Afternoon Nesters

Hope everyone is well this fine Sunday! (The weather here is anything but fine, but I am trying to be positive!) :H
Min, good job on recognising your triggers and making a plan to act on them. Posting is a good way to pass the time when those AL thoughts come a knocking!
Welcome Bougainvilla

Lav, hope you have a great day with your granddaughter, they sure keep you busy!
I'm off to an AA meeting shortly, this is the first group I went to two weeks ago, a great bunch of people.
I know a lot of people are a bit 'meh' about AA, I know I was, but I have been very pleasantly surprised. I am not doing 12 steps or anything 'yet'...the main message I have been getting out of just about every meeting is 'if you don't lift the first drink you can't get drunk' and getting through it one day at a time. (or one hour, or minute if that's what you need!)
I hope everyone is having a peaceful, happy, and sober Sunday! :h