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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I'm Strong and in Control;1576403 wrote: You are amazing, K9. Big hugs.
    Hugs back to you too! :l

    3J - the fact that I've quit makes this easier. I CANNOT imagine sitting here getting drunk while my daughter seeks support. I've done a lot of crappy things but I could never do that. :upset:
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Newbies Nest


      LIFECHANGE has 60 days!!!

      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Just checking in, been a few days or a week. Struggling.
        Just can't seem to put more than 4-5 days together without AL.
        Work and travel is my biggest hurdle.
        Waaaay too much travel for me lately. This is not normal, but necessary at this point in time.
        In the past month alone I have been to Pittsburgh twice, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Ontario, St. Louis, and leaving for Miami in the morning.
        Usually I only have a drink or two, but about a week ago, got plastered. That monkey is still on my back. Have not had time to read through the posts, but hope to get to some soon. So much activity here. Sober today. peace all- Mr V


          Newbies Nest

          YAYYY!!! Just flying by again on my way to work-- Thanks, DO!
          I have to say, I am very happy about getting 60 days under my belt! I can't quite believe it--a lot of days were done ODAT. Acknowledging that I just don't drink anymore. It feels really good. DOTTIE! Congrats on 60 days!! Let's keep on keeping on, yeah? We're definitely on the right path.:h
          See you all this afternoon--


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters! So many good things happening in the Nest, it's hard to keep up!

            Well done on 30 days Cat, that's awesome! And LC and Dottie, 60 days! :goodjob:

            I can, you have just shown that you can do this, one day at a time! Well done!

            K9, I hope your daughter gets a lot out of going to Al a teen, brave girl! :l

            Mr V, hugs to you. All that travelling sounds awful. It's just a suggestion, but you do know there are AA meetings going on everywhere, every day? It's a good way to take yourself away from drinking thoughts for a couple of hours and be with like minded people. It's good to hear from you. :l

            I'm Strong, such an honest post, AL is a sneaky bugger and is trying to line you up for a fall, but you know you are Strong and In Control, not him!

            Sanchez, I am with you on that APB. Dave, CDev, get your arses on here and let us know how you both are doing.

            Byrdie, lovely to have you back, we missed you.

            LB, 3J, lovely to see you both as always :l

            I had a busy but wonderful day yesterday. I am so happy to be back at work. I have lots to do, but I am sober and clear headed and ready to tackle just about everything. After work I went to the gym, then a quick shower, then off to a meeting. I LOVED every second of it.

            It's amazing being sober again. Okay, life still has it's problems, it always will have, but sobriety means you can deal with them rationally, rather than that self defeating vicious circle of misery that drinking can lead to.

            We are dressing up for Halloween at work today, so I better go and get my zombie outfit sorted! :H

            Have a great and sober Wednesday everyone
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


              Newbies Nest

              Coffee's on and there's plenty of pure stevia for all the "no sugar" crowd! Catching up on posts, more later - just wanted to be the first post of the day!!!!

              Just realized that the voice in my head never says "Good job" or "Lookin' good" or "Congrats on your AF days, Sparky". But, it does tell me "don't walk" at the red light.
              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                Newbies Nest

                Lifechange and Dottie I am so proud and happy for you this morning. :wave::wave:
                Strong I love reading your posts. You have a great sense of humor. Have a good day.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE and happy HUMP DAY people!!! I'm up early - which is unusual. Been getting over 8 hours - and letting it happen, since I stopped drinking.

                  BH - just saw your morning post about your Halloween costume. Made me laugh - I went to work as a zombie for years. Still doing it!!

                  MinStar - we don't need to obey the voice. It's like the lady in the bus station, just talking.

                  Lav - I don't have a plan to drink. I think. Just trying to look at what is going on so I can examine it, see where it can poke me in the arse and do some damage, and maybe disassemble and diffuse it. It could turn into a plan to drink. Not today. Not tomorrow. I'm not drinking.

                  NS - I am going for 30 and more days. I came into this wanting to know what my life would be like without alcohol. There is no way that I'm going to learn that in less than a year or more. I would love to say that I'm going to have a year without alcohol - but don't have that conviction or belief in myself yet. I'm not drinking today. or tomorrow. I hope to not drink in November . . . and so on, ODAT.

                  Bydie - This week, I'm not feeling different, healthier, or better. I'm a bit of a slug that learned this week that Oreos ARE the new cocaine. This morning I realized that I don't have the battle in my head every night over whether to drink, getting a bottle, yes or no, go ahead, no don't. I'm just not drinking and the conversation is over. There is a freedom and peace in that and something I forgot to be grateful for. There is no struggle. I'm just here. eating Oreos.

                  Honey, Guitarista, Siren, My luck, 3js, Ican, Mr. travelin' man Vervill and everyone else I missed, it is an honor to be in your company. Thank you so much for sharing the journey with me. (wish I could play that video G - will have to wait until I get to work - severe internet problems in my building).

