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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone,

    Just checking in. Love the support on this site. I come here several times a day when I can and it sure helps me to stay on track. Thanks all Just starting day 15 and am so chuffed with myself!!!
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Newbies, I wish you all a peaceful Sunday filled with love. Jolie, HippieChick, Fluff, I think we are doing the journey simultaneously. PM me if you need. Northgirl - picture hanging over a cliff hanging to a branch, your sobriety is that branch. Mazzie, you have reason to be chuffed with yourself. It's wonderful. Lavande, Openheart - thank you so much for your continuous support.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters (good morning to some of you )

        I'm happy so many of you are hanging in & making great progress!
        Congrats to each & every one of you!
        The hard, hard work in the beginning will pay off, I promise you. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to finally see your 'old self' emerge! The strong, confident, optimistic person you used to be is back & looking forward to a bright future. For me, it was unresolved depression that turned me into a career drinker & the continued drinking made the depression even worse. Years of Rx antidepressant drugs did nothing. I found my way out of my depression with an herbal supplement - go figure! I started it (Amoryn) last January & was totally AF before the end of March. I am so grateful to the people here at MWO for helping me along the way. I wish the same terrific results for all of you

        Hang in there everyone, you can do it too
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Good night everyone! Open Heart- yay for you-almost 30 days!!! Can't wait till I get there!
          Jolie, Jessie, Hippy, -great on our days quit so far, too!
          Mazzi-love the word chuff-I'm going to start using that here! Great for you on 16 days!
          Nite, Lavande-thanks for being here!
          My eyes are burning and tired...Nite all,
          Luv, Fluff
          It's always YOUR choice!


            Newbies Nest

            Oh dear

            Hi nesters

            You are all doing so very well and I am doing so very, very averagely....had 2 wines last night after the George Clooney film. God, he's divine, but the film is odd. A quirky film, i guess. If I rabbit on about movies I can distract you all ( and me) from the drinking. No excuses, I just did it. Hippy, Lavande, Sweet, Chook, Fluffy, all nesters are all so brilliant. i will try harder, I will.....
            Jane :heart:


              Newbies Nest

              You're not the only one feeling a might chagrined Jane, I had more than I should have or planned to last night. Actually I had no plans to drink at all....dang it!!!!
              Basically my sister came over ,she has just had a long tern relationship fall through and as a result I was thing led to know the rest *sigh*...
              But I have done what Lav suggested..I've recomitted this morning,and despite it all I am still feeling okay about things..maybe because I had actually reached five days AF...I KNOW I can do it!!
              So I will, because as Yoda once said..."there is no try,..there is only do or do not".
              Everyone else sounds to be on track,well done to you is a good thing that we are doing!
              Luv Chook


                Newbies Nest

                By the way, I am now terming last night as a bump, I am still five days will be number six...stuff the rules
                Chook *clucks forcefully and with renewed determination*


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone. Thanks again for you encouragement.
                  Chicken & Jane - Keep at it.
                  Lav - thanks for your reminder not to be complacent. I need to be reminded of that so often as when I forget it that is when the trouble starts. I have given up AL before however I didnt do any work towards staying AF - just assumed the mindset I had would help me stay there. But it never does, does it. I have to work at staying sober.
                  I have picked up the paint brush again so that is what I am working on today to cure the boredom (which is my dangerous time).
                  Take care.
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hippy I am attempting to do the same, get some of those creative juices flowing for a change and a distraction!
                    We went to Bunnings this morning and I bought heaps of lovely potted flowers and veges..which I will re-pot when the weather is cooler! I have also started weeding 'my' area in the garden and plan to do a bit of research into plants/gardening and also organic side of stuff!
                    In the mean time I have also gone and bought a graphite pencil (expensive little pieces) and some sealer so I can finally do one of those 'things' that I have been intending to do for so long now...sketch a picture on two emu eggs that my father-in-law has requested of me! He loves I am thinking of making them 'dinosaur eggs' LOL!
                    But I think,on a very personal level, I need to garden, to get back to nature and 'earth' myself again!
                    All the best Nesters,see you on the morrow!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters!

