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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone,

    Fairly new here and still finding my way around. Day 12 today and feeling quite chuffed about that. The last 2 days have been the hardest so far but stopping in here and thinking about what has been written by so many on the same path has helped so much. Really appreciate everyone's posts and sometimes just 1 or 2 comments really hit the spot when needed - it's because everyone understands!! :thanks:
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      Way to go on day 12 Maz! That is awesome - hope you are proud of yourself because you really should be. It's so had - I know. I myself am starting day 6 - had a rough day yesterday - started with a headache that just got worse. Don't know if it was withdrawl (have felt great up until now, except for some sleep-deprived nights), or maybe my sinuses acting up as well. Feels a little scary to me right now because I haven't had a craving since probably Monday night. Hope it stays that way - makes it so much easier to stay away from that poison.

      Hippy - one week is great! Sounds like you had an awesome day yesterday - that may be the answer - at least for me I think it is - filling up the space when you would be drinking with something else. It's not always going to be easy but with the support of everyone here, I think we all are so much better off!

      Everyone have a great AF day! (Lav - thanks for always being here for us!)
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all- Fluff is checking in!
        Hippy- Great for you with the one week- I'm almost there-tomorrow will be officially one week-once I get past this day 7- and I will-I am very psyched-
        Chick-hope you are feeling better!
        Openheart- glad you're here!
        Mazzie-way to go on your day 12!
        Jolie-don't be scared- you've done so well- be proud and strong!
        Tranq- my hubby is going down to Florida today- must be a secret convention that I don't know about-! Have fun- I hear it's supposed to warm up down there!
        Best to all!
        Luv, Fluff
        It's always YOUR choice!


          Newbies Nest

          The Nest is a happening place right now!

          Well glad to report that am still AF..had about 2 thoughts of buyin a drink, then smacked self around scone soundly,scolding self : "'re on antibiotics girl..not a good move,not to mention pain killers..". So for now I am safe, until the AB's runout anyways!

          It still feels like someone has nail-gunned my L)eye,but am hoping the meds will kick in soon..otherwise it may be a trip to have a CT scan done! :eeks:

          Go are almost there! Well done!
          Jolie- yeah, I know all about heachaches right now..urgh!
          Mazzie-stick around the Nest, it is the cosiest place for birds who have lost their way!
          Hey Open- nice to see you! Yes,sleep seems to be the right thing for me nowadays! Guess the body needs to repair itself huh.
          Tranq-hope you are having a nice 'warm' time of it!Be safe.
          Lav- *cluck* just for you



            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Yay! The sun is out today

            Tranq buddy, happy travels!!

            Chook, so glad you are hanging with us! Hope you & the little one feel better very soon

            Hi open, you're doing great! Yes, it seems I am the keeper of the light around here, Ha Ha!

            Mazzie, hello! Congrats on your 12 AF days! Glad to see you back here with us - don't be shy, stop in often, there's always room in the nest!

            Jolie, hello to you too! Sorry to hear about the headache but congrats on your 6 AF days! I'm sure we are all experiencing some sinus problems due to this cold weather & the dry conditions in our heated homes........nature of the beast, so they say. I'm praying for an early Spring

            Fluff, congrats to you as well! Hitting 7 days AF tomorrow along with Jolie - Yay - we'll have to throw a party (AF of course).

            I'm very happy for all of you - one foot in front of the other is the way to go! Your AF days will turn into AF weeks & months before you know it. Sticking to your plans is so important, especially in these early days. Make sure you have the weekends covered too. No more wasting weekends hugging the wine bottle, that was such a waste of time.......but no more, I have better things to do now

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday - we can do it!!!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Chook - Cross post!
              You're doing great
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                just starting today. I noticed that some of the vitamin supplements dosage is different on the bottle from that prescribed in the book. Any comments on that?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Mahali -
                  Welcome. This is my first post too I think.

                  Re: the dosages - do you have the MWO supplements, or some other brand? Because, if you buy other brands, they are not necessarily marketed for the purpose of reducing alcohol cravings, and therefore the dosages are different. I have noticed that the dosages needed to be effective in quitting alcohol are much higher than for purposes of general health.

