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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 14

    MAE all
    5:20 here, way too early to be up and about on a Sun, but I've been tossing and turning since just after 2. May as well do something constructive, like make coffee for the Nest and gently wake up the dear Nester who had promised to make chocolate-chilli muffins for breakfast.

    NoS, sorry, coffee only for you.

    Later, all
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      DreamThinkDo;1574240 wrote:

      NoS, sorry, coffee only for you.

      Later, all
      I haven't even gone to bed yet! - so funny that you are into the morning already! Do you have cream? I like that in my coffee.

      Congratulations on your 2 weeks! Here's a couple of early moons for you: :moon: :moon: to carry around all day. Have a great one!


        Newbies Nest

        NoSugar;1574241 wrote: I haven't even gone to bed yet! - so funny that you are into the morning already! Do you have cream? I like that in my coffee.

        Congratulations on your 2 weeks! Here's a couple of early moons for you: :moon: :moon: to carry around all day. Have a great one!
        NoS, the way I look at it, you are in my yesterday. Lots of cream for you. I see the muffin baker is still asleep. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but once or twice a year I could steal chocolate from a baby.

        Thanks for the moons, and sweet dreams:H
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Cat, 28 days :thumbs: You are coping so well with a really difficult situation.

          BH, you sound so much better than a couple of weeks ago

          Nanette, how's Stella the Flower :lilflower:doing? (And you, of course! Glad to see you're still smiley obsessed:giggle:

          Have a good AF Sunday all - lots to do here today
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Hello hello all. Hope everyone is well. Just a quick one for me. Feeling sorry for myself after a few last night and night before. Really don't have a reason just wanted to drink. I wanted to 'let go'. Have been feeling rather off sorts recently. Not drinking today- knew the last few drinks were a one off. Still, feel like Cack after just a few on an empty tummy- one would think I know better.



              Newbies Nest

              A lovely Sunday to you Nesters!
              Thinking of you all on this blustery autumn day-- I bravely hung the clothes out to dry and am hoping they stay put--and that it doesn't rain!
              Cat, your meal sounds delicious! -- would love to come by! What time did you say?
              Myluck, great to have you joining this crazy team!:goodjob: on 7 days.
              Minstar, I've missed seeing you here. I hope you're feeling alright. What's your plan now?:l Let us know so we can support you. xo
              Star, lovely to hear your upbeat, positive voice this morning..

              a warm greeting to everyone flying by on this wonderful 27th of October--

              What are you all going as on Halloween? I am having a party at mine with lots of kids and sugar-free treats! You're all invited!!


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Just a quick flyby for me. I'm leaving soon to gp get my granddaughter for the day

                Minstar, as long as you keep choosing to drink you keep yourself stuck in that rut. Nothing changes if nothing changes, right?

                Cat, I sincerely hope your day goes well. If a problem arises, do you have a plan for handling it without turning to AL? Keep your quit going at all costs. No matter how much we would like to control what's happening in our lives we cannot. We can only control our responses.

                DTD, I gave up trying to sleep on my own years ago & have settled on taking some herbals at bedtime. Helpful & no hangovers

                Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, Lifechange!
                  A Halloween party sounds fun. We carved some white pumpkins last night. Do you have those? It is really cool how they glow when lit.

                  Hey, MinStar -
                  please don't let a one-off become a ten-off. It can take on a life of its own so easily.

                  I'm up and having my coffee now but where I'm visiting has No Cream ! I hope you had a good (long!) day. I awoke early, also - a horrible drinking nightmare had me flying out of bed!

                  Have a great AF day, Nesters! :h NS


                    Newbies Nest

                    Nesters you rock!

                    I have been out of the loop lately. Started a new job and it is taking a lot of brain power. Also I'm on the computer all day So I tend to avoid at night!

                    But checking in to say I am still here, totally AF after almost 5 months. I get the odd urge but it's sort of a remote feeling, easily shut down with some mind talk. All is well.

                    I read back a couple of pages to see some new faces, congratulations on taking the first step. Being AF will change your whole outlook on life. Waking up sober is an amazing feeling that we must never take for granted. And once you have some time under your belt you won't struggle every day with the decision to remain AF, you just do it.

