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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Nesters!

    LB, thinking of you tonight, I am glad you are getting some time away from what must be a very stressful situation for you. You have such a big heart, and a spirit to match. Just sending you love. :l

    Rahul, I hope you can manage to stay AL free in a tricky situation like that. Be the perfect host, not the drunken one. You can do it.

    Rose, curling up with a book for a while is on my to do list for tomorrow. I hope you enjoy a relaxing day

    Cat, I haven't had any headaches at all, during this or my previous quit which was almost 100 days. I have no idea what might be causing it, I hope you get it sorted.

    I had a busy day today, went Christmas shopping, had lunch with daughter and niece. It was lovely, but very very cold and rainy!

    I just got back from my Saturday night AA meeting ( oh, my rock and roll lifestyle!) and I'm home and cosy now.

    We talk a lot about 'rock bottom'. I listened to a man tonight, he was very intelligent and articulate. He told us how his alcohol had progressed to the point where he lost his job of 30 years, his family left him. He ended up living in a homeless shelter and attempted suicide twice. What's the good news? The good news is that this man stopped drinking and came back from all of this. He now has a flat and a job, he is back in the lives of his children, and is living a life he could only dream of when he was down and out and at rock bottom because of his alcoholism.

    Not a grand life, a simple life with relationships, good honest work and dreams and hopes.

    AL had taken everything from him, and now he is rebuilding a shattered life as a sober man.

    It made me think.

    I have never been homeless. Yet. I have never attempted suicide, Yet. I have never had a drunk driving offence against me. Yet. I have never had the police at my door or been jailed. Yet. I have never got the sack from the job I love, or had my family desert me Yet. But all of these not so wonderful possibilities are mine for the taking if I go back to drinking. These things would never happen to me sober, but drinking they are frighteningly possible as this terrible disease/ affliction/ addiction progresses. Call it what you will, but it does progress.

    I'm sorry for rambling on. The reason that the clever, articulate and honest man sat in that room tonight and told us his story was to help other alcoholics. To warn them yes, but also to give them hope. I am feeling very hopeful right now. Hopeful and thankful to be sober tonight.

    I'm off to put the kettle on and stick a pizza and garlic bread in the oven for any nesters who fancy a wee bit of a feast.

    I'm also wondering how Londoner's date is going. Pop by and let us know when you get a chance Londoner
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      Evening all,
      Had a nice day at yet another model train show, it is that time of year. We found some good deals and dh is happy so that is OK.
      Going to a workshop at the yoga studio tomorrow. Good ME time.
      Not as tense as last glad I made the decision to stay on track...whew..

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        Newbies Nest

        Hello, I posted in the general thread but was advised to come here instead. I gave up alcohol last evening. I usually drink 3 or sometimes 2 times a week when I have the better part of two bottles of wine. I would not normally have stopped until about 2am then fallen into bed. However, last evening was different, as I started earlier, like about 6.30pm, out in the yard by myself, my husband woke me at 10pm, dragged me to my feet, I fell over which was not entirely the alcohol, however, I was unable to get up and he wasn't able to lift me. Somehow the pair of us got me back on my feet, don't remember anything at all about getting inside. I evidently got myself into bed, as I have long hair that I keep up, but I'd been capable of taking it down and winding it into a hair band, my bag and all my clothes folded, so I must have come to a bit but I have no recollection of anything from being down on the ground, till I woke up around 5am this morning. I am so incredibly ashamed of myself and so embarrassed. My husband is still asleep, I dread him waking up because of the awful recriminations, which of course I completely deserve, but it doesn't help. Anyway, I have now not had a drink for almost 11 hours. I have to keep it that way, I'm over this, it's wrecking my happiness and it's a matter of time before it wrecks my entire life. Today will be easy - I never drink on Sundays as I have to go out early on Monday. Sundays are easy, because this stupid brain of mine knows I never drink on Sunday so I won't even miss it tonight. Monday night will be my big challenge as I normally drink on a Monday. Thursday night will be my next one, as I always drink on Thursdays, then usually either Friday or Saturday. I normally would never drink two nights in a row. Some weeks I only drink two nights. Some days I would pour half a bottle down the sink. I make myself do that. I never kept an opened bottle as I didn't trust myself not to have it the next night and my stupid rule was not to drink two nights running. I planned for it, how crazy am I? It looks even more ridiculous when it's written down - the fact that I have actually had this plan that was really easy to stick to, whereby I could be perfectly in control of when I chose to drink and would never worry about alcohol (nor even crave it) on the days when I wouldn't normally drink. I've been reading a lot on here, and I suppose I've been giving myself permission to drink on those nights. So whilst I am thinking it's been 11 hours or whatever, I mustn't kid myself or anyone else on here who has been so kind to me today - today will be easier as I'm full of hope and optimism, but it's Sunday so I wouldn't be drinking anyway. It's Monday night that I'm thinking about as I have now removed my permission to drink on Monday. I have to stick to it, because all these amazing stories and wonderful people on here have really inspired me to think maybe I really can do this.

