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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow, lots of posts since I posted yesterday morning! Took a while to read, but i'm so glad I did because there are so many encouraging and wise words offered. I can say after stopping and starting so many times, believing I could moderate that I know it's not possible. I know that I'll be on guard for the rest of my life. But I don't have to get overwhelmed thinking about the rest of my life. I just have to think of today. And if the ugly voice says something to me, I'm gonna tell it to f**k off again and again. I don't usually swear like that, but I do to the beast, because he's never once been nice to me.

    MinStar, I've read somewhere that the voice starts talking to us a week prior to a potential relapse. Don't know where I've read it, but we always have to be on guard.

    No Star, thank you for the encouragement!

    Bou, I've been in the same boat many times. Al is always in control after the first sip/drink. Always.

    I'm Strong and In Control, thank you for the lovely video! I enjoyed it. Gratitude. Everyday. I could use some new choices for healthy drinks. I need to stay away from diet coke!

    BrokenHalo, Right! If we don't pick up the first drink, we can't get drunk. Thank you.

    Londoner, every bit of AF time is good time including your two weeks. No one can take that away from you.

    No Sugar, thank you for the wise words. Deny the upsides of drinking! Jason Vale has a great book that talks about the fact that there are no upsides of drinking. Good read.

    Starfish - more wise words...prepare for the temptations. For me, it was never that hard to quit. It was the "staying quit" that messed with me. The voices, the ugly bastard.

    LifeChange, thank you.

    Nanette, wow, thank you for the advice. Al does step up his game at all the milestones. He's like, "it's your birthday! Let's party and celebrate that you've made it this far! Give yourself a pat on the back and one little drink!" Drinking adds to your stressors...

    Sanchez - one trick, one lie. Yep.

    Thank you all for these wonderful posts! Good night.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Newbies Nest

      TJAF;1575061 wrote: I wanted to add my two cents regarding my experience at day 90. I could never articulate the struggle as well as Nanette did in a recent post...that post is a classic and should be bookmarked for all to see.

      At 90 days my brain would like nothing better than for me to drink again. It whispers to me all the time, sometimes louder than other times. I was recently hosting a party with a whole bunch of alcohol laying about and at one point I had an almost out of body experience and could see and feel myself reaching for a glass of wine when no one was about. Last week PAWs hit me like a ton of bricks and I fought off headaches, minor tremors and lightheadedness. It only lasted for a couple of days but it was a reminder nevertheless. What keeps me going is the fact that my stomach doesnt hurt all the time, my head isnt pounding and I dont have the constant memory loss. My liver doesnt feel like it is the size of basketball and my gall bladder and pancreas are behaving as they should. I stoppped having hangovers per se a long time ago but I can now hit an afternoon where I'm not suddenly lightheaded feeling like Im about to pass out. Most importantly I dont have to lie anymore; not to my wife, my Kids, my boss and my Doctor! Folks I really dont drink anymore.

      Long and short of it is that while I still experience some nasty side effects related to my 30 years of drinking it is short lived and the postives really do outweigh the negatives.

      Hang in there folks it really does get much better!
      TJAF: You refer to PAWS in this post. I too have this happen to me still. I did not even know what this was until my addictions councilor told me about it. It is a real thing and it does happen. She told me it could happen for up to two years in the worst situation. You are not alone in this.

      Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms - Relapse Prevention Strategies

      Above is a link to what P.A.W.S. is, for those of you who are not familiar with the phrase.
      AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


        Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters!

        Nanette, the chickens are actually blondes. The red you see is from their heat lamp
        I raise them for eggs only ~ have never eaten one of my chickens.

        PAWS is an interesting topic but I don't agree that it happens to everyone nor does it last two years. I'm sure a lot of that depends on individual factors. Mood swings are a part of everyone's life but they don't necessarily need to be that severe. A healthy lifestyle, fresh air, exercise & a positive outlook work wonders!

