One thing that has worked for me when upcoming events loomed ominously was to play out the whole thing beforehand - down to the littlest detail - like you're watching a movie. It helps if it is a place or situation you've been in before (and it sounds like this is your favorite vacation spot). Rehearse often! You've got a lot of time to do it. Picture all the situations you know are coming and "watch" how it goes when you choose not to drink. Fantasize a little and let that nondrinking Sake have some fun. Then, when it actually happens, you'll know your lines by heart and they'll just come out of you -- No thank you, I don't drink. --- I bet that is good but it just doesn't work for me anymore --- Yeah, I know we had good times but we're all getting older, you know --- I've realized the downsides far outweigh the upsides for me and I want to enjoy every minute of this vacation...
You can do it, Sake, and if you might not be able to get online, maybe print out out and take with you some of your posts or those by someone else that really speak to you. Read them again and again. If you're tempted to drink, read those posts first. Think about starting over.
Picture yourself coming back here at the end of a fabulous trip and posting to everyone here that you DID IT

Have a wonderful vacation! :h NS