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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 20

    MAE Nesters

    Hope it's a wonderful Saturday for each and everybody, and not a babbelas in sight.

    Coffee and rusks to get you going

    babbelas: South African slang for a hangover.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all

      Sake- good job! I hate when the drinking thoughts blindside us. You did great
      DTD- coffee is great , thanks
      Sanchez- I love tonic water and lime; also I don't know how everyone feels about it but I have had 1 nonalcoholic beer on 2 occasions when the urge hit.... Seemed to help
      Dottie- you should be so proud .... Byrdie always tells us not to drink AT anyone or any situation so you did just that!
      Jennie - keep posting it'll click again soon.... It took me tons of effort to get even these 5 days
      Odat and K9 I enjoyed your posts/question/post earlier .... Totally get what you faced Odat ... Have had many day 1s in last few months .... Keep trying


        Newbies Nest

        morning all

        Thanks for the coffee DTD, no babbelas here

        Rahul, you can. You did before and you can do it again.

        Rose, coorie in and find a twig, the nest is a great place to be, especially at the weekend

        sanchez, soda water and cranberry, or a nice cup of earl grey are my favourites right now. Anything but booze! :H

        I'm up ridiculously early for a Saturday, I had a great sleep and don't see the point in wasting the day away being lazy. I'm going to head out this morning and make a start on the Christmas shopping.

        Happy Saturday everyone
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Newbies Nest

          A great evening of posts last night, I have to agree. I always go to bed too early for the Friday evening fare!
          Sake, thanks so much for sharing that--great job on staying the path. I'm always amazed at how quickly and apparently out of nowhere these situations can come. It's good to be able to trace back to the starting point, to realise the triggers. I'm in a fight right now that in the past would have sent me straight to the you know what-- but I'm finding other ways to deal. Your post was helpful!

          Luckyflower, I agree it would be nice to see you more often! Posting strengthens our resolve, I think, and helps us to connect to others. And it's not fair if you know us but we don't know you!!

          MOSS!:l I love it when you are here--super that you've jumped back in.

          Dottie, you did a great job last night sticking to your guns. It seems to me that you do a lot to care for your father. I understand completely what you are saying and you're smart to have found a home with caring, competent people.

          I'm trying to think of some good AF drinks-- I seem to just drink a lot of herbal teas-- and this original Yogi tea is without caffeine and with tons of cinnamon-- a good, strong coffee substitute. I think there was a good thread/toolbox page about drinks-- will look.

          Wishing you all a wonderful AF super Saturday!


            Newbies Nest

            Just back from the village. We have a very small market once a month, so I went there, bought veg for the week, then to a family fun day at one of primary schools - not much happening there either. Might go back later when the "fun" starts.

            Told two people today I'm not drinking this month - made it into a joke, saying that my liver begged me for some time off. Friend A sounded a bit taken aback, Friend B laughed in sympathy (I hope). Friend A had invited me over this afternoon said he'd get some wine. I'll take a bottle of something else and some snacks along and see how it goes.

            Rahul, you can be sober, but you have to work to be sober: you can't wish to be sober and not do anything about it. Very few wishes actually come true. Sorry if I sound harsh and sympathetic, because I don't mean this in a nasty way. Stay sober for just one day. Then stay sober just for the following day. All long journeys start with only one footstep, then another, and another, and another. But you have to take that first step - and then continue.

            Moss, come out and play - you don't have to catch up!

            , I've stocked up on coffee, so there'll be plenty for you!

            , you have so much going on, and you inspire me so much by simply not giving up and giving in. Thanks for that!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Dottie I am glad you held strong. Good job. Also it sounds like your dad needs to be around professional help 24-7.
              Mossy sometimes I get behind in reading posts, but staying here for a day or two catches me up pretty quickly.
              Luck glad to see you here. Day 14 now. You really are doing great.
              My phone went dead earlier when I usually read and post, so I had to sleep without my nightly mwo. I'm up early because of missing everyone.
              I am taking a break this weekend. Staying with my daughter. I am tired and confused. So much has changed in such a short amount of time. Living with 3 selfish addicts is difficult. Maybe I'm being mean? These behaviors are real though. It takes time to unlearned. To think about someone else. Will they ever learn that? I don't know. I have learned that sober life doesn't just happen. A lot of work goes into it. I see no work on their part. I am scared. For them.
              Sorry. Just rambling. Lack of sleep.
              Have a great af Saturday.
              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                Newbies Nest

                MAE nesters:l

                Everyone sounds so strong. And I am very happy about that!