                  I am on Day 3 today! Last night I had quite a bit of anxiety, and my mind just cannot focus. Seems all I have done since quitting AL is watch TV and read the MWO boards. I am a little worried about this, as I am falling behind on two projects, one a freelance consulting project, and one for a professional certificate course I am taking. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving mental focus during alcohol withdrawal? I was drinking 3-10 drinks daily, usually wine, for the past 2 years.

                  I will be back later to share more about my story!


                    Newbies Nest

                    headaches and focus

                    Hello all

                    When I went AF the first time I had a alot of headaches for the first month, but they finally subsided over time. The headaches are a common withdrawal symptom and other than taking drugs ( or going back to drinking) it's just a case of waiting them out, I'm afraid. As for mental focus....I too am procrastinating, time wasting and generally not applying myself to tasks. So, after reading sweethereafter I am openly pledging to write daily lists to keep myself on track and motivated until I'm through this slovenly phase...well, maybe just one more cuppa and a biccy before I start......:H
                    Jane :heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hippy chick

                      sorry, one more thing...wanted to congratulate hippy chick an one full week AF.
                      Jane :heart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Hippy Chick - Congrats on your 1 week AF - that's great - a milestone! Let's keep going

                        Mahali, hello & welcome! Glad you found us - make yourself comfortable anywhere in the nest! Your question about the vitamins can probably be answered by another. I didn't use the MWO vits because I had tons of my own.

                        Sweethereafter, welcome also! Congrats on your 3 AF days, good start! Personally, I found keeping myself well hydrated (lots of H2O & tea), good food, some fresh air & a little exercise (basically everything outlined in the book) all worked together to get me feeling & thinking better. You do need to give your body a little time to heal & that is something we all do at our own speed. You certainly sound like you're on a good path!

                        Jane, glad to see you today, hope all is going well for you

                        Has our buddy left for his golf trip yet????

                        Busy day for me today & tomorrow will be as well. Glad to have the business so I'm really not complaining. Temperatures heading to nearly 50 degrees the next few days - looking forward to it after so many weeks of freezing cold!

                        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                        The night light is on for any late arrivals!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone. Thanks for all your encouragement. It certainly helps! The next few weeks are going to be a real test as my husband is going away and it usually is my time when I dont have to worry about how much I drink or what time I start. But I am really committed. My goal this week is to get to Friday AF as that will be the first time in 9 years I have been dry for 2 weeks. But wont be celebrating my usual way!
                          Take care and have a good day.
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            I agree with everyone about the lack of focus! it's not that I'm lacking the drive as I have more energy etc when Af, but it's as if I want to be doing 50 things all at once. Like I need to catch up for the laziness that has had a hold over me for so long!

                            But as Lav far for me it is lots of water,tea,some coffee and more exercise..with a bit of self-help reading thrown in for good measure!

                            Welcome to all the Newbies,have a good one folks!
                            luv chook


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi newbies nesters! Day 8 for Fluff!
                              Hippy- just want to say- I am the opposite as far as hubby going away and drinking- I won't be drinking because my husband is in Florida for the weekend- and am so relieved not to have that influence around me. 2 weeks is so great- don't sabotage it with a drinking urge!
                              Chicken- I think you are right about all that energy-it's like getting a bit ADHD! It's like suddenly you've been given a gift basket of opportunities and things to do and you just don't know which one to do first!
                              Wishing everyone a fantastic Friday!
                              Luv, Fluff
                              It's always YOUR choice!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                The sun is up
                                I will spend a few minutes outside today - I will!!!!

                                Hippy Chick, Chook, fluff - good going girls!! Love hearing your success in piling up those AF days
                                With the weekend being here, husbands going out of town, etc. let's pull together & make some solid plans to get through AF. When I first started I consciously recommited myself every morning, still do actually! I decided I would be accountable to myself & the last thing I wanted to do was disappoint myself once again! It's worked for me I'm happy to say

                                Time to put my AF energy to work - wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