        AF from 22 November 2013

        Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


          Newbies Nest

          Hey 64! Great to see you! You will find yourself in good company here. You are amongst folks who are sick to death of being led around by a bottle. Life without AL is totally doable. I'm living proof! We'll see you back here tomorrow. Keep yourself distracted and your belly full!
          Rahul. I'm sorry you are having a tough time getting back up. There is no better day to start than right now. It's just not going to get any better until you make the decision to not pick up that first drink. It will always end poorly. It only takes a couple of AF days to make you feel better again. Make this your last day of misery. Hugs dear man. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Cat Belle;1578966 wrote: Hey everybody, I have a question. I keep getting these low grade, lasting headaches. It's been 34 days since I quit AL. I never used to get "regular" headaches, only migraines. This just will not go away. I had one like this a couple weeks ago, and ended up getting an IM shot of Toradol to make it go away. Anybody else had these symptoms?
            Pretty normal cat. Ive had low grade headaches on and off. Just our brains working towards normal. Stay hydrated. That helps hold them off
            Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

            William Butler Yeats


              Newbies Nest

              Rahulthesweet;1578989 wrote: TJAF and Samstone, I feel guilty. When ever I touch drink I feel guilty as crazy. Even today I could not stay sober. While I didnt drink that much but I feel guilty.

              I know sound pretty pathetic right now. Here are all the people with such positive thoughts anf inspiration and here am I with my tale of failures and cribbing.

              It is pathetic of me to act this way I must say !!
              Rahul. You are far from pathetic. You 're just fighting a hard fight. Ive posted this thought before but it will click. You just need to change it up. Get away from you're triggers.
              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

              William Butler Yeats


                Newbies Nest

                Cat----I just read online about a woman who was having constant headache and her neurologist recommended increasing water intake drastically-- like to 3 liters .... Idk if that's doable but maybe even increasing a bit?

                Byrdie shine your arse ..... I'm going to bed and waking up on Day 7!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow


                  Newbies Nest

                  Cat----I just read online about a woman who was having constant headache and her neurologist recommended increasing water intake drastically-- like to 3 liters .... Idk if that's doable but maybe even increasing a bit?

                  Byrdie shine your arse ..... I'm going to bed and waking up on Day 7!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening nesters,

                    Ended up having a super busy but all around good day - except for the part where my grandson threw up all over my sofa, yuck

                    MyLuck, CONGRATS to you on your 2 weeks AF :wd:

                    Hello & welcome 64!
                    You can take back your life with a good plan & a strong commitment to kick AL out!!!!
                    Glad you decided to join us for the ride

                    Rahul, I have to agree with Sam's thoughts. Why do you keep repeating the cycle? It's obviously destroying your self esteem & that is something you don't want to do. Please help yourself by reviewing your goals & adjusting your plan. You have to address your drinking triggers & plan ahead. You can do it, I know you can!

                    Ican, so glad to hear you are about to get your moon from Byrdie!