                I am still having trouble sleeping and didn't get much at all last night. Thanks for all the tips! I use melatonin every night, but it seems to have lost its power. Oh well, this too shall pass.

                Great post, Sake. Thanks, for that! I came really close to caving yesterday and in fact, had decided that I probably would drink today. Your post has given me strength to make it through one more day :l

                Lucky- Thanks for posting...I actually feel the same way you do about my posts...everyone else seems to say what I am thinking of posting, only they say it faster and better :H

                ODAT, sounds like a great plan about taking it one hour at a time and eating cake!

                Great job, Dot :goodjob: I LOVE your posts!

                Sanchez- have you tried pomegranate juice. I can't remember what you like(d) to drink before all this (i guess it came it a can :l ), but the pomegranate juice tastes very similar to red wine and it's really good and good for you.

                Rahul- stick with us, you CAN do this!

                B.H., LB,Moss, Ican, Dream, LC, Strong, Lav, Byrdie, K9, NS and anyone else I missed this morning- You are all so positive and helpful and I love your posts! Thanks for being here and for all your support!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Star you sound wonderful. Love reading your posts. So pretty.
                  Yes Rahul you can do this. Just don't drink for today.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi LB- we cross posted...I am up at the crack of dawn, like you!
                    I hear what you are saying about the selfishness of addiction. I have been thinking a lot about that, actually, and that is one thing that is keeping me on track... I do NOT want to be a selfish person!
                    I am so glad for you that you are taking a little breather this weekend and visiting your daugher. Your hard work is paying off for you and you are taking care of yourself in a healthy way. Enjoy your weekend!



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Aw, THANKS, LB:l



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I woke up bc hubby off to golf ... So MAE but I'm going back to sleep
                        LB- I hoe you have a peaceful weekend. You have worked hard and deserve it.
                        I'll respond better after some zzzzz


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters

                          Looking forward to a nice weather weekend & getting some outdoor chores done. The chicken house needs some cleaning :H & it needs to be prepped for winter

                          LB, I'm sorry you have to deal with the selfishness of others. Do whatever you have to do to protect yourself, OK? :l

                          Dottie, hope you are OK today & taking some time for yourself

                          I hope everyone has a great AF Saturday! Stick to your plans, be strong & proud of your quits!!!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            It is so good to here people putting their quit first, even when taking care of yourself before others doesn't come naturally. I don't think we're aware of how selfish we really were when we were drinking - and would have been horrified if we had been able to see it.

                            No matter how long we've been AF, maintaining that quit has to be a top priority. Luckily with time, doing that affects other parts of life less and less and everything in a sober life fits together pretty nicely and is so much more manageable.

                            LB, for you to be able to stay AF while trying to help other addicts is one of the most impressive commitments I've ever heard of - I hope your time with your daughter this weekend restores your strength :l.

                            Have a great weekend everyone and just keep in mind the satisfaction you'll feel when you awaken on Monday with your quit intact. It is such a positive way to start a new week !


                              Newbies Nest

                              [QUOTE=Dottie Belle;1578395]Evening all,
                              Dad wants to know why he cant come live with us. Long story but the short of it is that I spent a lot of time finding him a good, clean place with a private room. That is the best I can do. QUOTE]

                              Wow, DB - I know what a difficult decision that must have been. It was the right decision. It is impossible to provide care for someone with Alzheimer's, long term. It is best that he gets accustomed to a place and gets into a regular, familiar routine before the disease progress. You cannot take care of him, even if you gave it a thought. You truly picked the option that is best for everyone. I know it was difficult. I think it's about time you treated yourself to something wonderful. What would that be?
                              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                                Newbies Nest

                                little beagle;1578606 wrote: Living with 3 selfish addicts is difficult. Maybe I'm being mean? These behaviors are real though. It takes time to unlearned. To think about someone else.
                                LB, your post really resonates with me - all I've thought about these past 3 weeks is Me-Me-me. My husband had to deal with an drunken, isolated wife and now he is again abandoned to someone with her nose a computer, stuffing her face constantly and blindsided enough to only care what is going on with herself. I guess not just hangovers bring remorse and guilt.

                                Going to go have some coffee with DH. He's going away tomorrow and I see I've been neglecting him. You guys are great, but he is my life.
                                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.

