolizing that thing we can't have and in doing so, we give it power. Don't fall for this trick....we are smarter than this! Life isn't measured by what's in your glass. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Strong, well done on your 7 days and on a very thoughtful and insightful post. Byrdie is right, if we could have just that one glamorous and romantic glass of wine we wouldn't be here. I know there is nothing glamorous or romantic about the way I was drinking, and one glass of wine can lead me straight back there, ugh!

        Congrats on the driving too. I rely on my car for so much. I always say I never drank when I was driving and I didn't, but I am sure I was over the limit driving to work the next morning many times. Shocking.

        Anyway, well done, have a great AL free Monday. :goodjob:
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          STARFISH:l! How are you holding up? I hope you have a chance to check in here at lunch-- write down your plan, share it with us. The breathing part is soo important. That helped me a lot and still does-- when everything is too much, I find a quiet place and breathe-- no matter where I am I find that time, because there is nothing more important than remaining sober. Let us know how you are..

          I'mstrong, very well done on 7 days!!:goodjob: You are up and on your way!! Super proud of you, I am-- and also glad Byrdie gave one of her special speeches. They always help me, too.

          out for dinner tonight! and the bf is paying! see you all in a bit.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks for your sweet message, LC :thanks:
            I am feeling a little better. I am getting some things accomplished here and feeling better at the moment. Just ate a good lunch.
            I am taking baby steps to try and get a handle on one of my most stressful situations at home (one of my daughters :upset
            I will be meeting another daughter at her doctors' appointment immediately after work today and she will follow me home in her own car, so I will not stop to get drink.
            Since I ruined my family's dinner last night (bad recipe, NOT my fault that the chicken was tough and the rice was crunchy ) I won't be able to serve leftovers that poses a slight problem as I will have to run to the grocery store to get ingredients...Maybe we should just eat what I have on hand at the house tonight...I'm sure I can find something!
            If I do go out and feel tempted, I will contact someone from MWO, to be sure. I REALLY REALLY want to stay sober this time. I will do what it takes! As soon as I get home, I will get into jammies and will NOT go out of the house. I think this will work and I will work At It. Thanks for making me write this down. Have a great day, all




            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Day 8, done & dusted

              MAE Nesters

              Star - hang in there; feed the family whatever's available at home and cook them something nice later in the week.

              Strong - 7 days - great! And so glad that you can drive again, should you want to. and a floater pie? Had to ask that know-it-all Uncle Google about it. Are you a transplanted Aussie then?

              - 21 days and an early night on the same day - you lucky woman:H

              "Life isn't measured by what's in your glass" Byrdie, you deserve a monument.

              Yesterday was the first day that I had part of the old "me" back: energetic, ready to go, confident. It felt so, so very good. Bit flat again today, but not nearly as bad as last week. I think I should go for a Vit B shot tomorrow.

              My part of the nest is sparkling clean - I fought off a terrifying invasion of an horde of sluts' wool, did some inferior :H decorating and just enjoyed my house for a change. My biggest worry at the moment is whether to have a bath now and then fold and put away the laundry or the other way round. Decisions, decisions, decisions. I'll finish reading all the other new posts and then decide.

              Have a wonderful AF time, friends
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                DreamThink, maybe we could erect a monument with Star's leftover rice!! :H:H:H

                Star, some days the cooking gods just aren't with us! Sorry about your meal....
                Do you have Lowe's food where you are? You can go online and order your stuff and drive by on the way home and they'll bring it out to the car! I know what you mean about staying out of the store at first...that's where a lot of wine hoarding happened for me! Who buys 18 small boxes of wine?? "I'm buying it for a party I'm having" of one (sad, true) Ugg....

                Great to see everyone to do some online training modules....Workplace violence....everybody needs that one, I'll be an expert here in about 45 minutes.
                Hugs all, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Everyone is sounding strong with plans to stay that way. That's great!
                  Thanks Byrdie for the inspiration. I will now be thinking of you when I see a beautiful sunset.
                  What is slut's wool?
                  I am finally feeling more energetic. Its almost like a breakthrough. It took me 6 months to finally feel better after the abuse I put my body through. It really is different for each individual situation. But even on my worst days I felt so much better then hung over and anxious.
                  Have a great af day everyone.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Afternoon all,
                    Took dad to lunch today for his 85th was just a walk to the other building that the LTC facility owns but it was a change of scenery and we had a longer visit...he asks me the same questions over and over and I answer them over and over but that is what Alzheimers does..but he liked the card and balloon so that was it for this year.
                    Other than that I have things I am putting off that I need to do. Just don't feel like it.....