                      Looks like a dark & damp day ahead for me - oh well! I'm sure I'll find something useful to do to distract myself

                      Hippy, I found the art distraction to be a very useful tool in the beginning. Everytime my thoughts went to drinking I would just stop what I was doing & go do something else entirely different. It really works - just keep at it

                      The sound of clucking is music to my ears Chook! Drawing on emu eggs? That sounds fantastic! I have no ability in that department whatsoever!! Now gardening is another story, that I can manage & it is nice to reconnect with the earth You can teach your girls a lot about gardening as you go along too. My kids always enjoyed it & now they have their own gardens

                      Jane, sounds like you had a bump in the road too. You're back here & posting right away, that's good! It's all about choices & deciding what is right for you!

                      Wishing everyone a terrific day - hope your's is not soggy like mine!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fluff here-day 10!
                        Jane-which George Clooney film did you see?
                        Hippy keep doing well.
                        Chick- count as day 5 again-more mentally gratifying. I think a lot of us are artists-that's my background, too- Emu eggs? Love it-post a pic when they are done-PLEASE!
                        Lavande- you are having the same dreary weather as me-ugghh-just overcast here though I heard we are supposed to get a winter storm-not sure.
                        Keep it a sober Sunday-(that is my hardest day)!
                        Luv, Fluff
                        It's always YOUR choice!


                          Newbies Nest

                          I am having a hard time navigating the site. so far I have taken all the vitamins, which I ordered from myo, but the doses are slightly different from the book and the bottle. started on the topimax, and have used the hypnosis tapes. Fell asleep today when listening. Also cut back, but not eliminated the alcohol. feeling rather tired. thank you for the support. I saw some replies at the end of this thread, but still confused to how this works. thanks thanks and I am determined to keep at it.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I am very happy to be at the end of day 5, a testing weekend with lots of alcohol around me, but I am pleased to say that I didnt crack and stayed strong and happily sober.

                            I have felt a real inner peace today, I have played with my children, slept really well, enjoyed tiny things that I wasnt aware of before. I woke this morning and I had to pause for a couple of seconds, ah it was such a lovely feeling to realise I dont drink anymore, I just smiled.

                            Looking forward to a full week of being me again.

                            I hope you all have a fantastic week xxx


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Northgirl - congrats on your 5 AF days - make a big difference doesn't it? Keep going

                              Hi mahali, welcome to the Nest! Just find yourself a comfy twig & settle in with us. Everything is confusing in the beginning but you'll work your way through. I personally did not use the MWO supplements or any of the meds. There is a thread specifically for the Topamax & other meds & one called Holistic Healing where you can get answers to your questions.
                              The CDs do produce a lot of relaxation.......saving them for the evenings might be a good idea.
                              Cutting back on your AL consumption is good progress. It took me a few weeks until I felt ready to commit myself to going AF. In the meantime, work on your plan so you will be prepared when your triggers produce cravings! Check in as often as you can, let us know how you're doing.

                              Fluff - 10 AF days for you - Woo Hoo
                              That's terrific, you must feel proud! Yes, we had rain all day here - was supposed to be an inch! Guess I'm glad it wasn't snow

                              Well, I'm going to veg in front of the TV for a bit then call it a day.
                              Wishing everyone a safe, comfy night in the nest - the night light will be on.
                              Tranq - hope FL is treating you well

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                All good here.

                                Just had an impromptu bath with the two wee chicks (very squishy..but fun) they were very excited to have Mum jammed in the bath and playing Nemo with them LOL.

                                Have to take eldest to have her hair cut today (she aint too keen) in preparation for the school year starting in a few weeks time. Meanwhile I am going to try to stay in the moment and focused!

                                Have a magnificent Monday Nesters!