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Lavande;1575441 wrote:
          PAWS is an interesting topic
          I'm always asking what the acronyms stand for - hope to get an answer this time! What is PAWS????
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Newbies Nest

            Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome I think.... Day 1 .. Reporting in at Free's request


              Newbies Nest

              Icanwithoutacan;1575499 wrote: Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome I think.... Day 1 .. Reporting in at Free's request
              Thanks ICAN. New symptoms for me to google and take appropriate hypochondriac anxiety measures. I always appreciate the interpretation - just learned what IP and OP are. Glad you are reporting in. Free is my guardian angel. yours too?:goodjob:
              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                Newbies Nest

                Samstone;1574874 wrote: Evening all
                hope everyone had a good weekend, it seems to go by so fast, got lots of things done but never near enough and the days are perfect for working and now unfortunately getting shorter.

                Had a close call, or maybe more a wake up call the other day. Had a work related thing happened that made me think of having a drink. Then of course I realized what a bunch of bullshit that was, I could never have a drink. Then it made me reflect on how damn hard it was to make myself stop. So many days of stopping again, for at least a year before I really could make a string of time, after a week, I knew I was going to do ok for bit longer. Now I'm closing in on 6 months and it just was so close the other day. So I guess I've realized that bastard is there, always there looking for an opening. If I hadn't remember how hard it was to stop, I'm afraid I'd be back at it again and oh is that a living hell for me. I've worked too hard for that bastard to have his way with me, I can't let my guard down, I've enjoyed my sobriety way too much, I love that feeling of no hangover. So I now I know, it doesn't matter how long, it can happen any time, if YOU let it!
                Sam glad to hear you were able to knock the crap out of that craving. It's a drag, still fighting them after so long, but it beats the alternative eh? You rock!
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks no sugar.
                  Strong that was funny.
                  Have a great mae everyone.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks 3June. Reckon when sudden change happens, the bastard sees the opening. Glad it is over as well, I really like being sober!
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Love your list Honeysoup.... When I read it I thought oh that's horrible and then I immediately think yep I do that exact thing.... I mean down to the half row of Oreo cookies ..... I guess in black and white it really screams at me.... Brave post ...thanks


                        Newbies Nest

                        cook? Bake bread!! Nothing is a bigger pain in the arse than kneading dough! Really keeps you in the moment. Are we having fun yet????!!!!

                        I'm strong, read your post and laughed so hard. You are so right and funny. Definately will take some of your suggestions to do this weekend.:thanks:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Just a quick fly by on my way to work-- Today is day 59 for me. It's the longest I've been without al in at least 10 years and the day I decided to drink on my last attempt to quit forever-- so I'm working hard on gratitude today. Great posts and lists yesterday from everyone!:thanks: It helps so much to have the support of all you wonderful people here..


                            Newbies Nest

                            lifechange;1575643 wrote: Just a quick fly by on my way to work-- Today is day 59 for me. It's the longest I've been without al in at least 10 years and the day I decided to drink on my last attempt to quit forever-- so I'm working hard on gratitude today. Great posts and lists yesterday from everyone!:thanks: It helps so much to have the support of all you wonderful people here..
                            That's excellent Lifechange. Keep it going friend!

                            Day 7 here. Yeaah!

                            This might be a broken record, but i keep coming back, and this is what it's about. There is no failure.

                            Best of the best of best wishes to all in the nest. :h

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sam, I missed your post yesterday. Thank you for sharing how you managed to stop yourself from picking up that drink. In AA they talk about AL being 'cunning, baffling and powerful'. We must be ever vigilant. Well done Sam

                              LC, well done on your 59 days! And also on your attitude of gratitude. I am also grateful for this site and the people here as well as every day of this precious sobriety.

                              G Man, it's always great to see you here in the nest, well done for day 7 and we are very happy that you do keep coming back!

                              I'm off back to work today folks, feeling nervous and excited. I am moving further and further away from the horrors of my last drinking episode, one day at a time. Not that I ever want to forget it, I need to remember it but not to dwell on it.

                              Have a great AF Tuesday everyone
                              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi there nesters, Just a mega quick drop in - Hi to all newbies :welcome:, I will have a good catch up later on in the week - Soooo busy it's rediculous - I don't know how I managed to fit in getting blind drunk everyday - maybe I just failed at everything I should have been doing, and didn't even notice Anyways, sorry about the hit and run, hope everyone is having a good week xxxx:h:h