                  K9, anxious to hear about your daughter's meeting - more important - how you feel about it. I don't want to ask about job news (but will) because I know how painful WAITING can be.

                  Lifechange and Dottie - great job.

                  If I didn't have you all to support me, I wouldn't be here. I'd be at My Luck's house picking up all the alcohol they are giving out today!!!!

                  Stay Strong, My Friends!!!
                  10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE and happy HUMP DAY people!!! I'm up early - which is unusual. Been getting over 8 hours - and letting it happen, since I stopped drinking. I tell myself I'm healing. lol.

                    BH - just saw your morning post about your Halloween costume. Made me laugh - I went to work as a zombie for years. Still doing it!!

                    MinStar - we don't need to obey the voice. It's like the lady in the bus station, just talking.

                    Lav - I don't have a plan to drink. I think. Just trying to look at what is going on so I can examine it, see where it can poke me in the arse and do some damage, and maybe disassemble and diffuse it. It could turn into a plan to drink. Not today. Not tomorrow. I'm not drinking.

                    NS - I am going for 30 and more days. I came into this wanting to know what my life would be like without alcohol. There is no way that I'm going to learn that in less than a year or more. I would love to say that I'm going to have a year without alcohol - but don't have that conviction or belief in myself yet. I'm not drinking today. or tomorrow. I hope to not drink in November . . . and so on, ODAT.

                    Bydie - This week, I'm not feeling different, healthier, or better. I'm a bit of a slug who learned this week that Oreos ARE the new cocaine. This morning I realized that I don't have the battle in my head every night over whether to drink or not, getting a bottle, yes or no, go ahead, no don't. I'm just not drinking and the conversation is over. There is a freedom and peace in that and something I forgot to be grateful for. There is no struggle. I'm just here. eating Oreos.

                    Honey, Guitarista, Siren, My luck, 3js, Ican, Mr. travelin' man Vervill and everyone else I missed, it is an honor to be in your company. Thank you so much for sharing the journey with me. (wish I could play that video G - will have to wait until I get to work - severe internet problems in my building).

                    K9, anxious to hear about your daughter's meeting - more important - how you feel about it. I don't want to ask about job news (but will) because I know how painful WAITING can be.

                    Lifechange and Dottie - great job! If I didn't have you all to support me, I wouldn't be here. I'd be at My Luck's house picking up all the alcohol they are giving out today!!!!

                    Stay Strong, My Friends!!!
                    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'm Strong and in Control;1576592 wrote: Coffee's on and there's plenty of pure stevia for all the "no sugar" crowd!
                      Thanks, I'll take the largest size you've got !

                      You're so smart to write what's mulling about in your head here! Just recognizing and organizing your thoughts helps and hopefully any feedback you get will reinforce your decision not to drink or offer another perspective of why it would be a poor choice.

                      And since you forget to say it, I will:

                      "Congrats on your AF days, Sparky".


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters & happy hump day!

                        I'm strong, I kindly suggest that you stop giving AL so much head space. I found it's much safer to dismiss any & all AL thoughts as soon as they entered my head. Closing the door soundly & firmly on AL has kept him out of my life for nearly 5 years now

                        CONGRATS Dottie & lifechange on 60 days AF :yay:
                        Keep moving forward you two, you'll never be sorry!

                        wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          that is great advice.....I find that obsessing over NOT drinking can actually lead me to drink!!! i think about it when I am on here, keeping up with other chicks who are in the same shoes as me.....and then I try to dismiss it from my mind because by 4 or 5 in the afternoon, it starts invading my head space anyway!!
                          I also find that taking 1 minute several times a day to just be completely still, with my eyes closed, and breath deeply does wonders for keeping anxiety (biggest trigger for me) at bay.....
                          Have a great day everyone!!
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Day 17

                            Two baristas in the Nest - ta for stepping in Strong!

                            Just had lunch out, at the only restaurant in the village that doesn't have a liquor license. I don't trust myself at the others yet. I was getting a bit cabin-feverish: I live on my own (with a beautiful cat and the selection of birds, lizards and snakes that she brings into the house as toys) and work from home, so sometimes the house grows smaller and smaller, especially during the day, for some reason.

                            I haven't been been to my favourite wine shop in more than two weeks - their turnover must have dropped dramatically!

                            Until later, everybody - a good AF day for all.
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Newbies Nest

                              DreamThinkDo;1576658 wrote:
                              I haven't been been to my favourite wine shop in more than two weeks - their turnover must have dropped dramatically!
                              For years I used the taste and supposed health benefits of red wine as my good reasons (actually, lame excuses) for daily consumption. Never mind that even if true, the health benefit is obtained only with a maximum of 5 ounces of wine a day and above that level, the effects are negative. Further, when your wine comes in a box from the supermarket, the connoisseur claim falls flat. All I was going for at the end was the elusive buzz.


                                Newbies Nest

                                elusive indeed!!!!
                                I just won't anymore