                    Have a safe night in the Nest everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      TJAF;1579037 wrote: Pretty normal cat. Ive had low grade headaches on and off. Just our brains working towards normal. Stay hydrated. That helps hold them off
                      Your sinuses could be acting up from the season change - goes pretty unnoticed in the hungover/wasted cycle. When you don't have a hangover, you begin to notice the dull headaches, sinus pressure, etc. I sometimes get vertigo from it as well.
                      check it out with your doctor.
                      10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I can - I don't have sinus problems, never really have. It's not that sinus h/a like you get, frontal, cheekbones, etc.....Eh, idk, guess ill ride it out and see what happens.

                        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                        -Alan Cohen


                          Newbies Nest

                          Broken Halo....I found your post really thought provoking....that word YET has definately crept into my head a few times over the last few years. thank you. I really like what you said about a simple life....that's my aim these days...keep it simple and take care of myself...from that I'm hoping that good things grow. Thanks again xx
                          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesting Friends!!

                            First off, ICan, a big fat hug and huge Congrats on getting those 7 days under your belt!!!:goodjob: I'm very happy for you, girl! Let's keep on keeping on!

                            Bhalo, thanks for sharing your meeting last night. We do have so much to be grateful for, don't we? I'm also trying to embrace the simple life. You inspire us.:l

                            Cat, I was also getting those annoying low grade headaches but only for a week or two. I never figured out what it was and ended up blaming it on the change in weather. How are you today? I can't remember if you said you're taking something for it? Are you getting enough sleep? and drinking enough water? Too much coffee? Dr. Life at your service!:H

                            Sixtyfour, glad to have you in the Nest! Sounds like you've found a cosy branch to make home-- It has helped a lot of us to have a plan for those times we know will be difficult. A detailed plan of "what to do" instead of drink, changing daily habits, routes home, etc.-- that's where the Tool box as well as the experiences of others come in handy. Spending as much time here as possible and posting, posting, posting during those "witching hour" times has saved me. Stay close!!

                            Halo, I was wondering, do you think this friend would like to stop drinking if she/he thought she "could"? I guess that would be my question, 'cause I don't think it's possible to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Probably just cutting back at first would help horrific hangovers plus would prove to her whether or not she CAN cut back.

                            Off to hang out with the kids. I promised myself to spend less time here today! You're all just so much fun to be with, though! It's hard. xo


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE Morning Afternoon Evening Nesters! I just realized its 5 am since we set the clocks back last night! Another reason to love being AF is I wake up early and feeling good on weekends instead of sleeping late and feeling like shite.

                              5 months anniversary was yesterday. Thoughts of AL barely enter my days. I don't go out as much but that's a choice, not so interested in sitting in pubs or even restaurants. I busy myself with exercise, cooking, streaming new tv seasons ( watching Downton Abbey now), Spanish lessons, tidying the house. Might sound boring to the young folk but I'm 55 and it makes me happy!

                              64 welcome! Negotiating with AL is tedious isn't it? Only on weekends, only wine, only 3 glasses, only when out, only after 5 pm. I talked to myself constantly about how much and when. After the initial withdrawal it is so much easier to just not have one. Have you opened up to your hubby about it? Does he drink? I'm betting he'd be thrilled to hear you say you're tired of it. Stick close we are here to help!

                              I experienced dull headaches early in my quit, I definitely think it's part of getting well again, they will pass.

                              Rahul you need to want to be AF more than anything else. Stopping has to be something you want more than you want that buzz. Have you watched any of the videos that are referred to here? They really opened my eyes as to what I must have looked like and where I was headed. I really hope you can get your head around this quit, your self loathing is so hard on you, and can be turned around in a day of not drinking. Please stay close and read all that is out there. If you need some links I'll look for them.

                              LB glad to have an escape plan for the weekend. Any hope that your guests will be moving along to their own home any time doing?

                              Congrats on the milestones out there, keep up the good work!

                              BH so glad you're back on track and getting so much support from your meetings!

                              Enjoy your Sunday nesters! I look forward to reconnecting with you soon.
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                I'm up early as well, one of my dogs didn't get the message about the time change this weekend, Oh well!!!!

                                3June, CONGRATS on your 5 AF months, good for you! Makes a world of difference, don't you think?

                                Ican, CONGRATS on your 7 AF days :yay:

                                Greetings to everyone today & wishing for a great AF Sunday for all!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

