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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good afternoon nesters

    Noodle, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. You are so right about getting pissed, it will eventually kill us one way or another! The face pack and the crisps are definitely a safer option. I am so sorry to hear that your son is going through that, it's wonderful that you are staying sober and are really there for him. :l

    Dave, it's not like a man to exaggerate a minor injury! Here I was sending you healing thoughts and chanting ohms and for what? A paper cut? :H

    Rahul, thank you for your honesty. You obviously want to give up again, you know you can do it.


    You have to take it a day at a time and "stay in the present" so you don't take a drink.
    This is very true! Well done on nine months, and thank you for your posts which are always insightful and very helpful.

    Available, sorry you are having a rough time of it lately, thinking of you and sending hugs :l

    Lav, sorry to hear about your aunt, 89 years is a lot of life to celebrate!

    I am looking forward to going back to work next week, although I have needed this time off, for me.

    I'm off to the gym with my daughter when she finishes work, it's her birthday this weekend and we are going out for a meal tomorrow to celebrate. I am so proud of her.

    She's beautiful, clever, and great fun to be around. I must have done something right! :H
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning, Friends :l

      Have had a quick peek at posts from last night and this morning and am thankful for each of them...I truly identify with all of the accomplishments as well as the hurdles and wish I had the time to address each of you individually, but am not able to at the moment.

      Congratulations to all of you who are holding on to each day of your Byrdie says "Protect it like it's gold" fact, it's more precious than gold, if you ask me!

      Special Congrats to No Sugar on nine months! :goodjob: That is awesome, lady. And even more awesome than your being AF that long, is all of the support you have given the nest during those nine months...that TRULY is priceless!

      To those of you struggling with family and/or job issues- I really feel your pain. I can hear it through your posts and wish I could help in some way. Just be assured that you are not alone- we are all in this together and no matter what and no matter who- it's not worth drinking over (another Byrdism).

      I have family struggles myself right now and I am working very hard to try to develop my attitude of gratitude (or "Lavatitude" as it's sometimes called in these parts)..Lav is THE BEST at reminding us how important that is!

      This morning, a quote I heard a few years back crossed my mind and I wanted to share it with you.

      Two men looked out through prison bars...
      One saw mud...
      One saw stars...

      We are all imprisoned by one thing or another and it may take effort, but we have to look past the dirty work and thick, heavy mud and see the beauty that is waiting for us, just beyond.

      Finally, thanks for remembering that today is say seven for me. I definitely intend to make it through this day and many more and I can't thank you enough for your support.

      :h Star



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Morning, Nesters!!
        NoSugar, 9 months is around the time that I actually felt whole again...I had a spell from about 4 months on where I felt a little flat...I knew I couldn't drink, but the euphoria of being AF had waned. That's the period where I had to Fake it to Make it! But I eventually came out the other side and life was in 3D again!! This is quite a journey of self discovery!
        Congratulations on your REBIRTH day! It's a Girl!!! urgirl:

        Star, 7 days!! Welcome to the Moonies!!!! We are so proud of you!
        Drop yer pants, Nesters, we have a weeener!!!!!

        You needed a good mooning and by golly we've delivered! Here's to MANY MORE!!! I'm so glad you are finding success! One day at a time!!

        Hugs everybody....gotta get back to work. So back on your heads!! Hugs, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          WELL DONE STAR! :l
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdlady;1572967 wrote:
            Star, 7 days!! Welcome to the Moonies!!!! We are so proud of you!
            Drop yer pants, Nesters, we have a weeener!!!!!

            Congratulations, Star!
            It is so great to have you back in the Nest!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning all - Star...congrats on your 7 day mark!!! That's awesome!
              No Sugar - 9 months!?!?! Outstanding!! Love your N.P.H video, too funny!
              Halo - Good luck getting back into the work groove. Not always easy but it's like quitting gets easier after the first few days!
              BrydLady - Thanks for being you and being here for all of us! Each and everyone of you has been so support of me and others here. I really am so thankful for you all!

              My heart goes out to all who are having family/relationship/work issues. Life seems to throw a lot at us and usually timing couldn't be worse. For me, things have been relatively smooth. And I am thankful for that. Still gearing up for our vacation November 5th. I am still leery of my resolve. I have to make up my mind that each day on the island is like any day at home. Well except for the sun, sand and beautiful ocean at my doorway! But seriously, I must guard my sobriety with my life. I hope to be able to check in here while on vacation. Not bringing my laptop..but maybe someone else will and I can borrow it.

              Anyway - Happy Thursday to those of you in the US (or close) and happy Thursday evening/Friday to the rest of you! :0)


                Newbies Nest

                Sake123;1572984 wrote: Still gearing up for our vacation November 5th. I am still leery of my resolve. I have to make up my mind that each day on the island is like any day at home. Well except for the sun, sand and beautiful ocean at my doorway! But seriously, I must guard my sobriety with my life.

                You've got it right there, Sake! Even if not drinking would ruin your vacation (which it won't !), it just can't be an option. The opposite is what could ruin your trip and set you up for a miserable end of 2013.

