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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    NoSugar;1572990 wrote: You've got it right there, Sake! Even if not drinking would ruin your vacation (which it won't !), it just can't be an option. The opposite is what could ruin your trip and set you up for a miserable end of 2013.

    One thing that has worked for me when upcoming events loomed ominously was to play out the whole thing beforehand - down to the littlest detail - like you're watching a movie. It helps if it is a place or situation you've been in before (and it sounds like this is your favorite vacation spot). Rehearse often! You've got a lot of time to do it. Picture all the situations you know are coming and "watch" how it goes when you choose not
    to drink. Fantasize a little and let that nondrinking Sake have some fun. Then, when it actually happens, you'll know your lines by heart and they'll just come out of you -- No thank you, I don't drink. --- I bet that is good but it just doesn't work for me anymore --- Yeah, I know we had good times but we're all getting older, you know --- I've realized the downsides far outweigh the upsides for me and I want to enjoy every minute of this vacation...

    You can do it, Sake, and if you might not be able to get online, maybe print out out and take with you some of your posts or those by someone else that really speak to you. Read them again and again. If you're tempted to drink, read those posts first. Think about starting over.

    Picture yourself coming back here at the end of a fabulous trip and posting to everyone here that you DID IT ! Doesn't that look great??

    Have a wonderful vacation! :h NS
    NS - Mucho Admiration, Awe, Respect and Envy! Thank you for being here everyday and nudging us all along with you. You always seem to say exactly what I need to hear. I'm starting my rehearsal right now for a dinner out tomorrow night. Not ready to tell people that I've stopped drinking so I'm going with the medical tests/medication route for now. If anyone has any suggestion on what medication I could be on or what tests I'm having, that would help if the conversation gets inquisitive. Just can't be vague or flippant with some family members. Anyway - here I go "all bout me" again. Very grateful and lucky to share the page with you.
    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Strong,
      My favorite "excuse" is hot flashes. "I find wine makes the hot flashes worse" shuts everyone up immediately. Other options are better sleep, on a health kick, losing weight, or causing stomach issues. But "hot flashes" will result in dead silence and then you can start an interesting conversation. Stay strong!
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        Newbies Nest

        Hey nesters. Been MIA for a few
        Days. Busy with work etc. Sorry no postings but will endeavour to read. I have another busy weekend ahead but will try and post.

        Lots I awards and achievements- well done nesters. Keep up the battle :-)



          Newbies Nest

          Day 12

          LB, many more 6 months! :wd:

          NoSugar, 9 months are brilliant!:applaud:

          , stay away from syphilis and gonorrhoea :eeew: and you should be ok. Going to a movie night tonight, I'm taking the splitting headache route. Good plan on having a water-tight excuse ready. You sound confident about tomorrow. How many days for you now? You're either a day just ahead of me or just behind me, right?

          (:new:And if somebody could tell me how to turn off this bloody spellchecker I'd be very very very grateful - the stupid idiot keeps on telling me my spelling's off. I'm an editor, I know how to spell in proper English.:H:H) I know the wavy red line doesn't show up in the actual post but it irritates me when I write a post. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

          I've spent so much time with backreading that I haven't checked in here for a few days. So welcome to all the newbies, well done to all of us, and have a great AF Friday.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Congratulations on Six Months, Little Beagle!!!

            We are SO PROUD of YOU!!!




            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Raul- great job on getting back on the wagon. You will feel better in no time!
              Welcome back, J Vo, we are happy to have you back in the nest.

              Happy Friday, Everyone, let's make this a GREAT AF Weekend for all!



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all,
                Lots to do at home today. I get behind some weeks. But i have a clear head and the energy to tackle ti all.
                Back later,

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just zipping off to have dinner with the birthday girl. I am feeling very grateful today. I was reading the thread 'what was your rock bottom' in the long term abstainers section. Very powerful stuff.

                  Today I am alive, I am sober, and I am able to treat my beautiful girl for her birthday.

                  Life is good
                  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                    Newbies Nest

                    LB, many more 6 months! :wd:

                    , 9 months are brilliant!:applaud:

                    Ditto on what DreamThinkDo said. Way to go LB and NS on your 6 and 9 month achievements! Very inspiring indeed! :goodjob: Love hearing everyone's successes! It helps us newbies to have role models like you two! Thanks for all your support in the past and words of wisdom!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh...I missing so many milestones here! NS, Star, LB, Rahul and so many others! These are huge! Rahul...hang in there!! Like the rest of us, hang tough!

