Hi Friends

Thanks for all the support today. I have made it through day 4 and there is no doubt that I would not have done so without all of you. Accountability and support are both key to my success and for some reason, my accountability to you means more than anything to me. I purposefully posted my day four on the roll call early in the day so as to "seal the deal"- once that was posted I HAD to make it

It was not easy, kids! For some reason, days 4 and 5 are always very tough for me, but you guys pulled me through. I had some white knuckle moments, but I kept all of you on my mind through it all and succeeded.
I took your advice and got fast food for dinner tonight. I let the Colonel (Sanders) and his lot of experts cook the chicken tonight, no way they would botch it! :H
Byrdie, last night's crunchy rice (and tough chicken) is taking up space in the local landfill tonight and unavailable for use in monument-building. That was a resourceful idea though, lil lady!
Rahul, glad to see you back. You've got it now, sir! AL is a no-good, life-stealing son-of-a-gun and the more distance we all put between that monster and ourselves the better for all.
Well off to proudly serve tonight's dinner, and then chill. Another day bites the dust.
Love to all,