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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 15

    MAE Nesters!
    Coffee's a bit late (but at least it's there, unlike yesterday; apologies for the service interruption)

    noodle;1575664 wrote: I don't know how I managed to fit in getting blind drunk everyday Noodle, if you're anything like I was, drinking was the sole purpose of the day - the other things that did get taken care of was a bonus

    broken halo;1575659 wrote: I am moving further and further away from the horrors of my last drinking episode, one day at a time. Not that I ever want to forget it, I need to remember it but not to dwell on it.
    BH, loud applause for that insight to remember it, but not to dwell on it: thanks

    Ican, I so wish that this will be your last ever Day 1. Please post or PM before the cravings become unmanageable. Allow us to catch you before you stumble.

    j-vo, I call that voice the BliksemseBoozeBrain, and he has a really tempting voice. Lately, he feels very unloved, because where in the past I always gave in to him, I now shout and swear at him - and he can be drowned out.

    I'm Strong and in Control;1575383 wrote:

    I'm going to organize a pj party with Byrdie, Lav, K9, NS, Free, maybe Alan if he behaves
    BEWARE: the rest of the Nest will be gatecrashing that party

    , I please want that dark one at the back. I'm certain the chicken-sexer got it wrong and she's a he.

    , once off that hamster wheel, just smash it to pieces! Day 3 today: well done.

    , cook the man a lovely meal, sit him down and then tell him that a nice dinner is absolutely on, flowers and perfume are obligatory, but that the W-word is never to cross his lips again in your presence - unless it's to praise you to the skies for staying off it.

    Sorry all, this was a long post, but you were up chattering the night away while I was asleep - I'm just getting back at you.

    To everybody: thinking of you, and have a lovely AF day!

    Edit: Hey, I'm on Day 16
    today, not 15! Seems one can't edit a header.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Goodmorning!! Today is the START of Day 3 for me. I slept long and HARD last night. It is the first good night sleep in months for me. The cloud is lifting.......
      Have a great day all....
      I just won't anymore


        Newbies Nest

        jenniech;1575703 wrote: Goodmorning!! Today is the START of Day 3 for me. I slept long and HARD last night. It is the first good night sleep in months for me. The cloud is lifting.......
        Have a great day all....
        Great stuff Jennie.

        It's so good to see you here.

        Passing the velcro to the right. Strap in y'all.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Newbies Nest

          :wave:congratulations Lifechange on day 60. Yeah. You are awesome.
          G-man my friend. Good to see you. Good job on 7days. :guitar1:
          Ican great to see you. You have a great spirit.
          Honey I agree that was very brave. I know how al can take over your whole life until you don't want to go anywhere or see anyone. Until you have been robbed of all the joy of living. I'm glad you are making that list and finding reasons to kick that slimy al to the curb.
          I was talking to my houseful of addicts last night (me included!) about the dangers of substituting sugar. No sugar if you could give me a link to that wonderful post about the reasons for not doing that, I could show them in black and white so they don't think I'm just a preachy know it all. This is really bad at my house right now. Hubby's is gaining weight like crazy and both kids are just constantly stuffing junk into their faces. That just can't be good!
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Newbies Nest

            Hey LB!

            Good to see you too. Thanks. Hope you can make an impact with the sugar convo's at home. Happy 60 days AF Lifechange! You rock!

            Off to bed here.

            Take care all.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Newbies Nest

              just a check in and a hello

              LB it is trying having other members in your house, I had my week of adjustment last week and this week i am okay now my son is struggling. so lets hope week three is better and we are all settled.

              Hope everyone is doing well. I am tired and still struggling to think my daughter will be a wife soon.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all... Too much to post and too little time .... You all sound great.. Hi Jennie!!!! First day three in a bit? Good for you)))) I'm going straight to roll call and logging in day 2.... I have the fifth drinking party opportunity tonight in last week ..... I have all the Velcro so if someone could pick up some more I'll pay you back!!!!!!! Where is Dave???????????


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters,

                  Enjoying my coffee wrapped in a blanket this morning ~ Chilly

                  DreamDo, you have a good eye!
                  The hatchery always throws in an 'exotic' chick freebie & this time they did mess up :H
                  So I have 31 girly birds out there & 1 rooster :H
                  Not sure if I'll keep him, I haven't had a rooster in a long time. I had to find a new home for the last one I had because he was so big & so mean! I haven't even figured out what breed he is yet!

                  ICan, I sincerely hope you can jump on board here & stay put. You are torturing yourself with all this starting & stopping

                  G, I lost track of you but glad to see you back on the sober bus as well

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday. I have a busy day ahead - no time to get into any trouble!!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Icanwithoutacan;1575750 wrote: Where is Dave???????????
                    wondering that myself.
                    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning guys. Just checking in. Thanks for the support.... again. The last couple of days have been wasted.

                      My recovery from a binge is greatly accelerated if I rehydrate and easy nutritious food instead of binging on sugar and such.

                      I am disappointed in myself. I feel immature. 25 and still at home. I am killing any growth with these wasted nights.