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dottie - That must be hard to see your dad like that. But I'm glad that you got to see him and celebrate his birthday! What a great daughter!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Byrdie, culinary disasters are no trivial matter:H:H:H. Ask me, I've had many. I was more thinking of using your stash of bloomers and party hats and big-girl panties. (What do the big boys get, anyway - speedos or boxer shorts?)

                        , do you really want me to confess my deepest, darkest, most shameful secret? Dust bunnies. And don't you dare ask me what that is - ask Google. Been a bit lax in the housekeeping department lately - not so bad that the Hoarders crew would be interested in my house, but definitely no Martha Stewart either.

                        The bath won, the laundry can wait.

                        Night all
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Do, those were some mighty difficult decisions! Love it..:H glad the bath won!!

                          Hi Star, thanks for sharing your plan-- I hope you decided to whip something up at home. On days of doubt, the grocery store is definitely a NO-go. At least for me.. Anyway, tough chicken and crunchy rice? What's wrong with that?

                          hi to LB and Bhalo--have you warmed up? I'm sitting here with the balcony door open and with a hot water bottle on my lap. perfect...


                            Newbies Nest

                            Dear All,

                            I am wrong. Sometimes one needs a jolt to come to right track.

                            Its day one for me and soon I will make it day 11. and soon 30.

                            Drinking is not worth it. It kills the soul, makes one do selfish things, makes me crazy. I was so happy embrasing sobirity and why did I fell back to same pit. I hope God if he is out there can hear me and help me come out of it.

                            Sometimes I wonder how and why was alcohol invented. Why it isn't banned ? Why it is considered so normal to sit in a bar and drink. How can there be an industry out there which forces one to drink. Or puts one in a situation that one has to drink.

                            Can I imagine my future son to grow up and remain sober ?

                            I was recently in germany in a town called duesseldorf. There is a nice little old town called alstadt (german word for old town). There must be 100 restaurants and bars there. And each place is for serving drinks.

                            For an alcoholic it is so difficult to avoid such situation. But then at the same place I see sober people. I was staying in a bed ands break fast and the land lords had rented out one room set to me and we were sharing living room together. Past few days I have been returning home with a bottle beer. Every single day. And what I noticed in there house there was no Bootle of alcholol. None. Here was a german couple in mid 40s and supposidly sober. How did they manage to remain sober when all around there were bars.

                            I guess its like smoking. Since I dont smoke I never notice shops selling cigerretes.

                            I just wish would have never started to drink. Life would have been so much different. I would have so many friends. I would have had a different relationship with my wife my family.

                            But I will not give up. I am still young and there is plenty to do. I will gather strength and will not drink tomorrow or day after ... And maybe forever give it up. I cannot moderate AL and know it. Al will simply consume me. Will makeme feel so bad.

                            Just wanted to share guys and not wanting to bore anyone...
                            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                            Rebooting ... done ...
                            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just wanted to post more. I soooo sooooooo much want to kick of AL. I wish I can smash every bottle..

                              Maybe I am still under influence and hoping the could will clear tomorrow and also might determination and will power remains strong to kick off this bad very bad habit of mine.

                              I would need all of your support friends. I will come out of this ...
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening all

                                Rahul, you're back! Welcome back to the nest buddy, it is good to see you posting here. One day at a time Rahul, one step at a time, like when you were hiking in Switzerland not so long ago.

                                I just got back from yet another AA meeting. Eight meetings in eight days. Am I bored yet? No. Are they doing me any good? Most definitely. I have met so many interesting people and am greeted as an old friend by many already. I have so many phone numbers it's unreal.

                                Went to the gym with my daughter before the meeting too, so all in all I am feeling pretty saintly lol...

                                Dottie, I cam empathise about your Dad, my Mum did not have bad dementia but was badly incapacitated by a stroke and was in care for the last few months of her life. She couldn't speak, or move much. We do what we can do Dottie, it isn't easy. :l

                                Night DTD, I would have chosen the bath as well, dust bunnies and laundry can wait!

                                LC, not long back from a cold and windy wet and rainy night, but the new boots helped! (and they look awesome!) :H

                                Star, hope you are doing okay

                                LB, just :l s to you, you make so much sense!

                                off to make a nice cup of tea and check what's on my planner for tonight, be good folks!
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

