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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi J-vo, never thought of doing it that way, but it is a fiddly process. The easier way is to click on the Quote button. A new window that says Reply to thread will open, with the Quote already there. If you want to quote the entire post, leave as is, otherwise delete what don't want to quote, but make sure that you do not delete the [QUOTE], both at the beginning and the end of the quoted post. This saves you the bother of editing your own posts.
    Hope this helps.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters,

      Day 10 today. 2nd weekend. I am so happy and proud of myself. I didn't post a lot this week though I was reading posts. Don't have much to say. I just feel good to stay on line and read all your posts.I am wishing you all an amazing AF weekend and life.:thanks:


        Newbies Nest

        MAE!!!! Someday I will also figure out how to respond to every post without monopolizing the entire board. Thank you all for your suggestions! I DO have terrible hot flashes (even worse during withdrawal)! Just wanted to say to everyone enjoying your first (second, third or 100th) un-hungover weekend morning - Bravo! Isn't it wonderful???? I now need to have less focus on the eating and sleeping bits - and more on the exercise. I'm pretty portly. Actually had to buy larger Jeans as the old pair were garroting me! Not funny. Was hoping to go to Western Australia for holiday, and am backing out as I'm so large, my summer clothes are so small, and it will be so hot. I'll get over it. Not drinking today - as I told Free - I don't expect the wine at this place to be very good anyway!!!
        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all I am new here 7 AF today. I am so confused and I have so many questions. I am I an addict? I am 49 years old, ex herion addict (20 +) years ago, quit smoking 6 years ago. I think I can beat this one!
          AF since 10/20/2013
          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
          Meat free since 09/20/2008
          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


            Newbies Nest

            Myluck, :welcome: to this incredibly supportive forum - and well done on the 7 days under your belt. You must have learnt a lot of copping skills when quitting heroin and smoking, and I'm sure that they will make quitting AL a lot less difficult - not easier, but less difficult. Stay close, read, read, read and post when things get too much or you just want to pass the time.

            Good luck!!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              I am flying in this morning to give everyone a quick heads up.....

              I feel a long post coming on filled with, what I always think, are really great thoughts.:no: LOL (they aren't always) If you have a phobia about smileys you might want to avert your eyes :sofa: because I also have been told that I use too many smileys. (Apparently there is a limit per post) :shocked: Hee Hee.

              So get a snack, maybe a bag lunch, a cup of tea, a comfortable chair and your best reading glasses. :ranger

              To quote Arnold Swartzenhager "I'LL BE BACK!"
              AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                Newbies Nest

                Nanette! I have been thinking about you! Can't wait to hear how you are doing!
                Welcome, MyLuck! You have landed in a great spot if you are ready to get sober. You will have all the love and support you need right here in the nest. Great job on your first seven days! You may want to read back a few weeks and get to know all of us and tell us more about yourself. We are glad you found us!
                Lucky- We are proud of you too! You are doing great!
                Hang tight everyone!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you star. I love reading your posts and I love your energy.:happyheart


                    Newbies Nest

                    I love your posts too, Lucky! I am so proud of how well you are doing! I hope to keep up with you!!



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Myluck;1573978 wrote: Hi all I am new here 7 AF today. I am so confused and I have so many questions. I am I an addict? I am 49 years old, ex herion addict (20 +) years ago, quit smoking 6 years ago. I think I can beat this one!

                      Hi, MyLuck!

                      You came on a day that entitles you to a prize!: :moon:

                      That is for the Big Achievement of kicking AL(cohol) to the curb each and every day of the week! CONGRATULATIONS!

                      You know what is involved, given the 2 experiences you've already had - great job on those!

                      If you're wondering if you're addicted, you probably are and you're in the right place to get yourself free.
                      If you believe you can beat it, you can !

                      If you have questions, ask away! Then just allow some time for responses. Sometimes the weekends are a bit quiet while we're all out and about not
                      drinking :H.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good evening nesters

                        Thanks for the congrats on 14 days here and on the roll call thread. We all know it should be much more than that, but I am done with living on regrets. That lapse finally drove me towards AA, and I am thankful to have found what AA has brought to my sobriety.

                        Welcome myluck, and well done on your 7 days! It's good to have you here, pull up a twig!

                        I feel so full of gratitude today, and quite emotional. My only daughter's birthday, and a pretty powerful share at my meeting tonight.

                        I am putting pizza in the oven for the UK Saturday night contingent especially, but everyone is welcome, please feel free to help yourselves.

                        Thankful for another sober Saturday night, even the weather has improved, and we get an extra hour in bed in the morning! (don't forget to put your clocks back, UK folks!)
                        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                          Newbies Nest

                          Bhalo pizza sounds fantastic. I am making ribs on the grill. Ribs from a wild pig caught on one of my clients land. I watch pitmasters and have stolen some of their grilling tricks.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            Newbies Nest

                            LB, sounds like a feast! Congrats again on your 6 months. There are a lot of big characters here on the nest, Lav Byrdie, NS, and I am truly grateful for them. But there are also quiet heroes like you, Samstone, and others, who just keep doing what you do in your own special way. I truly appreciate every post, from all of you :l
                            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello & welcome Myluck!
                              So glad you found us & CONGRATS on your 7 AF days!!!
                              Be sure to stick around & let us know how you are doing & ask any questions you like.

                              BH, pizza sounds good but I have to eat vegan style (can't handle dairy anymore). Congrats to you today as well.

                              LB, you sound like a super serious griller!!! Wild pig huh? :H :H
                              Hope it was marvelous!

                              Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a safe night in the nest for all.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy AF free Saturday night nesters!

                                Lucky - I am a lot like you in the posting category, I read these posts everyday, but don't post much. It keeps my head straight, gives me hope, and keeps from not feeling so isolated when I know there are others in the same boat as me

                                Everyone seems to be doing well and that makes me happy, happy, happy as Phil would say. For those of you who don't catch that reference, it's from Duck Dynasty......yes, I know., I tried hard to resist that show, but it caught me and I love it! Lol

                                I decided to do something for myself, so today for the first time in 8 months, I had my hair done and I look like a new woman! No more gray roots! Can I get a hell yeah!

                                Tomorrow is a big day for me for a couple of reasons. (1) tomorrow is 4 weeks AF {Tuesday is 30} and (2) my middle stepson is coming to eat dinner with us for the first time in over a year. Some of you may know a little of the back story about he and his brother being arrested for armed robbery... They just got out in July and have not been allowed at our house since. My husband is attempting to rebuild a relationship with him, so I suggested that he come to eat Sunday dinner. I know that he was waiting on me to be ready, and it's time since it appears that he really does want to get his life back together. Soooooooo....that being said I expect to be a little on edge and this time I cant turn to AL. I hope it goes well, especially for my husband. He misses his boys terribly.

                                If any of y'all would to stop in for a true Southern feast, please come!

                                On the menu: (guard your arteries)

                                Fried deer steak
                                Rice n gravy
                                Green beans with new potatoes
                                Fresh creamed corn
                                Homemade biscuits
                                Homemade carrot cake

                                Y'all c'mon!:welcome:

                                "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                                -Alan Cohen