                    So hang in there, talk to each other, be there for each other. We are the ones who understand without judging.

                    I love how supportive we are and how people get swept up into the nest and filled with inspiration, hope, information and support. I know I couldn't have done it alone.

                    Have a great Sunday nesters!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning all, I posted this morning in "Starting over for the thousandth time" about my day yesterday. It was a good day, productive, and I'm grateful for Day 7 with a clear head!

                      DreamThinkdo, thanks for the instructions! I wrote them down, and hope to try and succeed. I'll let you know if I do.

                      Good job, Luckyflower, on Day 10! Keep it goin'.

                      MyLuck, you have conquered lots! Glad you're here. I'm new again, after being here long ago. Let's support each other. I'm day 7 as well. You did it before, and you will do this, too!

                      BrokenHalo, I feel the same. Full of gratitude.

                      CateBelle, Hell, yeah! New hair for me tomorrow. Dinner sounds delicious! Good luck with step-son visit!

                      Minstar, I know that need to "let go" and the idea that AL will provide that for us. How about writing a list of other ways to let go? I know once he sweet-talks us, it's very hard to talk back. Talk back to the nasty beast. He's full of sh**.

                      To everyone, have a wonderful AF Sunday!
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey lavande,j-vo, life change and no sugar!
                        Thanks for your posts. Am feeling somewhat human again now. The plan is to stay on track. I won't let this blip change my utmost desire. I don't know why I wanted to drink- not like a craving but wanting to get drunk. Another trigger I will have to work on. I spent a little time this morning reading a thread of MossRose where a lot of good advice was given. I learn from these mistakes. I have been battling the voice for a week or so and if I ally just gave in on Friday. Had three large wines and some whiskey yesterday. But that was on an empty tummy- so hunger was there which is my major trigger. J-vo I need to find other ways to relax. I will take a long hot shower or bath if I feel that way again.
                        I need to post more often as well. I have been really busy with work and life in general that I read but often don't post. This needs to be done daily :-)
                        Thanks again everyone I'll be back later today.

                        Hope everyone else is safe and enjoying their Sundays.



                          Newbies Nest

                          j-vo;1574477 wrote: Morning all, I posted this morning in "Starting over for the thousandth time" about my day yesterday. It was a good day, productive, and I'm grateful for Day 7 with a clear head!
                          To everyone, have a wonderful AF Sunday!
                          Congratulations j-vo on beating this addiction each and every day of the week! Now there is no day that you "always" drink!

                          In honor of this achievement, you receive the coveted :moon: from your fellow nesters.

                          Enjoy your day and on to the next !


                            Newbies Nest

                            New to the Nest

                            Hi! I just came across this site today and immediately joined. It has been so encouraging to read others' stories so similar to my own and to hear your inspiring advice. I have been struggling with alcohol since I was in college. 15 years later, I am still on this ridiculous roller coaster. I've gotten off a few times. Gotten it "under control" a few times. But lately, again, it has control of me. I engage in incredibly dangerous behavior when I'm drunk. I'm scared. The last few days have been really bad. But this is nothing new. I've been through this cycle a million times. I know I must stop drinking. And I know I need accountability. Thanks for listening. I'm not good at being honest about this. Like many of you, I've spent a lot of energy covering it up. Hopefully by redirecting some of that energy here, I can keep moving in the right direction.


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE Everyone
                              I'm behind on reading the posts and want to catch up tonight. Today I need to remind myself (and I need to do some convincing) that I believe I can live a life without alcohol, and also renew my commitment not to drink. I didn't drink yesterday - was the first time I seriously wanted to, and entertained thoughts of how I could handle just one drink. The conviction that I felt so strongly last weekend has waned and I'm going to get it back. Sometimes even sober people don't feel so great and positive. I'm not drinking today. Still not happy with my AF choices for dinner beverages. Don't particularly enjoy anything iced, fizzy or acidic and a glass of tepid water doesn't hold as much charm as a chalice of red wine. Hmmm - do I sound like I'm idolizing? I'm not drinking today.
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Do it. It's only 6 minutes.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