                One thing that has worked for me when upcoming events loomed ominously was to play out the whole thing beforehand - down to the littlest detail - like you're watching a movie. It helps if it is a place or situation you've been in before (and it sounds like this is your favorite vacation spot). Rehearse often! You've got a lot of time to do it. Picture all the situations you know are coming and "watch" how it goes when you choose not
                to drink. Fantasize a little and let that nondrinking Sake have some fun. Then, when it actually happens, you'll know your lines by heart and they'll just come out of you -- No thank you, I don't drink. --- I bet that is good but it just doesn't work for me anymore --- Yeah, I know we had good times but we're all getting older, you know --- I've realized the downsides far outweigh the upsides for me and I want to enjoy every minute of this vacation...

                You can do it, Sake, and if you might not be able to get online, maybe print out out and take with you some of your posts or those by someone else that really speak to you. Read them again and again. If you're tempted to drink, read those posts first. Think about starting over.

                Picture yourself coming back here at the end of a fabulous trip and posting to everyone here that you DID IT ! Doesn't that look great??

                Have a wonderful vacation! :h NS


                  Newbies Nest

                  Congrats Star on day 7!!! WTG!!!
                  Off to doctor with dh. He never asks any questions so I need to go to see what the doc said....just in case I should know something....
                  Errands after that and a trip to Costco. Maybe the gym later not sure if we will have time if not to the basement I go. I have some exercise DVD's I need to dust off...

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    NS - I love that idea! I do know this place well. We are going with "drinking buddies" so this will be a new experience for me. But I plan to keep the days active so by night time...I'm ready for bed. Or a movie or a boardgame/cards Or the late evening stroll. But alcohol is not an option for me and I truly desire to head into 2014 clear and free of alcohol. Thanks for the tips!!

                    Dottie - I hear you on the doctor stuff. My husband never asked any questions either. Drives me crazy. Good luck to you on that!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdlady;1572967 wrote:
                      Drop yer pants, Nesters, we have a weeener!!!!!
                      :H:H:H Well, I've been called a lota things, but that's a first for being called a weener!!!!!!

                      Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. I really appreciate them. Stay Strong everyone! I have several errands to run with my daughter this afternoon- getting ready for that big homecoming dance. Sure glad I'm sober to do it

                      :h Star



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello nesters

                        Managed to stay sober today. Day 1 over.
                        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                        Rebooting ... done ...
                        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all, I'm new here, yet an old member. I'm back and ready to beat the shit out of the beast. Please help if you can. Thank you. Couple of questions...How do I cut and paste peoples posts - is it just the normal cut and paste any document? How does it show up in posts as blue or does it after you've finished and hit reply? And another thing, I posted my days under roll call, but I think I did that wrong as well.

                          Well, hoping to meet with you, give and get support. Thank you.

                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Newbies Nest

                            How long does it take for the brain to stop thinking about the 'wild and fun' nights you have had on booze?

                            Generally when my body is feeling better after a social binge my brain starts to think about going out partying more. I know it is trying to trick me. And make me feel jealous when I see friends are out together 'living it up'

                            I have to remind myself that I am never going to progress in life if I keep drinking in the weekend.

                            (Note the use of ' ')


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening, Nesters!
                              J-Vo, I fixed your roll call post, over there, I just copy and paste like usual, but over here, some nesters get very fancy with their quotes and multi quotes (I'm jealous!!)....I am sure someone will be along to show us, I mean you, how to do it! I will listen...I've heard it 100 times but still manage to screw it up!!

                              Londoner, I tell you, the whole journey seems to fall into place on Day 13. That's when it changed for me. The mind chatter begins to fade and every day from then on out got easier. Day 30 is about when I felt confident enough to leave home and go out to a restaurant. Around day 100, I can honestly say that's when I felt I had arrived! I wasn't thinking about AL all the time and really was getting my whole act back together! It takes some time and patience....I know we hate to hear that, but muscle thru the thoughts and every time they'll get easier. Try not to concentrate on what you CAN'T have and concentrate on what you CAN! It really helped me.

                              I'll be having houseguests from tomorrow until Tuesday! I will try and read, but I don't think I'll be able to post. I will be thinking of you all and pushing positive vibes your way. NoSugar will be assuming the awards duties!! Don't let up on her, keep her busy with your success!!! Hugs to all and I'll do my best to check in! It's just not a day unless I do! Stay strong, it is worth it! XXOO, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening nesters, a quick post before bed.

                                Rahul, you conquered day 1, well done! Tomorrow is another day, just another day. One step at a time. Good to see you back on track. :l

                                J vo, welcome back to the nest! To highlight selected text, just copy and paste. There's a wee box in the top of the box you are posting in that adds wrap around quotes. If you let your mouse hover you will see it. So good to have you here

                                Londoner, living it up means f*cking it up for some of us. You are very self aware and are trying desperately to improve your life, don't be jealous of people getting wasted. We are simply not made like that.

                                Byrdie, day 13 for me tomorrow (again!) I feel really good and positive. I am going to miss you posting, we all will, but I am sure NS will come up with something interesting for each of us!

                                Well, I am pretty tired now, all of those healing thoughts that I sent to that big faker Dave with the 'mangled' hand that turned out to be a scratch have fairly left me exhausted.

                                Special mention to LB, sorry you are having internet issues, we miss you:l

                                Goodnight nesters :l
                                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

