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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 4.

    Felt much less anxious yesterday, although still quite irritable (I guess those are not the same thing in my mind!) The people in the coffee shop were driving me crazy just with their talking and their typing on their keyboards, LOL! :-)

    I stayed over at my boyfriend's house, and I told him what I am doing. He was very supportive, and he told me he knows I can do it. He told me I am sexier when I am sober. :-) I asked him to please keep all the delicious local microbrews out of the house until further notice and to just stick to scotch if he wants a drink (I despise scotch) and he was more than happy to.

    I am happy to have gotten through the first three days. Last time I tried this, I got to Day 4, and then at 4:30 on Day 4 I attended an AA meeting. I have been to hundreds in the past (court-mandated) so I knew what to expect. However, after the meeting, I had to go to the grocery, and it occurred to me to buy a bottle of wine. I recognized the irony but went ahead and bought one - I didn't even try to talk myself out of it. Something about those meetings sometimes really sets me off. I do want to incorporate them into my sobriety, because I think sober fellowship is important, but I think I need to be really careful which ones I go to.

    Great job everyone - Chicken, Fluff, Hippy, and all! I'll be back later to check in again!



      Newbies Nest

      Hi Sweet- Good to have you with us newbies- Why did you buy the bottle? Was it like a rebelliousness to the AA meeting? Hang in there and stay with us! Give the bottle to your boyfriend!
      Luv, Fluff
      It's always YOUR choice!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Sweet,

        well done on the 4 af days. Keep going and stay strong. My No.1 rule is Don't buy any in the first place then I haven't got to kid myself that I'm only going to put it in the fridge in case we have visitors, or I'm only going to have the 1 glass and it's going to last all week! Actually I don't think I have ever only bought the 1 bottle .........
        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


          Newbies Nest

          Evening Nesters!

          Sweet - how about using us to fullfill your sober fellowship needs?
          I have been sober since March 26, 2009 - soon to be one year if I continue on my present path Congrats on your AF time - stick with us!

          Hi again fluff & Hi Mazzie!
          I'm with you Mazzie - I vowed last March to never buy another bottle of wine & so far I haven't. I am 99.9% sure that if I buy a bottle I will drink it & want more. Drinking is no longer an option for me

          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the Nest - I'll leave the night light on
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Morning All!

            Well its going to be a hot one today,so have watered my poor veges early and then retreated back inside

            Lav I think your idea of recommitting each morning is great. I am very much into doing little rituals for myself to help me keep focused on the goal! I have amythest crystals under my pillow at night ( this apparently is a crystal that targets addictions). It also helps with sleep and dreams! I am researching what other things I can use as 'weopons' to combat this thing!

            I also think Lav is spot on suggesting to Sweet to use us as her is a less 'in your face' way of getting the support! And as Mazzie has said I am avoiding buying the al and not having it in the house..because I know I will give in to temptation! Yesterday I had serious thoughts of doing exactly that..buying some and putting it in the cupboard for later..but knowing that later meant 'now'! What stopped me is being on the antibiotics for my sinuses...bless 'em!!

            Sweet it is so great that your other half is supportive,that is a real gift!

            Hippy - I am the same as you,when hubby's away Chook gets to play :aka drink! Cause I don't have anyone watching or counting etc. So I have to be careful about that one too! But fortunately he isn't due to go for about a month yet hew:

            HOpe Tranq's trip is going well for him!

            To all the rest, let's keep this ball rolling!
            Luv Chook


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone. Thanks again for all your support. Just love coming here to read all the posts. Gives me a boost of enthusiasm. Survived the first day of no husband quite well. although being a Friday was very tempted to walk across the road to join my friends in "just one". But I didnt so that is good. Didnt realise just how many non-alcoholic drinks there are available. Have been stocking the fridge with all sorts of juices and soft drinks. But am very aware of reading in a post (I think it might have been Doggygirl) that sobriety is more than just changing the contents of your glass. That was a bit of a light bulb moment for me reading that!!! So am slowly getting there and with your help hopefully the journey will be easier. Have a great (sober) weekend and try to stay cool if you are in Perth.
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Uggh! dang it..*sigh* chook falls from grace! hope to pull self up quick smart..only two so far!
                Chook *exasperated cluck here*


                  Newbies Nest


                  Is it OK if I join your group, been reading all the posts, everyone is so supportive and its really been helping me......Thanks.

                  I'm on day 4 today, last night was the first Friday night for a long time that I havent polished off several bottles of wine, hence today being the first Saturday morning for a long time that I dont feel like death warmed up, no headache, anxiety, sickness, having said that I do feel really bunged up, like I've got a cold, is this normal??

                  Also I feel really irritable, everyone and everything is annoying me, maybe I'm just more grumpy when sober!!!

                  I seem to be coping ok, but I have been brought up in a country pub and my parents still own a pub, so drinking is part of life for our family. I know that I'll get a bit of stick for not drinking, you know 'come on have a drink, whats wrong with you', my husband is very supportive, but my family dont really know that I have a problem, Ill just have to stay strong.



