Hi my fellow nesters

I feel bad about not posting as much but life keeps turning faster round these parts.
Today I was awarded with a weak dying battery so I just got one that is ready and willing to partake in my daily journey. Im gonna have to put him in place though ( dont trust those kids at the auto store to do it for free .. ZAP my pooter or something ).
Anyways just tired from shrinkwrapping and now Im feeling a very hungry man kinda hungriness coming on. Oh..just to let you guys know that today I got a small bite by my razor knife across my left hand cuss knuckle ( holy crap what a bleeder that was )...oh oh and after that my 4 foot ladder that I have been friends with for 10 years decided to open up like a switch blade and jam my left hand thumb in it..and the fricken locking arms engaged so I was left in what one would call a chinese ladder finger trap ! Two hands were needed in which I only had one available LOL. So my trusty partner had a hand to get me unsnared from the clutches of a 4 foot gorilla

Im out of the Nesterinoe Loop so Its going to be a bit to reset my perch and clean up the foyer again.
Gonna go whip up some supper and then relax to a good flick on Mr blue ray player. I do enjoy reading the forum when the the movies get to boring parts and no longer entertain me. Oh has anyone seen "Flight" ? good flick for us here at MWO. The reading material on the box does not truly do the movie justice.. check it out if you havent already.
I would like to say a big hello and give a warm welcome to all the new members here and again I extend an apology for not being able to enjoy your company as of late..:l
Wishing everyone the strength and courage to fight the good fight for Today..