                      Saying that, I have met a couple of girls on these nights. Normally I would not pursue, because of the guilt of being so drink. But, Hell you never know maybe what I need is to broaden my social horizons.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Rahul - hang in there and keep posting!!!

                        Congrats to each and every one of you for your milestones - every day is a milestone, every day 1. I've been blah and haven't conjured up the gratitude or joy. Suddenly being AF is burdensome (in my unconscious thoughts) rather than freeing. I've not been feeling great, sluggish, depressed and thinking "how is this different from being hungover" without the 'benefit' drinking. Don't get me wrong, I'm not drinking, but someone in my head is having this conversation.

                        I have lots of free time in my head. My career that was once engaging, exciting, interesting, purposeful, meaningful and gave me lots of satisfaction, encouragement, etc. has devolved into a menial, boring, wasteful prison where I sit for 8 hours a day. Your tax dollars at work, folks - that's government. Beating my head against the wall trying to change it, move to another position, etc. Too young to retire (ha) and too many benefits to make a change outside the organization. I actually read my kindle and would spend more time on the boards, but don't want to use the Network and the keyboard on my smart phone is too dinky. Complain and whine, not wine. I feel so bored and useless and feel like my mind is decaying. I'm still sitting in bed in my pjs when I should be waddling down the street to punch the clock. It doesn't matter when I show up and I don't care anymore. Part of my drinking on weeknights was that it didn't matter - I could show up totally wasted (I didn't-just massively hungover) and it would not matter. I can't believe this is me.
                        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning everyone - I made it through the day on to day 2...last night I sucked it up and swallowed my antabuse. I think its the only thing that will keep me sober otherwise I just make excuse after excuse to skip the gym and go straight to the drug store to pick up my wine after work then pick up my daughter at daycare...feed the kids and pop the cork. Then that's usually my night besides sitting in front of the TV watching Netflix...then I finally eat my cold dinner and stumble to bed. Such a sad sad life...I know I am better than that, so if it takes meds to get me through this then meds it is. I also have an appointment with a councilor on Friday so I am hoping they will give me some miracle insights on my life and what I want out of it.

                          Good luck to everyone today!
                          Honeysoup :heart:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well, MAE everyone!
                            Huge Congrats to L.C. for 59 days (record) and G-Man for 7 days! Keep up the great work!
                            Welcome back, Jennie :l
                            I'm Strong....just remember that YOU ARE the one who is Strong and in Control and don't let that lying Son of a Gun AL treat you like that! That depression you are feeling is normal and will pass. Byrdlady would say this is the time when your emotions will be all over the will feel better tomorrow (unless you take a drink)- but if you drink- you know how you will feel :upset: ISAIC- you have helped so many of us, please let us help you! If you get close to drinking, fly to the nest and we will be here for you :l
                            So good to see everyone else:
                            :l:l:l B.H.L.B., avail, nanette, Lav, Londoner, noodle, dream, ican, 3 june, sam, lucky, honey and anyone else I may have missed.
                            I appreciate each of you and enjoy reading your posts. I truly love hearing about all your victories and identify with any struggles. Thank you all for helping me each and every day!




                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Honeysoup;1575833 wrote: Good morning everyone - I made it through the day on to day 2...last night I sucked it up and swallowed my antabuse. I think its the only thing that will keep me sober otherwise I just make excuse after excuse to skip the gym and go straight to the drug store to pick up my wine after work then pick up my daughter at daycare...feed the kids and pop the cork. Then that's usually my night besides sitting in front of the TV watching Netflix...then I finally eat my cold dinner and stumble to bed. Such a sad sad life...I know I am better than that, so if it takes meds to get me through this then meds it is. I also have an appointment with a councilor on Friday so I am hoping they will give me some miracle insights on my life and what I want out of it.

                              Good luck to everyone today!

                              Your's is far from a sad life. You're two days sober. Congratualtions. Hug your kids and look forward to Day 3
                              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                              William Butler Yeats


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lavande;1575441 wrote: Greetings Nesters!

                                Nanette, the chickens are actually blondes. The red you see is from their heat lamp
                                I raise them for eggs only ~ have never eaten one of my chickens.

                                PAWS is an interesting topic but I don't agree that it happens to everyone nor does it last two years. I'm sure a lot of that depends on individual factors. Mood swings are a part of everyone's life but they don't necessarily need to be that severe. A healthy lifestyle, fresh air, exercise & a positive outlook work wonders!

                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                Lav You're soooo right and wise in pointing this out. PAWs is different for everyone nor is it neccessarily a two year ordeal. For those of you just starting out don't let the psychological aspects of recovery damper your efforts or spirit. For me it may just be a reality after 30 years of hard drinking, 10 of which were everyday drinking, often a 1/2 to full bottle of vodka a day habit Most of my 90 plus days of sobriety have been really good days and the alternative of just surviving day after day pales in comparison to my new found sobriety. Grab your sobriety with both hands and never let go!
                                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                                William Butler Yeats