                      I'm going to a haunted house tonight. Can't even believe I'm doing it. I haven't been to one in like 20 years. Don't even like them but my husband works with one of the technicians that works on the house as a side job. It's called Field of Screams and supposed to be pretty darn good. And then we get to ride around in a tractor and shoot zombies with paintballs. LOL! This was all my idea, why? Because I want to do something now that I'm not wasting my time wasted. Why not go get the crap scared out of me!?!

                      Oh and if anyone is in for a laugh. Watch this video from the Ellen show. I have watched it several times and I'm still laughing.

                      Happy Friday Nesters!! Thanks to each and everyone of you for being here!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Such an exciting day in the Nest!! wow..

                        NS!! 9 months is quite an accomplishment! :rays: Thank you so much for taking the time to share so many of your thoughts and experiences. I agree with I'mstrong-- you always manage to say just what I need to hear. xo

                        LB!! 6 months is awesome--:wd: You're showing us how it's meant to be done--with all the hurdles along the way, you stay strong and on your path. Well done!

                        Star! it's so great to have you here with your big rainbow writing! and your positive ATTITUDE! I love it and it does us all so much good!

                        I love everyone here and am thankful to have you all as part of this life-change!

                        I'mstrong, liked Free's idea about the hot flashes! How about a urinary tract infection? Anything with antibiotics-- better not to drink. I've been on the old "health kick" lately--I've been acting like an athlete training for an upcoming event (I've almost convinced myself!:H) and the people I know who are serious about sport do not drink while they're training!

                        xoxo to you all..


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi friends,

                          Byrdie, enjoy your company!!! I'll miss reading your posts here!

                          Minstar, I get feeling snowed under by work too. Thanks for checking in.
                          BH, you sound fantastic! Enjoy your birthday dinner!

                          Sake, I loved that video, very funny! Doing something like that for yourself is a wonderful thing in this AF life. It sounds like a blast. Good on you for grabbing the opportunity! When I was drinking, I let so many chances roll by because I needed to be back home for my first drink. No more!

                          LB, just to expand on my congratulations to you this morning, I have always enjoyed your posts! I hope you are having a great day celebrating your milestone!

                          Starfish, I love the colorful writing too!

                          Hi Sanchez, Dottie and DreamThinkDo!

                          I hope everyone has something nice planned for themselves this weekend. I'll be having some take out and enjoying a movie (yes, the whole thing including the ending!). Just really embrace this AF life folks. If your mind wants to "bargain" or "discuss how we can control things from now on" it's a trick, don't listen. Remind yourself that the discussion was over when you decided to register on this site and post. Just don't look back, there is nothing there and there never was.

                          Have a very happy AF Friday everyone!
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Pinecone and L.C.

                            So glad to be back in company with you guys :l



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sake I went to a haunted corn maze and zombie paintball shoot. What fun. Enjoy your night. Off to the beach we go today. Hubby's daughter has never been. I would just live there if I could. Oh well, when I retire. If.
                              Thanks guys. I could not achieve what I have without everyone of you.
                              My plans for the future are read, read, read and post, post, post. Even when I am tired or down or whatever mwo comes through. Cheers me up and inspires me with someone else's wisdom. Thank each and everyone of you. You are on my Lavitude list.
                              Happy mae everyone:beach::dog::dog:
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                NS and LB congrats on your months, not days, MONTHS woo hoo to you both.

                                Suprisingly today i feel in a much better mood, I think i nearly feel asleep at the table last night I was so tired. Why does the end of the year get so much busier than during. My mother does have lots of plans for us today, shopping wise, and I just said when I am ready we will go out. I need to put my foot down and have some "me" time before I go crackers. I ran into my sons counsellor and was having a bitch to him about the family at home and he said they are all acting like 2 year olds wanting your attention when you get home and you have to put your foot down. So this is the plan for this week. I dont want to drown my sorrows in AL and I am proud of that fact but I could gladly kill maim and destroy lol. The weather has not been the best so going for a walk has not been an option at the moment.

                                Two weeks tomorrow until the wedding so we are spending the day with my daughter tomorrow getting my hair done and checking out the venue. It is getting pretty exciting but also a bit sad for me as her mum. She asked me to walk her down the aisle with her father so I can't cry, gees a big ask there but I am so pleased she asked me.

                                Now if i can only figure out how to post pics sigh.

                                So glad everyone is doing well and so positive. Welcome to all the newbies, I know if not for this site, i would be drowning my emotions in AL instead of dealing with them albeit it in a foul mood, but they have to deal with it and I will get over it. Not waking to a hangover is the best feeling in the world.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