                    Newbies Nest

                    :welcome:Yes North, it's perfectly normal. I find that the first 5 days are the worst - then you start feeling better. Hang in there with everything you've got.
                    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                      Newbies Nest

                      :welcome: North, I think everyone is different. I am now on day 8 and the first 4 days were a breeze. I'm now dealing with just a nagging headache off and on but other than that, I feel a real peace and sense of accomplishment for not taking that drink. Weekends are the hardest. Not gonna lie and say I wasn't tempted last night but I didn't and I'm waking up sober and so at peace. You have taken a huge leap and we are all here for you. MWO has been my salvation the last week - Keep posting and reading the different threads - everyone has their own story to tell - some will be much like yours, some different but we are all here for the same reason. Hope you have a wonderful day!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Northgirl,
                        Welcome. I am on day 9 (and pretty impressed with myself). I was really grumpy for the first couple of days. So much so I thought I should have a drink to make me happy again. (I didnt). I wasnt sure if it was because I felt like crap or if I was annoyed at myself and sulking for taking away my supposed "friend". I think it was abit of both.
                        I know what you mean about getting stick for stopping drinking. I have actually avoided situations so far that would put me in the position to have to say no to others (my husband knows I have stopped but havent been able to tell anyone else). I wil deal with it soon just not quite ready yet.
                        I read someone's post saying that when you give up smoking you are congratulated however you are looked apon as if you are strange if you stop drinking. It is so true. However we shouldnt let anyone elses opinion matter. We are the ones living our lives and we are the ones who have to deal with the consequences of drinking.
                        Being able to wake up without having to move slowly to see what was going to hurt or if I was going to throw up is fabulous and I am so pleased I got thru another day without a drink. Be proud of yourself - I am!
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Wow, what a group

                          Hippy Chick - a big congrats to you on your 9 AF days! Be proud by all means but don't get complacent.....we need to keep our focus. It is wondeful watching the days turn into weeks, the weeks turning into months!

                          Chook, I'm sending you a huge dose of Lavan-itude!!! Use it any way you wish to get yourself back on board & recommited!

                          Northgirl, congrats on your 4 AF days! I think it's perfectly normal to feel 'sick' for the first week or so, it will pass. Take good care of yourself, lots of water, good food, fresh air, a little exercise, vitamins, etc. Your situation with a family pub is a difficult one, no doubt. I imagine if you say no to an offer of a drink long enough - sooner or later they will stop offering. I would just tell the family that you feel better not drinking right now then change the subject!

                          Greetings to Jessie, how's it going?

                          Jolie, congrats on your 8 AF days! I totally understand your feelings ! I know my family knows that I no longer drink - we just don't discuss it & I'm happy with that. None of them can understand why I drank the way I just can't make a 'normal drinker' understand all that. And yes, I did receive positive attention when I quit smoking just as the others have mentioned. Keep your eye on your goal & continue to wake up feeling proud - it's great

                          We are having another 'warm' winter day here - nice for a change!
                          Wishing everyone a great, AF, comfortable day - enjoy!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Day 9 for Fluff! Howdy all!
                            Hippy- you did great! Northgirl-welcome! I find the smallest things will irritate me- you just have to go through a few different stages before you feel normal.
                            Hi Lavande-I love to see your cute avatar everyday!
                            It's always YOUR choice!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for your replies.

                              HC - you are so right I gave up smoking 2 years ago and everyone thought I was great, I think really people feel uncomfortable when you don't drink, there's clearly something wrong with you!! My problem at the moment is that I don't think it would take a huge amount of pressure for me to cave in, so I'll avoid social situations for awhile.

                              Telling people I've given up is difficult, they don't know I have such a big problem and they don't know why I'm bothering, plus they think I'm such a great laugh when I'm drunk, but I dont want to explain, on the flip side if people don't know what your going through they can't offer their support.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome to all the newbies--so glad you posted and "wowsa" on your af days! For me, taking that first step of deciding not to drink was like jumping off the high dive. I had been climbing up the ladder knowing what was ahead of me even tho I was scared s---tless. Looking over the edge of the diving board, questioning my decision to jump, but not wanting to climb back down cuz I knew I would just have to climb back up that ladder again and I'd be in the same place. Finally just closing my eyes and doing it. I was cushioned by the good people here at MWO. Grumpy, exhausted, unmotivated, scared, emotional, irritable, insecure were all words that described me to a T for the first two weeks. Yet, I had moments of energy and empowerment that would spark me to keep going. I'm coming up on 30 days af, and still having triggers now and then, but they are getting fewer and farther between. TG!
                                Hiya Northgirl--you are cruising right along--:goodjob: you don't owe an explanation to anyone about not drinking. Lav is right on with simply saying you don't feel like having one right now.
                                HippyC-Way to go on 9 days! Stocking the fridge with a variety of non-a drinks helped me immensely, too, esp at first. Even felt like I got looped on a non-alc bloody mary mix!:H
                                Hi there Sweet, Jessie, Jolie, Mazzie, Fluff--stay close--keep on keeping on--you can do this--you ARE doing this! Even if it feels like you are only hanging by your fingernails some days.
                                Chook and Lav--we can post anything we want about Tranq cuz he won't be able to respond til he gets back from FL--where should we start?

                                Sending you strength to follow your heart and your gut
                                "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

